blob: 445de7cf6efdbed36040a373e17a876c24b09e04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/login_database.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store.h"
namespace crypto {
class AppleKeychain;
namespace password_manager {
class LoginDatabase;
// TODO(vasilii): Deprecate this class. The class should be used by
// PasswordStoreProxyMac wrapper.
// Implements PasswordStore on top of the OS X Keychain, with an internal
// database for extra metadata. For an overview of the interactions with the
// Keychain, as well as the rationale for some of the behaviors, see the
// Keychain integration design doc:
class PasswordStoreMac : public password_manager::PasswordStore {
enum MigrationResult {
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_thread_runner,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> db_thread_runner,
scoped_ptr<crypto::AppleKeychain> keychain);
// Sets the background thread.
void InitWithTaskRunner(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> background_task_runner);
// Reads all the passwords from the Keychain and stores them in LoginDatabase.
// After the successful migration PasswordStoreMac should not be used. If the
// migration fails, PasswordStoreMac remains the active backend for
// PasswordStoreProxyMac.
MigrationResult ImportFromKeychain();
// To be used for testing.
password_manager::LoginDatabase* login_metadata_db() const {
return login_metadata_db_;
void set_login_metadata_db(password_manager::LoginDatabase* login_db);
// To be used for testing.
crypto::AppleKeychain* keychain() const { return keychain_.get(); }
~PasswordStoreMac() override;
bool Init(const syncer::SyncableService::StartSyncFlare& flare) override;
void ReportMetricsImpl(const std::string& sync_username,
bool custom_passphrase_sync_enabled) override;
password_manager::PasswordStoreChangeList AddLoginImpl(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) override;
password_manager::PasswordStoreChangeList UpdateLoginImpl(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) override;
password_manager::PasswordStoreChangeList RemoveLoginImpl(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) override;
password_manager::PasswordStoreChangeList RemoveLoginsByOriginAndTimeImpl(
const url::Origin& origin,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end) override;
password_manager::PasswordStoreChangeList RemoveLoginsCreatedBetweenImpl(
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end) override;
password_manager::PasswordStoreChangeList RemoveLoginsSyncedBetweenImpl(
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end) override;
bool RemoveStatisticsCreatedBetweenImpl(base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end) override;
ScopedVector<autofill::PasswordForm> FillMatchingLogins(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) override;
bool FillAutofillableLogins(
ScopedVector<autofill::PasswordForm>* forms) override;
bool FillBlacklistLogins(
ScopedVector<autofill::PasswordForm>* forms) override;
void AddSiteStatsImpl(
const password_manager::InteractionsStats& stats) override;
void RemoveSiteStatsImpl(const GURL& origin_domain) override;
std::vector<scoped_ptr<password_manager::InteractionsStats>> GetSiteStatsImpl(
const GURL& origin_domain) override;
// Adds the given form to the Keychain if it's something we want to store
// there (i.e., not a blacklist entry or a federated login). Returns true if
// the operation succeeded (either we added successfully, or we didn't need
// to).
bool AddToKeychainIfNecessary(const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
// Returns true if our database contains a form that exactly matches the given
// keychain form.
bool DatabaseHasFormMatchingKeychainForm(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
// Removes the given forms from the database. After the call |forms| contains
// only those forms which were successfully removed.
void RemoveDatabaseForms(ScopedVector<autofill::PasswordForm>* forms);
// Removes the given forms from the Keychain.
void RemoveKeychainForms(
const std::vector<autofill::PasswordForm*>& forms);
// Searches the database for forms without a corresponding entry in the
// keychain. Removes those forms from the database, and adds them to
// |orphaned_forms|.
void CleanOrphanedForms(ScopedVector<autofill::PasswordForm>* orphaned_forms);
scoped_ptr<crypto::AppleKeychain> keychain_;
// The login metadata SQL database. The caller is resonsible for initializing
// it.
password_manager::LoginDatabase* login_metadata_db_;