blob: 1358c5e37563a73492132dab2f9c16981daad614 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/interpreter/interpreter-generator.h"
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include "src/builtins/builtins-arguments-gen.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins-constructor-gen.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins-forin-gen.h"
#include "src/code-events.h"
#include "src/code-factory.h"
#include "src/factory.h"
#include "src/ic/accessor-assembler.h"
#include "src/ic/binary-op-assembler.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-flags.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecodes.h"
#include "src/interpreter/interpreter-assembler.h"
#include "src/interpreter/interpreter-intrinsics-generator.h"
#include "src/objects-inl.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace interpreter {
using compiler::Node;
typedef CodeStubAssembler::Label Label;
typedef CodeStubAssembler::Variable Variable;
class InterpreterGenerator {
explicit InterpreterGenerator(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate) {}
// Bytecode handler generator functions.
void Do##Name(InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
typedef Node* (BinaryOpAssembler::*BinaryOpGenerator)(Node* context,
Node* left, Node* right,
Node* slot,
Node* vector);
// Generates code to perform the binary operation via |generator|.
void DoBinaryOpWithFeedback(InterpreterAssembler* assembler,
BinaryOpGenerator generator);
// Generates code to perform the |compare_op| comparison while gathering
// type feedback.
void DoCompareOpWithFeedback(Token::Value compare_op,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform the bitwise binary operation corresponding to
// |bitwise_op| while gathering type feedback.
void DoBitwiseBinaryOp(Token::Value bitwise_op,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform the comparison operation associated with
// |compare_op|.
void DoCompareOp(Token::Value compare_op, InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform a global store via |ic|.
void DoStaGlobal(Callable ic, InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform a named property store via |ic|.
void DoStoreIC(Callable ic, InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform a keyed property store via |ic|.
void DoKeyedStoreIC(Callable ic, InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform a JS call that collects type feedback.
void DoJSCall(InterpreterAssembler* assembler, TailCallMode tail_call_mode);
// Generates code to perform a JS call with a known number of arguments that
// collects type feedback.
void DoJSCallN(InterpreterAssembler* assembler, int n);
// Generates code to perform delete via function_id.
void DoDelete(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform a lookup slot load via |function_id|.
void DoLdaLookupSlot(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform a lookup slot load via |function_id| that can
// fast path to a context slot load.
void DoLdaLookupContextSlot(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform a lookup slot load via |function_id| that can
// fast path to a global load.
void DoLdaLookupGlobalSlot(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform a lookup slot store depending on
// |language_mode|.
void DoStaLookupSlot(LanguageMode language_mode,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to load a global property.
void BuildLoadGlobalIC(int slot_operand_index, int name_operand_index,
TypeofMode typeof_mode,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to load a property.
void BuildLoadIC(int recv_operand_index, int slot_operand_index,
int name_operand_index, InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to prepare the result for ForInPrepare. Cache data
// are placed into the consecutive series of registers starting at
// |output_register|.
void BuildForInPrepareResult(Node* output_register, Node* cache_type,
Node* cache_array, Node* cache_length,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
// Generates code to perform the unary operation via |callable|.
Node* BuildUnaryOp(Callable callable, InterpreterAssembler* assembler);
Isolate* isolate_;
Handle<Code> GenerateBytecodeHandler(Isolate* isolate, Bytecode bytecode,
OperandScale operand_scale) {
Zone zone(isolate->allocator(), ZONE_NAME);
InterpreterDispatchDescriptor descriptor(isolate);
compiler::CodeAssemblerState state(
isolate, &zone, descriptor, Code::ComputeFlags(Code::BYTECODE_HANDLER),
Bytecodes::ToString(bytecode), Bytecodes::ReturnCount(bytecode));
InterpreterAssembler assembler(&state, bytecode, operand_scale);
if (Bytecodes::MakesCallAlongCriticalPath(bytecode)) {
InterpreterGenerator generator(isolate);
switch (bytecode) {
#define CALL_GENERATOR(Name, ...) \
case Bytecode::k##Name: \
generator.Do##Name(&assembler); \
Handle<Code> code = compiler::CodeAssembler::GenerateCode(&state);
PROFILE(isolate, CodeCreateEvent(
Bytecodes::ToString(bytecode, operand_scale).c_str()));
if (FLAG_trace_ignition_codegen) {
OFStream os(stdout);
code->Disassemble(Bytecodes::ToString(bytecode), os);
os << std::flush;
return code;
#define __ assembler->
// LdaZero
// Load literal '0' into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaZero(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* zero_value = __ NumberConstant(0.0);
__ SetAccumulator(zero_value);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaSmi <imm>
// Load an integer literal into the accumulator as a Smi.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaSmi(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* smi_int = __ BytecodeOperandImmSmi(0);
__ SetAccumulator(smi_int);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaConstant <idx>
// Load constant literal at |idx| in the constant pool into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaConstant(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* constant = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(index);
__ SetAccumulator(constant);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaUndefined
// Load Undefined into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaUndefined(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* undefined_value =
__ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->undefined_value());
__ SetAccumulator(undefined_value);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaNull
// Load Null into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaNull(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* null_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->null_value());
__ SetAccumulator(null_value);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaTheHole
// Load TheHole into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaTheHole(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* the_hole_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->the_hole_value());
__ SetAccumulator(the_hole_value);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaTrue
// Load True into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaTrue(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* true_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->true_value());
__ SetAccumulator(true_value);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaFalse
// Load False into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaFalse(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* false_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->false_value());
__ SetAccumulator(false_value);
__ Dispatch();
// Ldar <src>
// Load accumulator with value from register <src>.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdar(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* value = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
__ SetAccumulator(value);
__ Dispatch();
// Star <dst>
// Store accumulator to register <dst>.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStar(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
__ StoreRegister(accumulator, reg_index);
__ Dispatch();
// Mov <src> <dst>
// Stores the value of register <src> to register <dst>.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoMov(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* src_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* src_value = __ LoadRegister(src_index);
Node* dst_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
__ StoreRegister(src_value, dst_index);
__ Dispatch();
void InterpreterGenerator::BuildLoadGlobalIC(int slot_operand_index,
int name_operand_index,
TypeofMode typeof_mode,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Must be kept in sync with AccessorAssembler::LoadGlobalIC.
// Load the global via the LoadGlobalIC.
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Node* feedback_slot = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(slot_operand_index);
AccessorAssembler accessor_asm(assembler->state());
Label try_handler(assembler, Label::kDeferred),
miss(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
// Fast path without frame construction for the data case.
Label done(assembler);
Variable var_result(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
ExitPoint exit_point(assembler, &done, &var_result);
feedback_vector, feedback_slot, &exit_point, &try_handler, &miss,
__ Bind(&done);
__ SetAccumulator(var_result.value());
__ Dispatch();
// Slow path with frame construction.
Label done(assembler);
Variable var_result(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
ExitPoint exit_point(assembler, &done, &var_result);
__ Bind(&try_handler);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* smi_slot = __ SmiTag(feedback_slot);
Node* name_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(name_operand_index);
Node* name = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(name_index);
AccessorAssembler::LoadICParameters params(context, nullptr, name,
smi_slot, feedback_vector);
accessor_asm.LoadGlobalIC_TryHandlerCase(&params, typeof_mode,
&exit_point, &miss);
__ Bind(&miss);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* smi_slot = __ SmiTag(feedback_slot);
Node* name_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(name_operand_index);
Node* name = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(name_index);
AccessorAssembler::LoadICParameters params(context, nullptr, name,
smi_slot, feedback_vector);
accessor_asm.LoadGlobalIC_MissCase(&params, &exit_point);
__ Bind(&done);
__ SetAccumulator(var_result.value());
__ Dispatch();
// LdaGlobal <name_index> <slot>
// Load the global with name in constant pool entry <name_index> into the
// accumulator using FeedBackVector slot <slot> outside of a typeof.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaGlobal(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
static const int kNameOperandIndex = 0;
static const int kSlotOperandIndex = 1;
BuildLoadGlobalIC(kSlotOperandIndex, kNameOperandIndex, NOT_INSIDE_TYPEOF,
// LdaGlobalInsideTypeof <name_index> <slot>
// Load the global with name in constant pool entry <name_index> into the
// accumulator using FeedBackVector slot <slot> inside of a typeof.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaGlobalInsideTypeof(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
static const int kNameOperandIndex = 0;
static const int kSlotOperandIndex = 1;
BuildLoadGlobalIC(kSlotOperandIndex, kNameOperandIndex, INSIDE_TYPEOF,
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaGlobal(Callable ic,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Get the global object.
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* native_context = __ LoadNativeContext(context);
Node* global =
__ LoadContextElement(native_context, Context::EXTENSION_INDEX);
// Store the global via the StoreIC.
Node* code_target = __ HeapConstant(ic.code());
Node* constant_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* name = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(constant_index);
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* raw_slot = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* smi_slot = __ SmiTag(raw_slot);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
__ CallStub(ic.descriptor(), code_target, context, global, name, value,
smi_slot, feedback_vector);
__ Dispatch();
// StaGlobalSloppy <name_index> <slot>
// Store the value in the accumulator into the global with name in constant pool
// entry <name_index> using FeedBackVector slot <slot> in sloppy mode.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaGlobalSloppy(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic = CodeFactory::StoreGlobalICInOptimizedCode(isolate_, SLOPPY);
DoStaGlobal(ic, assembler);
// StaGlobalStrict <name_index> <slot>
// Store the value in the accumulator into the global with name in constant pool
// entry <name_index> using FeedBackVector slot <slot> in strict mode.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaGlobalStrict(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic = CodeFactory::StoreGlobalICInOptimizedCode(isolate_, STRICT);
DoStaGlobal(ic, assembler);
// LdaContextSlot <context> <slot_index> <depth>
// Load the object in |slot_index| of the context at |depth| in the context
// chain starting at |context| into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaContextSlot(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* context = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* depth = __ BytecodeOperandUImm(2);
Node* slot_context = __ GetContextAtDepth(context, depth);
Node* result = __ LoadContextElement(slot_context, slot_index);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaImmutableContextSlot <context> <slot_index> <depth>
// Load the object in |slot_index| of the context at |depth| in the context
// chain starting at |context| into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaImmutableContextSlot(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// TODO(danno) Share the actual code object rather creating a duplicate one.
// LdaCurrentContextSlot <slot_index>
// Load the object in |slot_index| of the current context into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaCurrentContextSlot(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* slot_context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ LoadContextElement(slot_context, slot_index);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot <slot_index>
// Load the object in |slot_index| of the current context into the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// TODO(danno) Share the actual code object rather creating a duplicate one.
// StaContextSlot <context> <slot_index> <depth>
// Stores the object in the accumulator into |slot_index| of the context at
// |depth| in the context chain starting at |context|.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaContextSlot(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* context = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* depth = __ BytecodeOperandUImm(2);
Node* slot_context = __ GetContextAtDepth(context, depth);
__ StoreContextElement(slot_context, slot_index, value);
__ Dispatch();
// StaCurrentContextSlot <slot_index>
// Stores the object in the accumulator into |slot_index| of the current
// context.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaCurrentContextSlot(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* slot_context = __ GetContext();
__ StoreContextElement(slot_context, slot_index, value);
__ Dispatch();
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaLookupSlot(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* name_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* name = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(name_index);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ CallRuntime(function_id, context, name);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaLookupSlot <name_index>
// Lookup the object with the name in constant pool entry |name_index|
// dynamically.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaLookupSlot(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoLdaLookupSlot(Runtime::kLoadLookupSlot, assembler);
// LdaLookupSlotInsideTypeof <name_index>
// Lookup the object with the name in constant pool entry |name_index|
// dynamically without causing a NoReferenceError.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaLookupSlotInsideTypeof(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoLdaLookupSlot(Runtime::kLoadLookupSlotInsideTypeof, assembler);
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaLookupContextSlot(
Runtime::FunctionId function_id, InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* name_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* depth = __ BytecodeOperandUImm(2);
Label slowpath(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
// Check for context extensions to allow the fast path.
__ GotoIfHasContextExtensionUpToDepth(context, depth, &slowpath);
// Fast path does a normal load context.
Node* slot_context = __ GetContextAtDepth(context, depth);
Node* result = __ LoadContextElement(slot_context, slot_index);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// Slow path when we have to call out to the runtime.
__ Bind(&slowpath);
Node* name = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(name_index);
Node* result = __ CallRuntime(function_id, context, name);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaLookupSlot <name_index>
// Lookup the object with the name in constant pool entry |name_index|
// dynamically.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaLookupContextSlot(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoLdaLookupContextSlot(Runtime::kLoadLookupSlot, assembler);
// LdaLookupSlotInsideTypeof <name_index>
// Lookup the object with the name in constant pool entry |name_index|
// dynamically without causing a NoReferenceError.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaLookupContextSlotInsideTypeof(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoLdaLookupContextSlot(Runtime::kLoadLookupSlotInsideTypeof, assembler);
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaLookupGlobalSlot(
Runtime::FunctionId function_id, InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* depth = __ BytecodeOperandUImm(2);
Label slowpath(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
// Check for context extensions to allow the fast path
__ GotoIfHasContextExtensionUpToDepth(context, depth, &slowpath);
// Fast path does a normal load global
static const int kNameOperandIndex = 0;
static const int kSlotOperandIndex = 1;
TypeofMode typeof_mode = function_id == Runtime::kLoadLookupSlotInsideTypeof
BuildLoadGlobalIC(kSlotOperandIndex, kNameOperandIndex, typeof_mode,
// Slow path when we have to call out to the runtime
__ Bind(&slowpath);
Node* name_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* name = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(name_index);
Node* result = __ CallRuntime(function_id, context, name);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// LdaLookupGlobalSlot <name_index> <feedback_slot> <depth>
// Lookup the object with the name in constant pool entry |name_index|
// dynamically.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaLookupGlobalSlot(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoLdaLookupGlobalSlot(Runtime::kLoadLookupSlot, assembler);
// LdaLookupGlobalSlotInsideTypeof <name_index> <feedback_slot> <depth>
// Lookup the object with the name in constant pool entry |name_index|
// dynamically without causing a NoReferenceError.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaLookupGlobalSlotInsideTypeof(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoLdaLookupGlobalSlot(Runtime::kLoadLookupSlotInsideTypeof, assembler);
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaLookupSlot(LanguageMode language_mode,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* name = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(index);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ CallRuntime(is_strict(language_mode)
? Runtime::kStoreLookupSlot_Strict
: Runtime::kStoreLookupSlot_Sloppy,
context, name, value);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// StaLookupSlotSloppy <name_index>
// Store the object in accumulator to the object with the name in constant
// pool entry |name_index| in sloppy mode.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaLookupSlotSloppy(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoStaLookupSlot(LanguageMode::SLOPPY, assembler);
// StaLookupSlotStrict <name_index>
// Store the object in accumulator to the object with the name in constant
// pool entry |name_index| in strict mode.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaLookupSlotStrict(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoStaLookupSlot(LanguageMode::STRICT, assembler);
void InterpreterGenerator::BuildLoadIC(int recv_operand_index,
int slot_operand_index,
int name_operand_index,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
__ Comment("BuildLoadIC");
// Load vector and slot.
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Node* feedback_slot = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(slot_operand_index);
Node* smi_slot = __ SmiTag(feedback_slot);
// Load receiver.
Node* register_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(recv_operand_index);
Node* recv = __ LoadRegister(register_index);
// Load the name.
// TODO(jgruber): Not needed for monomorphic smi handler constant/field case.
Node* constant_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(name_operand_index);
Node* name = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(constant_index);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Label done(assembler);
Variable var_result(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
ExitPoint exit_point(assembler, &done, &var_result);
AccessorAssembler::LoadICParameters params(context, recv, name, smi_slot,
AccessorAssembler accessor_asm(assembler->state());
accessor_asm.LoadIC_BytecodeHandler(&params, &exit_point);
__ Bind(&done);
__ SetAccumulator(var_result.value());
__ Dispatch();
// LdaNamedProperty <object> <name_index> <slot>
// Calls the LoadIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object> and the name at
// constant pool entry <name_index>.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaNamedProperty(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
static const int kRecvOperandIndex = 0;
static const int kNameOperandIndex = 1;
static const int kSlotOperandIndex = 2;
BuildLoadIC(kRecvOperandIndex, kSlotOperandIndex, kNameOperandIndex,
// KeyedLoadIC <object> <slot>
// Calls the KeyedLoadIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object> and the key
// in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaKeyedProperty(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic = CodeFactory::KeyedLoadICInOptimizedCode(isolate_);
Node* code_target = __ HeapConstant(ic.code());
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* name = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* raw_slot = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* smi_slot = __ SmiTag(raw_slot);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ CallStub(ic.descriptor(), code_target, context, object,
name, smi_slot, feedback_vector);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStoreIC(Callable ic,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* code_target = __ HeapConstant(ic.code());
Node* object_reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(object_reg_index);
Node* constant_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* name = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(constant_index);
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* raw_slot = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(2);
Node* smi_slot = __ SmiTag(raw_slot);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ CallStub(ic.descriptor(), code_target, context, object, name, value,
smi_slot, feedback_vector);
__ Dispatch();
// StaNamedPropertySloppy <object> <name_index> <slot>
// Calls the sloppy mode StoreIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object> and
// the name in constant pool entry <name_index> with the value in the
// accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaNamedPropertySloppy(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic = CodeFactory::StoreICInOptimizedCode(isolate_, SLOPPY);
DoStoreIC(ic, assembler);
// StaNamedPropertyStrict <object> <name_index> <slot>
// Calls the strict mode StoreIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object> and
// the name in constant pool entry <name_index> with the value in the
// accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaNamedPropertyStrict(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic = CodeFactory::StoreICInOptimizedCode(isolate_, STRICT);
DoStoreIC(ic, assembler);
// StaNamedOwnProperty <object> <name_index> <slot>
// Calls the StoreOwnIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object> and
// the name in constant pool entry <name_index> with the value in the
// accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaNamedOwnProperty(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic = CodeFactory::StoreOwnICInOptimizedCode(isolate_);
DoStoreIC(ic, assembler);
void InterpreterGenerator::DoKeyedStoreIC(Callable ic,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* code_target = __ HeapConstant(ic.code());
Node* object_reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(object_reg_index);
Node* name_reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* name = __ LoadRegister(name_reg_index);
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* raw_slot = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(2);
Node* smi_slot = __ SmiTag(raw_slot);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ CallStub(ic.descriptor(), code_target, context, object, name, value,
smi_slot, feedback_vector);
__ Dispatch();
// StaKeyedPropertySloppy <object> <key> <slot>
// Calls the sloppy mode KeyStoreIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object>
// and the key <key> with the value in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaKeyedPropertySloppy(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic = CodeFactory::KeyedStoreICInOptimizedCode(isolate_, SLOPPY);
DoKeyedStoreIC(ic, assembler);
// StaKeyedPropertyStrict <object> <key> <slot>
// Calls the strict mode KeyStoreIC at FeedBackVector slot <slot> for <object>
// and the key <key> with the value in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaKeyedPropertyStrict(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Callable ic = CodeFactory::KeyedStoreICInOptimizedCode(isolate_, STRICT);
DoKeyedStoreIC(ic, assembler);
// StaDataPropertyInLiteral <object> <name> <flags>
// Define a property <name> with value from the accumulator in <object>.
// Property attributes and whether set_function_name are stored in
// DataPropertyInLiteralFlags <flags>.
// This definition is not observable and is used only for definitions
// in object or class literals.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaDataPropertyInLiteral(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(__ BytecodeOperandReg(0));
Node* name = __ LoadRegister(__ BytecodeOperandReg(1));
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* flags = __ SmiFromWord32(__ BytecodeOperandFlag(2));
Node* vector_index = __ SmiTag(__ BytecodeOperandIdx(3));
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kDefineDataPropertyInLiteral, context, object, name,
value, flags, feedback_vector, vector_index);
__ Dispatch();
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCollectTypeProfile(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* position = __ BytecodeOperandImmSmi(0);
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kCollectTypeProfile, context, position, value,
__ Dispatch();
// LdaModuleVariable <cell_index> <depth>
// Load the contents of a module variable into the accumulator. The variable is
// identified by <cell_index>. <depth> is the depth of the current context
// relative to the module context.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLdaModuleVariable(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* cell_index = __ BytecodeOperandImmIntPtr(0);
Node* depth = __ BytecodeOperandUImm(1);
Node* module_context = __ GetContextAtDepth(__ GetContext(), depth);
Node* module =
__ LoadContextElement(module_context, Context::EXTENSION_INDEX);
Label if_export(assembler), if_import(assembler), end(assembler);
__ Branch(__ IntPtrGreaterThan(cell_index, __ IntPtrConstant(0)), &if_export,
__ Bind(&if_export);
Node* regular_exports =
__ LoadObjectField(module, Module::kRegularExportsOffset);
// The actual array index is (cell_index - 1).
Node* export_index = __ IntPtrSub(cell_index, __ IntPtrConstant(1));
Node* cell = __ LoadFixedArrayElement(regular_exports, export_index);
__ SetAccumulator(__ LoadObjectField(cell, Cell::kValueOffset));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&if_import);
Node* regular_imports =
__ LoadObjectField(module, Module::kRegularImportsOffset);
// The actual array index is (-cell_index - 1).
Node* import_index = __ IntPtrSub(__ IntPtrConstant(-1), cell_index);
Node* cell = __ LoadFixedArrayElement(regular_imports, import_index);
__ SetAccumulator(__ LoadObjectField(cell, Cell::kValueOffset));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ Dispatch();
// StaModuleVariable <cell_index> <depth>
// Store accumulator to the module variable identified by <cell_index>.
// <depth> is the depth of the current context relative to the module context.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStaModuleVariable(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* cell_index = __ BytecodeOperandImmIntPtr(0);
Node* depth = __ BytecodeOperandUImm(1);
Node* module_context = __ GetContextAtDepth(__ GetContext(), depth);
Node* module =
__ LoadContextElement(module_context, Context::EXTENSION_INDEX);
Label if_export(assembler), if_import(assembler), end(assembler);
__ Branch(__ IntPtrGreaterThan(cell_index, __ IntPtrConstant(0)), &if_export,
__ Bind(&if_export);
Node* regular_exports =
__ LoadObjectField(module, Module::kRegularExportsOffset);
// The actual array index is (cell_index - 1).
Node* export_index = __ IntPtrSub(cell_index, __ IntPtrConstant(1));
Node* cell = __ LoadFixedArrayElement(regular_exports, export_index);
__ StoreObjectField(cell, Cell::kValueOffset, value);
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&if_import);
// Not supported (probably never).
__ Abort(kUnsupportedModuleOperation);
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ Dispatch();
// PushContext <context>
// Saves the current context in <context>, and pushes the accumulator as the
// new current context.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoPushContext(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* new_context = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* old_context = __ GetContext();
__ StoreRegister(old_context, reg_index);
__ SetContext(new_context);
__ Dispatch();
// PopContext <context>
// Pops the current context and sets <context> as the new context.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoPopContext(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* context = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
__ SetContext(context);
__ Dispatch();
// TODO(mythria): Remove this function once all CompareOps record type feedback.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCompareOp(Token::Value compare_op,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* lhs = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* rhs = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result;
switch (compare_op) {
case Token::IN:
result = assembler->HasProperty(rhs, lhs, context);
case Token::INSTANCEOF:
result = assembler->InstanceOf(lhs, rhs, context);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
void InterpreterGenerator::DoBinaryOpWithFeedback(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler, BinaryOpGenerator generator) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* lhs = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* rhs = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
BinaryOpAssembler binop_asm(assembler->state());
Node* result =
(binop_asm.*generator)(context, lhs, rhs, slot_index, feedback_vector);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCompareOpWithFeedback(
Token::Value compare_op, InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* lhs = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* rhs = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Variable var_result(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged),
var_fcmp_lhs(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kFloat64),
var_fcmp_rhs(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kFloat64),
non_number_value(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged),
maybe_smi_value(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Label lhs_is_not_smi(assembler), do_fcmp(assembler), slow_path(assembler),
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsNotSmi(lhs), &lhs_is_not_smi);
Label rhs_is_not_smi(assembler);
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsNotSmi(rhs), &rhs_is_not_smi);
__ Comment("Do integer comparison");
__ UpdateFeedback(__ SmiConstant(CompareOperationFeedback::kSignedSmall),
feedback_vector, slot_index);
Node* result;
switch (compare_op) {
case Token::LT:
result = __ SelectBooleanConstant(__ SmiLessThan(lhs, rhs));
case Token::LTE:
result = __ SelectBooleanConstant(__ SmiLessThanOrEqual(lhs, rhs));
case Token::GT:
result = __ SelectBooleanConstant(__ SmiLessThan(rhs, lhs));
case Token::GTE:
result = __ SelectBooleanConstant(__ SmiLessThanOrEqual(rhs, lhs));
case Token::EQ:
case Token::EQ_STRICT:
result = __ SelectBooleanConstant(__ WordEqual(lhs, rhs));
__ Goto(&fast_path_dispatch);
__ Bind(&rhs_is_not_smi);
Node* rhs_map = __ LoadMap(rhs);
Label rhs_is_not_number(assembler);
__ GotoIfNot(__ IsHeapNumberMap(rhs_map), &rhs_is_not_number);
__ Comment("Convert lhs to float and load HeapNumber value from rhs");
var_fcmp_lhs.Bind(__ SmiToFloat64(lhs));
var_fcmp_rhs.Bind(__ LoadHeapNumberValue(rhs));
__ Goto(&do_fcmp);
__ Bind(&rhs_is_not_number);
__ Goto(&slow_path);
__ Bind(&lhs_is_not_smi);
Label rhs_is_not_smi(assembler), lhs_is_not_number(assembler),
Node* lhs_map = __ LoadMap(lhs);
__ GotoIfNot(__ IsHeapNumberMap(lhs_map), &lhs_is_not_number);
__ GotoIfNot(__ TaggedIsSmi(rhs), &rhs_is_not_smi);
__ Comment("Convert rhs to double and load HeapNumber value from lhs");
var_fcmp_lhs.Bind(__ LoadHeapNumberValue(lhs));
var_fcmp_rhs.Bind(__ SmiToFloat64(rhs));
__ Goto(&do_fcmp);
__ Bind(&rhs_is_not_smi);
Node* rhs_map = __ LoadMap(rhs);
__ GotoIfNot(__ IsHeapNumberMap(rhs_map), &rhs_is_not_number);
__ Comment("Load HeapNumber values from lhs and rhs");
var_fcmp_lhs.Bind(__ LoadHeapNumberValue(lhs));
var_fcmp_rhs.Bind(__ LoadHeapNumberValue(rhs));
__ Goto(&do_fcmp);
__ Bind(&lhs_is_not_number);
__ Goto(&slow_path);
__ Bind(&rhs_is_not_number);
__ Goto(&slow_path);
__ Bind(&do_fcmp);
__ Comment("Do floating point comparison");
Node* lhs_float = var_fcmp_lhs.value();
Node* rhs_float = var_fcmp_rhs.value();
__ UpdateFeedback(__ SmiConstant(CompareOperationFeedback::kNumber),
feedback_vector, slot_index);
// Perform a fast floating point comparison.
Node* result;
switch (compare_op) {
case Token::LT:
result =
__ SelectBooleanConstant(__ Float64LessThan(lhs_float, rhs_float));
case Token::LTE:
result = __ SelectBooleanConstant(
__ Float64LessThanOrEqual(lhs_float, rhs_float));
case Token::GT:
result = __ SelectBooleanConstant(
__ Float64GreaterThan(lhs_float, rhs_float));
case Token::GTE:
result = __ SelectBooleanConstant(
__ Float64GreaterThanOrEqual(lhs_float, rhs_float));
case Token::EQ:
case Token::EQ_STRICT: {
Label check_nan(assembler);
var_result.Bind(__ BooleanConstant(false));
__ Branch(__ Float64Equal(lhs_float, rhs_float), &check_nan,
__ Bind(&check_nan);
result =
__ SelectBooleanConstant(__ Float64Equal(lhs_float, lhs_float));
} break;
__ Goto(&fast_path_dispatch);
__ Bind(&fast_path_dispatch);
__ SetAccumulator(var_result.value());
__ Dispatch();
// Marking a block with more than one predecessor causes register allocator
// to fail (v8:5998). Add a dummy block as a workaround.
Label slow_path_deferred(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
__ Bind(&slow_path);
__ Goto(&slow_path_deferred);
__ Bind(&slow_path_deferred);
// When we reach here, one of the operands is not a Smi / HeapNumber and the
// other operand could be of any type. The cases where both of them
// are HeapNumbers / Smis are handled earlier.
__ Comment("Collect feedback for non HeapNumber cases.");
Label update_feedback_and_do_compare(assembler);
Variable var_type_feedback(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned);
var_type_feedback.Bind(__ SmiConstant(CompareOperationFeedback::kAny));
if (Token::IsOrderedRelationalCompareOp(compare_op)) {
Label check_for_oddball(assembler);
// Check for NumberOrOddball feedback.
Node* non_number_instance_type =
__ LoadInstanceType(non_number_value.value());
__ GotoIf(__ Word32Equal(non_number_instance_type,
__ Int32Constant(ODDBALL_TYPE)),
// Check for string feedback.
__ GotoIfNot(__ IsStringInstanceType(non_number_instance_type),
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsSmi(maybe_smi_value.value()),
Node* maybe_smi_instance_type =
__ LoadInstanceType(maybe_smi_value.value());
__ GotoIfNot(__ IsStringInstanceType(maybe_smi_instance_type),
var_type_feedback.Bind(__ SmiConstant(CompareOperationFeedback::kString));
__ Goto(&update_feedback_and_do_compare);
__ Bind(&check_for_oddball);
Label compare_with_oddball_feedback(assembler);
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsSmi(maybe_smi_value.value()),
Node* maybe_smi_instance_type =
__ LoadInstanceType(maybe_smi_value.value());
__ GotoIf(__ Word32Equal(maybe_smi_instance_type,
__ Int32Constant(HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE)),
__ Branch(__ Word32Equal(maybe_smi_instance_type,
__ Int32Constant(ODDBALL_TYPE)),
__ Bind(&compare_with_oddball_feedback);
__ SmiConstant(CompareOperationFeedback::kNumberOrOddball));
__ Goto(&update_feedback_and_do_compare);
} else {
Label not_string(assembler), both_are_strings(assembler);
// If one of them is a Smi and the other is not a number, record "Any"
// feedback. Equality comparisons do not need feedback about oddballs.
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsSmi(maybe_smi_value.value()),
Node* maybe_smi_instance_type =
__ LoadInstanceType(maybe_smi_value.value());
Node* non_number_instance_type =
__ LoadInstanceType(non_number_value.value());
__ GotoIfNot(__ IsStringInstanceType(maybe_smi_instance_type),
// If one value is string and other isn't record "Any" feedback.
__ Branch(__ IsStringInstanceType(non_number_instance_type),
&both_are_strings, &update_feedback_and_do_compare);
__ Bind(&both_are_strings);
Node* operand1_feedback = __ SelectSmiConstant(
__ Word32Equal(
__ Word32And(maybe_smi_instance_type,
__ Int32Constant(kIsNotInternalizedMask)),
__ Int32Constant(kInternalizedTag)),
Node* operand2_feedback = __ SelectSmiConstant(
__ Word32Equal(
__ Word32And(non_number_instance_type,
__ Int32Constant(kIsNotInternalizedMask)),
__ Int32Constant(kInternalizedTag)),
var_type_feedback.Bind(__ SmiOr(operand1_feedback, operand2_feedback));
__ Goto(&update_feedback_and_do_compare);
__ Bind(&not_string);
// Check if both operands are of type JSReceiver.
__ GotoIfNot(__ IsJSReceiverInstanceType(maybe_smi_instance_type),
__ GotoIfNot(__ IsJSReceiverInstanceType(non_number_instance_type),
__ SmiConstant(CompareOperationFeedback::kReceiver));
__ Goto(&update_feedback_and_do_compare);
__ Bind(&update_feedback_and_do_compare);
__ Comment("Do the full compare operation");
__ UpdateFeedback(var_type_feedback.value(), feedback_vector, slot_index);
Node* result;
switch (compare_op) {
case Token::EQ:
result = assembler->Equal(lhs, rhs, context);
case Token::EQ_STRICT:
result = assembler->StrictEqual(lhs, rhs);
case Token::LT:
result = assembler->RelationalComparison(CodeStubAssembler::kLessThan,
lhs, rhs, context);
case Token::GT:
result = assembler->RelationalComparison(
CodeStubAssembler::kGreaterThan, lhs, rhs, context);
case Token::LTE:
result = assembler->RelationalComparison(
CodeStubAssembler::kLessThanOrEqual, lhs, rhs, context);
case Token::GTE:
result = assembler->RelationalComparison(
CodeStubAssembler::kGreaterThanOrEqual, lhs, rhs, context);
__ SetAccumulator(var_result.value());
__ Dispatch();
// Add <src>
// Add register <src> to accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoAdd(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Sub <src>
// Subtract register <src> from accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoSub(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Mul <src>
// Multiply accumulator by register <src>.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoMul(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Div <src>
// Divide register <src> by accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoDiv(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Mod <src>
// Modulo register <src> by accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoMod(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
void InterpreterGenerator::DoBitwiseBinaryOp(Token::Value bitwise_op,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* lhs = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* rhs = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Variable var_lhs_type_feedback(assembler,
var_rhs_type_feedback(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned);
Node* lhs_value = __ TruncateTaggedToWord32WithFeedback(
context, lhs, &var_lhs_type_feedback);
Node* rhs_value = __ TruncateTaggedToWord32WithFeedback(
context, rhs, &var_rhs_type_feedback);
Node* result = nullptr;
switch (bitwise_op) {
case Token::BIT_OR: {
Node* value = __ Word32Or(lhs_value, rhs_value);
result = __ ChangeInt32ToTagged(value);
} break;
case Token::BIT_AND: {
Node* value = __ Word32And(lhs_value, rhs_value);
result = __ ChangeInt32ToTagged(value);
} break;
case Token::BIT_XOR: {
Node* value = __ Word32Xor(lhs_value, rhs_value);
result = __ ChangeInt32ToTagged(value);
} break;
case Token::SHL: {
Node* value = __ Word32Shl(
lhs_value, __ Word32And(rhs_value, __ Int32Constant(0x1f)));
result = __ ChangeInt32ToTagged(value);
} break;
case Token::SHR: {
Node* value = __ Word32Shr(
lhs_value, __ Word32And(rhs_value, __ Int32Constant(0x1f)));
result = __ ChangeUint32ToTagged(value);
} break;
case Token::SAR: {
Node* value = __ Word32Sar(
lhs_value, __ Word32And(rhs_value, __ Int32Constant(0x1f)));
result = __ ChangeInt32ToTagged(value);
} break;
Node* result_type = __ SelectSmiConstant(
__ TaggedIsSmi(result), BinaryOperationFeedback::kSignedSmall,
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
Label ok(assembler);
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsSmi(result), &ok);
Node* result_map = __ LoadMap(result);
__ AbortIfWordNotEqual(result_map, __ HeapNumberMapConstant(),
__ Goto(&ok);
__ Bind(&ok);
Node* input_feedback =
__ SmiOr(var_lhs_type_feedback.value(), var_rhs_type_feedback.value());
__ UpdateFeedback(__ SmiOr(result_type, input_feedback), feedback_vector,
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// BitwiseOr <src>
// BitwiseOr register <src> to accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoBitwiseOr(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBitwiseBinaryOp(Token::BIT_OR, assembler);
// BitwiseXor <src>
// BitwiseXor register <src> to accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoBitwiseXor(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBitwiseBinaryOp(Token::BIT_XOR, assembler);
// BitwiseAnd <src>
// BitwiseAnd register <src> to accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoBitwiseAnd(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBitwiseBinaryOp(Token::BIT_AND, assembler);
// ShiftLeft <src>
// Left shifts register <src> by the count specified in the accumulator.
// Register <src> is converted to an int32 and the accumulator to uint32
// before the operation. 5 lsb bits from the accumulator are used as count
// i.e. <src> << (accumulator & 0x1F).
void InterpreterGenerator::DoShiftLeft(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBitwiseBinaryOp(Token::SHL, assembler);
// ShiftRight <src>
// Right shifts register <src> by the count specified in the accumulator.
// Result is sign extended. Register <src> is converted to an int32 and the
// accumulator to uint32 before the operation. 5 lsb bits from the accumulator
// are used as count i.e. <src> >> (accumulator & 0x1F).
void InterpreterGenerator::DoShiftRight(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBitwiseBinaryOp(Token::SAR, assembler);
// ShiftRightLogical <src>
// Right Shifts register <src> by the count specified in the accumulator.
// Result is zero-filled. The accumulator and register <src> are converted to
// uint32 before the operation 5 lsb bits from the accumulator are used as
// count i.e. <src> << (accumulator & 0x1F).
void InterpreterGenerator::DoShiftRightLogical(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoBitwiseBinaryOp(Token::SHR, assembler);
// AddSmi <imm> <reg>
// Adds an immediate value <imm> to register <reg>. For this
// operation <reg> is the lhs operand and <imm> is the <rhs> operand.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoAddSmi(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Variable var_result(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Label fastpath(assembler), slowpath(assembler, Label::kDeferred),
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* left = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* right = __ BytecodeOperandImmSmi(0);
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(2);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
// {right} is known to be a Smi.
// Check if the {left} is a Smi take the fast path.
__ Branch(__ TaggedIsSmi(left), &fastpath, &slowpath);
__ Bind(&fastpath);
// Try fast Smi addition first.
Node* pair = __ IntPtrAddWithOverflow(__ BitcastTaggedToWord(left),
__ BitcastTaggedToWord(right));
Node* overflow = __ Projection(1, pair);
// Check if the Smi additon overflowed.
Label if_notoverflow(assembler);
__ Branch(overflow, &slowpath, &if_notoverflow);
__ Bind(&if_notoverflow);
__ UpdateFeedback(__ SmiConstant(BinaryOperationFeedback::kSignedSmall),
feedback_vector, slot_index);
var_result.Bind(__ BitcastWordToTaggedSigned(__ Projection(0, pair)));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&slowpath);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
// TODO(ishell): pass slot as word-size value.
var_result.Bind(__ CallBuiltin(Builtins::kAddWithFeedback, context, left,
right, __ TruncateWordToWord32(slot_index),
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ SetAccumulator(var_result.value());
__ Dispatch();
// SubSmi <imm> <reg>
// Subtracts an immediate value <imm> to register <reg>. For this
// operation <reg> is the lhs operand and <imm> is the rhs operand.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoSubSmi(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Variable var_result(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Label fastpath(assembler), slowpath(assembler, Label::kDeferred),
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* left = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* right = __ BytecodeOperandImmSmi(0);
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(2);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
// {right} is known to be a Smi.
// Check if the {left} is a Smi take the fast path.
__ Branch(__ TaggedIsSmi(left), &fastpath, &slowpath);
__ Bind(&fastpath);
// Try fast Smi subtraction first.
Node* pair = __ IntPtrSubWithOverflow(__ BitcastTaggedToWord(left),
__ BitcastTaggedToWord(right));
Node* overflow = __ Projection(1, pair);
// Check if the Smi subtraction overflowed.
Label if_notoverflow(assembler);
__ Branch(overflow, &slowpath, &if_notoverflow);
__ Bind(&if_notoverflow);
__ UpdateFeedback(__ SmiConstant(BinaryOperationFeedback::kSignedSmall),
feedback_vector, slot_index);
var_result.Bind(__ BitcastWordToTaggedSigned(__ Projection(0, pair)));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&slowpath);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
// TODO(ishell): pass slot as word-size value.
__ CallBuiltin(Builtins::kSubtractWithFeedback, context, left, right,
__ TruncateWordToWord32(slot_index), feedback_vector));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ SetAccumulator(var_result.value());
__ Dispatch();
// BitwiseOr <imm> <reg>
// BitwiseOr <reg> with <imm>. For this operation <reg> is the lhs
// operand and <imm> is the rhs operand.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoBitwiseOrSmi(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* left = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* right = __ BytecodeOperandImmSmi(0);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(2);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Variable var_lhs_type_feedback(assembler,
Node* lhs_value = __ TruncateTaggedToWord32WithFeedback(
context, left, &var_lhs_type_feedback);
Node* rhs_value = __ SmiToWord32(right);
Node* value = __ Word32Or(lhs_value, rhs_value);
Node* result = __ ChangeInt32ToTagged(value);
Node* result_type = __ SelectSmiConstant(
__ TaggedIsSmi(result), BinaryOperationFeedback::kSignedSmall,
__ UpdateFeedback(__ SmiOr(result_type, var_lhs_type_feedback.value()),
feedback_vector, slot_index);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// BitwiseAnd <imm> <reg>
// BitwiseAnd <reg> with <imm>. For this operation <reg> is the lhs
// operand and <imm> is the rhs operand.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoBitwiseAndSmi(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* left = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* right = __ BytecodeOperandImmSmi(0);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(2);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Variable var_lhs_type_feedback(assembler,
Node* lhs_value = __ TruncateTaggedToWord32WithFeedback(
context, left, &var_lhs_type_feedback);
Node* rhs_value = __ SmiToWord32(right);
Node* value = __ Word32And(lhs_value, rhs_value);
Node* result = __ ChangeInt32ToTagged(value);
Node* result_type = __ SelectSmiConstant(
__ TaggedIsSmi(result), BinaryOperationFeedback::kSignedSmall,
__ UpdateFeedback(__ SmiOr(result_type, var_lhs_type_feedback.value()),
feedback_vector, slot_index);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// ShiftLeftSmi <imm> <reg>
// Left shifts register <src> by the count specified in <imm>.
// Register <src> is converted to an int32 before the operation. The 5
// lsb bits from <imm> are used as count i.e. <src> << (<imm> & 0x1F).
void InterpreterGenerator::DoShiftLeftSmi(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* left = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* right = __ BytecodeOperandImmSmi(0);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(2);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Variable var_lhs_type_feedback(assembler,
Node* lhs_value = __ TruncateTaggedToWord32WithFeedback(
context, left, &var_lhs_type_feedback);
Node* rhs_value = __ SmiToWord32(right);
Node* shift_count = __ Word32And(rhs_value, __ Int32Constant(0x1f));
Node* value = __ Word32Shl(lhs_value, shift_count);
Node* result = __ ChangeInt32ToTagged(value);
Node* result_type = __ SelectSmiConstant(
__ TaggedIsSmi(result), BinaryOperationFeedback::kSignedSmall,
__ UpdateFeedback(__ SmiOr(result_type, var_lhs_type_feedback.value()),
feedback_vector, slot_index);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// ShiftRightSmi <imm> <reg>
// Right shifts register <src> by the count specified in <imm>.
// Register <src> is converted to an int32 before the operation. The 5
// lsb bits from <imm> are used as count i.e. <src> << (<imm> & 0x1F).
void InterpreterGenerator::DoShiftRightSmi(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* left = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* right = __ BytecodeOperandImmSmi(0);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(2);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Variable var_lhs_type_feedback(assembler,
Node* lhs_value = __ TruncateTaggedToWord32WithFeedback(
context, left, &var_lhs_type_feedback);
Node* rhs_value = __ SmiToWord32(right);
Node* shift_count = __ Word32And(rhs_value, __ Int32Constant(0x1f));
Node* value = __ Word32Sar(lhs_value, shift_count);
Node* result = __ ChangeInt32ToTagged(value);
Node* result_type = __ SelectSmiConstant(
__ TaggedIsSmi(result), BinaryOperationFeedback::kSignedSmall,
__ UpdateFeedback(__ SmiOr(result_type, var_lhs_type_feedback.value()),
feedback_vector, slot_index);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
Node* InterpreterGenerator::BuildUnaryOp(Callable callable,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* target = __ HeapConstant(callable.code());
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
return __ CallStub(callable.descriptor(), target, context, accumulator);
// ToName
// Convert the object referenced by the accumulator to a name.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoToName(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* object = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ ToName(context, object);
__ StoreRegister(result, __ BytecodeOperandReg(0));
__ Dispatch();
// ToNumber
// Convert the object referenced by the accumulator to a number.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoToNumber(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* object = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ ToNumber(context, object);
__ StoreRegister(result, __ BytecodeOperandReg(0));
__ Dispatch();
// ToObject
// Convert the object referenced by the accumulator to a JSReceiver.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoToObject(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* result = BuildUnaryOp(CodeFactory::ToObject(isolate_), assembler);
__ StoreRegister(result, __ BytecodeOperandReg(0));
__ Dispatch();
// Inc
// Increments value in the accumulator by one.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoInc(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
typedef CodeStubAssembler::Label Label;
typedef compiler::Node Node;
typedef CodeStubAssembler::Variable Variable;
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
// Shared entry for floating point increment.
Label do_finc(assembler), end(assembler);
Variable var_finc_value(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kFloat64);
// We might need to try again due to ToNumber conversion.
Variable value_var(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Variable result_var(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Variable var_type_feedback(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned);
Variable* loop_vars[] = {&value_var, &var_type_feedback};
Label start(assembler, 2, loop_vars);
value = value_var.value();
Label if_issmi(assembler), if_isnotsmi(assembler);
assembler->Branch(assembler->TaggedIsSmi(value), &if_issmi, &if_isnotsmi);
// Try fast Smi addition first.
Node* one = assembler->SmiConstant(Smi::FromInt(1));
Node* pair = assembler->IntPtrAddWithOverflow(
Node* overflow = assembler->Projection(1, pair);
// Check if the Smi addition overflowed.
Label if_overflow(assembler), if_notoverflow(assembler);
assembler->Branch(overflow, &if_overflow, &if_notoverflow);
assembler->BitcastWordToTaggedSigned(assembler->Projection(0, pair)));
// Check if the value is a HeapNumber.
Label if_valueisnumber(assembler),
if_valuenotnumber(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
Node* value_map = assembler->LoadMap(value);
&if_valueisnumber, &if_valuenotnumber);
// Load the HeapNumber value.
// We do not require an Or with earlier feedback here because once we
// convert the value to a number, we cannot reach this path. We can
// only reach this path on the first pass when the feedback is kNone.
Label if_valueisoddball(assembler), if_valuenotoddball(assembler);
Node* instance_type = assembler->LoadMapInstanceType(value_map);
Node* is_oddball = assembler->Word32Equal(
instance_type, assembler->Int32Constant(ODDBALL_TYPE));
assembler->Branch(is_oddball, &if_valueisoddball, &if_valuenotoddball);
// Convert Oddball to Number and check again.
assembler->LoadObjectField(value, Oddball::kToNumberOffset));
// Convert to a Number first and try again.
Callable callable =
value_var.Bind(assembler->CallStub(callable, context, value));
Node* finc_value = var_finc_value.value();
Node* one = assembler->Float64Constant(1.0);
Node* finc_result = assembler->Float64Add(finc_value, one);
assembler->UpdateFeedback(var_type_feedback.value(), feedback_vector,
__ SetAccumulator(result_var.value());
__ Dispatch();
// Dec
// Decrements value in the accumulator by one.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoDec(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
typedef CodeStubAssembler::Label Label;
typedef compiler::Node Node;
typedef CodeStubAssembler::Variable Variable;
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* slot_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
// Shared entry for floating point decrement.
Label do_fdec(assembler), end(assembler);
Variable var_fdec_value(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kFloat64);
// We might need to try again due to ToNumber conversion.
Variable value_var(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Variable result_var(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Variable var_type_feedback(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned);
Variable* loop_vars[] = {&value_var, &var_type_feedback};
Label start(assembler, 2, loop_vars);
value = value_var.value();
Label if_issmi(assembler), if_isnotsmi(assembler);
assembler->Branch(assembler->TaggedIsSmi(value), &if_issmi, &if_isnotsmi);
// Try fast Smi subtraction first.
Node* one = assembler->SmiConstant(Smi::FromInt(1));
Node* pair = assembler->IntPtrSubWithOverflow(
Node* overflow = assembler->Projection(1, pair);
// Check if the Smi subtraction overflowed.
Label if_overflow(assembler), if_notoverflow(assembler);
assembler->Branch(overflow, &if_overflow, &if_notoverflow);
assembler->BitcastWordToTaggedSigned(assembler->Projection(0, pair)));
// Check if the value is a HeapNumber.
Label if_valueisnumber(assembler),
if_valuenotnumber(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
Node* value_map = assembler->LoadMap(value);
&if_valueisnumber, &if_valuenotnumber);
// Load the HeapNumber value.
// We do not require an Or with earlier feedback here because once we
// convert the value to a number, we cannot reach this path. We can
// only reach this path on the first pass when the feedback is kNone.
Label if_valueisoddball(assembler), if_valuenotoddball(assembler);
Node* instance_type = assembler->LoadMapInstanceType(value_map);
Node* is_oddball = assembler->Word32Equal(
instance_type, assembler->Int32Constant(ODDBALL_TYPE));
assembler->Branch(is_oddball, &if_valueisoddball, &if_valuenotoddball);
// Convert Oddball to Number and check again.
assembler->LoadObjectField(value, Oddball::kToNumberOffset));
// Convert to a Number first and try again.
Callable callable =
value_var.Bind(assembler->CallStub(callable, context, value));
Node* fdec_value = var_fdec_value.value();
Node* one = assembler->Float64Constant(1.0);
Node* fdec_result = assembler->Float64Sub(fdec_value, one);
assembler->UpdateFeedback(var_type_feedback.value(), feedback_vector,
__ SetAccumulator(result_var.value());
__ Dispatch();
// LogicalNot
// Perform logical-not on the accumulator, first casting the
// accumulator to a boolean value if required.
// ToBooleanLogicalNot
void InterpreterGenerator::DoToBooleanLogicalNot(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Variable result(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Label if_true(assembler), if_false(assembler), end(assembler);
Node* true_value = __ BooleanConstant(true);
Node* false_value = __ BooleanConstant(false);
__ BranchIfToBooleanIsTrue(value, &if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_true);
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&if_false);
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ SetAccumulator(result.value());
__ Dispatch();
// LogicalNot
// Perform logical-not on the accumulator, which must already be a boolean
// value.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoLogicalNot(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Variable result(assembler, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Label if_true(assembler), if_false(assembler), end(assembler);
Node* true_value = __ BooleanConstant(true);
Node* false_value = __ BooleanConstant(false);
__ Branch(__ WordEqual(value, true_value), &if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_true);
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&if_false);
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
__ AbortIfWordNotEqual(value, false_value,
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ SetAccumulator(result.value());
__ Dispatch();
// TypeOf
// Load the accumulator with the string representating type of the
// object in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTypeOf(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* result = assembler->Typeof(value);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
void InterpreterGenerator::DoDelete(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* key = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ CallRuntime(function_id, context, object, key);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// DeletePropertyStrict
// Delete the property specified in the accumulator from the object
// referenced by the register operand following strict mode semantics.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoDeletePropertyStrict(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoDelete(Runtime::kDeleteProperty_Strict, assembler);
// DeletePropertySloppy
// Delete the property specified in the accumulator from the object
// referenced by the register operand following sloppy mode semantics.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoDeletePropertySloppy(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoDelete(Runtime::kDeleteProperty_Sloppy, assembler);
// GetSuperConstructor
// Get the super constructor from the object referenced by the accumulator.
// The result is stored in register |reg|.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoGetSuperConstructor(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* active_function = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ GetSuperConstructor(active_function, context);
Node* reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
__ StoreRegister(result, reg);
__ Dispatch();
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJSCall(InterpreterAssembler* assembler,
TailCallMode tail_call_mode) {
Node* function_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* function = __ LoadRegister(function_reg);
Node* receiver_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* receiver_arg = __ RegisterLocation(receiver_reg);
Node* receiver_args_count = __ BytecodeOperandCount(2);
Node* receiver_count = __ Int32Constant(1);
Node* args_count = __ Int32Sub(receiver_args_count, receiver_count);
Node* slot_id = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(3);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result =
__ CallJSWithFeedback(function, context, receiver_arg, args_count,
slot_id, feedback_vector, tail_call_mode);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJSCallN(InterpreterAssembler* assembler,
int arg_count) {
const int kReceiverOperandIndex = 1;
const int kReceiverOperandCount = 1;
const int kSlotOperandIndex =
kReceiverOperandIndex + kReceiverOperandCount + arg_count;
const int kBoilerplatParameterCount = 7;
const int kReceiverParameterIndex = 5;
Node* function_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* function = __ LoadRegister(function_reg);
std::array<Node*, Bytecodes::kMaxOperands + kBoilerplatParameterCount> temp;
Callable call_ic = CodeFactory::CallIC(isolate_);
temp[0] = __ HeapConstant(call_ic.code());
temp[1] = function;
temp[2] = __ Int32Constant(arg_count);
temp[3] = __ BytecodeOperandIdxInt32(kSlotOperandIndex);
temp[4] = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
for (int i = 0; i < (arg_count + kReceiverOperandCount); ++i) {
Node* reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(i + kReceiverOperandIndex);
temp[kReceiverParameterIndex + i] = __ LoadRegister(reg);
temp[kReceiverParameterIndex + arg_count + kReceiverOperandCount] =
__ GetContext();
Node* result = __ CallStubN(call_ic.descriptor(), 1,
arg_count + kBoilerplatParameterCount, &temp[0]);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// Call <callable> <receiver> <arg_count> <feedback_slot_id>
// Call a JSfunction or Callable in |callable| with the |receiver| and
// |arg_count| arguments in subsequent registers. Collect type feedback
// into |feedback_slot_id|
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCall(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoJSCall(assembler, TailCallMode::kDisallow);
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCall0(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoJSCallN(assembler, 0);
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCall1(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoJSCallN(assembler, 1);
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCall2(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoJSCallN(assembler, 2);
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCallProperty(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Same as Call
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCallProperty0(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Same as Call0
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCallProperty1(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Same as Call1
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCallProperty2(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Same as Call2
// TailCall <callable> <receiver> <arg_count> <feedback_slot_id>
// Tail call a JSfunction or Callable in |callable| with the |receiver| and
// |arg_count| arguments in subsequent registers. Collect type feedback
// into |feedback_slot_id|
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTailCall(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoJSCall(assembler, TailCallMode::kAllow);
// CallRuntime <function_id> <first_arg> <arg_count>
// Call the runtime function |function_id| with the first argument in
// register |first_arg| and |arg_count| arguments in subsequent
// registers.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCallRuntime(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* function_id = __ BytecodeOperandRuntimeId(0);
Node* first_arg_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* first_arg = __ RegisterLocation(first_arg_reg);
Node* args_count = __ BytecodeOperandCount(2);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ CallRuntimeN(function_id, context, first_arg, args_count);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// InvokeIntrinsic <function_id> <first_arg> <arg_count>
// Implements the semantic equivalent of calling the runtime function
// |function_id| with the first argument in |first_arg| and |arg_count|
// arguments in subsequent registers.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoInvokeIntrinsic(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* function_id = __ BytecodeOperandIntrinsicId(0);
Node* first_arg_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* arg_count = __ BytecodeOperandCount(2);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = GenerateInvokeIntrinsic(assembler, function_id, context,
first_arg_reg, arg_count);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// CallRuntimeForPair <function_id> <first_arg> <arg_count> <first_return>
// Call the runtime function |function_id| which returns a pair, with the
// first argument in register |first_arg| and |arg_count| arguments in
// subsequent registers. Returns the result in <first_return> and
// <first_return + 1>
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCallRuntimeForPair(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
// Call the runtime function.
Node* function_id = __ BytecodeOperandRuntimeId(0);
Node* first_arg_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* first_arg = __ RegisterLocation(first_arg_reg);
Node* args_count = __ BytecodeOperandCount(2);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result_pair =
__ CallRuntimeN(function_id, context, first_arg, args_count, 2);
// Store the results in <first_return> and <first_return + 1>
Node* first_return_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(3);
Node* second_return_reg = __ NextRegister(first_return_reg);
Node* result0 = __ Projection(0, result_pair);
Node* result1 = __ Projection(1, result_pair);
__ StoreRegister(result0, first_return_reg);
__ StoreRegister(result1, second_return_reg);
__ Dispatch();
// CallJSRuntime <context_index> <receiver> <arg_count>
// Call the JS runtime function that has the |context_index| with the receiver
// in register |receiver| and |arg_count| arguments in subsequent registers.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCallJSRuntime(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* context_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* receiver_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* first_arg = __ RegisterLocation(receiver_reg);
Node* receiver_args_count = __ BytecodeOperandCount(2);
Node* receiver_count = __ Int32Constant(1);
Node* args_count = __ Int32Sub(receiver_args_count, receiver_count);
// Get the function to call from the native context.
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* native_context = __ LoadNativeContext(context);
Node* function = __ LoadContextElement(native_context, context_index);
// Call the function.
Node* result = __ CallJS(function, context, first_arg, args_count,
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// CallWithSpread <callable> <first_arg> <arg_count>
// Call a JSfunction or Callable in |callable| with the receiver in
// |first_arg| and |arg_count - 1| arguments in subsequent registers. The
// final argument is always a spread.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCallWithSpread(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* callable_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* callable = __ LoadRegister(callable_reg);
Node* receiver_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* receiver_arg = __ RegisterLocation(receiver_reg);
Node* receiver_args_count = __ BytecodeOperandCount(2);
Node* receiver_count = __ Int32Constant(1);
Node* args_count = __ Int32Sub(receiver_args_count, receiver_count);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
// Call into Runtime function CallWithSpread which does everything.
Node* result =
__ CallJSWithSpread(callable, context, receiver_arg, args_count);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// ConstructWithSpread <first_arg> <arg_count>
// Call the constructor in |constructor| with the first argument in register
// |first_arg| and |arg_count| arguments in subsequent registers. The final
// argument is always a spread. The is in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoConstructWithSpread(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* new_target = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* constructor_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* constructor = __ LoadRegister(constructor_reg);
Node* first_arg_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* first_arg = __ RegisterLocation(first_arg_reg);
Node* args_count = __ BytecodeOperandCount(2);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ ConstructWithSpread(constructor, context, new_target,
first_arg, args_count);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// Construct <constructor> <first_arg> <arg_count>
// Call operator construct with |constructor| and the first argument in
// register |first_arg| and |arg_count| arguments in subsequent
// registers. The is in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoConstruct(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* new_target = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* constructor_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* constructor = __ LoadRegister(constructor_reg);
Node* first_arg_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* first_arg = __ RegisterLocation(first_arg_reg);
Node* args_count = __ BytecodeOperandCount(2);
Node* slot_id = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(3);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* result = __ Construct(constructor, context, new_target, first_arg,
args_count, slot_id, feedback_vector);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// TestEqual <src>
// Test if the value in the <src> register equals the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestEqual(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoCompareOpWithFeedback(Token::Value::EQ, assembler);
// TestEqualStrict <src>
// Test if the value in the <src> register is strictly equal to the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestEqualStrict(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoCompareOpWithFeedback(Token::Value::EQ_STRICT, assembler);
// TestLessThan <src>
// Test if the value in the <src> register is less than the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestLessThan(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoCompareOpWithFeedback(Token::Value::LT, assembler);
// TestGreaterThan <src>
// Test if the value in the <src> register is greater than the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestGreaterThan(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoCompareOpWithFeedback(Token::Value::GT, assembler);
// TestLessThanOrEqual <src>
// Test if the value in the <src> register is less than or equal to the
// accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestLessThanOrEqual(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoCompareOpWithFeedback(Token::Value::LTE, assembler);
// TestGreaterThanOrEqual <src>
// Test if the value in the <src> register is greater than or equal to the
// accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestGreaterThanOrEqual(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoCompareOpWithFeedback(Token::Value::GTE, assembler);
// TestEqualStrictNoFeedback <src>
// Test if the value in the <src> register is strictly equal to the accumulator.
// Type feedback is not collected.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestEqualStrictNoFeedback(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* lhs = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* rhs = __ GetAccumulator();
// TODO(5310): This is called only when lhs and rhs are Smis (for ex:
// try-finally or generators) or strings (only when visiting
// ClassLiteralProperties). We should be able to optimize this and not perform
// the full strict equality.
Node* result = assembler->StrictEqual(lhs, rhs);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// TestIn <src>
// Test if the object referenced by the register operand is a property of the
// object referenced by the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestIn(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoCompareOp(Token::IN, assembler);
// TestInstanceOf <src>
// Test if the object referenced by the <src> register is an an instance of type
// referenced by the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestInstanceOf(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
DoCompareOp(Token::INSTANCEOF, assembler);
// TestUndetectable <src>
// Test if the value in the <src> register equals to null/undefined. This is
// done by checking undetectable bit on the map of the object.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestUndetectable(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Label not_equal(assembler), end(assembler);
// If the object is an Smi then return false.
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsSmi(object), &not_equal);
// If it is a HeapObject, load the map and check for undetectable bit.
Node* map = __ LoadMap(object);
Node* map_bitfield = __ LoadMapBitField(map);
Node* map_undetectable =
__ Word32And(map_bitfield, __ Int32Constant(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
__ GotoIf(__ Word32Equal(map_undetectable, __ Int32Constant(0)), &not_equal);
__ SetAccumulator(__ BooleanConstant(true));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&not_equal);
__ SetAccumulator(__ BooleanConstant(false));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ Dispatch();
// TestNull <src>
// Test if the value in the <src> register is strictly equal to null.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestNull(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* null_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->null_value());
Label equal(assembler), end(assembler);
__ GotoIf(__ WordEqual(object, null_value), &equal);
__ SetAccumulator(__ BooleanConstant(false));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&equal);
__ SetAccumulator(__ BooleanConstant(true));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ Dispatch();
// TestUndefined <src>
// Test if the value in the <src> register is strictly equal to undefined.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestUndefined(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* undefined_value =
__ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->undefined_value());
Label equal(assembler), end(assembler);
__ GotoIf(__ WordEqual(object, undefined_value), &equal);
__ SetAccumulator(__ BooleanConstant(false));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&equal);
__ SetAccumulator(__ BooleanConstant(true));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ Dispatch();
// TestTypeOf <literal_flag>
// Tests if the object in the <accumulator> is typeof the literal represented
// by |literal_flag|.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoTestTypeOf(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* object = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* literal_flag = __ BytecodeOperandFlag(0);
#define MAKE_LABEL(name, lower_case) Label if_##lower_case(assembler);
#define LABEL_POINTER(name, lower_case) &if_##lower_case,
#define CASE(name, lower_case) \
int32_t cases[] = {TYPEOF_LITERAL_LIST(CASE)};
#undef CASE
Label if_true(assembler), if_false(assembler), end(assembler),
abort(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
__ Switch(literal_flag, &abort, cases, labels, arraysize(cases));
__ Bind(&abort);
__ Comment("Abort");
__ Abort(BailoutReason::kUnexpectedTestTypeofLiteralFlag);
__ Goto(&if_false);
__ Bind(&if_number);
__ Comment("IfNumber");
__ GotoIfNumber(object, &if_true);
__ Goto(&if_false);
__ Bind(&if_string);
__ Comment("IfString");
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsSmi(object), &if_false);
__ Branch(__ IsString(object), &if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_symbol);
__ Comment("IfSymbol");
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsSmi(object), &if_false);
__ Branch(__ IsSymbol(object), &if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_boolean);
__ Comment("IfBoolean");
__ GotoIf(__ WordEqual(object, __ BooleanConstant(true)), &if_true);
__ Branch(__ WordEqual(object, __ BooleanConstant(false)), &if_true,
__ Bind(&if_undefined);
__ Comment("IfUndefined");
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsSmi(object), &if_false);
// Check it is not null and the map has the undetectable bit set.
__ GotoIf(__ WordEqual(object, __ NullConstant()), &if_false);
Node* map_bitfield = __ LoadMapBitField(__ LoadMap(object));
Node* undetectable_bit =
__ Word32And(map_bitfield, __ Int32Constant(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable));
__ Branch(__ Word32Equal(undetectable_bit, __ Int32Constant(0)), &if_false,
__ Bind(&if_function);
__ Comment("IfFunction");
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsSmi(object), &if_false);
// Check if callable bit is set and not undetectable.
Node* map_bitfield = __ LoadMapBitField(__ LoadMap(object));
Node* callable_undetectable = __ Word32And(
__ Int32Constant(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable | 1 << Map::kIsCallable));
__ Branch(__ Word32Equal(callable_undetectable,
__ Int32Constant(1 << Map::kIsCallable)),
&if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_object);
__ Comment("IfObject");
__ GotoIf(__ TaggedIsSmi(object), &if_false);
// If the object is null then return true.
__ GotoIf(__ WordEqual(object, __ NullConstant()), &if_true);
// Check if the object is a receiver type and is not undefined or callable.
Node* map = __ LoadMap(object);
__ GotoIfNot(__ IsJSReceiverMap(map), &if_false);
Node* map_bitfield = __ LoadMapBitField(map);
Node* callable_undetectable = __ Word32And(
__ Int32Constant(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable | 1 << Map::kIsCallable));
__ Branch(__ Word32Equal(callable_undetectable, __ Int32Constant(0)),
&if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_other);
// Typeof doesn't return any other string value.
__ Goto(&if_false);
__ Bind(&if_false);
__ SetAccumulator(__ BooleanConstant(false));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&if_true);
__ SetAccumulator(__ BooleanConstant(true));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ Dispatch();
// Jump <imm>
// Jump by number of bytes represented by the immediate operand |imm|.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJump(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* relative_jump = __ BytecodeOperandUImmWord(0);
__ Jump(relative_jump);
// JumpConstant <idx>
// Jump by number of bytes in the Smi in the |idx| entry in the constant pool.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpConstant(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* relative_jump = __ LoadAndUntagConstantPoolEntry(index);
__ Jump(relative_jump);
// JumpIfTrue <imm>
// Jump by number of bytes represented by an immediate operand if the
// accumulator contains true. This only works for boolean inputs, and
// will misbehave if passed arbitrary input values.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfTrue(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* relative_jump = __ BytecodeOperandUImmWord(0);
Node* true_value = __ BooleanConstant(true);
CSA_ASSERT(assembler, assembler->TaggedIsNotSmi(accumulator));
CSA_ASSERT(assembler, assembler->IsBoolean(accumulator));
__ JumpIfWordEqual(accumulator, true_value, relative_jump);
// JumpIfTrueConstant <idx>
// Jump by number of bytes in the Smi in the |idx| entry in the constant pool
// if the accumulator contains true. This only works for boolean inputs, and
// will misbehave if passed arbitrary input values.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfTrueConstant(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* relative_jump = __ LoadAndUntagConstantPoolEntry(index);
Node* true_value = __ BooleanConstant(true);
CSA_ASSERT(assembler, assembler->TaggedIsNotSmi(accumulator));
CSA_ASSERT(assembler, assembler->IsBoolean(accumulator));
__ JumpIfWordEqual(accumulator, true_value, relative_jump);
// JumpIfFalse <imm>
// Jump by number of bytes represented by an immediate operand if the
// accumulator contains false. This only works for boolean inputs, and
// will misbehave if passed arbitrary input values.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfFalse(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* relative_jump = __ BytecodeOperandUImmWord(0);
Node* false_value = __ BooleanConstant(false);
CSA_ASSERT(assembler, assembler->TaggedIsNotSmi(accumulator));
CSA_ASSERT(assembler, assembler->IsBoolean(accumulator));
__ JumpIfWordEqual(accumulator, false_value, relative_jump);
// JumpIfFalseConstant <idx>
// Jump by number of bytes in the Smi in the |idx| entry in the constant pool
// if the accumulator contains false. This only works for boolean inputs, and
// will misbehave if passed arbitrary input values.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfFalseConstant(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* relative_jump = __ LoadAndUntagConstantPoolEntry(index);
Node* false_value = __ BooleanConstant(false);
CSA_ASSERT(assembler, assembler->TaggedIsNotSmi(accumulator));
CSA_ASSERT(assembler, assembler->IsBoolean(accumulator));
__ JumpIfWordEqual(accumulator, false_value, relative_jump);
// JumpIfToBooleanTrue <imm>
// Jump by number of bytes represented by an immediate operand if the object
// referenced by the accumulator is true when the object is cast to boolean.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfToBooleanTrue(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* relative_jump = __ BytecodeOperandUImmWord(0);
Label if_true(assembler), if_false(assembler);
__ BranchIfToBooleanIsTrue(value, &if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_true);
__ Jump(relative_jump);
__ Bind(&if_false);
__ Dispatch();
// JumpIfToBooleanTrueConstant <idx>
// Jump by number of bytes in the Smi in the |idx| entry in the constant pool
// if the object referenced by the accumulator is true when the object is cast
// to boolean.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfToBooleanTrueConstant(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* relative_jump = __ LoadAndUntagConstantPoolEntry(index);
Label if_true(assembler), if_false(assembler);
__ BranchIfToBooleanIsTrue(value, &if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_true);
__ Jump(relative_jump);
__ Bind(&if_false);
__ Dispatch();
// JumpIfToBooleanFalse <imm>
// Jump by number of bytes represented by an immediate operand if the object
// referenced by the accumulator is false when the object is cast to boolean.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfToBooleanFalse(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* relative_jump = __ BytecodeOperandUImmWord(0);
Label if_true(assembler), if_false(assembler);
__ BranchIfToBooleanIsTrue(value, &if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_true);
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&if_false);
__ Jump(relative_jump);
// JumpIfToBooleanFalseConstant <idx>
// Jump by number of bytes in the Smi in the |idx| entry in the constant pool
// if the object referenced by the accumulator is false when the object is cast
// to boolean.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfToBooleanFalseConstant(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* value = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* relative_jump = __ LoadAndUntagConstantPoolEntry(index);
Label if_true(assembler), if_false(assembler);
__ BranchIfToBooleanIsTrue(value, &if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_true);
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&if_false);
__ Jump(relative_jump);
// JumpIfNull <imm>
// Jump by number of bytes represented by an immediate operand if the object
// referenced by the accumulator is the null constant.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfNull(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* null_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->null_value());
Node* relative_jump = __ BytecodeOperandUImmWord(0);
__ JumpIfWordEqual(accumulator, null_value, relative_jump);
// JumpIfNullConstant <idx>
// Jump by number of bytes in the Smi in the |idx| entry in the constant pool
// if the object referenced by the accumulator is the null constant.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfNullConstant(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* null_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->null_value());
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* relative_jump = __ LoadAndUntagConstantPoolEntry(index);
__ JumpIfWordEqual(accumulator, null_value, relative_jump);
// JumpIfUndefined <imm>
// Jump by number of bytes represented by an immediate operand if the object
// referenced by the accumulator is the undefined constant.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfUndefined(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* undefined_value =
__ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->undefined_value());
Node* relative_jump = __ BytecodeOperandUImmWord(0);
__ JumpIfWordEqual(accumulator, undefined_value, relative_jump);
// JumpIfUndefinedConstant <idx>
// Jump by number of bytes in the Smi in the |idx| entry in the constant pool
// if the object referenced by the accumulator is the undefined constant.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfUndefinedConstant(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* undefined_value =
__ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->undefined_value());
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* relative_jump = __ LoadAndUntagConstantPoolEntry(index);
__ JumpIfWordEqual(accumulator, undefined_value, relative_jump);
// JumpIfJSReceiver <imm>
// Jump by number of bytes represented by an immediate operand if the object
// referenced by the accumulator is a JSReceiver.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfJSReceiver(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* relative_jump = __ BytecodeOperandUImmWord(0);
Label if_object(assembler), if_notobject(assembler, Label::kDeferred),
__ Branch(__ TaggedIsSmi(accumulator), &if_notobject, &if_notsmi);
__ Bind(&if_notsmi);
__ Branch(__ IsJSReceiver(accumulator), &if_object, &if_notobject);
__ Bind(&if_object);
__ Jump(relative_jump);
__ Bind(&if_notobject);
__ Dispatch();
// JumpIfJSReceiverConstant <idx>
// Jump by number of bytes in the Smi in the |idx| entry in the constant pool if
// the object referenced by the accumulator is a JSReceiver.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfJSReceiverConstant(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* relative_jump = __ LoadAndUntagConstantPoolEntry(index);
Label if_object(assembler), if_notobject(assembler), if_notsmi(assembler);
__ Branch(__ TaggedIsSmi(accumulator), &if_notobject, &if_notsmi);
__ Bind(&if_notsmi);
__ Branch(__ IsJSReceiver(accumulator), &if_object, &if_notobject);
__ Bind(&if_object);
__ Jump(relative_jump);
__ Bind(&if_notobject);
__ Dispatch();
// JumpIfNotHole <imm>
// Jump by number of bytes represented by an immediate operand if the object
// referenced by the accumulator is the hole.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfNotHole(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* the_hole_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->the_hole_value());
Node* relative_jump = __ BytecodeOperandUImmWord(0);
__ JumpIfWordNotEqual(accumulator, the_hole_value, relative_jump);
// JumpIfNotHoleConstant <idx>
// Jump by number of bytes in the Smi in the |idx| entry in the constant pool
// if the object referenced by the accumulator is the hole constant.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpIfNotHoleConstant(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* the_hole_value = __ HeapConstant(isolate_->factory()->the_hole_value());
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* relative_jump = __ LoadAndUntagConstantPoolEntry(index);
__ JumpIfWordNotEqual(accumulator, the_hole_value, relative_jump);
// JumpLoop <imm> <loop_depth>
// Jump by number of bytes represented by the immediate operand |imm|. Also
// performs a loop nesting check and potentially triggers OSR in case the
// current OSR level matches (or exceeds) the specified |loop_depth|.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoJumpLoop(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* relative_jump = __ BytecodeOperandUImmWord(0);
Node* loop_depth = __ BytecodeOperandImm(1);
Node* osr_level = __ LoadOSRNestingLevel();
// Check if OSR points at the given {loop_depth} are armed by comparing it to
// the current {osr_level} loaded from the header of the BytecodeArray.
Label ok(assembler), osr_armed(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
Node* condition = __ Int32GreaterThanOrEqual(loop_depth, osr_level);
__ Branch(condition, &ok, &osr_armed);
__ Bind(&ok);
__ JumpBackward(relative_jump);
__ Bind(&osr_armed);
Callable callable = CodeFactory::InterpreterOnStackReplacement(isolate_);
Node* target = __ HeapConstant(callable.code());
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ CallStub(callable.descriptor(), target, context);
__ JumpBackward(relative_jump);
// CreateRegExpLiteral <pattern_idx> <literal_idx> <flags>
// Creates a regular expression literal for literal index <literal_idx> with
// <flags> and the pattern in <pattern_idx>.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateRegExpLiteral(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* pattern = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(index);
Node* literal_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdxSmi(1);
Node* flags = __ SmiFromWord32(__ BytecodeOperandFlag(2));
Node* closure = __ LoadRegister(Register::function_closure());
Node* context = __ GetContext();
ConstructorBuiltinsAssembler constructor_assembler(assembler->state());
Node* result = constructor_assembler.EmitFastCloneRegExp(
closure, literal_index, pattern, flags, context);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// CreateArrayLiteral <element_idx> <literal_idx> <flags>
// Creates an array literal for literal index <literal_idx> with
// CreateArrayLiteral flags <flags> and constant elements in <element_idx>.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateArrayLiteral(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* literal_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdxSmi(1);
Node* closure = __ LoadRegister(Register::function_closure());
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* bytecode_flags = __ BytecodeOperandFlag(2);
Label fast_shallow_clone(assembler),
call_runtime(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
__ Branch(__ IsSetWord32<CreateArrayLiteralFlags::FastShallowCloneBit>(
&fast_shallow_clone, &call_runtime);
__ Bind(&fast_shallow_clone);
ConstructorBuiltinsAssembler constructor_assembler(assembler->state());
Node* result = constructor_assembler.EmitFastCloneShallowArray(
closure, literal_index, context, &call_runtime, TRACK_ALLOCATION_SITE);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&call_runtime);
Node* flags_raw =
__ DecodeWordFromWord32<CreateArrayLiteralFlags::FlagsBits>(
Node* flags = __ SmiTag(flags_raw);
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* constant_elements = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(index);
Node* result =
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kCreateArrayLiteral, context, closure,
literal_index, constant_elements, flags);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// CreateObjectLiteral <element_idx> <literal_idx> <flags>
// Creates an object literal for literal index <literal_idx> with
// CreateObjectLiteralFlags <flags> and constant elements in <element_idx>.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateObjectLiteral(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* literal_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdxSmi(1);
Node* bytecode_flags = __ BytecodeOperandFlag(2);
Node* closure = __ LoadRegister(Register::function_closure());
// Check if we can do a fast clone or have to call the runtime.
Label if_fast_clone(assembler),
if_not_fast_clone(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
Node* fast_clone_properties_count = __ DecodeWordFromWord32<
__ Branch(__ WordNotEqual(fast_clone_properties_count, __ IntPtrConstant(0)),
&if_fast_clone, &if_not_fast_clone);
__ Bind(&if_fast_clone);
// If we can do a fast clone do the fast-path in FastCloneShallowObjectStub.
ConstructorBuiltinsAssembler constructor_assembler(assembler->state());
Node* result = constructor_assembler.EmitFastCloneShallowObject(
&if_not_fast_clone, closure, literal_index,
__ StoreRegister(result, __ BytecodeOperandReg(3));
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&if_not_fast_clone);
// If we can't do a fast clone, call into the runtime.
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* constant_elements = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(index);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* flags_raw =
__ DecodeWordFromWord32<CreateObjectLiteralFlags::FlagsBits>(
Node* flags = __ SmiTag(flags_raw);
Node* result =
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kCreateObjectLiteral, context, closure,
literal_index, constant_elements, flags);
__ StoreRegister(result, __ BytecodeOperandReg(3));
// TODO(klaasb) build a single dispatch once the call is inlined
__ Dispatch();
// CreateClosure <index> <slot> <tenured>
// Creates a new closure for SharedFunctionInfo at position |index| in the
// constant pool and with the PretenureFlag <tenured>.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateClosure(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* shared = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(index);
Node* flags = __ BytecodeOperandFlag(2);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Label call_runtime(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
__ GotoIfNot(__ IsSetWord32<CreateClosureFlags::FastNewClosureBit>(flags),
ConstructorBuiltinsAssembler constructor_assembler(assembler->state());
Node* vector_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
vector_index = __ SmiTag(vector_index);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
__ SetAccumulator(constructor_assembler.EmitFastNewClosure(
shared, feedback_vector, vector_index, context));
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&call_runtime);
Node* tenured_raw =
__ DecodeWordFromWord32<CreateClosureFlags::PretenuredBit>(flags);
Node* tenured = __ SmiTag(tenured_raw);
feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
vector_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
vector_index = __ SmiTag(vector_index);
Node* result =
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kInterpreterNewClosure, context, shared,
feedback_vector, vector_index, tenured);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// CreateBlockContext <index>
// Creates a new block context with the scope info constant at |index| and the
// closure in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateBlockContext(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(0);
Node* scope_info = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(index);
Node* closure = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ SetAccumulator(
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kPushBlockContext, context, scope_info, closure));
__ Dispatch();
// CreateCatchContext <exception> <name_idx> <scope_info_idx>
// Creates a new context for a catch block with the |exception| in a register,
// the variable name at |name_idx|, the ScopeInfo at |scope_info_idx|, and the
// closure in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateCatchContext(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* exception_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* exception = __ LoadRegister(exception_reg);
Node* name_idx = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* name = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(name_idx);
Node* scope_info_idx = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(2);
Node* scope_info = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(scope_info_idx);
Node* closure = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ SetAccumulator(__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kPushCatchContext, context, name,
exception, scope_info, closure));
__ Dispatch();
// CreateFunctionContext <slots>
// Creates a new context with number of |slots| for the function closure.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateFunctionContext(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* closure = __ LoadRegister(Register::function_closure());
Node* slots = __ BytecodeOperandUImm(0);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
ConstructorBuiltinsAssembler constructor_assembler(assembler->state());
__ SetAccumulator(constructor_assembler.EmitFastNewFunctionContext(
closure, slots, context, FUNCTION_SCOPE));
__ Dispatch();
// CreateEvalContext <slots>
// Creates a new context with number of |slots| for an eval closure.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateEvalContext(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* closure = __ LoadRegister(Register::function_closure());
Node* slots = __ BytecodeOperandUImm(0);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
ConstructorBuiltinsAssembler constructor_assembler(assembler->state());
__ SetAccumulator(constructor_assembler.EmitFastNewFunctionContext(
closure, slots, context, EVAL_SCOPE));
__ Dispatch();
// CreateWithContext <register> <scope_info_idx>
// Creates a new context with the ScopeInfo at |scope_info_idx| for a
// with-statement with the object in |register| and the closure in the
// accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateWithContext(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* reg_index = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* object = __ LoadRegister(reg_index);
Node* scope_info_idx = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(1);
Node* scope_info = __ LoadConstantPoolEntry(scope_info_idx);
Node* closure = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ SetAccumulator(__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kPushWithContext, context, object,
scope_info, closure));
__ Dispatch();
// CreateMappedArguments
// Creates a new mapped arguments object.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateMappedArguments(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* closure = __ LoadRegister(Register::function_closure());
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Label if_duplicate_parameters(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
Label if_not_duplicate_parameters(assembler);
// Check if function has duplicate parameters.
// TODO(rmcilroy): Remove this check when FastNewSloppyArgumentsStub supports
// duplicate parameters.
Node* shared_info =
__ LoadObjectField(closure, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset);
Node* compiler_hints = __ LoadObjectField(
shared_info, SharedFunctionInfo::kHasDuplicateParametersByteOffset,
Node* duplicate_parameters_bit = __ Int32Constant(
1 << SharedFunctionInfo::kHasDuplicateParametersBitWithinByte);
Node* compare = __ Word32And(compiler_hints, duplicate_parameters_bit);
__ Branch(compare, &if_duplicate_parameters, &if_not_duplicate_parameters);
__ Bind(&if_not_duplicate_parameters);
ArgumentsBuiltinsAssembler constructor_assembler(assembler->state());
Node* result =
constructor_assembler.EmitFastNewSloppyArguments(context, closure);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&if_duplicate_parameters);
Node* result =
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNewSloppyArguments_Generic, context, closure);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// CreateUnmappedArguments
// Creates a new unmapped arguments object.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateUnmappedArguments(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* closure = __ LoadRegister(Register::function_closure());
ArgumentsBuiltinsAssembler builtins_assembler(assembler->state());
Node* result =
builtins_assembler.EmitFastNewStrictArguments(context, closure);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// CreateRestParameter
// Creates a new rest parameter array.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoCreateRestParameter(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* closure = __ LoadRegister(Register::function_closure());
Node* context = __ GetContext();
ArgumentsBuiltinsAssembler builtins_assembler(assembler->state());
Node* result = builtins_assembler.EmitFastNewRestParameter(context, closure);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// StackCheck
// Performs a stack guard check.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoStackCheck(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Label ok(assembler), stack_check_interrupt(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
Node* interrupt = __ StackCheckTriggeredInterrupt();
__ Branch(interrupt, &stack_check_interrupt, &ok);
__ Bind(&ok);
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&stack_check_interrupt);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStackGuard, context);
__ Dispatch();
// SetPendingMessage
// Sets the pending message to the value in the accumulator, and returns the
// previous pending message in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoSetPendingMessage(
InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* pending_message = __ ExternalConstant(
Node* previous_message =
__ Load(MachineType::TaggedPointer(), pending_message);
Node* new_message = __ GetAccumulator();
__ StoreNoWriteBarrier(MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer, pending_message,
__ SetAccumulator(previous_message);
__ Dispatch();
// Throw
// Throws the exception in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoThrow(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* exception = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kThrow, context, exception);
// We shouldn't ever return from a throw.
__ Abort(kUnexpectedReturnFromThrow);
// ReThrow
// Re-throws the exception in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoReThrow(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* exception = __ GetAccumulator();
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kReThrow, context, exception);
// We shouldn't ever return from a throw.
__ Abort(kUnexpectedReturnFromThrow);
// Return
// Return the value in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoReturn(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
__ UpdateInterruptBudgetOnReturn();
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator();
__ Return(accumulator);
// Debugger
// Call runtime to handle debugger statement.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoDebugger(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ CallStub(CodeFactory::HandleDebuggerStatement(isolate_), context);
__ Dispatch();
// DebugBreak
// Call runtime to handle a debug break.
#define DEBUG_BREAK(Name, ...) \
void InterpreterGenerator::Do##Name(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) { \
Node* context = __ GetContext(); \
Node* accumulator = __ GetAccumulator(); \
Node* original_handler = \
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kDebugBreakOnBytecode, context, accumulator); \
__ MaybeDropFrames(context); \
__ DispatchToBytecodeHandler(original_handler); \
void InterpreterGenerator::BuildForInPrepareResult(
Node* output_register, Node* cache_type, Node* cache_array,
Node* cache_length, InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
__ StoreRegister(cache_type, output_register);
output_register = __ NextRegister(output_register);
__ StoreRegister(cache_array, output_register);
output_register = __ NextRegister(output_register);
__ StoreRegister(cache_length, output_register);
// ForInPrepare <receiver> <cache_info_triple>
// Returns state for loop execution based on the object in the register
// |receiver|. The object must not be null or undefined and must have been
// converted to a receiver already.
// The result is output in registers |cache_info_triple| to
// |cache_info_triple + 2|, with the registers holding cache_type, cache_array,
// and cache_length respectively.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoForInPrepare(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* object_register = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* output_register = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* receiver = __ LoadRegister(object_register);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* cache_type;
Node* cache_array;
Node* cache_length;
Label call_runtime(assembler, Label::kDeferred),
nothing_to_iterate(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
ForInBuiltinsAssembler forin_assembler(assembler->state());
std::tie(cache_type, cache_array, cache_length) =
forin_assembler.EmitForInPrepare(receiver, context, &call_runtime,
BuildForInPrepareResult(output_register, cache_type, cache_array,
cache_length, assembler);
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&call_runtime);
Node* result_triple =
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kForInPrepare, context, receiver);
Node* cache_type = __ Projection(0, result_triple);
Node* cache_array = __ Projection(1, result_triple);
Node* cache_length = __ Projection(2, result_triple);
BuildForInPrepareResult(output_register, cache_type, cache_array,
cache_length, assembler);
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&nothing_to_iterate);
// Receiver is null or undefined or descriptors are zero length.
Node* zero = __ SmiConstant(0);
BuildForInPrepareResult(output_register, zero, zero, zero, assembler);
__ Dispatch();
// ForInNext <receiver> <index> <cache_info_pair>
// Returns the next enumerable property in the the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoForInNext(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* receiver_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* receiver = __ LoadRegister(receiver_reg);
Node* index_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* index = __ LoadRegister(index_reg);
Node* cache_type_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(2);
Node* cache_type = __ LoadRegister(cache_type_reg);
Node* cache_array_reg = __ NextRegister(cache_type_reg);
Node* cache_array = __ LoadRegister(cache_array_reg);
// Load the next key from the enumeration array.
Node* key = __ LoadFixedArrayElement(cache_array, index, 0,
// Check if we can use the for-in fast path potentially using the enum cache.
Label if_fast(assembler), if_slow(assembler, Label::kDeferred);
Node* receiver_map = __ LoadMap(receiver);
__ Branch(__ WordEqual(receiver_map, cache_type), &if_fast, &if_slow);
__ Bind(&if_fast);
// Enum cache in use for {receiver}, the {key} is definitely valid.
__ SetAccumulator(key);
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&if_slow);
// Record the fact that we hit the for-in slow path.
Node* vector_index = __ BytecodeOperandIdx(3);
Node* feedback_vector = __ LoadFeedbackVector();
Node* megamorphic_sentinel =
__ HeapConstant(FeedbackVector::MegamorphicSentinel(isolate_));
__ StoreFixedArrayElement(feedback_vector, vector_index,
megamorphic_sentinel, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
// Need to filter the {key} for the {receiver}.
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Callable callable = CodeFactory::ForInFilter(assembler->isolate());
Node* result = __ CallStub(callable, context, key, receiver);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// ForInContinue <index> <cache_length>
// Returns false if the end of the enumerable properties has been reached.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoForInContinue(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* index_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* index = __ LoadRegister(index_reg);
Node* cache_length_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(1);
Node* cache_length = __ LoadRegister(cache_length_reg);
// Check if {index} is at {cache_length} already.
Label if_true(assembler), if_false(assembler), end(assembler);
__ Branch(__ WordEqual(index, cache_length), &if_true, &if_false);
__ Bind(&if_true);
__ SetAccumulator(__ BooleanConstant(false));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&if_false);
__ SetAccumulator(__ BooleanConstant(true));
__ Goto(&end);
__ Bind(&end);
__ Dispatch();
// ForInStep <index>
// Increments the loop counter in register |index| and stores the result
// in the accumulator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoForInStep(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* index_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* index = __ LoadRegister(index_reg);
Node* one = __ SmiConstant(Smi::FromInt(1));
Node* result = __ SmiAdd(index, one);
__ SetAccumulator(result);
__ Dispatch();
// Wide
// Prefix bytecode indicating next bytecode has wide (16-bit) operands.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoWide(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
__ DispatchWide(OperandScale::kDouble);
// ExtraWide
// Prefix bytecode indicating next bytecode has extra-wide (32-bit) operands.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoExtraWide(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
__ DispatchWide(OperandScale::kQuadruple);
// Illegal
// An invalid bytecode aborting execution if dispatched.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoIllegal(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
__ Abort(kInvalidBytecode);
// Nop
// No operation.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoNop(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
__ Dispatch();
// SuspendGenerator <generator>
// Exports the register file and stores it into the generator. Also stores the
// current context, the state given in the accumulator, and the current bytecode
// offset (for debugging purposes) into the generator.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoSuspendGenerator(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* generator_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* flags = __ BytecodeOperandFlag(1);
Node* generator = __ LoadRegister(generator_reg);
Label if_stepping(assembler, Label::kDeferred), ok(assembler);
Node* step_action_address = __ ExternalConstant(
Node* step_action = __ Load(MachineType::Int8(), step_action_address);
STATIC_ASSERT(StepIn > StepNext);
STATIC_ASSERT(LastStepAction == StepIn);
Node* step_next = __ Int32Constant(StepNext);
__ Branch(__ Int32LessThanOrEqual(step_next, step_action), &if_stepping, &ok);
__ Bind(&ok);
Node* array =
__ LoadObjectField(generator, JSGeneratorObject::kRegisterFileOffset);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
Node* state = __ GetAccumulator();
__ ExportRegisterFile(array);
__ StoreObjectField(generator, JSGeneratorObject::kContextOffset, context);
__ StoreObjectField(generator, JSGeneratorObject::kContinuationOffset, state);
Label if_asyncgeneratorawait(assembler), if_notasyncgeneratorawait(assembler),
// Calculate bytecode offset to store in the [input_or_debug_pos] or
// [await_input_or_debug_pos] fields, to be used by the inspector.
Node* offset = __ SmiTag(__ BytecodeOffset());
using AsyncGeneratorAwaitBits = SuspendGeneratorBytecodeFlags::FlagsBits;
__ Branch(__ Word32Equal(__ DecodeWord32<AsyncGeneratorAwaitBits>(flags),
__ Int32Constant(static_cast<int>(
&if_asyncgeneratorawait, &if_notasyncgeneratorawait);
__ Bind(&if_notasyncgeneratorawait);
// For ordinary yields (and for AwaitExpressions in Async Functions, which
// are implemented as ordinary yields), it is safe to write over the
// [input_or_debug_pos] field.
__ StoreObjectField(generator, JSGeneratorObject::kInputOrDebugPosOffset,
__ Goto(&merge);
__ Bind(&if_asyncgeneratorawait);
// An AwaitExpression in an Async Generator requires writing to the
// [await_input_or_debug_pos] field.
__ HasInstanceType(generator, JS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_OBJECT_TYPE));
__ StoreObjectField(
generator, JSAsyncGeneratorObject::kAwaitInputOrDebugPosOffset, offset);
__ Goto(&merge);
__ Bind(&merge);
__ Dispatch();
__ Bind(&if_stepping);
Node* context = __ GetContext();
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kDebugRecordGenerator, context, generator);
__ Goto(&ok);
// ResumeGenerator <generator>
// Imports the register file stored in the generator. Also loads the
// generator's state and stores it in the accumulator, before overwriting it
// with kGeneratorExecuting.
void InterpreterGenerator::DoResumeGenerator(InterpreterAssembler* assembler) {
Node* generator_reg = __ BytecodeOperandReg(0);
Node* generator = __ LoadRegister(generator_reg);
__ ImportRegisterFile(
__ LoadObjectField(generator, JSGeneratorObject::kRegisterFileOffset));
Node* old_state =
__ LoadObjectField(generator, JSGeneratorObject::kContinuationOffset);
Node* new_state = __ Int32Constant(JSGeneratorObject::kGeneratorExecuting);
__ StoreObjectField(generator, JSGeneratorObject::kContinuationOffset,
__ SmiTag(new_state));
__ SetAccumulator(old_state);
__ Dispatch();
} // namespace interpreter
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8