blob: ee49af3b1765430de3e2df7fd187d6c33b167ddd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/peerconnection/adapters/p2p_quic_packet_transport.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/peerconnection/adapters/p2p_quic_transport.h"
#include "third_party/webrtc/api/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/webrtc/rtc_base/rtc_certificate.h"
namespace blink {
// A simple config object for creating a P2PQuicTransport. Its constructor
// guarantees that the required configuration for creating a P2PQuicTransport
// are part of the P2PQuicTransportConfig.
struct P2PQuicTransportConfig final {
// This object is only moveable.
explicit P2PQuicTransportConfig(
quic::Perspective perspective,
const std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>>
uint32_t stream_delegate_read_buffer_size_in,
uint32_t stream_write_buffer_size_in)
: perspective(perspective),
stream_write_buffer_size(stream_write_buffer_size_in) {
DCHECK_GT(stream_delegate_read_buffer_size, 0u);
DCHECK_GT(stream_write_buffer_size, 0u);
// Client or server.
quic::Perspective perspective;
// The certificates are owned by the P2PQuicTransport. These come from
// blink::RTCCertificates:
// This can be empty if pre shared keys are being used to establish a
// connection.
const std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>> certificates;
// The amount that the delegate can store in its read buffer. This is a
// mandatory field that must be set to ensure that the
// P2PQuicStream::Delegate will not give the delegate more data than it can
// store.
const uint32_t stream_delegate_read_buffer_size;
// The amount that the P2PQuicStream will allow to buffer. This is a mandatory
// field that must be set to ensure that the client of the P2PQuicStream does
// not write more data than can be buffered.
const uint32_t stream_write_buffer_size;
// For creating a P2PQuicTransport. This factory should be injected into
// whichever object plans to own and use a P2PQuicTransport. The
// P2PQuicTransportFactory needs to outlive the P2PQuicTransport it creates.
// This object should be run entirely on the webrtc worker thread.
class P2PQuicTransportFactory {
virtual ~P2PQuicTransportFactory() = default;
// Creates the P2PQuicTransport. This should be called on the same
// thread that the P2PQuicTransport will be used on.
// |delegate| receives callbacks from the P2PQuicTransport on the same thread.
// It must outlive the P2PQuicTransport.
// |packet_transport| is used to send and receive UDP packets. It must outlive
// the P2PQuicTransport.
virtual std::unique_ptr<P2PQuicTransport> CreateQuicTransport(
P2PQuicTransport::Delegate* delegate,
P2PQuicPacketTransport* packet_transport,
const P2PQuicTransportConfig& config) = 0;
} // namespace blink