blob: 27d33618ed2d5a563da9b8edd82dd989ed3cbcd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/context_lifecycle_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/typed_arrays/dom_array_piece.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/event_target_modules.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/peerconnection/adapters/quic_transport_proxy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/peerconnection/rtc_ice_transport.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/peerconnection/rtc_quic_parameters.h"
namespace blink {
class DOMArrayBuffer;
class ExceptionState;
class RTCCertificate;
class RTCQuicStream;
class P2PQuicTransportFactory;
enum class RTCQuicTransportState {
// The RTCQuicTransport does not need to be ActiveScriptWrappable since the
// RTCIceTransport to which it is attached holds a strong reference to it as
// long as it is alive.
class MODULES_EXPORT RTCQuicTransport final
: public EventTargetWithInlineData,
public ContextClient,
public QuicTransportProxy::Delegate {
enum class CloseReason {
// stop() was called.
// The remote side closed the QUIC connection.
// The QUIC connection failed.
// The RTCIceTransport was closed.
// The ExecutionContext is being destroyed.
static RTCQuicTransport* Create(ExecutionContext* context,
RTCIceTransport* transport,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
static RTCQuicTransport* Create(
ExecutionContext* context,
RTCIceTransport* transport,
const HeapVector<Member<RTCCertificate>>& certificates,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
static RTCQuicTransport* Create(
ExecutionContext* context,
RTCIceTransport* transport,
const HeapVector<Member<RTCCertificate>>& certificates,
ExceptionState& exception_state,
std::unique_ptr<P2PQuicTransportFactory> p2p_quic_transport_factory);
ExecutionContext* context,
RTCIceTransport* transport,
DOMArrayBuffer* key,
const HeapVector<Member<RTCCertificate>>& certificates,
ExceptionState& exception_state,
std::unique_ptr<P2PQuicTransportFactory> p2p_quic_transport_factory);
~RTCQuicTransport() override;
// Called by the RTCIceTransport when it is being closed.
void OnIceTransportClosed(RTCIceTransport::CloseReason reason);
// Called by the RTCIceTransport when its start() method is called.
void OnIceTransportStarted();
RTCQuicStream* AddStream(QuicStreamProxy* stream_proxy);
void RemoveStream(RTCQuicStream* stream);
RTCIceTransport* transport() const;
// The pre shared key to be used in the QUIC handshake with connect().
// This should be signaled to the remote endpoint and used with the remote
// endpoint's listen() function to begin a connection.
DOMArrayBuffer* getKey() const;
String state() const;
// Note: The listen/connect functions encourage an API user to connect()
// before the remote endpoint has called listen(), which can result in the
// CHLO being sent before the server side is ready. Although the CHLO is
// cached by the RTCIceTransport (if it is connected), the API user is
// encouraged to not connect() until the remote endpoint has called listen().
// An API design with the server side generating the pre shared key would
// enforce this, but we purposely constrained the client side to generate the
// key to enforce that a browser endpoint is generating the key in the case of
// communicating with a non-browser, server side endpoint.
// Begins the QUIC handshake as a client endpoint, using the internal |key_|
// as the pre shared key for the QUIC handshake.
void connect(ExceptionState& exception_state);
// Begins listening for the QUIC handshake as a server endpoint. Uses
// the |remote_key| from the remote side as a pre shared key in the QUIC
// handshake.
void listen(const DOMArrayPiece& remote_key, ExceptionState& exception_state);
// The following APIs that include certificates/parameters (including start())
// are not used (or exposed to JavaScript) until QUIC supports both side
// certificate verification.
RTCQuicParameters* getLocalParameters() const;
RTCQuicParameters* getRemoteParameters() const;
const HeapVector<Member<RTCCertificate>>& getCertificates() const;
const HeapVector<Member<DOMArrayBuffer>>& getRemoteCertificates() const;
void start(RTCQuicParameters* remote_parameters,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
void stop();
RTCQuicStream* createStream(ExceptionState& exception_state);
DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(statechange, kStatechange);
// EventTarget overrides.
const AtomicString& InterfaceName() const override;
ExecutionContext* GetExecutionContext() const override;
// For garbage collection.
void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor) override;
enum class StartReason {
// listen() was called with the remote key.
// connect() was called.
// start() was called with the remote fingerprints.
// Note that start() is not currently exposed to JavaScript.
// Initial default state.
// QuicTransportProxy::Delegate overrides;
void OnConnected() override;
void OnConnectionFailed(const std::string& error_details,
bool from_remote) override;
void OnRemoteStopped() override;
void OnStream(QuicStreamProxy* stream_proxy) override;
// Starts the underlying QUIC connection, by creating the underlying QUIC
// transport objects and starting the QUIC handshake.
void StartConnection(quic::Perspective role,
P2PQuicTransport::StartConfig start_config);
// Permenantly closes the RTCQuicTransport with the given reason.
// The RTCQuicTransport must not already be closed or failed.
// This will transition the state to either closed or failed according to the
// reason.
void Close(CloseReason reason);
bool IsClosed() const { return state_ == RTCQuicTransportState::kClosed; }
// The transport is no longer usable once it has reached the "failed" or
// "closed" state.
bool IsDisposed() const {
return (state_ == RTCQuicTransportState::kClosed ||
state_ == RTCQuicTransportState::kFailed);
bool RaiseExceptionIfClosed(ExceptionState& exception_state) const;
bool RaiseExceptionIfStarted(ExceptionState& exception_state) const;
Member<RTCIceTransport> transport_;
RTCQuicTransportState state_ = RTCQuicTransportState::kNew;
StartReason start_reason_ = StartReason::kNotStarted;
// The pre shared key to be used in the QUIC handshake. It is used with
// connect() on the local side, and listen() on the remote side.
Member<DOMArrayBuffer> key_;
// The certificates/parameters are not being used until the QUIC library
// supports both side certificate verification in the crypto handshake.
HeapVector<Member<RTCCertificate>> certificates_;
HeapVector<Member<DOMArrayBuffer>> remote_certificates_;
Member<RTCQuicParameters> remote_parameters_;
std::unique_ptr<P2PQuicTransportFactory> p2p_quic_transport_factory_;
std::unique_ptr<QuicTransportProxy> proxy_;
HeapHashSet<Member<RTCQuicStream>> streams_;
} // namespace blink