blob: c643291615d336a1e84c14d9cc86f6b2062ef031 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview API used for bi-directional communication between frames and
* the native code.
* Namespace for this module.
__gCrWeb.message = {};
// Store message namespace object in a global __gCrWeb object referenced by a
// string, so it does not get renamed by closure compiler during the
// minification.
__gCrWeb['message'] = __gCrWeb.message;
/* Beginning of anonymous object. */
(function() {
* Boolean to track if messaging is suspended. While suspended, messages will be
* queued and sent once messaging is no longer suspended.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
var messaging_suspended_ = true;
* Object to manage queue of messages waiting to be sent to the main
* application for asynchronous processing.
* @type {Object}
* @private
var messageQueue_ = {
scheme: 'crwebinvoke',
reset: function() {
messageQueue_.queue = [];
// Since the array will be JSON serialized, protect against non-standard
// custom versions of Array.prototype.toJSON.
delete messageQueue_.queue.toJSON;
* Unique identifier for this frame.
* @type {?string}
* @private
var frameId_ = null;
* The encryption key to decrypt messages received from native code.
* @type {?webCrypto.CryptoKey}
* @private
var frameSymmetricKey_ = null;
* The ID of the last processed message. If a received message has an ID less
* than or equal to |lastReceivedMessageId_|, it will be ignored.
* @type {number}
* @private
var lastReceivedMessageId_ = -1;
* Invokes a command on the Objective-C side.
* @param {Object} command The command in a JavaScript object.
* @public
__gCrWeb.message.invokeOnHost = function(command) {
* Returns the message queue as a string.
* @return {string} The current message queue as a JSON string.
__gCrWeb.message.getMessageQueue = function() {
var messageQueueString = __gCrWeb.common.JSONStringify(messageQueue_.queue);
return messageQueueString;
* Sends both queues if they contain messages.
__gCrWeb.message.invokeQueues = function() {
if (messageQueue_.queue.length > 0) sendQueue_(messageQueue_);
function sendQueue_(queueObject) {
if (messaging_suspended_) {
// Leave messages queued if messaging is suspended.
var windowId = null;
try {
windowId =['windowId'];
// Do nothing if windowId has not been set.
if (typeof windowId != 'string') {
} catch (e) {
// A SecurityError will be thrown if this is a cross origin iframe. Allow
// sending the message in this case and it will be filtered by frameID.
if ( !== 'SecurityError') {
throw e;
// Some pages/plugins implement Object.prototype.toJSON, which can result
// in serializing messageQueue_ to an invalid format.
var originalObjectToJSON = Object.prototype.toJSON;
if (originalObjectToJSON) delete Object.prototype.toJSON;
queueObject.queue.forEach(function(command) {
var message = {
'crwCommand': command,
'crwFrameId': __gCrWeb.message['getFrameId']()
if (windowId) {
message['crwWindowId'] = windowId;
__gCrWeb.common.sendWebKitMessage(queueObject.scheme, message);
if (originalObjectToJSON) {
// Restore Object.prototype.toJSON to prevent from breaking any
// functionality on the page that depends on its custom implementation.
Object.prototype.toJSON = originalObjectToJSON;
* Returns whether or not frame messaging is supported for this frame.
* @returns true if frame messaging is supported, false otherwise.
var isFrameMessagingSupported_ = function() {
// - Only secure contexts support the crypto.subtle API.
// - Even though iOS 10 supports window.crypto.webkitSubtle instead of
// window.crypto.subtle, the AES-GCM cipher suite is not supported, so
// support will only be used from the official WebCrypto API.
// TODO( Remove comment once only iOS 11+ is supported.
return window.isSecureContext && typeof window.crypto.subtle === 'object';
* Exports |frameSymmetricKey_| as a base64 string. Key will be created if it
* does not already exist.
* @param {function(string)} callback A callback to be run with the exported
* base64 key.
var exportKey_ = function(callback) {
// Early return with an empty key string if encryption is not supported in
// this frame.
if (!isFrameMessagingSupported_()) {
try {
getFrameSymmetricKey_(function(key) {
window.crypto.subtle.exportKey('raw', key)
.then(function(/** @type {ArrayBuffer} */ k) {
var keyBytes = new Uint8Array(k);
var key64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, keyBytes));
} catch (error) {
// AES-GCM will not be supported if a web developer overrode
// window.crypto.subtle with window.crypto.webkitSubtle on iOS 10.
* Runs |callback| with the key associated with this frame. The key will be
* created if necessary. The key will persist as long as this JavaScript context
* lives. For example, the key will be the same when navigating 'back' to this
* frame.
* @param {function(!webCrypto.CryptoKey)} callback A callback to be run with
* the key.
var getFrameSymmetricKey_ = function(callback) {
if (frameSymmetricKey_) {
{'name': 'AES-GCM', 'length': 256},
['decrypt', 'encrypt']
).then(function(/** @type {!webCrypto.CryptoKey} */ key) {
frameSymmetricKey_ = key;
* Sends |result| to the native application as the return value from the
* execution of the message with |messageId|.
* @param {number} messageId The message ID which the response is associated.
* @param {?Object} result The response to send.
var replyWithResult_ = function(messageId, result) {
var replyCommand = 'frameMessaging_' +
__gCrWeb.message['getFrameId']() + '.reply';
var response = {
'command': replyCommand,
'messageId': messageId
if (typeof result !== 'undefined') {
response['result'] = result
* Executes |functionName| on __gCrWeb with the given |parameters|.
* @param {!string} functionPath The function to execute on __gCrWeb. Components
* may be separated by periods. For example: messaging.function
* @param {!Array} parameters The parameters to pass to |functionName|.
* @return The return value of executing |functionName| or null if it couldn't
* be executed.
var callGCrWebFunction_ = function(functionPath, parameters) {
var functionReference = __gCrWeb;
var functionComponents = functionPath.split('.');
var numComponents = functionComponents.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) {
var component = functionComponents[i];
functionReference = functionReference[component];
if (!functionReference) {
return null;
return functionReference.apply(null, parameters);
* Decrypts and executes the function specified in |payload|.
* @param {!string} payload The encrypted message payload.
* @param {!string} iv The initialization vector used to encrypt the |payload|.
var executeMessage_ = function(payload, iv) {
if (!frameSymmetricKey_) {
// Payload cannot be decrypted without a key. This message could be spam or
// sent by the native application by mistake.
// Decode the base64 payload.
var encryptedFunctionArray =
new Uint8Array(Array.from(atob(payload)).map(function(a) {
return a.charCodeAt(0);
// Decode the base64 initialization buffer.
var ivbuf = new Uint8Array(Array.from(atob(iv)).map(function(a) {
return a.charCodeAt(0);
var algorithm = {'name': 'AES-GCM', iv: ivbuf};
getFrameSymmetricKey_(function(frameKey) {
window.crypto.subtle.decrypt(algorithm, frameKey, encryptedFunctionArray)
.then(function(decrypted) {
var callJSON =
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(decrypted));
var callDict = JSON.parse(callJSON);
// Verify that message id is valid.
if (!Number.isInteger(callDict['messageId']) ||
callDict['messageId'] <= lastReceivedMessageId_) {
// Check that a function name and parameters are specified.
if (typeof callDict['functionName'] !== 'string' ||
callDict['functionName'].length < 1 ||
!Array.isArray(callDict['parameters'])) {
lastReceivedMessageId_ = callDict['messageId'];
var result =
callGCrWebFunction_(callDict['functionName'], callDict['parameters']);
if (typeof callDict['replyWithResult'] === 'boolean' &&
callDict['replyWithResult']) {
replyWithResult_(callDict['messageId'], result);
* Returns the frameId associated with this frame. A new value will be created
* for this frame the first time it is called. The frameId will persist as long
* as this JavaScript context lives. For example, the frameId will be the same
* when navigating 'back' to this frame.
* @return {string} A string representing a unique identifier for this frame.
__gCrWeb.message['getFrameId'] = function() {
if (!frameId_) {
// Generate 128 bit unique identifier.
var components = new Uint32Array(4);
frameId_ = '';
for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
// Convert value to base16 string and append to the |frameId_|.
frameId_ += components[i].toString(16);
return /** @type {string} */ (frameId_);
* Routes an encrypted message to the targeted frame. Once the target frame is
* found, the |payload| will be decrypted and executed. This function is called
* by the native code.
* @param {!string} payload The encrypted message payload.
* @param {!string} iv The initialization vector used to encrypt the |payload|.
* @param {!string} target_frame_id The |frameId_| of the frame which should
* process the |payload|.
__gCrWeb.message['routeMessage'] = function(payload, iv, target_frame_id) {
if (!isFrameMessagingSupported_()) {
// API is unsupported.
if (target_frame_id === __gCrWeb.message['getFrameId']()) {
executeMessage_(payload, iv);
var framecount = window.frames.length;
for (var i = 0; i < framecount; i++) {
type: 'org.chromium.encryptedMessage',
payload: payload,
iv: iv,
target_frame_id: target_frame_id
* Creates (or gets the existing) encryption key and sends it to the native
* application.
__gCrWeb.message['registerFrame'] = function() {
exportKey_(function(frameKey) {
__gCrWeb.common.sendWebKitMessage('FrameBecameAvailable', {
'crwFrameId': __gCrWeb.message['getFrameId'](),
'crwFrameKey': frameKey,
'crwFrameLastReceivedMessageId': lastReceivedMessageId_
// Allow messaging now that the frame has been registered and send any
// already queued messages.
messaging_suspended_ = false;
* Registers this frame with the native code and forwards the message to any
* child frames.
* This needs to be called by the native application on each navigation
* because no JavaScript events are fired reliably when a page is displayed and
* hidden. This is especially important when a page remains alive and is re-used
* from the WebKit page cache.
* TODO( In iOS 12, the JavaScript pageshow and pagehide
* events seem reliable, so replace this exposed
* function with a pageshow event listener.
__gCrWeb.message['getExistingFrames'] = function() {
var framecount = window['frames']['length'];
for (var i = 0; i < framecount; i++) {
{type: 'org.chromium.registerForFrameMessaging',},