[Devtools] Filtering in the Network panel as ORing two regex tests breaks

Fixed regex filtering in the Network panel as ORing two regex tests breaks
in some situatons, such as negative lookaheads. For example, if you are to
filter out "foo", and you have the request Name property as "bob.js" and the
Path as "/path/foo", then the regex is true for Name and false for Path.
This results in: true || false === true. It would only filter out if both
contained "foo" in them.

We now concatenate the Path and Name together, with a "/" to join. This is
also more intuitive, as it will allow first character matching on Path.


Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2180743002
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#411252}
2 files changed