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<title>Tests for PaymentRequest interface</title>
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function substitute(originalObject, substituteKeyValuePair) {
for (var key in originalObject) {
if (originalObject.hasOwnProperty(key) && substituteKeyValuePair.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
originalObject[key] = substituteKeyValuePair[key];
function buildItem(optionalSubstituteKeyValuePair) {
var item = {'id': 'item_id', 'label': 'Item Description', 'amount': {'currency': 'USD', 'value': '10.00'}};
if (optionalSubstituteKeyValuePair) {
substitute(item, optionalSubstituteKeyValuePair);
substitute(item['amount'], optionalSubstituteKeyValuePair);
return item;
function buildDetails(optionalDetailName, optionalSubstituteKeyValuePair) {
var details = {};
var detailNames = ['displayItems', 'shippingOptions'];
assert_true(!optionalDetailName || detailNames.indexOf(optionalDetailName) >= 0, 'Detail name "' + optionalDetailName + '" should be either "displayItems" or "shippingOptions".');
for (var i in detailNames) {
if (optionalDetailName == detailNames[i]) {
details[detailNames[i]] = [buildItem(optionalSubstituteKeyValuePair)];
} else {
details[detailNames[i]] = [buildItem()];
return details;
test(function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {}, {});
}, 'Creating a PaymentRequest with empty parameters should not throw or crash.');
test(function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {}, {}, '');
}, 'Creating a PaymentRequest with extra parameters should not throw or crash.');
test(function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails());
}, 'Creating a PaymentRequest with omitted optional parameters should not throw or crash.');
test(function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), undefined, undefined);
}, 'Creating a PaymentRequest with undefined optional parameters should not throw or crash.');
test(function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), null, null);
}, 'Creating a PaymentRequest with null optional parameters should not throw or crash.');
test(function() {
var request = new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails());
assert_readonly(request, 'shippingAddress', 'PaymentRequest should have a readonly shippingAddress property.');
assert_readonly(request, 'shippingOption', 'PaymentRequest should have a readonly shippingOption property.');
}, 'PaymentRequest should have readonly shippingAddress and shippingOption properties.');
test(function() {
var request = new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails());
assert_not_equals(request.onshippingaddresschange, undefined, 'PaymentRequest should have onShippingAddressChange event.');
assert_not_equals(request.onshippingoptionchange, undefined, 'PaymentRequest should have onShippingOptionChange event.');
}, 'PaymentRequest should have onShippingAddressChange and onShippingOptionChange events.');
test(function() {
var request = new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails());
assert_not_equals(request.abort, undefined, 'PaymentRequest should have abort() method.');
assert_not_equals(, undefined, 'PaymentRequest should have show() method.');
}, 'PaymentRequest should have methods abort() and show().');
test(function() {
var request = new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails());;
}, 'PaymentRequest.abort() and should take no parameters.');
test(function() {
var request = new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {'requestShipping': true}, {'foo': {'gateway': 'bar'}});;
}, 'Valid data causes no errors.');
test(function() {
var request = new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails('shippingOptions', {'id': 'standard'}));
assert_equals(null, request.shippingOption);
}, 'Shipping option identifier should be null if shipping request is omitted.');
test(function() {
var request = new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails('shippingOptions', {'id': 'standard'}), {'requestShipping': false});
assert_equals(null, request.shippingOption);
}, 'Shipping option identifier should be null if shipping is explicitly not requested.');
test(function() {
var request = new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails('shippingOptions', {'id': 'standard'}), {'requestShipping': true});
assert_equals('standard', request.shippingOption);
}, 'Shipping option identifier should default to the single provided option.');
test(function() {
var request = new PaymentRequest(['foo'], {'displayItems': [buildItem()]}, {'requestShipping': true});
assert_equals(null, request.shippingOption);
}, 'Shipping option identifier should be null when no shipping options are provided.');
test(function() {
var request = new PaymentRequest(['foo'], {'displayItems': [buildItem()], 'shippingOptions': [buildItem({'id': 'standard'}), buildItem({'id': 'express'})]}, {'requestShipping': true});
assert_equals(null, request.shippingOption);
}, 'Shipping option identifier should be null at first when multiple shipping options are provided.');
generate_tests(assert_throws, [
['PaymentRequest constructor should throw for incorrect parameter types.', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest('', '', '', '')
['PaymentRequest constructor should throw for undefined required parameters.', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(undefined, undefined)
['PaymentRequest constructor should throw for null required parameter.', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(null, null)
['Empty list of supported payment method identifiers should throw TypeError.', new TypeError(), function() {
new PaymentRequest([], buildDetails())
['Keys in payment method specific data object should match accepted method identifiers.', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {}, {'bar': {'gateway': 'baz'}})
['Empty details should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], {})
['Empty items should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], {'displayItems': []})
['Aborting before showing should throw.', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails()).abort()
// Payment method specific data should be a JSON-serializable object.
['Array value for payment method specific data parameter should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {}, [])
['String value for payment method specific data parameter should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {}, 'foo')
['Numeric value for payment method specific data parameter should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {}, 42)
['Infinite JSON value for one of the payment method specific data pieces should throw', null, function() {
var infiniteData = {'foo': {}}; = infiniteData;
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {}, infiniteData)
// Values in payment method specific data object should be JSON-serializable objects.
['Array value for one of the payment method specific data pieces should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {}, {'foo': []})
['String value for one of the payment method specific data pieces should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {}, {'foo': 'bar'})
['Numeric value for one of the payment method specific data pieces should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(), {}, {'foo': 42})
var detailNames = ['displayItems', 'shippingOptions'];
for (var i in detailNames) {
generate_tests(assert_throws, [
// Invalid currency code formats.
['Invalid currency code US1 should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'currency': 'US1'}))
['Invalid currency code US should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'currency': 'US'}))
['Invalid currency code USDO should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'currency': 'USDO'}))
['Invalid currency code usd should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'currency': 'usd'}))
['Empty currency code should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'currency': ''}))
['Null currency code should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'currency': null}))
['Undefined currency code should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'currency': undefined}))
// Invalid amount formats.
['Invalid amount "-" should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': '-'}))
['Invalid amount "notdigits" should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': 'notdigits'}))
['Invalid amount "ALSONOTDIGITS" should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': 'ALSONOTDIGITS'}))
['Invalid amount "10." should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': '10.'}))
['Invalid amount ".99" should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': '.99'}))
['Invalid amount "-10." should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': '-10.'}))
['Invalid amount "-.99" should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': '-.99'}))
['Invalid amount "10-" should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': '10-'}))
['Invalid amount "1-0" should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': '1-0'}))
['Invalid amount "1.0.0" should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': '1.0.0'}))
['Invalid amount "1/3" should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': '1/3'}))
['Empty amount should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': ''}))
['Null amount should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': null}))
['Undefined amount should throw', null, function() {
new PaymentRequest(['foo'], buildDetails(detailNames[i], {'value': undefined}))