blob: 49ef81a19e898f19811cfcef6295e4510a571830 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Responds to route changes by expanding, collapsing, or scrolling to sections
* on the page. Expanded sections take up the full height of the container. At
* most one section should be expanded at any given time.
* @polymerBehavior MainPageBehavior
const MainPageBehaviorImpl = {
properties: {
* Help CSS to alter style during the horizontal swipe animation.
* Note that this is unrelated to the |currentAnimation_| (which refers to
* the vertical expand animation).
isSubpageAnimating: {
reflectToAttribute: true,
type: Boolean,
* Whether a search operation is in progress or previous search results are
* being displayed.
* @private {boolean}
inSearchMode: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
observer: 'inSearchModeChanged_',
/** @type {?HTMLElement} The scrolling container. */
scroller: null,
listeners: {'neon-animation-finish': 'onNeonAnimationFinish_'},
/** @override */
attached: function() {
this.scroller = this.domHost ? this.domHost.parentNode : document.body;
* Remove the is-animating attribute once the animation is complete.
* This may catch animations finishing more often than needed, which is not
* known to cause any issues (e.g. when animating from a shallower page to a
* deeper page; or when transitioning to the main page).
* @private
onNeonAnimationFinish_: function() {
this.isSubpageAnimating = false;
* @param {!settings.Route} newRoute
* @param {settings.Route} oldRoute
currentRouteChanged: function(newRoute, oldRoute) {
const oldRouteWasSection = !!oldRoute && !!oldRoute.parent &&
!!oldRoute.section && oldRoute.parent.section != oldRoute.section;
if (this.scroller) {
// When navigating from a section to the root route, we just need to
// scroll to the top, and can early exit afterwards.
if (oldRouteWasSection && newRoute == settings.routes.BASIC) {
this.scroller.scrollTop = 0;
// When navigating to the About page, we need to scroll to the top, and
// still do the rest of section management.
if (newRoute == settings.routes.ABOUT)
this.scroller.scrollTop = 0;
// Scroll to the section except for back/forward. Also scroll for any
// in-page back/forward navigations (from a section or the root page).
// Also always scroll when coming from either the About or root page.
const scrollToSection = !settings.lastRouteChangeWasPopstate() ||
oldRouteWasSection || oldRoute == settings.routes.BASIC ||
oldRoute == settings.routes.ABOUT;
// TODO(dschuyler): This doesn't set the flag in the case of going to or
// from the main page. It seems sensible to set the flag in those cases,
// unfortunately bug 708465 happens. Figure out why that is and then set
// this flag more broadly.
if (oldRoute && oldRoute.isSubpage() && newRoute.isSubpage())
this.isSubpageAnimating = true;
// For previously uncreated pages (including on first load), allow the page
// to render before scrolling to or expanding the section.
if (!oldRoute) {'hide-container');
setTimeout(() => {'show-container');
this.tryTransitionToSection_(scrollToSection, true);
} else if (this.scrollHeight == 0) {
setTimeout(this.tryTransitionToSection_.bind(this, scrollToSection));
} else {
* When exiting search mode, we need to make another attempt to scroll to
* the correct section, since it has just been re-rendered.
* @private
inSearchModeChanged_: function(inSearchMode) {
if (!this.isAttached)
if (!inSearchMode)
* If possible, transitions to the current route's section (by expanding or
* scrolling to it). If another transition is running, finishes or cancels
* that one, then schedules this function again. This ensures the current
* section is quickly shown, without getting the page into a broken state --
* if currentRoute changes in between calls, just transition to the new route.
* @param {boolean} scrollToSection
* @param {boolean=} immediate Whether to instantly expand instead of animate.
* @private
tryTransitionToSection_: function(scrollToSection, immediate) {
const currentRoute = settings.getCurrentRoute();
const currentSection = this.getSection(currentRoute.section);
// If an animation is already playing, try finishing or canceling it.
if (this.currentAnimation_) {
// Either way, this function will be called again once the current
// animation ends.
let promise;
const expandedSection = /** @type {?SettingsSectionElement} */ (
if (expandedSection) {
// If the section shouldn't be expanded, collapse it.
if (!currentRoute.isSubpage() || expandedSection != currentSection) {
promise = this.collapseSection_(expandedSection);
} else {
// Scroll to top while sliding to another subpage.
this.scroller.scrollTop = 0;
} else if (currentSection) {
// Expand the section into a subpage or scroll to it on the main page.
if (currentRoute.isSubpage()) {
if (immediate)
promise = this.expandSection_(currentSection);
} else if (scrollToSection) {;
} else if (
this.tagName == 'SETTINGS-BASIC-PAGE' && settings.routes.ADVANCED &&
settings.routes.ADVANCED.contains(currentRoute) &&
// Need to exclude routes that correspond to 'non-sectioned' children of
// ADVANCED, otherwise tryTransitionToSection_ will recurse endlessly.
!currentRoute.isNavigableDialog) {
// Hide the container again while Advanced Page template is being loaded.'hide-container');
promise = this.$$('#advancedPageTemplate').get();
// When this animation ends, another may be necessary. Call this function
// again after the promise resolves.
if (promise) {
promise.then(this.tryTransitionToSection_.bind(this, scrollToSection))
.then(() => {'show-container');
* If the current animation is inconsistent with the current route, stops the
* animation by finishing or canceling it so the new route can be animated to.
* @private
maybeStopCurrentAnimation_: function() {
const currentRoute = settings.getCurrentRoute();
const animatingSection = /** @type {?SettingsSectionElement} */ (
this.$$('settings-section.expanding, settings-section.collapsing'));
if (animatingSection.classList.contains('expanding')) {
// Cancel the animation to go back to the main page if the animating
// section shouldn't be expanded.
if (animatingSection.section != currentRoute.section ||
!currentRoute.isSubpage()) {
// Otherwise, let the expand animation continue.
if (!currentRoute.isSubpage())
// If the collapsing section actually matches the current route's section,
// we can just cancel the animation to re-expand the section.
if (animatingSection.section == currentRoute.section) {
// The current route is a subpage, so that section needs to expand.
// Immediately finish the current collapse animation so that can happen.
* Immediately expand the card in |section| to fill the page.
* @param {!SettingsSectionElement} section
* @private
expandSectionImmediate_: function(section) {
// TODO(scottchen): iron-list inside subpages need this to render correctly.'resize');
* Animates the card in |section|, expanding it to fill the page.
* @param {!SettingsSectionElement} section
* @return {!Promise} Resolved when the transition is finished or canceled.
* @private
expandSection_: function(section) {
if (!section.canAnimateExpand()) {
// Try to wait for the section to be created.
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Save the scroller position before freezing it.
this.origScrollTop_ = this.scroller.scrollTop;'freeze-scroll', true);
// Freeze the section's height so its card can be removed from the flow.
this.currentAnimation_ = section.animateExpand(this.scroller);
return this.currentAnimation_.finished
() => {
() => {
// The animation was canceled; restore the section and scroll
// position.
this.scroller.scrollTop = this.origScrollTop_;
.then(() => {'freeze-scroll', false);
this.currentAnimation_ = null;
/** @private */
finishedExpanding_: function(section) {
// Hide other sections and scroll to the top of the subpage.
this.toggleOtherSectionsHidden_(section.section, true);
this.scroller.scrollTop = 0;
// Notify that the page is fully expanded.'subpage-expand');
* Animates the card in |section|, collapsing it back into its section.
* @param {!SettingsSectionElement} section
* @return {!Promise} Resolved when the transition is finished or canceled.
collapseSection_: function(section) {
// Don't animate the collapse if we are transitioning between Basic/Advanced
// and About, since the section won't be visible.
const needAnimate =
settings.routes.ABOUT.contains(settings.getCurrentRoute()) ==
(section.domHost.tagName == 'SETTINGS-ABOUT-PAGE');
// Animate the collapse if the section knows the original height, except
// when switching between Basic/Advanced and About.
const shouldAnimateCollapse = needAnimate && section.canAnimateCollapse();
if (shouldAnimateCollapse) {'freeze-scroll', true);
// Do the initial collapse setup, which takes the section out of the flow,
// before showing everything.
} else {
// Show everything.
this.toggleOtherSectionsHidden_(section.section, false);
if (!shouldAnimateCollapse) {
// Finish by restoring the section into the page.
return Promise.resolve();
// Play the actual collapse animation.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Wait for the other sections to show up so we can scroll properly.
setTimeout(() => {
const newSection = settings.getCurrentRoute().section &&
// Scroll to the new section or the original position.
if (newSection && !settings.lastRouteChangeWasPopstate() &&
!settings.getCurrentRoute().isSubpage()) {
} else {
this.scroller.scrollTop = this.origScrollTop_;
this.currentAnimation_ = section.animateCollapse(
/** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (this.scroller));
.catch(() => {
// The collapse was canceled, so the page is showing a subpage
// still.'subpage-expand');
.then(() => {
// Clean up after the animation succeeds or cancels.
section.classList.remove('collapsing');'freeze-scroll', false);
this.currentAnimation_ = null;
* Hides or unhides the sections not being expanded.
* @param {string} sectionName The section to keep visible.
* @param {boolean} hidden Whether the sections should be hidden.
* @private
toggleOtherSectionsHidden_: function(sectionName, hidden) {
const sections =
for (let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++)
sections[i].hidden = hidden && (sections[i].section != sectionName);
* Helper function to get a section from the local DOM.
* @param {string} section Section name of the element to get.
* @return {?SettingsSectionElement}
getSection: function(section) {
if (!section)
return null;
return /** @type {?SettingsSectionElement} */ (
this.$$('settings-section[section="' + section + '"]'));
/** @polymerBehavior */
const MainPageBehavior = [