blob: 6f0fe9bd1ae45b13bdd7cdbbb79705089431d8c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* The root of the file manager's view managing the DOM of the Files app.
* @param {!ProvidersModel} providersModel Model for providers.
* @param {!HTMLElement} element Top level element of the Files app.
* @param {!LaunchParam} launchParam Launch param.
* @constructor
* @struct
function FileManagerUI(providersModel, element, launchParam) {
// Pre-populate the static localized strings.
i18nTemplate.process(element.ownerDocument, loadTimeData);
// Initialize the dialog label. This should be done before constructing dialog
// instances.
cr.ui.dialogs.BaseDialog.OK_LABEL = str('OK_LABEL');
cr.ui.dialogs.BaseDialog.CANCEL_LABEL = str('CANCEL_LABEL');
* Top level element of the Files app.
* @type {!HTMLElement}
this.element = element;
* Dialog type.
* @type {DialogType}
* @private
this.dialogType_ = launchParam.type;
* <hr> elements in cr.ui.Menu.
* This is a workaround for This member variable is just for
* keeping explicit reference to decorated <hr>s to prevent GC from collecting
* <hr> wrappers, and not used anywhere.
* TODO(fukino): Remove this member variable once the root cause is fixed.
* @private {!Array<!Element>}
this.separators_ = []'cr-menu > hr'));
* Error dialog.
* @type {!ErrorDialog}
* @const
this.errorDialog = new ErrorDialog(this.element);
* Alert dialog.
* @type {!FilesAlertDialog}
* @const
this.alertDialog = new FilesAlertDialog(this.element);
* Confirm dialog.
* @type {!FilesConfirmDialog}
* @const
this.confirmDialog = new FilesConfirmDialog(this.element);
* Confirm dialog for delete.
* @type {!FilesConfirmDialog}
* @const
this.deleteConfirmDialog = new FilesConfirmDialog(this.element);
* Confirm dialog for file move operation.
* @type {!FilesConfirmDialog}
* @const
this.moveConfirmDialog = new FilesConfirmDialog(this.element);
* Confirm dialog for file copy operation.
* @type {!FilesConfirmDialog}
* @const
this.copyConfirmDialog = new FilesConfirmDialog(this.element);
* Multi-profile share dialog.
* @type {!MultiProfileShareDialog}
* @const
this.multiProfileShareDialog = new MultiProfileShareDialog(this.element);
* Default task picker.
* @type {!cr.filebrowser.DefaultTaskDialog}
* @const
this.defaultTaskPicker =
new cr.filebrowser.DefaultTaskDialog(this.element);
* Suggest apps dialog.
* @type {!SuggestAppsDialog}
* @const
this.suggestAppsDialog = new SuggestAppsDialog(
providersModel, this.element, launchParam.suggestAppsDialogState);
* Dialog for installing .deb files
* @type {!cr.filebrowser.InstallLinuxPackageDialog}
* @const
this.installLinuxPackageDialog =
new cr.filebrowser.InstallLinuxPackageDialog(this.element);
* The container element of the dialog.
* @type {!HTMLElement}
this.dialogContainer =
queryRequiredElement('.dialog-container', this.element);
* Context menu for texts.
* @type {!cr.ui.Menu}
* @const
this.textContextMenu = util.queryDecoratedElement(
'#text-context-menu', cr.ui.Menu);
* Location line.
* @type {LocationLine}
this.locationLine = null;
* The toolbar which contains controls.
* @type {!HTMLElement}
* @const
this.toolbar = queryRequiredElement('.dialog-header', this.element);
* The actionbar which contains buttons to perform actions on selected
* file(s).
* @type {!HTMLElement}
* @const
this.actionbar = queryRequiredElement('#action-bar', this.toolbar);
* The navigation list.
* @type {!HTMLElement}
* @const
this.dialogNavigationList =
queryRequiredElement('.dialog-navigation-list', this.element);
* Search box.
* @type {!SearchBox}
* @const
this.searchBox = new SearchBox(
queryRequiredElement('#search-box', this.element),
queryRequiredElement('#search-button', this.element));
* Empty folder UI.
* @type {!EmptyFolder}
* @const
this.emptyFolder = new EmptyFolder(
queryRequiredElement('#empty-folder', this.element));
* Toggle-view button.
* @type {!Element}
* @const
this.toggleViewButton = queryRequiredElement('#view-button', this.element);
* The button to sort the file list.
* @type {!cr.ui.MenuButton}
* @const
this.sortButton = util.queryDecoratedElement(
'#sort-button', cr.ui.MenuButton);
* Ripple effect of sort button.
* @type {!FilesToggleRipple}
* @const
this.sortButtonToggleRipple =
/** @type {!FilesToggleRipple} */ (queryRequiredElement(
'files-toggle-ripple', this.sortButton));
* The button to open gear menu.
* @type {!cr.ui.MenuButton}
* @const
this.gearButton = util.queryDecoratedElement(
'#gear-button', cr.ui.MenuButton);
* The button to add new service (file system providers).
* @type {!cr.ui.MenuButton}
* @const
this.newServiceButton =
util.queryDecoratedElement('#new-service-button', cr.ui.MenuButton);
* Ripple effect of gear button.
* @type {!FilesToggleRipple}
* @const
this.gearButtonToggleRipple =
/** @type {!FilesToggleRipple} */ (queryRequiredElement(
'files-toggle-ripple', this.gearButton));
* @type {!GearMenu}
* @const
this.gearMenu = new GearMenu(;
* The button to open context menu in the check-select mode.
* @type {!cr.ui.MenuButton}
* @const
this.selectionMenuButton =
util.queryDecoratedElement('#selection-menu-button', cr.ui.MenuButton);
* Directory tree.
* @type {DirectoryTree}
this.directoryTree = null;
* Progress center panel.
* @type {!ProgressCenterPanel}
* @const
this.progressCenterPanel = new ProgressCenterPanel(
queryRequiredElement('#progress-center', this.element));
* List container.
* @type {ListContainer}
this.listContainer = null;
* @type {!HTMLElement}
this.formatPanelError =
queryRequiredElement('#format-panel > .error', this.element);
* @type {!cr.ui.Menu}
* @const
this.fileContextMenu = util.queryDecoratedElement(
'#file-context-menu', cr.ui.Menu);
* @type {!HTMLMenuItemElement}
* @const
this.fileContextMenu.defaultTaskMenuItem =
/** @type {!HTMLMenuItemElement} */
(queryRequiredElement('#default-task-menu-item', this.fileContextMenu));
* @const {!cr.ui.MenuItem}
this.fileContextMenu.tasksSeparator = /** @type {!cr.ui.MenuItem} */
(queryRequiredElement('#tasks-separator', this.fileContextMenu));
* The combo button to specify the task.
* @type {!cr.ui.ComboButton}
* @const
this.taskMenuButton = util.queryDecoratedElement(
'#tasks', cr.ui.ComboButton);
this.taskMenuButton.showMenu = function(shouldSetFocus) {
// Prevent the empty menu from opening.
if (!
return;, shouldSetFocus);
* The menu button for share options
* @type {!cr.ui.MenuButton}
* @const
this.shareMenuButton =
util.queryDecoratedElement('#share-menu-button', cr.ui.MenuButton);
var shareMenuButtonToggleRipple =
/** @type {!FilesToggleRipple} */ (
queryRequiredElement('files-toggle-ripple', this.shareMenuButton));
this.shareMenuButton.addEventListener('menushow', function() {
shareMenuButtonToggleRipple.activated = true;
this.shareMenuButton.addEventListener('menuhide', function() {
shareMenuButtonToggleRipple.activated = false;
* Banners in the file list.
* @type {Banners}
this.banners = null;
* Dialog footer.
* @type {!DialogFooter}
this.dialogFooter = DialogFooter.findDialogFooter(
this.dialogType_, /** @type {!Document} */ (this.element.ownerDocument));
* @public {!ProvidersMenu}
* @const
this.providersMenu = new ProvidersMenu(providersModel,
util.queryDecoratedElement('#add-new-services-menu', cr.ui.Menu));
* @public {!ActionsSubmenu}
* @const
this.actionsSubmenu = new ActionsSubmenu(this.fileContextMenu);
* @type {!FilesToast}
* @const
this.toast =
/** @type {!FilesToast} */ (document.querySelector('files-toast'));
// Initialize attributes.
this.element.setAttribute('type', this.dialogType_);
// Hack: make menuitems focusable. Since the menuitems in the Files app is not
// button so it doesn't have a tabfocus in nature. It prevents Chromevox from
// speeaching because the opened menu is closed when the non-focusable object
// tries to get the focus.
var menuitems = document.querySelectorAll(' > :not(hr)');
for (var i = 0; i < menuitems.length; i++) {
// Make menuitems focusable. The value can be any non-negative value,
// because pressing 'Tab' key on menu is handled and we don't need to mind
// the taborder and the destination of tabfocus.
if (!menuitems[i].hasAttribute('tabindex'))
menuitems[i].setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
// Modify UI default behavior.
this.element.addEventListener('click', this.onExternalLinkClick_.bind(this));
this.element.addEventListener('drop', function(e) {
if (util.runningInBrowser()) {
this.element.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {
* Initializes here elements, which are expensive or hidden in the beginning.
* @param {!FileTable} table
* @param {!FileGrid} grid
* @param {!LocationLine} locationLine
FileManagerUI.prototype.initAdditionalUI = function(table, grid, locationLine) {
// List container.
this.listContainer = new ListContainer(
queryRequiredElement('#list-container', this.element), table, grid);
// Splitter.
queryRequiredElement('#navigation-list-splitter', this.element));
// Location line.
this.locationLine = locationLine;
// Init context menus.
cr.ui.contextMenuHandler.setContextMenu(grid, this.fileContextMenu);
cr.ui.contextMenuHandler.setContextMenu(table.list, this.fileContextMenu);
// Add handlers.
document.defaultView.addEventListener('resize', this.relayout.bind(this));
* Initializes the focus.
FileManagerUI.prototype.initUIFocus = function() {
// Set the initial focus. When there is no focus, the active element is the
// <body>.
var targetElement = null;
if (this.dialogType_ == DialogType.SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE) {
targetElement = this.dialogFooter.filenameInput;
} else if (this.listContainer.currentListType !=
ListContainer.ListType.UNINITIALIZED) {
targetElement = this.listContainer.currentList;
if (targetElement)
* TODO(hirono): Merge the method into initAdditionalUI.
* @param {!DirectoryTree} directoryTree
FileManagerUI.prototype.initDirectoryTree = function(directoryTree) {
this.directoryTree = directoryTree;
// Set up the context menu for the volume/shortcut items in directory tree.
this.directoryTree.contextMenuForRootItems =
util.queryDecoratedElement('#roots-context-menu', cr.ui.Menu);
this.directoryTree.contextMenuForSubitems =
util.queryDecoratedElement('#directory-tree-context-menu', cr.ui.Menu);
// Visible height of the directory tree depends on the size of progress
// center panel. When the size of progress center panel changes, directory
// tree has to be notified to adjust its components (e.g. progress bar).
var relayoutLimiter = new AsyncUtil.RateLimiter(
directoryTree.relayout.bind(directoryTree), 200);
var observer = new MutationObserver(;
/** @type {MutationObserverInit} */
({subtree: true, attributes: true, childList: true}));
* TODO(mtomasz): Merge the method into initAdditionalUI if possible.
* @param {!Banners} banners
FileManagerUI.prototype.initBanners = function(banners) {
this.banners = banners;
this.banners.addEventListener('relayout', this.relayout.bind(this));
* Attaches files tooltip.
FileManagerUI.prototype.attachFilesTooltip = function() {
assertInstanceof(document.querySelector('files-tooltip'), FilesTooltip)
* Initialize files menu items. This method must be called after all files menu
* items are decorated as cr.ui.MenuItem.
FileManagerUI.prototype.decorateFilesMenuItems = function() {
var filesMenuItems = document.querySelectorAll(
'cr-menu.files-menu > cr-menu-item');
for (var i = 0; i < filesMenuItems.length; i++) {
var filesMenuItem = filesMenuItems[i];
assertInstanceof(filesMenuItem, cr.ui.MenuItem);
cr.ui.decorate(filesMenuItem, cr.ui.FilesMenuItem);
* Relayouts the UI.
FileManagerUI.prototype.relayout = function() {
// May not be available during initialization.
if (this.listContainer.currentListType !==
ListContainer.ListType.UNINITIALIZED) {
if (this.directoryTree)
* Sets the current list type.
* @param {ListContainer.ListType} listType New list type.
FileManagerUI.prototype.setCurrentListType = function(listType) {
var isListView = (listType === ListContainer.ListType.DETAIL);
this.toggleViewButton.classList.toggle('thumbnail', isListView);
var label = isListView ? str('CHANGE_TO_THUMBNAILVIEW_BUTTON_LABEL') :
this.toggleViewButton.setAttribute('aria-label', label);
* Overrides default handling for clicks on hyperlinks.
* In a packaged apps links with targer='_blank' open in a new tab by
* default, other links do not open at all.
* @param {!Event} event Click event.
* @private
FileManagerUI.prototype.onExternalLinkClick_ = function(event) {
if ( != 'A' || !
if (this.dialogType_ != DialogType.FULL_PAGE);
* Decorates the given splitter element.
* @param {!HTMLElement} splitterElement
* @param {boolean=} opt_resizeNextElement
* @private
FileManagerUI.prototype.decorateSplitter_ = function(splitterElement,
opt_resizeNextElement) {
var self = this;
var Splitter = cr.ui.Splitter;
var customSplitter = cr.ui.define('div');
customSplitter.prototype = {
__proto__: Splitter.prototype,
handleSplitterDragStart: function(e) {
Splitter.prototype.handleSplitterDragStart.apply(this, arguments);
handleSplitterDragMove: function(deltaX) {
Splitter.prototype.handleSplitterDragMove.apply(this, arguments);
handleSplitterDragEnd: function(e) {
Splitter.prototype.handleSplitterDragEnd.apply(this, arguments);
/** @type Object */ (customSplitter).decorate(splitterElement);
splitterElement.resizeNextElement = !!opt_resizeNextElement;
* Mark |element| with "loaded" attribute to indicate that File Manager has
* finished loading.
FileManagerUI.prototype.addLoadedAttribute = function() {
this.element.setAttribute('loaded', '');
* Sets up and shows the alert to inform a user the task is opened in the
* desktop of the running profile.
* @param {Array<Entry>} entries List of opened entries.
FileManagerUI.prototype.showOpenInOtherDesktopAlert = function(entries) {
if (!entries.length)
function(profiles, currentId, displayedId) {
// Find strings.
var displayName;
for (var i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
if (profiles[i].profileId === currentId) {
displayName = profiles[i].displayName;
if (!displayName) {
console.warn('Display name is not found.');
var title = entries.length > 1 ?
entries[0].name + '\u2026' /* ellipsis */ : entries[0].name;
var message = strf(entries.length > 1 ?
// Show the dialog.
this.alertDialog.showWithTitle(title, message, null, null, null);
* Shows confirmation dialog and handles user interaction.
* @param {boolean} isMove true if the operation is move. false if copy.
* @param {!Array<string>} messages The messages to show in the dialog.
* box.
* @return {!Promise<boolean>}
FileManagerUI.prototype.showConfirmationDialog = function(isMove, messages) {
var dialog = null;
if (isMove) {
dialog = this.moveConfirmDialog;
} else {
dialog = this.copyConfirmDialog;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
messages.join(' '),
function() {
function() {