blob: 993c6b06517a291fde71648dea29e73e170e1a97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/frame/csp/SourceListDirective.h"
#include "core/frame/csp/CSPSource.h"
#include "core/frame/csp/ContentSecurityPolicy.h"
#include "platform/network/ContentSecurityPolicyParsers.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/KURL.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/SecurityOrigin.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashSet.h"
#include "platform/wtf/text/Base64.h"
#include "platform/wtf/text/ParsingUtilities.h"
#include "platform/wtf/text/StringToNumber.h"
#include "platform/wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace blink {
SourceListDirective::SourceListDirective(const String& name,
const String& value,
ContentSecurityPolicy* policy)
: CSPDirective(name, value, policy),
hash_algorithms_used_(0) {
Vector<UChar> characters;
Parse(, + characters.size());
static bool IsSourceListNone(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end) {
skipWhile<UChar, IsASCIISpace>(begin, end);
const UChar* position = begin;
skipWhile<UChar, IsSourceCharacter>(position, end);
if (!EqualIgnoringASCIICase("'none'", StringView(begin, position - begin)))
return false;
skipWhile<UChar, IsASCIISpace>(position, end);
if (position != end)
return false;
return true;
bool SourceListDirective::Allows(
const KURL& url,
ResourceRequest::RedirectStatus redirect_status) const {
// Wildcards match network schemes ('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ws', 'wss'), and
// the scheme of the protected resource:
// Other
// schemes, including custom schemes, must be explicitly listed in a source
// list.
if (allow_star_) {
if (url.ProtocolIsInHTTPFamily() || url.ProtocolIs("ftp") ||
url.ProtocolIs("ws") || url.ProtocolIs("wss") ||
return true;
return HasSourceMatchInList(url, redirect_status);
if (allow_self_ && policy_->UrlMatchesSelf(url))
return true;
return HasSourceMatchInList(url, redirect_status);
bool SourceListDirective::AllowInline() const {
return allow_inline_;
bool SourceListDirective::AllowEval() const {
return allow_eval_;
bool SourceListDirective::AllowDynamic() const {
return allow_dynamic_;
bool SourceListDirective::AllowNonce(const String& nonce) const {
String nonce_stripped = nonce.StripWhiteSpace();
return !nonce_stripped.IsNull() && nonces_.Contains(nonce_stripped);
bool SourceListDirective::AllowHash(const CSPHashValue& hash_value) const {
return hashes_.Contains(hash_value);
bool SourceListDirective::AllowHashedAttributes() const {
return allow_hashed_attributes_;
bool SourceListDirective::AllowReportSample() const {
return report_sample_;
bool SourceListDirective::IsNone() const {
return !list_.size() && !allow_self_ && !allow_star_ && !allow_inline_ &&
!allow_hashed_attributes_ && !allow_eval_ && !allow_dynamic_ &&
!nonces_.size() && !hashes_.size();
uint8_t SourceListDirective::HashAlgorithmsUsed() const {
return hash_algorithms_used_;
bool SourceListDirective::IsHashOrNoncePresent() const {
return !nonces_.IsEmpty() ||
hash_algorithms_used_ != kContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmNone;
// source-list = *WSP [ source *( 1*WSP source ) *WSP ]
// / *WSP "'none'" *WSP
void SourceListDirective::Parse(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end) {
// We represent 'none' as an empty m_list.
if (IsSourceListNone(begin, end))
const UChar* position = begin;
while (position < end) {
skipWhile<UChar, IsASCIISpace>(position, end);
if (position == end)
const UChar* begin_source = position;
skipWhile<UChar, IsSourceCharacter>(position, end);
String scheme, host, path;
int port = 0;
CSPSource::WildcardDisposition host_wildcard = CSPSource::kNoWildcard;
CSPSource::WildcardDisposition port_wildcard = CSPSource::kNoWildcard;
if (ParseSource(begin_source, position, scheme, host, port, path,
host_wildcard, port_wildcard)) {
// Wildcard hosts and keyword sources ('self', 'unsafe-inline',
// etc.) aren't stored in m_list, but as attributes on the source
// list itself.
if (scheme.IsEmpty() && host.IsEmpty())
if (ContentSecurityPolicy::GetDirectiveType(host) !=
policy_->ReportDirectiveAsSourceExpression(directive_name_, host);
list_.push_back(new CSPSource(policy_, scheme, host, port, path,
host_wildcard, port_wildcard));
} else {
directive_name_, String(begin_source, position - begin_source));
DCHECK(position == end || IsASCIISpace(*position));
// source = scheme ":"
// / ( [ scheme "://" ] host [ port ] [ path ] )
// / "'self'"
bool SourceListDirective::ParseSource(
const UChar* begin,
const UChar* end,
String& scheme,
String& host,
int& port,
String& path,
CSPSource::WildcardDisposition& host_wildcard,
CSPSource::WildcardDisposition& port_wildcard) {
if (begin == end)
return false;
StringView token(begin, end - begin);
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase("'none'", token))
return false;
if (end - begin == 1 && *begin == '*') {
return true;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase("'self'", token)) {
return true;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase("'unsafe-inline'", token)) {
return true;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase("'unsafe-eval'", token)) {
return true;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase("'strict-dynamic'", token)) {
return true;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase("'unsafe-hashed-attributes'", token)) {
return true;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase("'report-sample'", token)) {
return true;
String nonce;
if (!ParseNonce(begin, end, nonce))
return false;
if (!nonce.IsNull()) {
return true;
DigestValue hash;
ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm algorithm =
if (!ParseHash(begin, end, hash, algorithm))
return false;
if (hash.size() > 0) {
AddSourceHash(algorithm, hash);
return true;
const UChar* position = begin;
const UChar* begin_host = begin;
const UChar* begin_path = end;
const UChar* begin_port = 0;
skipWhile<UChar, IsNotColonOrSlash>(position, end);
if (position == end) {
// host
// ^
return ParseHost(begin_host, position, host, host_wildcard);
if (position < end && *position == '/') {
// host/path || host/ || /
// ^ ^ ^
return ParseHost(begin_host, position, host, host_wildcard) &&
ParsePath(position, end, path);
if (position < end && *position == ':') {
if (end - position == 1) {
// scheme:
// ^
return ParseScheme(begin, position, scheme);
if (position[1] == '/') {
// scheme://host || scheme://
// ^ ^
if (!ParseScheme(begin, position, scheme) ||
!skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, ':') ||
!skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '/') ||
!skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '/'))
return false;
if (position == end)
return false;
begin_host = position;
skipWhile<UChar, IsNotColonOrSlash>(position, end);
if (position < end && *position == ':') {
// host:port || scheme://host:port
// ^ ^
begin_port = position;
skipUntil<UChar>(position, end, '/');
if (position < end && *position == '/') {
// scheme://host/path || scheme://host:port/path
// ^ ^
if (position == begin_host)
return false;
begin_path = position;
if (!ParseHost(begin_host, begin_port ? begin_port : begin_path, host,
return false;
if (begin_port) {
if (!ParsePort(begin_port, begin_path, port, port_wildcard))
return false;
} else {
port = 0;
if (begin_path != end) {
if (!ParsePath(begin_path, end, path))
return false;
return true;
// nonce-source = "'nonce-" nonce-value "'"
// nonce-value = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/" / "=" )
bool SourceListDirective::ParseNonce(const UChar* begin,
const UChar* end,
String& nonce) {
size_t nonce_length = end - begin;
StringView prefix("'nonce-");
// TODO(esprehn): Should be StringView(begin, nonceLength).startsWith(prefix).
if (nonce_length <= prefix.length() ||
!EqualIgnoringASCIICase(prefix, StringView(begin, prefix.length())))
return true;
const UChar* position = begin + prefix.length();
const UChar* nonce_begin = position;
DCHECK(position < end);
skipWhile<UChar, IsNonceCharacter>(position, end);
DCHECK(nonce_begin <= position);
if (position + 1 != end || *position != '\'' || position == nonce_begin)
return false;
nonce = String(nonce_begin, position - nonce_begin);
return true;
// hash-source = "'" hash-algorithm "-" hash-value "'"
// hash-algorithm = "sha1" / "sha256" / "sha384" / "sha512"
// hash-value = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/" / "=" )
bool SourceListDirective::ParseHash(
const UChar* begin,
const UChar* end,
DigestValue& hash,
ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm& hash_algorithm) {
// Any additions or subtractions from this struct should also modify the
// respective entries in the kAlgorithmMap array in checkDigest().
static const struct {
const char* prefix;
ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm type;
} kSupportedPrefixes[] = {
// FIXME: Drop support for SHA-1. It's not in the spec.
{"'sha1-", kContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha1},
{"'sha256-", kContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha256},
{"'sha384-", kContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha384},
{"'sha512-", kContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha512},
{"'sha-256-", kContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha256},
{"'sha-384-", kContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha384},
{"'sha-512-", kContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmSha512}};
StringView prefix;
hash_algorithm = kContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmNone;
size_t hash_length = end - begin;
for (const auto& algorithm : kSupportedPrefixes) {
prefix = algorithm.prefix;
// TODO(esprehn): Should be StringView(begin, end -
// begin).startsWith(prefix).
if (hash_length > prefix.length() &&
EqualIgnoringASCIICase(prefix, StringView(begin, prefix.length()))) {
hash_algorithm = algorithm.type;
if (hash_algorithm == kContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithmNone)
return true;
const UChar* position = begin + prefix.length();
const UChar* hash_begin = position;
DCHECK(position < end);
skipWhile<UChar, IsBase64EncodedCharacter>(position, end);
DCHECK(hash_begin <= position);
// Base64 encodings may end with exactly one or two '=' characters
if (position < end)
skipExactly<UChar>(position, position + 1, '=');
if (position < end)
skipExactly<UChar>(position, position + 1, '=');
if (position + 1 != end || *position != '\'' || position == hash_begin)
return false;
Vector<char> hash_vector;
// We accept base64url-encoded data here by normalizing it to base64.
Base64Decode(NormalizeToBase64(String(hash_begin, position - hash_begin)),
if (hash_vector.size() > kMaxDigestSize)
return false;
return true;
// ; <scheme> production from RFC 3986
// scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
bool SourceListDirective::ParseScheme(const UChar* begin,
const UChar* end,
String& scheme) {
DCHECK(begin <= end);
if (begin == end)
return false;
const UChar* position = begin;
if (!skipExactly<UChar, IsASCIIAlpha>(position, end))
return false;
skipWhile<UChar, IsSchemeContinuationCharacter>(position, end);
if (position != end)
return false;
scheme = String(begin, end - begin);
return true;
// host = [ "*." ] 1*host-char *( "." 1*host-char )
// / "*"
// host-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-"
// static
bool SourceListDirective::ParseHost(
const UChar* begin,
const UChar* end,
String& host,
CSPSource::WildcardDisposition& host_wildcard) {
DCHECK(begin <= end);
DCHECK(host_wildcard == CSPSource::kNoWildcard);
if (begin == end)
return false;
const UChar* position = begin;
// Parse "*" or [ "*." ].
if (skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '*')) {
host_wildcard = CSPSource::kHasWildcard;
if (position == end) {
// "*"
return true;
if (!skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '.'))
return false;
const UChar* host_begin = position;
// Parse 1*host-hcar.
if (!skipExactly<UChar, IsHostCharacter>(position, end))
return false;
skipWhile<UChar, IsHostCharacter>(position, end);
// Parse *( "." 1*host-char ).
while (position < end) {
if (!skipExactly<UChar>(position, end, '.'))
return false;
if (!skipExactly<UChar, IsHostCharacter>(position, end))
return false;
skipWhile<UChar, IsHostCharacter>(position, end);
host = String(host_begin, end - host_begin);
return true;
bool SourceListDirective::ParsePath(const UChar* begin,
const UChar* end,
String& path) {
DCHECK(begin <= end);
const UChar* position = begin;
skipWhile<UChar, IsPathComponentCharacter>(position, end);
// path/to/file.js?query=string || path/to/file.js#anchor
// ^ ^
if (position < end) {
String(begin, end - begin), *position);
path = DecodeURLEscapeSequences(String(begin, position - begin));
DCHECK(position <= end);
DCHECK(position == end || (*position == '#' || *position == '?'));
return true;
// port = ":" ( 1*DIGIT / "*" )
bool SourceListDirective::ParsePort(
const UChar* begin,
const UChar* end,
int& port,
CSPSource::WildcardDisposition& port_wildcard) {
DCHECK(begin <= end);
DCHECK(port_wildcard == CSPSource::kNoWildcard);
if (!skipExactly<UChar>(begin, end, ':'))
if (begin == end)
return false;
if (end - begin == 1 && *begin == '*') {
port = 0;
port_wildcard = CSPSource::kHasWildcard;
return true;
const UChar* position = begin;
skipWhile<UChar, IsASCIIDigit>(position, end);
if (position != end)
return false;
bool ok;
port = CharactersToIntStrict(begin, end - begin, &ok);
return ok;
void SourceListDirective::AddSourceSelf() {
allow_self_ = true;
void SourceListDirective::AddSourceStar() {
allow_star_ = true;
void SourceListDirective::AddSourceUnsafeInline() {
allow_inline_ = true;
void SourceListDirective::AddSourceUnsafeEval() {
allow_eval_ = true;
void SourceListDirective::AddSourceStrictDynamic() {
allow_dynamic_ = true;
void SourceListDirective::AddSourceUnsafeHashedAttributes() {
allow_hashed_attributes_ = true;
void SourceListDirective::AddReportSample() {
report_sample_ = true;
void SourceListDirective::AddSourceNonce(const String& nonce) {
void SourceListDirective::AddSourceHash(
const ContentSecurityPolicyHashAlgorithm& algorithm,
const DigestValue& hash) {
hashes_.insert(CSPHashValue(algorithm, hash));
hash_algorithms_used_ |= algorithm;
void SourceListDirective::AddSourceToMap(
HeapHashMap<String, Member<CSPSource>>& hash_map,
CSPSource* source) {
hash_map.insert(source->GetScheme(), source);
if (source->GetScheme() == "http")
hash_map.insert("https", source);
else if (source->GetScheme() == "ws")
hash_map.insert("wss", source);
bool SourceListDirective::HasSourceMatchInList(
const KURL& url,
ResourceRequest::RedirectStatus redirect_status) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_.size(); ++i) {
if (list_[i]->Matches(url, redirect_status))
return true;
return false;
bool SourceListDirective::AllowAllInline() const {
const ContentSecurityPolicy::DirectiveType& type =
if (type != ContentSecurityPolicy::DirectiveType::kDefaultSrc &&
type != ContentSecurityPolicy::DirectiveType::kStyleSrc &&
type != ContentSecurityPolicy::DirectiveType::kScriptSrc) {
return false;
return allow_inline_ && !IsHashOrNoncePresent() &&
(type != ContentSecurityPolicy::DirectiveType::kScriptSrc ||
HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>> SourceListDirective::GetSources(
Member<CSPSource> self) const {
HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>> sources = list_;
if (allow_star_) {
sources.push_back(new CSPSource(policy_, "ftp", String(), 0, String(),
sources.push_back(new CSPSource(policy_, "ws", String(), 0, String(),
sources.push_back(new CSPSource(policy_, "http", String(), 0, String(),
if (self) {
sources.push_back(new CSPSource(policy_, self->GetScheme(), String(), 0,
String(), CSPSource::kNoWildcard,
} else if (allow_self_ && self) {
return sources;
bool SourceListDirective::Subsumes(
const HeapVector<Member<SourceListDirective>>& other) const {
if (!other.size() || other[0]->IsNone())
return other.size();
bool allow_inline_other = other[0]->allow_inline_;
bool allow_eval_other = other[0]->allow_eval_;
bool allow_dynamic_other = other[0]->allow_dynamic_;
bool allow_hashed_attributes_other = other[0]->allow_hashed_attributes_;
bool is_hash_or_nonce_present_other = other[0]->IsHashOrNoncePresent();
HashSet<String> nonces_b = other[0]->nonces_;
HashSet<CSPHashValue> hashes_b = other[0]->hashes_;
HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>> normalized_b =
for (size_t i = 1; i < other.size(); i++) {
allow_inline_other = allow_inline_other && other[i]->allow_inline_;
allow_eval_other = allow_eval_other && other[i]->allow_eval_;
allow_dynamic_other = allow_dynamic_other && other[i]->allow_dynamic_;
allow_hashed_attributes_other =
allow_hashed_attributes_other && other[i]->allow_hashed_attributes_;
is_hash_or_nonce_present_other =
is_hash_or_nonce_present_other && other[i]->IsHashOrNoncePresent();
nonces_b = other[i]->GetIntersectNonces(nonces_b);
hashes_b = other[i]->GetIntersectHashes(hashes_b);
normalized_b = other[i]->GetIntersectCSPSources(normalized_b);
if (!SubsumesNoncesAndHashes(nonces_b, hashes_b))
return false;
const ContentSecurityPolicy::DirectiveType type =
if (type == ContentSecurityPolicy::DirectiveType::kScriptSrc ||
type == ContentSecurityPolicy::DirectiveType::kStyleSrc) {
if (!allow_eval_ && allow_eval_other)
return false;
if (!allow_hashed_attributes_ && allow_hashed_attributes_other)
return false;
bool allow_all_inline_other =
allow_inline_other && !is_hash_or_nonce_present_other &&
(type != ContentSecurityPolicy::DirectiveType::kScriptSrc ||
if (!AllowAllInline() && allow_all_inline_other)
return false;
if (type == ContentSecurityPolicy::DirectiveType::kScriptSrc &&
(allow_dynamic_ || allow_dynamic_other)) {
// If `this` does not allow `strict-dynamic`, then it must be that `other`
// does allow, so the result is `false`.
if (!allow_dynamic_)
return false;
// All keyword source expressions have been considered so only CSPSource
// subsumption is left. However, `strict-dynamic` ignores all CSPSources so
// for subsumption to be true either `other` must allow `strict-dynamic` or
// have no allowed CSPSources.
return allow_dynamic_other || !normalized_b.size();
// If embedding CSP specifies `self`, `self` refers to the embedee's origin.
HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>> normalized_a =
return CSPSource::FirstSubsumesSecond(normalized_a, normalized_b);
SourceListDirective::ExposeForNavigationalChecks() const {
WebContentSecurityPolicySourceList source_list;
source_list.allow_self = allow_self_;
source_list.allow_star = allow_star_;
WebVector<WebContentSecurityPolicySourceExpression> list(list_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_.size(); ++i)
list[i] = list_[i]->ExposeForNavigationalChecks();
return source_list;
bool SourceListDirective::SubsumesNoncesAndHashes(
const HashSet<String>& nonces,
const HashSet<CSPHashValue> hashes) const {
if (!nonces.IsEmpty() && nonces_.IsEmpty())
return false;
for (const auto& hash : hashes) {
if (!hashes_.Contains(hash))
return false;
return true;
HashSet<String> SourceListDirective::GetIntersectNonces(
const HashSet<String>& other) const {
if (!nonces_.size() || !other.size())
return !nonces_.size() ? nonces_ : other;
HashSet<String> normalized;
for (const auto& nonce : nonces_) {
if (other.Contains(nonce))
return normalized;
HashSet<CSPHashValue> SourceListDirective::GetIntersectHashes(
const HashSet<CSPHashValue>& other) const {
if (!hashes_.size() || !other.size())
return !hashes_.size() ? hashes_ : other;
HashSet<CSPHashValue> normalized;
for (const auto& hash : hashes_) {
if (other.Contains(hash))
return normalized;
HeapHashMap<String, Member<CSPSource>>
const HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>>& other) const {
HeapHashMap<String, Member<CSPSource>> schemes_a;
for (const auto& source_a : list_) {
if (source_a->IsSchemeOnly())
AddSourceToMap(schemes_a, source_a);
// Add schemes only sources if they are present in both `this` and `other`,
// allowing upgrading `http` to `https` and `ws` to `wss`.
HeapHashMap<String, Member<CSPSource>> intersect;
for (const auto& source_b : other) {
if (source_b->IsSchemeOnly()) {
if (schemes_a.Contains(source_b->GetScheme()))
AddSourceToMap(intersect, source_b);
else if (source_b->GetScheme() == "http" && schemes_a.Contains("https"))
else if (source_b->GetScheme() == "ws" && schemes_a.Contains("wss"))
return intersect;
HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>> SourceListDirective::GetIntersectCSPSources(
const HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>>& other) const {
auto schemes_map = GetIntersectSchemesOnly(other);
HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>> normalized;
// Add all normalized scheme source expressions.
for (const auto& it : schemes_map) {
// We do not add secure versions if insecure schemes are present.
if ((it.key != "https" || !schemes_map.Contains("http")) &&
(it.key != "wss" || !schemes_map.Contains("ws"))) {
HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>> this_vector =
for (const auto& source_a : this_vector) {
if (schemes_map.Contains(source_a->GetScheme()))
CSPSource* match(nullptr);
for (const auto& source_b : other) {
// No need to add a host source expression if it is subsumed by the
// matching scheme source expression.
if (schemes_map.Contains(source_b->GetScheme()))
// If sourceA is scheme only but there was no intersection for it in the
// `other` list, we add all the sourceB with that scheme.
if (source_a->IsSchemeOnly()) {
if (CSPSource* local_match = source_b->Intersect(source_a))
if (source_b->Subsumes(source_a)) {
match = source_a;
if (CSPSource* local_match = source_b->Intersect(source_a))
match = local_match;
if (match)
return normalized;
DEFINE_TRACE(SourceListDirective) {
} // namespace blink