blob: 150f5edde6775b5f4292801227922f89d1970e2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@protocol TranslateNotificationDelegate;
// Protocol adopted by an object that displays translate notifications.
@protocol TranslateNotificationHandler
// Tells the handler to display a notification that |sourceLanguage| will always
// be translated to |targetLanguage| and inform |delegate| of its dismissal.
- (void)showAlwaysTranslateLanguageNotificationWithDelegate:
// Tells the handler to display a notification that |sourceLanguage| will never
// be translated and inform |delegate| of its dismissal.
- (void)showNeverTranslateLanguageNotificationWithDelegate:
// Tells the handler to display a notification that this site will never be
// translated and inform |delegate| of its dismissal.
- (void)showNeverTranslateSiteNotificationWithDelegate:
// Tells the handler to display a notification that the page could not be
// translated.
- (void)showTranslateErrorNotification;
// Tells the handler to stop displaying the notification, if any.
- (void)dismissNotification;