blob: 5763817588e9e9bd9082418e5c2764b648b0d54b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebTaskRunner_h
#define WebTaskRunner_h
#include "WebCommon.h"
#include "wtf/Functional.h"
namespace blink {
class WebTraceLocation;
// The blink representation of a chromium SingleThreadTaskRunner.
virtual ~WebTaskRunner() {}
virtual ~Task() { }
virtual void run() = 0;
// Schedule a task to be run on the the associated WebThread.
// Takes ownership of |Task|. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void postTask(const WebTraceLocation&, Task*) = 0;
// Schedule a task to be run after |delayMs| on the the associated WebThread.
// Takes ownership of |Task|. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void postDelayedTask(const WebTraceLocation&, Task*, double delayMs) = 0;
// Returns a clone of the WebTaskRunner.
virtual WebTaskRunner* clone() = 0;
// ---
// Headless Chrome virtualises time for determinism and performance (fast forwarding
// of timers). To make this work some parts of blink (e.g. Timers) need to use virtual
// time, however by default new code should use the normal non-virtual time APIs.
// Returns a double which is the number of seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970).
// This may represent either the real time, or a virtual time depending on
// whether or not the WebTaskRunner is associated with a virtual time domain or a
// real time domain.
virtual double virtualTimeSeconds() const = 0;
// Returns a microsecond resolution platform dependant time source.
// This may represent either the real time, or a virtual time depending on
// whether or not the WebTaskRunner is associated with a virtual time domain or a
// real time domain.
virtual double monotonicallyIncreasingVirtualTimeSeconds() const = 0;
// Helpers for posting bound functions as tasks.
typedef Function<void()> ClosureTask;
void postTask(const WebTraceLocation&, PassOwnPtr<ClosureTask>);
// TODO(alexclarke): Remove this when possible.
void postDelayedTask(const WebTraceLocation&, PassOwnPtr<ClosureTask>, long long delayMs);
void postDelayedTask(const WebTraceLocation&, PassOwnPtr<ClosureTask>, double delayMs);
PassOwnPtr<WebTaskRunner> adoptClone()
return adoptPtr(clone());
} // namespace blink
#endif // WebTaskRunner_h