blob: 2a318948a2b41430480075a4b968246db385d097 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
namespace blink {
class QuicStreamHost;
class QuicTransportProxy;
// This class allows interactions with a QUIC stream that runs on a thread
// different from which it is controlled. All interactions with the QUIC
// implementation happen asynchronously.
// The QuicStreamProxy is owned by the QuicTransportProxy and constructed when
// either a new local QUIC stream is created or when a remote QUIC stream has
// been created. The stream proxy will be deleted in the following
// circumstances:
// 1) Reset() is called.
// 2) OnRemoteReset() is indicated.
// 3) Finish() and OnRemoteFinish() have been called.
// The client is responsible for knowing when any of these conditions have been
// met and clearing its reference accordingly.
// Since the QuicStreamProxy can be constructed from either the proxy or host
// thread, initialization happens in four steps:
// 1) QuicStreamProxy is constructed.
// 2) set_host is called with a WeakPtr to the corresponding host-thread object.
// 3) Initialize is called on the proxy thread.
// 4) set_delegate is called on the proxy thread.
class QuicStreamProxy final : public base::SupportsWeakPtr<QuicStreamProxy> {
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Called when the remote side resets the stream.
virtual void OnRemoteReset() {}
// Called when the remote side receives data and/or the finish bit.
virtual void OnDataReceived(std::vector<uint8_t> data, bool fin) {}
// Called when data written with WriteData() has been consumed by QUIC.
virtual void OnWriteDataConsumed(uint32_t amount) {}
// Sets a WeakPtr to the corresponding QuicStreamHost. This is valid on either
// the proxy or host thread. Should happen right after construction.
void set_host(base::WeakPtr<QuicStreamHost> stream_host);
// Initializes the QuicStreamProxy. Must be called on the proxy thread.
// |transport_proxy| must outlive this object.
void Initialize(QuicTransportProxy* transport_proxy);
// Sets the delegate for receiving remote callbacks.
void set_delegate(Delegate* delegate);
// The remaining methods can only be called from the proxy thread and must
// be preceded by Initialize().
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> host_thread() const;
void Reset();
void MarkReceivedDataConsumed(uint32_t amount);
void WriteData(std::vector<uint8_t> data, bool fin);
// Instruct the QuicTransportProxy to remove and delete this stream proxy.
void Delete();
// Callbacks from QuicStreamHost.
friend class QuicStreamHost;
void OnRemoteReset();
void OnDataReceived(std::vector<uint8_t> data, bool fin);
void OnWriteDataConsumed(uint32_t amount);
// Up reference. Owned by the QuicTransportProxy client.
QuicTransportProxy* transport_proxy_ = nullptr;
// Forward reference. Owned by the QuicTransportHost.
base::WeakPtr<QuicStreamHost> stream_host_;
// Back reference. Owned by the RTCQuicTransport.
Delegate* delegate_ = nullptr;
// |readable_| transitions to false when OnDataReceived(_, true) is called.
bool readable_ = true;
// |writable_| transitions to false when WriteData(_, true) is called.
bool writable_ = true;
} // namespace blink