blob: 037fe51b2c11abc029ec88884aa1c92b4d133224 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippet.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace {
const char kScore[] = "score";
const char kContentInfo[] = "contentInfo";
const char kId[] = "url";
const char kTitle[] = "title";
const char kSalientImageUrl[] = "thumbnailUrl";
const char kSnippet[] = "snippet";
const char kPublishDate[] = "creationTimestampSec";
const char kExpiryDate[] = "expiryTimestampSec";
const char kSiteTitle[] = "sourceName";
const char kPublisherData[] = "publisherData";
const char kCorpusId[] = "corpusId";
const char kSourceCorpusInfo[] = "sourceCorpusInfo";
const char kAmpUrl[] = "ampUrl";
} // namespace
namespace ntp_snippets {
NTPSnippet::NTPSnippet(const std::string& id)
: id_(id), score_(0), best_source_index_(0) {}
NTPSnippet::~NTPSnippet() {}
// static
std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippet> NTPSnippet::CreateFromDictionary(
const base::DictionaryValue& dict) {
const base::DictionaryValue* content = nullptr;
if (!dict.GetDictionary(kContentInfo, &content))
return nullptr;
// Need at least the url.
std::string id;
if (!content->GetString(kId, &id))
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippet> snippet(new NTPSnippet(id));
std::string title;
if (content->GetString(kTitle, &title))
std::string salient_image_url;
if (content->GetString(kSalientImageUrl, &salient_image_url))
std::string snippet_str;
if (content->GetString(kSnippet, &snippet_str))
// The creation and expiry timestamps are uint64s which are stored as strings.
std::string creation_timestamp_str;
if (content->GetString(kPublishDate, &creation_timestamp_str))
std::string expiry_timestamp_str;
if (content->GetString(kExpiryDate, &expiry_timestamp_str))
const base::ListValue* corpus_infos_list = nullptr;
if (!content->GetList(kSourceCorpusInfo, &corpus_infos_list)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "No sources found for article " << title;
return nullptr;
for (const auto& value : *corpus_infos_list) {
const base::DictionaryValue* dict_value = nullptr;
if (!value->GetAsDictionary(&dict_value)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Invalid source info for article " << id;
std::string corpus_id_str;
GURL corpus_id;
if (dict_value->GetString(kCorpusId, &corpus_id_str))
corpus_id = GURL(corpus_id_str);
if (!corpus_id.is_valid()) {
// We must at least have a valid source URL.
DLOG(WARNING) << "Invalid article url " << corpus_id_str;
const base::DictionaryValue* publisher_data = nullptr;
std::string site_title;
if (dict_value->GetDictionary(kPublisherData, &publisher_data)) {
if (!publisher_data->GetString(kSiteTitle, &site_title)) {
// It's possible but not desirable to have no publisher data.
DLOG(WARNING) << "No publisher name for article " << corpus_id.spec();
} else {
DLOG(WARNING) << "No publisher data for article " << corpus_id.spec();
std::string amp_url_str;
GURL amp_url;
// Expected to not have AMP url sometimes.
if (dict_value->GetString(kAmpUrl, &amp_url_str)) {
amp_url = GURL(amp_url_str);
DLOG_IF(WARNING, !amp_url.is_valid()) << "Invalid AMP url "
<< amp_url_str;
SnippetSource source(corpus_id, site_title,
amp_url.is_valid() ? amp_url : GURL());
// The previous url we have saved can be one of several sources for the
// article. For example, the same article can be hosted by,
//, etc. We need to parse the list of sources for this article and
// find the best match. In order of preference:
// 1) A source that has url, publisher name, AMP url
// 2) A source that has url, publisher name
// 3) A source that has url and AMP url, or url only (since we won't show
// the snippet to users if the article does not have a publisher name, it
// doesn't matter whether the snippet has the AMP url or not)
size_t best_source_index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < snippet->sources_.size(); ++i) {
const SnippetSource& source = snippet->sources_[i];
if (!source.publisher_name.empty()) {
best_source_index = i;
if (!source.amp_url.is_empty()) {
// This is the best possible source, stop looking.
if (snippet->sources_.empty()) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "No sources found for article " << id;
return nullptr;
double score;
if (dict.GetDouble(kScore, &score))
return snippet;
// static
bool NTPSnippet::AddFromListValue(const base::ListValue& list,
PtrVector* snippets) {
for (const auto& value : list) {
const base::DictionaryValue* dict = nullptr;
if (!value->GetAsDictionary(&dict))
return false;
std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippet> snippet = CreateFromDictionary(*dict);
if (!snippet)
return false;
return true;
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> NTPSnippet::ToDictionary() const {
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> dict(new base::DictionaryValue);
dict->SetString(kId, id_);
if (!title_.empty())
dict->SetString(kTitle, title_);
if (salient_image_url_.is_valid())
dict->SetString(kSalientImageUrl, salient_image_url_.spec());
if (!snippet_.empty())
dict->SetString(kSnippet, snippet_);
if (!publish_date_.is_null())
dict->SetString(kPublishDate, TimeToJsonString(publish_date_));
if (!expiry_date_.is_null())
dict->SetString(kExpiryDate, TimeToJsonString(expiry_date_));
std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> corpus_infos_list(new base::ListValue);
for (const SnippetSource& source : sources_) {
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> corpus_info_dict(
new base::DictionaryValue);
corpus_info_dict->SetString(kCorpusId, source.url.spec());
if (!source.amp_url.is_empty())
corpus_info_dict->SetString(kAmpUrl, source.amp_url.spec());
if (!source.publisher_name.empty())
base::StringPrintf("%s.%s", kPublisherData, kSiteTitle),
dict->Set(kSourceCorpusInfo, std::move(corpus_infos_list));
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> result(new base::DictionaryValue);
result->Set(kContentInfo, std::move(dict));
result->SetDouble(kScore, score_);
return result;
// static
base::Time NTPSnippet::TimeFromJsonString(const std::string& timestamp_str) {
int64_t timestamp;
if (!base::StringToInt64(timestamp_str, &timestamp)) {
// Even if there's an error in the conversion, some garbage data may still
// be written to the output var, so reset it.
timestamp = 0;
return base::Time::UnixEpoch() + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(timestamp);
// static
std::string NTPSnippet::TimeToJsonString(const base::Time& time) {
return base::Int64ToString((time - base::Time::UnixEpoch()).InSeconds());
} // namespace ntp_snippets