blob: 548c5e1c22870cd158d40eca9e18333d94301306 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package graph
import (
var (
// ErrFinalized is returned by Graph methods that modify the graph when they
// are used on a finalized graph.
ErrFinalized = errors.New("cannot modify a finalized graph")
// ErrNotFinalized is returned by Graph traversal/query methods when they are
// used with a non-finalized graph.
ErrNotFinalized = errors.New("cannot query a graph under construction")
// backtrace returns an error message annotated with a backtrace.
func backtrace(err error, t *builtins.CapturedStacktrace) string {
return t.String() + "Error: " + err.Error()
// NodeRedeclarationError is returned when a adding an existing node.
type NodeRedeclarationError struct {
Trace *builtins.CapturedStacktrace // where it is added second time
Previous *Node // the previously added node
// Error is part of 'error' interface.
func (e *NodeRedeclarationError) Error() string {
// TODO(vadimsh): Improve error messages.
return fmt.Sprintf("%s is redeclared, previous declaration:\n%s", e.Previous, e.Previous.Trace)
// Backtrace returns an error message with a backtrace where it happened.
func (e *NodeRedeclarationError) Backtrace() string {
return backtrace(e, e.Trace)
// EdgeRedeclarationError is returned when adding an edge that has exact same
// end points and a title as some existing edge.
// Edges that link same nodes (in same direction) and differ only in title are
// OK and do not cause this error.
// Nodes referenced by the edge may not be fully declared yet (i.e. they may not
// yet have properties or trace associated with them). They do have valid keys
// though.
type EdgeRedeclarationError struct {
Trace *builtins.CapturedStacktrace // where it is added second time
Previous *Edge // the previously added edge
// Error is part of 'error' interface.
func (e *EdgeRedeclarationError) Error() string {
// TODO(vadimsh): Improve error messages.
return fmt.Sprintf("relation %q between %s and %s is redeclared, previous declaration:\n%s",
e.Previous.Title, e.Previous.Parent, e.Previous.Child, e.Previous.Trace)
// Backtrace returns an error message with a backtrace where it happened.
func (e *EdgeRedeclarationError) Backtrace() string {
return backtrace(e, e.Trace)
// CycleError is returned when adding an edge that introduces a cycle.
// Nodes referenced by edges may not be fully declared yet (i.e. they may not
// yet have properties or trace associated with them). They do have valid keys
// though.
type CycleError struct {
Trace *builtins.CapturedStacktrace // where the edge is being added
Edge *Edge // an edge being added
Path []*Edge // the rest of the cycle
// Error is part of 'error' interface.
func (e *CycleError) Error() string {
// TODO(vadimsh): Improve error messages.
return fmt.Sprintf("relation %q between %s and %s introduces a cycle",
e.Edge.Title, e.Edge.Parent, e.Edge.Child)
// Backtrace returns an error message with a backtrace where it happened.
func (e *CycleError) Backtrace() string {
return backtrace(e, e.Trace)
// DanglingEdgeError is returned by Finalize if a graph has an edge whose parent
// or child (or both) haven't been declared by AddNode.
// Use Edge.(Parent|Child).Declared() to figure out which end is not defined.
type DanglingEdgeError struct {
Edge *Edge
// Error is part of 'error' interface.
func (e *DanglingEdgeError) Error() string {
rel := ""
if e.Edge.Title != "" {
rel = fmt.Sprintf(" in %q", e.Edge.Title)
// TODO(vadimsh): Improve error messages.
hasP := e.Edge.Parent.Declared()
hasC := e.Edge.Child.Declared()
switch {
case hasP && hasC:
// This should not happen.
return "incorrect DanglingEdgeError, the edge is fully connected"
case !hasP && hasC:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s refers to undefined %s",
e.Edge.Child, rel, e.Edge.Parent)
case hasP && !hasC:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s refers to undefined %s",
e.Edge.Parent, rel, e.Edge.Child)
return fmt.Sprintf("relation %q: refers to %s and %s, neither is defined",
e.Edge.Title, e.Edge.Parent, e.Edge.Child)
// Backtrace returns an error message with a backtrace where it happened.
func (e *DanglingEdgeError) Backtrace() string {
return backtrace(e, e.Edge.Trace)
// Graph is a DAG of keyed nodes.
// It is initially in "under construction" state, in which callers can use
// AddNode and AddEdge (in any order) to build the graph, but can't yet query
// it.
// Once the construction is complete, the graph should be finalized via
// Finalize() call, which checks there are no dangling edges and freezes the
// graph (so AddNode/AddEdge return errors), making it queryable.
// Graph implements starlark.HasAttrs interface and have the following methods:
// * key(kind1: string, id1: string, kind2: string, id2: string, ...): graph.key
// * add_node(key: graph.key, props={}, idempotent=False, trace=stacktrace()): graph.node
// * add_edge(parent: graph.Key, child: graph.Key, title='', trace=stacktrace())
// * finalize(): []string
// * node(key: graph.key): graph.node
// * children(parent: graph.key, order_by='key'): []graph.node
// * descendants(root: graph.key, callback=None, order_by='key'): []graph.Node
// * parents(child: graph.key, order_by='key'): []graph.node
type Graph struct {
nodes map[*Key]*Node // all declared and "predeclared" nodes
edges []*Edge // all defined edges, in their definition order
finalized bool // true if the graph is no longer mutable
// Visitor visits a node, looks at next possible candidates for a visit and
// returns ones that it really wants to visit.
type Visitor func(n *Node, next []*Node) ([]*Node, error)
// validateOrder returns an error if the edge traversal order is unrecognized.
func validateOrder(orderBy string) error {
if orderBy != "key" && orderBy != "exec" {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown order %q, expecting either \"key\" or \"exec\"", orderBy)
return nil
// validateKey returns an error if the key is not from this graph.
func (g *Graph) validateKey(title string, k *Key) error {
if k.set != &g.KeySet {
return fmt.Errorf("bad %s: %s is from another graph", title, k)
return nil
// initNode either returns an existing *Node, or adds a new one.
// The newly added node is in "predeclared" state: it has no Props or Trace.
// A predeclared node is moved to the fully declared state by AddNode, this can
// happen only once for non-idempotent nodes or more than once for idempotent
// nodes, if each time their props dict is exactly same.
// Panics if the graph is finalized.
func (g *Graph) initNode(k *Key) *Node {
if g.finalized {
if n := g.nodes[k]; n != nil {
return n
if g.nodes == nil {
g.nodes = make(map[*Key]*Node, 1)
n := &Node{Key: k}
g.nodes[k] = n
return n
//// API to mutate the graph before it is finalized.
// AddNode adds a node to the graph.
// If such node already exists, either returns an error right away (if
// 'idempotent' is false), or verifies the existing node has also been marked
// as idempotent and has exact same props dict as being passed here.
// Trying to use AddNode after the graph has been finalized is an error.
// Freezes props.values() as a side effect.
func (g *Graph) AddNode(k *Key, props *starlark.Dict, idempotent bool, trace *builtins.CapturedStacktrace) (*Node, error) {
if g.finalized {
return nil, ErrFinalized
if err := g.validateKey("key", k); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Only string keys are allowed in 'props'.
for _, pk := range props.Keys() {
if _, ok := pk.(starlark.String); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-string key %s in 'props'", pk)
propsStruct := starlarkstruct.FromKeywords(starlark.String("props"), props.Items())
n := g.initNode(k)
if !n.Declared() {
n.declare(propsStruct, idempotent, trace)
return n, nil
// Only idempotent nodes can be redeclared, and only if all declarations
// are marked as idempotent and they specify exact same props.
if n.Idempotent && idempotent {
switch eq, err := starlark.Equal(propsStruct, n.Props); {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case eq:
return n, nil
return nil, &NodeRedeclarationError{Trace: trace, Previous: n}
// AddEdge adds an edge to the graph.
// Trying to use AddEdge after the graph has been finalized is an error.
// Neither of the nodes have to exist yet: it is OK to declare nodes and edges
// in arbitrary order as long as at the end of the graph construction (when it
// is finalized) the graph is complete.
// Returns an error if there's already an edge between the given nodes with
// exact same title or the new edge introduces a cycle.
func (g *Graph) AddEdge(parent, child *Key, title string, trace *builtins.CapturedStacktrace) error {
if g.finalized {
return ErrFinalized
if err := g.validateKey("parent", parent); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.validateKey("child", child); err != nil {
return err
edge := &Edge{
Parent: g.initNode(parent),
Child: g.initNode(child),
Title: title,
Trace: trace,
// Have this exact edge already?
for _, e := range edge.Parent.children {
if e.Child == edge.Child && e.Title == title {
return &EdgeRedeclarationError{
Trace: trace,
Previous: e,
// The child may have the parent among its descendants already? Then adding
// the edge would introduce a cycle.
err := edge.Child.visitDescendants(nil, func(n *Node, path []*Edge) error {
if n == edge.Parent {
return &CycleError{
Trace: trace,
Edge: edge,
Path: append([]*Edge(nil), path...),
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
edge.Parent.children = append(edge.Parent.children, edge)
edge.Child.parents = append(edge.Child.parents, edge)
g.edges = append(g.edges, edge)
return nil
// Finalize finishes the graph construction by verifying there are no "dangling"
// edges: all edges ever added by AddEdge should connect nodes that were at some
// point defined by AddNode.
// Finalizing an already finalized graph is not an error.
// A finalized graph is immutable (and frozen in Starlark sense): all subsequent
// calls to AddNode/AddEdge return an error. Conversely, freezing the graph via
// Freeze() finalizes it, panicking if the finalization fails. Users of Graph
// are expected to finalize the graph themselves (checking errors) before
// Starlark tries to freeze it.
// Once finalized, the graph becomes queryable.
func (g *Graph) Finalize() (errs errors.MultiError) {
if g.finalized {
for _, e := range g.edges {
if !e.Parent.Declared() || !e.Child.Declared() {
errs = append(errs, &DanglingEdgeError{Edge: e})
g.finalized = len(errs) == 0
//// API to query the graph after it is finalized.
// Node returns a node by the key or (nil, nil) if there's no such node.
// Trying to use Node before the graph has been finalized is an error.
func (g *Graph) Node(k *Key) (*Node, error) {
if !g.finalized {
return nil, ErrNotFinalized
if err := g.validateKey("key", k); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch n := g.nodes[k]; {
case n == nil:
return nil, nil
case !n.Declared():
panic(fmt.Errorf("impossible not-yet-declared node in a finalized graph: %s", n.Key))
return n, nil
// Children returns direct children of a node (given by its key).
// The order of the result depends on a value of 'orderBy':
// 'key': nodes are ordered lexicographically by their keys (smaller first).
// 'exec': nodes are ordered by the order edges to them were defined during
// the execution (earlier first).
// Any other value of 'orderBy' causes an error.
// A missing node is considered to have no children.
// Trying to use Children before the graph has been finalized is an error.
func (g *Graph) Children(parent *Key, orderBy string) ([]*Node, error) {
return g.orderedListing(parent, "parent", orderBy, (*Node).listChildren)
// Descendants recursively visits 'root' and all its children, in breadth
// first order.
// Returns the list of all visited nodes, in order they were visited, including
// 'root' itself. If 'root' is missing, returns an empty list.
// The order of enumeration of direct children of a node depends on a value of
// 'orderBy':
// 'key': nodes are ordered lexicographically by their keys (smaller first).
// 'exec': nodes are ordered by the order edges to them were defined during
// the execution (earlier first).
// Any other value of 'orderBy' causes an error.
// Each node is visited only once, even if it is reachable through multiple
// paths. Note that the graph has no cycles (by construction).
// The visitor callback (if not nil) is called for each visited node. It decides
// what children to visit next. The callback always sees all children of the
// node, even if some of them (or all) have already been visited. Visited nodes
// will be skipped even if the visitor returns them.
// Trying to use Descendants before the graph has been finalized is an error.
func (g *Graph) Descendants(root *Key, orderBy string, visitor Visitor) ([]*Node, error) {
if !g.finalized {
return nil, ErrNotFinalized
if err := g.validateKey("root", root); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := validateOrder(orderBy); err != nil {
return nil, err
queue := list.New()
if n := g.nodes[root]; n != nil {
var visited []*Node
var visitedSet = map[*Node]struct{}{}
for queue.Len() > 0 {
// Been here before?
cur := queue.Remove(queue.Front()).(*Node)
if _, yes := visitedSet[cur]; yes {
visited = append(visited, cur)
visitedSet[cur] = struct{}{}
// Prepare to visit all children by default.
children := orderNodes(cur.listChildren(), orderBy)
next := children
// Ask the visitor callback to decide where it wants to go next. Verify the
// callback didn't sneakily returned some *Node it saved somewhere before.
// This may cause infinite recursion and other weird stuff.
if visitor != nil {
var err error
if next, err = visitor(cur, children); err != nil {
return nil, err
allowed := make(map[*Node]struct{}, len(children))
for _, n := range children {
allowed[n] = struct{}{}
for _, n := range next {
if _, yes := allowed[n]; !yes {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the callback unexpectedly returned %s which is not a child of %s", n, cur)
// Enqueue nodes for the visit.
for _, n := range next {
if _, yes := visitedSet[n]; !yes {
return visited, nil
// Parents returns direct parents of a node (given by its key).
// The order of the result depends on a value of 'orderBy':
// 'key': nodes are ordered lexicographically by their keys (smaller first).
// 'exec': nodes are ordered by the order edges to them were defined during
// the execution (earlier first).
// Any other value of 'orderBy' causes an error.
// A missing node is considered to have no parents.
// Trying to use Parents before the graph has been finalized is an error.
func (g *Graph) Parents(child *Key, orderBy string) ([]*Node, error) {
return g.orderedListing(child, "child", orderBy, (*Node).listParents)
// orderedListing is a common implementation of Children and Parents.
func (g *Graph) orderedListing(key *Key, attr, orderBy string, cb func(n *Node) []*Node) ([]*Node, error) {
if !g.finalized {
return nil, ErrNotFinalized
if err := g.validateKey(attr, key); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := validateOrder(orderBy); err != nil {
return nil, err
if n := g.nodes[key]; n != nil {
return orderNodes(cb(n), orderBy), nil
return nil, nil // no node at all -> no related nodes
// orderNodes orders nodes according to 'orderBy'.
// Assumes 'nodes' came from either .listChildren() or .listParents(), and thus
// are mutable copies, which are already ordered by 'exec' order.
func orderNodes(nodes []*Node, orderBy string) []*Node {
switch orderBy {
case "exec":
case "key":
sort.Slice(nodes, func(i, j int) bool { return nodes[i].Key.Less(nodes[j].Key) })
// Must not happen, orderBy must already be validated here.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown order %q", orderBy))
return nodes
//// starlark.Value interface implementation.
// String is a part of starlark.Value interface
func (g *Graph) String() string { return "graph" }
// Type is a part of starlark.Value interface.
func (g *Graph) Type() string { return "graph" }
// Freeze is a part of starlark.Value interface.
// It finalizes the graph, panicking on errors. Users of Graph are expected to
// finalize the graph themselves (checking errors) before Starlark tries to
// freeze it.
func (g *Graph) Freeze() {
if err := g.Finalize(); err != nil {
// Truth is a part of starlark.Value interface.
func (g *Graph) Truth() starlark.Bool { return starlark.True }
// Hash is a part of starlark.Value interface.
func (g *Graph) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable") }
// AttrNames is a part of starlark.HasAttrs interface.
func (g *Graph) AttrNames() []string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(graphAttrs))
for k := range graphAttrs {
names = append(names, k)
return names
// Attr is a part of starlark.HasAttrs interface.
func (g *Graph) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error) {
impl, ok := graphAttrs[name]
if !ok {
return nil, nil // per Attr(...) contract
return impl.BindReceiver(g), nil
//// Starlark bindings for individual graph methods.
func nodesList(nodes []*Node) *starlark.List {
vals := make([]starlark.Value, len(nodes))
for i, n := range nodes {
vals[i] = n
return starlark.NewList(vals)
var graphAttrs = map[string]*starlark.Builtin{
// key(kind1: string, id1: string, kind2: string, id2: string, ...): graph.key
"key": starlark.NewBuiltin("key", func(_ *starlark.Thread, b *starlark.Builtin, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
if len(kwargs) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("graph.key: not expecting keyword arguments")
pairs := make([]string, len(args))
for idx, arg := range args {
str, ok := arg.(starlark.String)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("graph.key: all arguments must be strings, arg #%d was %s", idx, arg.Type())
pairs[idx] = str.GoString()
return b.Receiver().(*Graph).Key(pairs...)
// add_node(key: graph.key, props={}, idempotent=False, trace=stacktrace()): graph.node
"add_node": starlark.NewBuiltin("add_node", func(th *starlark.Thread, b *starlark.Builtin, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
var key *Key
var props *starlark.Dict
var idempotent starlark.Bool
var trace *builtins.CapturedStacktrace
err := starlark.UnpackArgs("add_node", args, kwargs,
"key", &key,
"props?", &props,
"idempotent?", &idempotent,
"trace?", &trace,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if props == nil {
props = &starlark.Dict{}
if trace == nil {
var err error
if trace, err = builtins.CaptureStacktrace(th, 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Receiver().(*Graph).AddNode(key, props, bool(idempotent), trace)
// add_edge(parent: graph.Key, child: graph.Key, title='', trace=stacktrace())
"add_edge": starlark.NewBuiltin("add_edge", func(th *starlark.Thread, b *starlark.Builtin, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
var parent *Key
var child *Key
var title starlark.String
var trace *builtins.CapturedStacktrace
err := starlark.UnpackArgs("add_edge", args, kwargs,
"parent", &parent,
"child", &child,
"title?", &title,
"trace?", &trace)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if trace == nil {
var err error
if trace, err = builtins.CaptureStacktrace(th, 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
err = b.Receiver().(*Graph).AddEdge(parent, child, title.GoString(), trace)
return starlark.None, err
// finalize(): []string
"finalize": starlark.NewBuiltin("finalize", func(_ *starlark.Thread, b *starlark.Builtin, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
if err := starlark.UnpackArgs("finalize", args, kwargs); err != nil {
return nil, err
errs := b.Receiver().(*Graph).Finalize()
out := make([]starlark.Value, len(errs))
for i, err := range errs {
out[i] = starlark.String(err.Error())
return starlark.NewList(out), nil
// node(key: graph.key): graph.node
"node": starlark.NewBuiltin("node", func(_ *starlark.Thread, b *starlark.Builtin, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
var key *Key
if err := starlark.UnpackArgs("node", args, kwargs, "key", &key); err != nil {
return nil, err
if node, err := b.Receiver().(*Graph).Node(key); node != nil || err != nil {
return node, err
return starlark.None, nil
// children(parent: graph.key, order_by='key'): []graph.node
"children": starlark.NewBuiltin("children", func(_ *starlark.Thread, b *starlark.Builtin, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
var parent *Key
var orderBy starlark.String = "key"
err := starlark.UnpackArgs("children", args, kwargs,
"parent", &parent,
"order_by?", &orderBy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodes, err := b.Receiver().(*Graph).Children(parent, orderBy.GoString())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nodesList(nodes), nil
// descendants(root: graph.key, callback=None, order_by='key'): []graph.Node.
// where 'callback' is func(node graph.node, children []graph.node): []graph.node.
"descendants": starlark.NewBuiltin("descendants", func(th *starlark.Thread, b *starlark.Builtin, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
var root *Key
var callback starlark.Value
var orderBy starlark.String = "key"
err := starlark.UnpackArgs("descendants", args, kwargs,
"root", &root,
"callback?", &callback,
"order_by?", &orderBy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Glue layer between Go callback and Starlark callback.
var visitor Visitor
if callback != nil && callback != starlark.None {
visitor = func(node *Node, children []*Node) ([]*Node, error) {
// Call callback(node, children).
ret, err := starlark.Call(th, callback, starlark.Tuple{node, nodesList(children)}, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The callback is expected to return a list.
lst, _ := ret.(*starlark.List)
if lst == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"descendants: callback %s unexpectedly returned %s instead of a list",
callback, ret.Type())
// And it should be a list of nodes.
out := make([]*Node, lst.Len())
for i := range out {
if out[i], _ = lst.Index(i).(*Node); out[i] == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"descendants: callback %s unexpectedly returned %s as element #%d instead of a graph.node",
callback, lst.Index(i).Type(), i)
return out, nil
nodes, err := b.Receiver().(*Graph).Descendants(root, orderBy.GoString(), visitor)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nodesList(nodes), nil
// parents(child: graph.key, order_by='key'): []graph.node
"parents": starlark.NewBuiltin("parents", func(_ *starlark.Thread, b *starlark.Builtin, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error) {
var child *Key
var orderBy starlark.String = "key"
err := starlark.UnpackArgs("parents", args, kwargs,
"child", &child,
"order_by?", &orderBy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodes, err := b.Receiver().(*Graph).Parents(child, orderBy.GoString())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nodesList(nodes), nil