blob: a856a53968a812be2bf132db3da5d31088df7404 [file] [log] [blame]
def test_finalization():
g = new_graph()
k1 = g.key('t1', 'id1')
k2 = g.key('t1', 'id2')
k3 = g.key('t1', 'id3')
# Before the finalization the graph can be modified.
g.add_edge(k1, k2)
# But not queried.
assert.fails(lambda: g.node(k1), 'cannot query a graph under construction')
assert.fails(lambda: g.children(k1), 'cannot query a graph under construction')
assert.fails(lambda: g.descendants(k1), 'cannot query a graph under construction')
# Can be finalized. Refinalizing is noop.
assert.eq(g.finalize(), [])
assert.eq(g.finalize(), [])
# The graph is no longer mutable.
assert.fails(lambda: g.add_node(k3), 'cannot modify a finalized graph')
assert.fails(lambda: g.add_edge(k1, k3), 'cannot modify a finalized graph')
# But is it queryable now.
assert.true(g.node(k1) != None)
assert.eq(g.children(k1), [g.node(k2)])
assert.eq(g.descendants(k1), [g.node(k1), g.node(k2)])