blob: 2c08cd6e66d8b441a8510982f02b77a7920f808f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module network.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cookie_manager.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_change_manager.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_param.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_quality_estimator_manager.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/signed_tree_head.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// The content/browser implementation of this SSLPrivateKey interface wraps the
// scoped_refptr<net::SSLPrivateKey> that is received from
// SSLClientAuthDelegate::ContinueWithCertificate(), and this mojo interface is
// sent from content/browser to services/network so that services/network can
// have its own net::SSLPrivateKey implementation that internally uses this mojo
// interface.
// The |algorithm| and |input| parameters correspond to the |algorithm| and
// |input| parameters in net::SSLPrivateKey::Sign().
// The |net_error| and |signature| parameters correspond to the parameters in
// net::SSLPrivateKey::SignCallback.
interface SSLPrivateKey {
Sign(uint16 algorithm,
array<uint8> input) => (int32 net_error, array<uint8> signature);
// The |credentials| output parameter is given to URLRequest::SetAuth()
// through this mojo interface. It is not set when URLRequest::CancelAuth()
// needs to be called.
interface AuthChallengeResponder {
OnAuthCredentials(AuthCredentials? credentials);
// Network service interface to the browser.
interface NetworkServiceClient {
// Called when we receive an authentication failure.
// The |auth_challenge_responder| will respond to auth challenge with
// credentials. |head| can provide response headers for the response
// which has elicited this auth request, if applicable.
OnAuthRequired(uint32 process_id,
uint32 routing_id,
uint32 request_id,
url.mojom.Url url,
url.mojom.Url site_for_cookies,
bool first_auth_attempt,
AuthChallengeInfo auth_info,
int32 resource_type,
URLResponseHead? head,
AuthChallengeResponder auth_challenge_responder);
// Called when an SSL certificate requested message is received for client
// authentication.
// The |algorithm_preferences| parameter corresponds to the return value
// of net::SSLPrivateKey::GetAlgorithmPreferences().
// The |cancel_certificate_selection| parameter is used to distinguish
// between the following two cases because the |x509_certificate| will be
// nullptr in both cases:
// 1. The connection is continued with no client cert,
// net::URLRequest::ContinueWithCertificate(nullptr, nullptr) needs to be
// called.
// 2. The request is aborted, net::URLRequest::CancelWithError() needs to be
// called.
OnCertificateRequested(uint32 process_id,
uint32 routing_id,
uint32 request_id,
network.mojom.SSLCertRequestInfo cert_info) => (
network.mojom.X509Certificate x509_certificate,
array<uint16> algorithm_preferences,
SSLPrivateKey ssl_private_key,
bool cancel_certificate_selection);
// Called when an SSL certificate is encountered.
// The callback argument is a net::ERROR value. If it's net::OK, then the
// request is resumed. Otherwise it's cancelled with the given error.
OnSSLCertificateError(uint32 process_id,
uint32 routing_id,
uint32 request_id,
int32 resource_type,
url.mojom.Url url,
SSLInfo ssl_info,
bool fatal) => (int32 net_error);
// Called when file uploading was requested.
// If the process that requested the uploads has permission to read all of
// the files referenced by |file_paths|, the callback arguments will be
// net::OK, along with an array of open file handles. The array will contain
// exactly one handle for each path in |file_paths|, in the same order.
// If any files referenced by |file_paths| cannot be read, a net::ERROR will
// be returned, and |files| will be an empty list. If the |async| parameter
// is true, the files will be opened with FLAG_ASYNC.
OnFileUploadRequested(uint32 process_id,
bool async,
array<mojo_base.mojom.FilePath> file_paths) =>
(int32 net_error, array<mojo_base.mojom.File> files);
// Called when an attempt has been made to set |cookie|.
int32 process_id, int32 routing_id, url.mojom.Url url,
url.mojom.Url frame_url, CanonicalCookie cookie, bool blocked_by_policy);
// Called when an attempt has been made to read the cookies in |cookie_list|.
int32 process_id, int32 routing_id, url.mojom.Url url,
url.mojom.Url frame_url, array<CanonicalCookie> cookie_list,
bool blocked_by_policy);
// An HTTPS server to send DNS queries to, per the DNS Queries over HTTPS spec.
// spec:
struct DnsOverHttpsServer {
// DNS over HTTPS server URL. Must be HTTPS.
url.mojom.Url url;
// Whether to use POSTs to do DNS lookups. Otherwise, GETs are used. See spec
// for more details.
bool use_posts = false;
// Values for configuring HTTP authentication that can only be set once.
struct HttpAuthStaticParams {
// List of supported auth schemes. Unrecognized schemes are ignored.
// The default value of this field (an empty list) does not match default
// behavior of NetworkService when no HttpAuthStaticParams is specified.
array<string> supported_schemes;
// File name the GSSAPI library to load. Only supported on
// (OS_POSIX && !OS_ANDROID && !OS_CHROMEOS && OS_IOS) platforms.
string gssapi_library_name;
// Indicates whether the GSSAPI library should be loaded. Only supported on
// ChromeOS.
bool allow_gssapi_library_load = true;
// Values for configurating HTTP authentication that can be changed as needed.
struct HttpAuthDynamicParams {
// Comma / semi-colon delimited whitelist of server origins which the network
// service may send the default credentials for NTLM or Negotiate
// authentication.
string server_whitelist;
// Comma / semi-colon delimited whitelist of server origins for which Kerberos
// delegation is allowed for NTLM or Negotiate authentication.
string delegate_whitelist;
// True if canonical hostnames should be resolved when using Negotiate.
bool negotiate_disable_cname_lookup = false;
// True if Negotiate SPNs (service principal names) should include ports
// when the port isn't a standard port (80 or 443).
bool enable_negotiate_port = true;
// Whether NTLM V2 is enabled on POSIX platforms. No effect elsewhere.
bool ntlm_v2_enabled = false;
// The AccountManager AccountManagerget.AccountsByTypeAndFeatures on Android
// when using Negotiate authentication.
string android_negotiate_account_type;
// Browser interface to the network service.
interface NetworkService {
SetClient(NetworkServiceClient client);
// Creates a new network context with the given parameters.
CreateNetworkContext(NetworkContext& context,
NetworkContextParams params);
// Configures whether the built-in stub host resolver is used in preference
// over getaddrinfo. When enabled, the stub resolver will attempt to use the
// system's DNS settings to do DNS lookups itself. See
// for definition of a stub
// resolver.
// |dns_over_https_servers| is an optional list of DNS over HTTPS servers.
// When populated, all DNS lookups will try to use DNS over HTTPS in the order
// the servers are provided in and will only fall back to using system
// settings if DNS over HTTPS fails. It is illegal to have a populated
// |dns_over_https_servers| when |stub_resolver_enabled| is false.
// DNS over HTTPS will use the primary NetworkContext, so can only be enabled
// after the primary network context has been created. Other than that
// limitation, this method can be called at any time to change DNS
// configuration, though calling it will fail any DNS lookups that have
// already been started.
// Both the stub resolver and DNS over HTTPS are disabled by default.
ConfigureStubHostResolver(bool stub_resolver_enabled,
array<DnsOverHttpsServer>? dns_over_https_servers);
// Disables QUIC for the NetworkService. Affects all existing NetworkContexts,
// and all new ones that are created. Once called, QUIC cannot be re-enabled.
// Configures HTTP authentication for all NetworkContexts created using the
// NetworkService. May only be called at most once, and may only be called
// before any NetworkContexts are created.
// If this method is not invoked, default values will be used (which currently
// allow all supported schemes on the current platform).
SetUpHttpAuth(HttpAuthStaticParams http_auth_static_params);
// Sets global auth params. Unlike SetUpAuth(), may be called multiple times,
// at any point in time. Affects all NetworkContexts, both already existing
// one and subsequently created ones.
ConfigureHttpAuthPrefs(HttpAuthDynamicParams http_auth_dynamic_params);
// Specifies whether requests for raw headers coming through URLLoaderFactory
// associated with the specified process will be granted. Granting such a
// permission increases risks in case the child process becomes compromised,
// so this should be done only in specific cases (e.g. DevTools attached).
SetRawHeadersAccess(uint32 process_id, bool allow);
// Gets the NetworkChangeManager.
NetworkChangeManager& network_change_manager);
// Gets the NetworkQualityEstimatorManager.
NetworkQualityEstimatorManager& network_quality_estimator_manager);
// Gets the accumulated network usage since the start/restart of the service.
GetTotalNetworkUsages() => (array<NetworkUsage> total_network_usages);
// Update Signed Tree Heads (STH) used in the handling of Certificate
// Transparency. Broadcast to each NetworkContext using the NetworkService.
// NetworkContextes ignore STHs from unrecognized logs.
UpdateSignedTreeHead(SignedTreeHead signed_tree_head);