blob: 555c4621c80ac1fa0ffdbc64f8751317e0296652 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/app_list/app_service_app_model_builder.h"
#include "chrome/browser/apps/app_service/app_service_proxy.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/app_list/app_service_app_item.h"
AppListControllerDelegate* controller)
: AppListModelBuilder(controller, AppServiceAppItem::kItemType) {}
AppServiceAppModelBuilder::~AppServiceAppModelBuilder() = default;
void AppServiceAppModelBuilder::BuildModel() {
apps::AppServiceProxy* proxy = apps::AppServiceProxy::Get(profile());
if (proxy) {
[this](const apps::AppUpdate& update) { OnAppUpdate(update); });
} else {
// TODO( do we want apps in incognito mode? See the TODO
// in AppServiceProxyFactory::GetForProfile about whether
// apps::AppServiceProxy::Get should return nullptr for incognito profiles.
void AppServiceAppModelBuilder::OnAppUpdate(const apps::AppUpdate& update) {
ChromeAppListItem* item = GetAppItem(update.AppId());
bool show = (update.Readiness() == apps::mojom::Readiness::kReady) &&
(update.ShowInLauncher() == apps::mojom::OptionalBool::kTrue);
if (item) {
if (show) {
DCHECK(item->GetItemType() == AppServiceAppItem::kItemType);
// TODO( drop the check for kExtension or kWeb, and
// call UpdateItem unconditionally?
apps::mojom::AppType app_type = update.AppType();
if ((app_type == apps::mojom::AppType::kExtension) ||
(app_type == apps::mojom::AppType::kWeb)) {
app_list::AppListSyncableService* serv = service();
if (serv) {
} else {
RemoveApp(update.AppId(), false /* unsynced_change */);
} else if (show) {
profile(), model_updater(), GetSyncItem(update.AppId()), update));