blob: 6af576b8e9024170d18329b1848784b171e75cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart_h
#define NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart_h
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_physical_offset.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_absolute_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
namespace blink {
class ComputedStyle;
class LayoutObject;
class NGBlockNode;
class NGFragmentBuilder;
class NGConstraintSpace;
class NGLayoutResult;
struct NGOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant;
// Helper class for positioning of out-of-flow blocks.
// It should be used together with NGFragmentBuilder.
// See NGFragmentBuilder::AddOutOfFlowChildCandidate documentation
// for example of using these classes together.
class CORE_EXPORT NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart {
NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart(NGFragmentBuilder* container_builder,
bool contains_absolute,
bool contains_fixed,
const NGBoxStrut& scrollbar_sizes,
const NGConstraintSpace& container_space,
const ComputedStyle& container_style);
// Normally this function lays out and positions all out-of-flow objects
// from the container_builder and additional ones it discovers through laying
// out those objects. However, if only_layout is specified, only that object
// will get laid out; any additional ones will be stored as out-of-flow
// descendants in the builder for use via
// LayoutResult::OutOfFlowPositionedDescendants.
void Run(LayoutObject* only_layout = nullptr);
// Information needed to position descendant within a containing block.
// Geometry expressed here is complicated:
// There are two types of containing blocks:
// 1) Default containing block (DCB)
// Containing block passed in NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart constructor.
// It is the block element inside which this algorighm runs.
// All OOF descendants not in inline containing block are placed in DCB.
// 2) Inline containing block
// OOF descendants might be positioned wrt inline containing block.
// Inline containing block is positioned wrt default containing block.
struct ContainingBlockInfo {
// Containing block style.
const ComputedStyle* style;
// Logical in containing block coordinates.
NGLogicalSize content_size;
// Content offset wrt border box.
NGLogicalOffset content_offset;
// Physical content offset wrt border box.
NGPhysicalOffset content_physical_offset;
// Logical offset of container padding box
// wrt default containing block padding box.
NGLogicalOffset default_container_offset;
ContainingBlockInfo GetContainingBlockInfo(
const NGOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant&) const;
void ComputeInlineContainingBlocks(Vector<NGOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant>);
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> LayoutDescendant(
const NGOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant&,
NGLogicalOffset* offset);
bool IsContainingBlockForDescendant(
const NGOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant& descendant);
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> GenerateFragment(
NGBlockNode node,
const ContainingBlockInfo&,
const base::Optional<LayoutUnit>& block_estimate,
const NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition& node_position);
NGFragmentBuilder* container_builder_;
bool contains_absolute_;
bool contains_fixed_;
NGPhysicalSize icb_size_;
ContainingBlockInfo default_containing_block_;
HashMap<const LayoutObject*, ContainingBlockInfo> containing_blocks_map_;
} // namespace blink