blob: 94b9185f6bae3d43e1b4be4cd7e6902266c337fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/api-arguments-inl.h"
#include "src/bootstrapper.h"
#include "src/code-stubs.h"
#include "src/counters.h"
#include "src/double.h"
#include "src/frame-constants.h"
#include "src/frames.h"
#include "src/ic/ic.h"
#include "src/ic/stub-cache.h"
#include "src/isolate.h"
#include "src/macro-assembler.h"
#include "src/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/api-callbacks.h"
#include "src/objects/regexp-match-info.h"
#include "src/regexp/jsregexp.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
#include "src/runtime/runtime.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
#define __ ACCESS_MASM(masm)
void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label invoke, handler_entry, exit;
Label not_outermost_js, not_outermost_js_2;
{ // NOLINT. Scope block confuses linter.
NoRootArrayScope uninitialized_root_register(masm);
// Set up frame.
__ pushq(rbp);
__ movp(rbp, rsp);
// Push the stack frame type.
__ Push(Immediate(StackFrame::TypeToMarker(type()))); // context slot
ExternalReference context_address =
ExternalReference::Create(IsolateAddressId::kContextAddress, isolate());
__ Load(kScratchRegister, context_address);
__ Push(kScratchRegister); // context
// Save callee-saved registers (X64/X32/Win64 calling conventions).
__ pushq(r12);
__ pushq(r13);
__ pushq(r14);
__ pushq(r15);
#ifdef _WIN64
__ pushq(rdi); // Only callee save in Win64 ABI, argument in AMD64 ABI.
__ pushq(rsi); // Only callee save in Win64 ABI, argument in AMD64 ABI.
__ pushq(rbx);
#ifdef _WIN64
// On Win64 XMM6-XMM15 are callee-save
__ subp(rsp, Immediate(EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegistersBlockSize));
__ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 0), xmm6);
__ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 1), xmm7);
__ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 2), xmm8);
__ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 3), xmm9);
__ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 4), xmm10);
__ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 5), xmm11);
__ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 6), xmm12);
__ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 7), xmm13);
__ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 8), xmm14);
__ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 9), xmm15);
__ InitializeRootRegister();
// Save copies of the top frame descriptor on the stack.
ExternalReference c_entry_fp =
ExternalReference::Create(IsolateAddressId::kCEntryFPAddress, isolate());
Operand c_entry_fp_operand = masm->ExternalReferenceAsOperand(c_entry_fp);
__ Push(c_entry_fp_operand);
// If this is the outermost JS call, set js_entry_sp value.
ExternalReference js_entry_sp =
ExternalReference::Create(IsolateAddressId::kJSEntrySPAddress, isolate());
__ Load(rax, js_entry_sp);
__ testp(rax, rax);
__ j(not_zero, &not_outermost_js);
__ Push(Immediate(StackFrame::OUTERMOST_JSENTRY_FRAME));
__ movp(rax, rbp);
__ Store(js_entry_sp, rax);
Label cont;
__ jmp(&cont);
__ bind(&not_outermost_js);
__ Push(Immediate(StackFrame::INNER_JSENTRY_FRAME));
__ bind(&cont);
// Jump to a faked try block that does the invoke, with a faked catch
// block that sets the pending exception.
__ jmp(&invoke);
__ bind(&handler_entry);
handler_offset_ = handler_entry.pos();
// Caught exception: Store result (exception) in the pending exception
// field in the JSEnv and return a failure sentinel.
ExternalReference pending_exception = ExternalReference::Create(
IsolateAddressId::kPendingExceptionAddress, isolate());
__ Store(pending_exception, rax);
__ LoadRoot(rax, RootIndex::kException);
__ jmp(&exit);
// Invoke: Link this frame into the handler chain.
__ bind(&invoke);
__ PushStackHandler();
// Invoke the function by calling through JS entry trampoline builtin and
// pop the faked function when we return. We load the address from an
// external reference instead of inlining the call target address directly
// in the code, because the builtin stubs may not have been generated yet
// at the time this code is generated.
__ Call(EntryTrampoline(), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
// Unlink this frame from the handler chain.
__ PopStackHandler();
__ bind(&exit);
// Check if the current stack frame is marked as the outermost JS frame.
__ Pop(rbx);
__ cmpp(rbx, Immediate(StackFrame::OUTERMOST_JSENTRY_FRAME));
__ j(not_equal, &not_outermost_js_2);
__ Move(kScratchRegister, js_entry_sp);
__ movp(Operand(kScratchRegister, 0), Immediate(0));
__ bind(&not_outermost_js_2);
// Restore the top frame descriptor from the stack.
Operand c_entry_fp_operand = masm->ExternalReferenceAsOperand(c_entry_fp);
__ Pop(c_entry_fp_operand);
// Restore callee-saved registers (X64 conventions).
#ifdef _WIN64
// On Win64 XMM6-XMM15 are callee-save
__ movdqu(xmm6, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 0));
__ movdqu(xmm7, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 1));
__ movdqu(xmm8, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 2));
__ movdqu(xmm9, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 3));
__ movdqu(xmm10, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 4));
__ movdqu(xmm11, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 5));
__ movdqu(xmm12, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 6));
__ movdqu(xmm13, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 7));
__ movdqu(xmm14, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 8));
__ movdqu(xmm15, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 9));
__ addp(rsp, Immediate(EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegistersBlockSize));
__ popq(rbx);
#ifdef _WIN64
// Callee save on in Win64 ABI, arguments/volatile in AMD64 ABI.
__ popq(rsi);
__ popq(rdi);
__ popq(r15);
__ popq(r14);
__ popq(r13);
__ popq(r12);
__ addp(rsp, Immediate(2 * kPointerSize)); // remove markers
// Restore frame pointer and return.
__ popq(rbp);
__ ret(0);
#undef __
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64