blob: bcc7afbd77b985b35613968e319d9c9ead935241 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_web_controller.h"
#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/mru_cache.h"
#import "base/ios/block_types.h"
#include "base/ios/ios_util.h"
#import "base/ios/ns_error_util.h"
#import "base/ios/weak_nsobject.h"
#include "base/json/string_escape.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#import "base/mac/bind_objc_block.h"
#include "base/mac/bundle_locations.h"
#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
#import "base/mac/objc_property_releaser.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#import "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics_action.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#import "ios/net/http_response_headers_util.h"
#import "ios/net/nsurlrequest_util.h"
#include "ios/web/history_state_util.h"
#import "ios/web/interstitials/web_interstitial_impl.h"
#import "ios/web/navigation/crw_session_certificate_policy_manager.h"
#import "ios/web/navigation/crw_session_controller.h"
#import "ios/web/navigation/navigation_item_impl.h"
#import "ios/web/navigation/navigation_manager_impl.h"
#include "ios/web/net/cert_host_pair.h"
#import "ios/web/net/crw_cert_verification_controller.h"
#import "ios/web/net/crw_ssl_status_updater.h"
#include "ios/web/public/browser_state.h"
#include "ios/web/public/favicon_url.h"
#import "ios/web/public/java_script_dialog_presenter.h"
#import "ios/web/public/navigation_item.h"
#import "ios/web/public/navigation_manager.h"
#import "ios/web/public/origin_util.h"
#include "ios/web/public/referrer.h"
#include "ios/web/public/referrer_util.h"
#include "ios/web/public/ssl_status.h"
#import "ios/web/public/url_scheme_util.h"
#include "ios/web/public/url_util.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_client.h"
#include "ios/web/public/web_kit_constants.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/context_menu_params.h"
#include "ios/web/public/web_state/credential.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/crw_web_controller_observer.h"
#include "ios/web/public/web_state/js/credential_util.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/js/crw_js_injection_manager.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/js/crw_js_injection_receiver.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/page_display_state.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/ui/crw_content_view.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/ui/crw_context_menu_delegate.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/ui/crw_native_content.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/ui/crw_native_content_provider.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/ui/crw_web_view_content_view.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/ui/crw_web_view_scroll_view_proxy.h"
#include "ios/web/public/web_state/url_verification_constants.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/web_state.h"
#include "ios/web/public/webui/web_ui_ios.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/crw_pass_kit_downloader.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/error_translation_util.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/js/crw_js_plugin_placeholder_manager.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/js/crw_js_post_request_loader.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/js/crw_js_window_id_manager.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/page_viewport_state.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_context_menu_controller.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_swipe_recognizer_provider.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_web_controller.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_web_controller_container_view.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_web_view_proxy_impl.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_wk_navigation_states.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_wk_script_message_router.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/wk_back_forward_list_item_holder.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/wk_web_view_configuration_provider.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/web_controller_observer_bridge.h"
#include "ios/web/web_state/web_state_facade_delegate.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/web_state_impl.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/web_view_internal_creation_util.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/wk_web_view_security_util.h"
#import "ios/web/webui/crw_web_ui_manager.h"
#import "ios/web/webui/mojo_facade.h"
#import "net/base/mac/url_conversions.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_info.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/cpp/interface_registry.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
using base::UserMetricsAction;
using web::NavigationManager;
using web::NavigationManagerImpl;
using web::WebState;
using web::WebStateImpl;
namespace {
// Struct to capture data about a user interaction. Records the time of the
// interaction and the main document URL at that time.
struct UserInteractionEvent {
UserInteractionEvent(GURL url)
: main_document_url(url), time(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()) {}
// Main document URL at the time the interaction occurred.
GURL main_document_url;
// Time that the interaction occured, measured in seconds since Jan 1 2001.
CFAbsoluteTime time;
// Keys for JavaScript command handlers context.
NSString* const kUserIsInteractingKey = @"userIsInteracting";
NSString* const kOriginURLKey = @"originURL";
// Standard User Defaults key for "Log JS" debug setting.
NSString* const kLogJavaScript = @"LogJavascript";
// Key of UMA IOSFix.ViewportZoomBugCount histogram.
const char kUMAViewportZoomBugCount[] = "Renderer.ViewportZoomBugCount";
// URL scheme for messages sent from javascript for asynchronous processing.
NSString* const kScriptMessageName = @"crwebinvoke";
// Constants for storing the source of NSErrors received by WKWebViews:
// - Errors received by |-webView:didFailProvisionalNavigation:withError:| are
// recorded using WKWebViewErrorSource::PROVISIONAL_LOAD. These should be
// cancelled.
// - Errors received by |-webView:didFailNavigation:withError:| are recorded
// using WKWebViewsource::NAVIGATION. These errors should not be cancelled,
// as the WKWebView will automatically retry the load.
NSString* const kWKWebViewErrorSourceKey = @"ErrorSource";
typedef enum { NONE = 0, PROVISIONAL_LOAD, NAVIGATION } WKWebViewErrorSource;
// Represents cert verification error, which happened inside
// |webView:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:completionHandler:| and should
// be checked inside |webView:didFailProvisionalNavigation:withError:|.
struct CertVerificationError {
CertVerificationError(BOOL is_recoverable, net::CertStatus status)
: is_recoverable(is_recoverable), status(status) {}
BOOL is_recoverable;
net::CertStatus status;
// Type of Cache object for storing cert verification errors.
typedef base::MRUCache<web::CertHostPair, CertVerificationError>
// Maximum number of errors to store in cert verification errors cache.
// Cache holds errors only for pending navigations, so the actual number of
// stored errors is not expected to be high.
const CertVerificationErrorsCacheType::size_type kMaxCertErrorsCount = 100;
// States for external URL requests. This enum is used in UMA and
// entries should not be re-ordered or deleted.
enum ExternalURLRequestStatus {
// Utility function for getting the source of NSErrors received by WKWebViews.
WKWebViewErrorSource WKWebViewErrorSourceFromError(NSError* error) {
return static_cast<WKWebViewErrorSource>(
[error.userInfo[kWKWebViewErrorSourceKey] integerValue]);
// Utility function for converting the WKWebViewErrorSource to the NSError
// received by WKWebViews.
NSError* WKWebViewErrorWithSource(NSError* error, WKWebViewErrorSource source) {
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableDictionary> userInfo(
[error.userInfo mutableCopy]);
[userInfo setObject:@(source) forKey:kWKWebViewErrorSourceKey];
[NSError errorWithDomain:error.domain code:error.code userInfo:userInfo];
} // namespace
#pragma mark -
// A container object for any navigation information that is only available
// during pre-commit delegate callbacks, and thus must be held until the
// navigation commits and the informatino can be used.
@interface CRWWebControllerPendingNavigationInfo : NSObject {
// The referrer for the page.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* referrer;
// The MIME type for the page.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* MIMEType;
// The navigation type for the load.
@property(nonatomic, assign) WKNavigationType navigationType;
// HTTP request method for the load.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* HTTPMethod;
// Whether the pending navigation has been directly cancelled before the
// navigation is committed.
// Cancelled navigations should be simply discarded without handling any
// specific error.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL cancelled;
@implementation CRWWebControllerPendingNavigationInfo
@synthesize referrer = _referrer;
@synthesize MIMEType = _MIMEType;
@synthesize navigationType = _navigationType;
@synthesize HTTPMethod = _HTTPMethod;
@synthesize cancelled = _cancelled;
- (instancetype)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
self, [CRWWebControllerPendingNavigationInfo class]);
_navigationType = WKNavigationTypeOther;
return self;
@interface CRWWebController ()<CRWContextMenuDelegate,
WKUIDelegate> {
base::WeakNSProtocol<id<CRWWebDelegate>> _delegate;
base::WeakNSProtocol<id<CRWNativeContentProvider>> _nativeProvider;
base::WeakNSProtocol<id<CRWSwipeRecognizerProvider>> _swipeRecognizerProvider;
// The WKWebView managed by this instance.
base::scoped_nsobject<WKWebView> _webView;
// The CRWWebViewProxy is the wrapper to give components access to the
// web view in a controlled and limited way.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebViewProxyImpl> _webViewProxy;
// The view used to display content. Must outlive |_webViewProxy|. The
// container view should be accessed through this property rather than
// |self.view| from within this class, as |self.view| triggers creation while
// |self.containerView| will return nil if the view hasn't been instantiated.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebControllerContainerView> _containerView;
// If |_contentView| contains a native view rather than a web view, this
// is its controller. If it's a web view, this is nil.
base::scoped_nsprotocol<id<CRWNativeContent>> _nativeController;
BOOL _isHalted; // YES if halted. Halting happens prior to destruction.
BOOL _isBeingDestroyed; // YES if in the process of closing.
// All CRWWebControllerObservers attached to the CRWWebController. A
// specially-constructed set is used that does not retain its elements.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableSet> _observers;
// Each observer in |_observers| is associated with a
// WebControllerObserverBridge in order to listen from WebState callbacks.
// TODO(droger): Remove |_observerBridges| when all CRWWebControllerObservers
// are converted to WebStateObservers.
// YES if a user interaction has been registered at any time once the page has
// loaded.
BOOL _userInteractionRegistered;
// YES if the user has interacted with the content area since the last URL
// change.
BOOL _interactionRegisteredSinceLastURLChange;
// The actual URL of the document object (i.e., the last committed URL).
// TODO( Remove this in favor of just updating the
// navigation manager and treating that as authoritative.
GURL _documentURL;
// Last URL change reported to webWill/DidStartLoadingURL. Used to detect page
// location changes (client redirects) in practice.
GURL _lastRegisteredRequestURL;
// Last URL change reported to webDidStartLoadingURL. Used to detect page
// location changes in practice.
GURL _URLOnStartLoading;
// Page loading phase.
web::LoadPhase _loadPhase;
// The web::PageDisplayState recorded when the page starts loading.
web::PageDisplayState _displayStateOnStartLoading;
// Whether or not the page has zoomed since the current navigation has been
// committed, either by user interaction or via |-restoreStateFromHistory|.
BOOL _pageHasZoomed;
// Whether a PageDisplayState is currently being applied.
BOOL _applyingPageState;
// Actions to execute once the page load is complete.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> _pendingLoadCompleteActions;
// UIGestureRecognizers to add to the web view.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> _gestureRecognizers;
// Toolbars to add to the web view.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> _webViewToolbars;
// Flag to say if browsing is enabled.
BOOL _webUsageEnabled;
// Content view was reset due to low memory. Use the placeholder overlay on
// next creation.
BOOL _usePlaceholderOverlay;
// The next time the view is requested, reload the page (using the placeholder
// overlay until it's loaded).
BOOL _requireReloadOnDisplay;
// Overlay view used instead of webView.
base::scoped_nsobject<UIImageView> _placeholderOverlayView;
// The touch tracking recognizer allowing us to decide if a navigation is
// started by the user.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWTouchTrackingRecognizer> _touchTrackingRecognizer;
// The controller that tracks long press and check context menu trigger.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWContextMenuController> _contextMenuController;
// Whether a click is in progress.
BOOL _clickInProgress;
// Data on the recorded last user interaction.
std::unique_ptr<UserInteractionEvent> _lastUserInteraction;
// YES if there has been user interaction with views owned by this controller.
BOOL _userInteractedWithWebController;
// The time of the last page transfer start, measured in seconds since Jan 1
// 2001.
CFAbsoluteTime _lastTransferTimeInSeconds;
// Default URL (about:blank).
GURL _defaultURL;
// Show overlay view, don't reload web page.
BOOL _overlayPreviewMode;
// If |YES|, calls |setShouldSuppressDialogs:YES| when window id is injected
// into the web view.
BOOL _shouldSuppressDialogsOnWindowIDInjection;
// The URL of an expected future recreation of the |webView|. Valid
// only if the web view was discarded for non-user-visible reasons, such that
// if the next load request is for that URL, it should be treated as a
// reconstruction that should use cache aggressively.
GURL _expectedReconstructionURL;
// Whether the web page is currently performing window.history.pushState or
// window.history.replaceState
// Set to YES on window.history.willChangeState message. To NO on
// window.history.didPushState or window.history.didReplaceState.
BOOL _changingHistoryState;
// Set to YES when a hashchange event is manually dispatched for same-document
// history navigations.
BOOL _dispatchingSameDocumentHashChangeEvent;
// YES if the web process backing _wkWebView is believed to currently be dead.
BOOL _webProcessIsDead;
// Object for loading POST requests with body.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWJSPOSTRequestLoader> _POSTRequestLoader;
// WebStateImpl instance associated with this CRWWebController, web controller
// does not own this pointer.
WebStateImpl* _webStateImpl;
// A set of URLs opened in external applications; stored so that errors
// from the web view can be identified as resulting from these events.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableSet> _openedApplicationURL;
// A set of script managers whose scripts have been injected into the current
// page.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Revisit this approach; it's intended only as a stopgap
// measure to make all the existing script managers work. Longer term, there
// should probably be a couple of points where managers can register to have
// things happen automatically based on page lifecycle, and if they don't want
// to use one of those fixed points, they should make their scripts internally
// idempotent.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableSet> _injectedScriptManagers;
// Script manager for setting the windowID.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWJSWindowIDManager> _windowIDJSManager;
// The receiver of JavaScripts.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWJSInjectionReceiver> _jsInjectionReceiver;
// Handles downloading PassKit data for WKWebView. Lazy initialized.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWPassKitDownloader> _passKitDownloader;
// Backs up property with the same name.
std::unique_ptr<web::MojoFacade> _mojoFacade;
// Referrer for the current page; does not include the fragment.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSString> _currentReferrerString;
// Pending information for an in-progress page navigation. The lifetime of
// this object starts at |decidePolicyForNavigationAction| where the info is
// extracted from the request, and ends at either |didCommitNavigation| or
// |didFailProvisionalNavigation|.
// Holds all WKNavigation objects and their states which are currently in
// flight.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWKNavigationStates> _navigationStates;
// The WKNavigation captured when |stopLoading| was called. Used for reporting
// WebController.EmptyNavigationManagerCausedByStopLoading UMA metric which
// helps with diagnosing a navigation related crash (
base::WeakNSObject<WKNavigation> _stoppedWKNavigation;
// CRWWebUIManager object for loading WebUI pages.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebUIManager> _webUIManager;
// Updates SSLStatus for current navigation item.
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWSSLStatusUpdater> _SSLStatusUpdater;
// Controller used for certs verification to help with blocking requests with
// bad SSL cert, presenting SSL interstitials and determining SSL status for
// Navigation Items.
// CertVerification errors which happened inside
// |webView:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:completionHandler:|.
// Key is leaf-cert/host pair. This storage is used to carry calculated
// cert status from |didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:| to
// |didFailProvisionalNavigation:| delegate method.
std::unique_ptr<CertVerificationErrorsCacheType> _certVerificationErrors;
// If |contentView_| contains a web view, this is the web view it contains.
// If not, it's nil.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) WKWebView* webView;
// The scroll view of |webView|.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) UIScrollView* webScrollView;
// The current page state of the web view. Writing to this property
// asynchronously applies the passed value to the current web view.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) web::PageDisplayState pageDisplayState;
// The currently displayed native controller, if any.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) id<CRWNativeContent> nativeController;
// Returns NavigationManager's session controller.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) CRWSessionController* sessionController;
// The associated NavigationManagerImpl.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NavigationManagerImpl* navigationManagerImpl;
// Whether the associated WebState has an opener.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasOpener;
// Dictionary where keys are the names of WKWebView properties and values are
// selector names which should be called when a corresponding property has
// changed. e.g. @{ @"URL" : @"webViewURLDidChange" } means that
// -[self webViewURLDidChange] must be called every time when WKWebView.URL is
// changed.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSDictionary* WKWebViewObservers;
// Downloader for PassKit files. Lazy initialized.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) CRWPassKitDownloader* passKitDownloader;
// The web view's view of the current URL. During page transitions
// this may not be the same as the session history's view of the current URL.
// This method can change the state of the CRWWebController, as it will display
// an error if the returned URL is not reliable from a security point of view.
// Note that this method is expensive, so it should always be cached locally if
// it's needed multiple times in a method.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) GURL currentURL;
// Returns the referrer for the current page.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) web::Referrer currentReferrer;
// Returns YES if the user interacted with the page recently.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL userClickedRecently;
// Whether or not desktop user agent is used for the currentItem.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL usesDesktopUserAgent;
// Facade for Mojo API.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) web::MojoFacade* mojoFacade;
// TODO( Remove these functions and replace with more
// appropriate NavigationItem getters.
// Returns the navigation item for the current page.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) web::NavigationItemImpl* currentNavItem;
// Returns the current transition type.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) ui::PageTransition currentTransition;
// Returns the referrer for current navigation item. May be empty.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) web::Referrer currentNavItemReferrer;
// The HTTP headers associated with the current navigation item. These are nil
// unless the request was a POST.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSDictionary* currentHTTPHeaders;
// Requires page reconstruction if |item| has a non-NONE UserAgentType and it
// differs from that of |fromItem|.
- (void)updateDesktopUserAgentForItem:(web::NavigationItem*)item
// Removes the container view from the hierarchy and resets the ivar.
- (void)resetContainerView;
// Called when the web page has changed document and/or URL, and so the page
// navigation should be reported to the delegate, and internal state updated to
// reflect the fact that the navigation has occurred.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): The code conflates URL changes and document object
// changes; the two need to be separated and handled differently.
- (void)webPageChanged;
// Resets any state that is associated with a specific document object (e.g.,
// page interaction tracking).
- (void)resetDocumentSpecificState;
// Called when a page (native or web) has actually started loading (i.e., for
// a web page the document has actually changed), or after the load request has
// been registered for a non-document-changing URL change. Updates internal
// state not specific to web pages.
- (void)didStartLoadingURL:(const GURL&)URL;
// Returns YES if the URL looks like it is one CRWWebController can show.
+ (BOOL)webControllerCanShow:(const GURL&)url;
// Clears the currently-displayed transient content view.
- (void)clearTransientContentView;
// Returns a lazily created CRWTouchTrackingRecognizer.
- (CRWTouchTrackingRecognizer*)touchTrackingRecognizer;
// Shows placeholder overlay.
- (void)addPlaceholderOverlay;
// Removes placeholder overlay.
- (void)removePlaceholderOverlay;
// Creates a web view if it's not yet created.
- (void)ensureWebViewCreated;
// Creates a web view with given |config|. No-op if web view is already created.
- (void)ensureWebViewCreatedWithConfiguration:(WKWebViewConfiguration*)config;
// Returns a new autoreleased web view created with given configuration.
- (WKWebView*)webViewWithConfiguration:(WKWebViewConfiguration*)config;
// Sets the value of the webView property, and performs its basic setup.
- (void)setWebView:(WKWebView*)webView;
// Removes webView, optionally tracking the URL of the evicted
// page for later cache-based reconstruction.
- (void)removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:(BOOL)allowCache;
// Called when web view process has been terminated.
- (void)webViewWebProcessDidCrash;
// Returns the WKWebViewConfigurationProvider associated with the web
// controller's BrowserState.
- (web::WKWebViewConfigurationProvider&)webViewConfigurationProvider;
// Extracts "Referer" [sic] value from WKNavigationAction request header.
- (NSString*)referrerFromNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction*)action;
// Returns the current URL of the web view, and sets |trustLevel| accordingly
// based on the confidence in the verification.
- (GURL)webURLWithTrustLevel:(web::URLVerificationTrustLevel*)trustLevel;
// Returns |YES| if |url| should be loaded in a native view.
- (BOOL)shouldLoadURLInNativeView:(const GURL&)url;
// Loads the request into the |webView|.
- (void)loadRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest*)request;
// Loads POST request with body in |_wkWebView| by constructing an HTML page
// that executes the request through JavaScript and replaces document with the
// result.
// Note that this approach includes multiple body encodings and decodings, plus
// the data is passed to |_wkWebView| on main thread.
// This is necessary because WKWebView ignores POST request body.
// Workaround for
- (void)loadPOSTRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest*)request;
// Loads the HTML into the page at the given URL.
- (void)loadHTML:(NSString*)html forURL:(const GURL&)url;
// Extracts navigation info from WKNavigationAction and sets it as a pending.
// Some pieces of navigation information are only known in
// |decidePolicyForNavigationAction|, but must be in a pending state until
// |didgo/Navigation| where it becames current.
- (void)updatePendingNavigationInfoFromNavigationAction:
// Extracts navigation info from WKNavigationResponse and sets it as a pending.
// Some pieces of navigation information are only known in
// |decidePolicyForNavigationResponse|, but must be in a pending state until
// |didCommitNavigation| where it becames current.
- (void)updatePendingNavigationInfoFromNavigationResponse:
// Updates current state with any pending information. Should be called when a
// navigation is committed.
- (void)commitPendingNavigationInfo;
// Returns a NSMutableURLRequest that represents the current NavigationItem.
- (NSMutableURLRequest*)requestForCurrentNavigationItem;
// Returns the WKBackForwardListItemHolder for the current navigation item.
- (web::WKBackForwardListItemHolder*)currentBackForwardListItemHolder;
// Updates the WKBackForwardListItemHolder navigation item.
- (void)updateCurrentBackForwardListItemHolder;
// Loads the current nativeController in a native view. If a web view is
// present, removes it and swaps in the native view in its place.
- (void)loadNativeViewWithSuccess:(BOOL)loadSuccess;
// YES if the navigation to |url| should be treated as a reload.
- (BOOL)shouldReload:(const GURL&)destinationURL
// Internal implementation of reload. Reloads without notifying the delegate.
// Most callers should use -reload instead.
- (void)reloadInternal;
// Aborts any load for both the web view and web controller.
- (void)abortLoad;
// Updates the internal state and informs the delegate that any outstanding load
// operations are cancelled.
- (void)loadCancelled;
// If YES, the page should be closed if it successfully redirects to a native
// application, for example if a new tab redirects to the App Store.
- (BOOL)shouldClosePageOnNativeApplicationLoad;
// Called following navigation completion to generate final navigation lifecycle
// events. Navigation is considered complete when the document has finished
// loading, or when other page load mechanics are completed on a
// non-document-changing URL change.
- (void)didFinishNavigation;
// Update the appropriate parts of the model and broadcast to the embedder. This
// may be called multiple times and thus must be idempotent.
- (void)loadCompleteWithSuccess:(BOOL)loadSuccess;
// Called after URL is finished loading and _loadPhase is set to PAGE_LOADED.
- (void)didFinishWithURL:(const GURL&)currentURL loadSuccess:(BOOL)loadSuccess;
// Navigates forwards or backwards by |delta| pages. No-op if delta is out of
// bounds. Reloads if delta is 0.
// TODO( Move this method to NavigationManager.
- (void)goDelta:(int)delta;
// Informs the native controller if web usage is allowed or not.
- (void)setNativeControllerWebUsageEnabled:(BOOL)webUsageEnabled;
// Called when web controller receives a new message from the web page.
- (void)didReceiveScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage*)message;
// Returns a new script which wraps |script| with windowID check so |script| is
// not evaluated on windowID mismatch.
- (NSString*)scriptByAddingWindowIDCheckForScript:(NSString*)script;
// Attempts to handle a script message. Returns YES on success, NO otherwise.
- (BOOL)respondToWKScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage*)scriptMessage;
// Registers load request with empty referrer and link or client redirect
// transition based on user interaction state.
- (void)registerLoadRequest:(const GURL&)URL;
// Prepares web controller and delegates for anticipated page change.
// Allows several methods to invoke webWill/DidAddPendingURL on anticipated page
// change, using the same cached request and calculated transition types.
- (void)registerLoadRequest:(const GURL&)URL
referrer:(const web::Referrer&)referrer
// Updates the HTML5 history state of the page using the current NavigationItem.
// For same-document navigations and navigations affected by
// window.history.[push/replace]State(), the URL and serialized state object
// will be updated to the current NavigationItem's values. A popState event
// will be triggered for all same-document navigations. Additionaly, a
// hashchange event will be triggered for same-document navigations where the
// only difference between the current and previous URL is the fragment.
- (void)updateHTML5HistoryState;
// Generates the JavaScript string used to update the UIWebView's URL so that it
// matches the URL displayed in the omnibox and sets window.history.state to
// stateObject. Needed for history.pushState() and history.replaceState().
- (NSString*)javaScriptToReplaceWebViewURL:(const GURL&)URL
// Generates the JavaScript string used to manually dispatch a popstate event,
// using |stateObjectJSON| as the event parameter.
- (NSString*)javaScriptToDispatchPopStateWithObject:(NSString*)stateObjectJSON;
// Generates the JavaScript string used to manually dispatch a hashchange event,
// using |oldURL| and |newURL| as the event parameters.
- (NSString*)javaScriptToDispatchHashChangeWithOldURL:(const GURL&)oldURL
newURL:(const GURL&)newURL;
// Injects JavaScript to update the URL and state object of the webview to the
// values found in the current NavigationItem. A hashchange event will be
// dispatched if |dispatchHashChange| is YES, and a popstate event will be
// dispatched if |sameDocument| is YES. Upon the script's completion, resets
// |urlOnStartLoading_| and |_lastRegisteredRequestURL| to the current
// NavigationItem's URL. This is necessary so that sites that depend on URL
// params/fragments continue to work correctly and that checks for the URL don't
// incorrectly trigger |-webPageChanged| calls.
- (void)injectHTML5HistoryScriptWithHashChange:(BOOL)dispatchHashChange
- (BOOL)isLoaded;
// Extracts the current page's viewport tag information and calls |completion|.
// If the page has changed before the viewport tag is successfully extracted,
// |completion| is called with nullptr.
typedef void (^ViewportStateCompletion)(const web::PageViewportState*);
- (void)extractViewportTagWithCompletion:(ViewportStateCompletion)completion;
// Called by NSNotificationCenter upon orientation changes.
- (void)orientationDidChange;
// Queries the web view for the user-scalable meta tag and calls
// |-applyPageDisplayState:userScalable:| with the result.
- (void)applyPageDisplayState:(const web::PageDisplayState&)displayState;
// Restores state of the web view's scroll view from |scrollState|.
// |isUserScalable| represents the value of user-scalable meta tag.
- (void)applyPageDisplayState:(const web::PageDisplayState&)displayState
// Calls the zoom-preparation UIScrollViewDelegate callbacks on the web view.
// This is called before |-applyWebViewScrollZoomScaleFromScrollState:|.
- (void)prepareToApplyWebViewScrollZoomScale;
// Calls the zoom-completion UIScrollViewDelegate callbacks on the web view.
// This is called after |-applyWebViewScrollZoomScaleFromScrollState:|.
- (void)finishApplyingWebViewScrollZoomScale;
// Sets zoom scale value for webview scroll view from |zoomState|.
- (void)applyWebViewScrollZoomScaleFromZoomState:
(const web::PageZoomState&)zoomState;
// Sets scroll offset value for webview scroll view from |scrollState|.
- (void)applyWebViewScrollOffsetFromScrollState:
(const web::PageScrollState&)scrollState;
// Returns the referrer for the current page.
- (web::Referrer)currentReferrer;
// Adds a new NavigationItem with the given URL and state object to the history
// stack. A state object is a serialized generic JavaScript object that contains
// details of the UI's state for a given NavigationItem/URL.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Move the pushState/replaceState logic into
// NavigationManager.
- (void)pushStateWithPageURL:(const GURL&)pageURL
// Assigns the given URL and state object to the current NavigationItem.
- (void)replaceStateWithPageURL:(const GURL&)pageUrl
// Sets _documentURL to newURL, and updates any relevant state information.
- (void)setDocumentURL:(const GURL&)newURL;
// Sets last committed NavigationItem's title to the given |title|, which can
// not be nil.
- (void)setNavigationItemTitle:(NSString*)title;
// Returns YES if the current navigation item corresponds to a web page
// loaded by a POST request.
- (BOOL)isCurrentNavigationItemPOST;
// Returns YES if current navigation item is WKNavigationTypeBackForward.
- (BOOL)isCurrentNavigationBackForward;
// Returns whether the given navigation is triggered by a user link click.
- (BOOL)isLinkNavigation:(WKNavigationType)navigationType;
// Inject windowID if not yet injected.
- (void)injectWindowID;
// Returns YES if the given WKBackForwardListItem is valid to use for
// navigation.
- (BOOL)isBackForwardListItemValid:(WKBackForwardListItem*)item;
// Finds all the scrollviews in the view hierarchy and makes sure they do not
// interfere with scroll to top when tapping the statusbar.
- (void)optOutScrollsToTopForSubviews;
// Tears down the old native controller, and then replaces it with the new one.
- (void)setNativeController:(id<CRWNativeContent>)nativeController;
// Returns whether |url| should be opened.
- (BOOL)shouldOpenURL:(const GURL&)url
mainDocumentURL:(const GURL&)mainDocumentURL
// Called when |URL| needs to be opened in a matching native app.
// Returns YES if the url was succesfully opened in the native app.
- (BOOL)urlTriggersNativeAppLaunch:(const GURL&)URL
sourceURL:(const GURL&)sourceURL
// Returns YES if the navigation action is associated with a main frame request.
- (BOOL)isMainFrameNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction*)action;
// Returns whether external URL navigation action should be opened.
- (BOOL)shouldOpenExternalURLForNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction*)action;
// Updates SSL status for the current navigation item based on the information
// provided by web view.
- (void)updateSSLStatusForCurrentNavigationItem;
// Called when a load ends in an SSL error and certificate chain.
- (void)handleSSLCertError:(NSError*)error;
// Used in webView:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:completionHandler: to
// reply with NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition and credentials.
- (void)processAuthChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge*)challenge
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition,
// Used in webView:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:completionHandler: to reply
// with NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition and credentials.
- (void)handleHTTPAuthForChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge*)challenge
(void (^)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition,
// Used in webView:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:completionHandler: to reply
// with NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition and credentials.
+ (void)processHTTPAuthForUser:(NSString*)user
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition,
// Helper to respond to |webView:runJavaScript...| delegate methods.
// |completionHandler| must not be nil.
- (void)runJavaScriptDialogOfType:(web::JavaScriptDialogType)type
completion:(void (^)(BOOL, NSString*))completionHandler;
// Called when WKWebView estimatedProgress has been changed.
- (void)webViewEstimatedProgressDidChange;
// Called when WKWebView certificateChain or hasOnlySecureContent property has
// changed.
- (void)webViewSecurityFeaturesDidChange;
// Called when WKWebView loading state has been changed.
- (void)webViewLoadingStateDidChange;
// Called when WKWebView title has been changed.
- (void)webViewTitleDidChange;
// Called when WKWebView URL has been changed.
- (void)webViewURLDidChange;
// Returns YES if a KVO change to |newURL| could be a 'navigation' within the
// document (hash change, pushState/replaceState, etc.). This should only be
// used in the context of a URL KVO callback firing, and only if |isLoading| is
// YES for the web view (since if it's not, no guesswork is needed).
- (BOOL)isKVOChangePotentialSameDocumentNavigationToURL:(const GURL&)newURL;
// Called when a non-document-changing URL change occurs. Updates the
// _documentURL, and informs the superclass of the change.
- (void)URLDidChangeWithoutDocumentChange:(const GURL&)URL;
// Returns YES if there is currently a requested but uncommitted load for
// |targetURL|.
- (BOOL)isLoadRequestPendingForURL:(const GURL&)targetURL;
// Loads request for the URL of the current navigation item. Subclasses may
// choose to build a new NSURLRequest and call |loadRequest| on the underlying
// web view, or use native web view navigation where possible (for example,
// going back and forward through the history stack).
- (void)loadRequestForCurrentNavigationItem;
// Handlers for JavaScript messages. |message| contains a JavaScript command and
// data relevant to the message, and |context| contains contextual information
// about web view state needed for some handlers.
// Handles 'addPluginPlaceholders' message.
- (BOOL)handleAddPluginPlaceholdersMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'chrome.send' message.
- (BOOL)handleChromeSendMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'console' message.
- (BOOL)handleConsoleMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'geolocationDialog.suppressed' message.
- (BOOL)handleGeolocationDialogSuppressedMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'document.favicons' message.
- (BOOL)handleDocumentFaviconsMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'document.submit' message.
- (BOOL)handleDocumentSubmitMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'form.activity' message.
- (BOOL)handleFormActivityMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'navigator.credentials.request' message.
- (BOOL)handleCredentialsRequestedMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'navigator.credentials.notifySignedIn' message.
- (BOOL)handleSignedInMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'navigator.credentials.notifySignedOut' message.
- (BOOL)handleSignedOutMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'navigator.credentials.notifyFailedSignIn' message.
- (BOOL)handleSignInFailedMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'window.error' message.
- (BOOL)handleWindowErrorMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'window.hashchange' message.
- (BOOL)handleWindowHashChangeMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'window.history.back' message.
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryBackMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'window.history.forward' message.
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryForwardMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'window.history.go' message.
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryGoMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'window.history.willChangeState' message.
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryWillChangeStateMessage:
// Handles 'window.history.didPushState' message.
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryDidPushStateMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
// Handles 'window.history.didReplaceState' message.
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryDidReplaceStateMessage:
// Returns YES if the given |action| should be allowed to continue.
// If this returns NO, the load should be cancelled.
- (BOOL)shouldAllowLoadWithNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction*)action;
// Called when a load ends in an error.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Figure out if there's actually enough shared logic that
// this makes sense. At the very least remove inMainFrame since that only makes
// sense for UIWebView.
- (void)handleLoadError:(NSError*)error inMainFrame:(BOOL)inMainFrame;
// Handles cancelled load in WKWebView (error with NSURLErrorCancelled code).
- (void)handleCancelledError:(NSError*)error;
// Used to decide whether a load that generates errors with the
// NSURLErrorCancelled code should be cancelled.
- (BOOL)shouldCancelLoadForCancelledError:(NSError*)error;
// Sets up WebUI for URL.
- (void)createWebUIForURL:(const GURL&)URL;
// Clears WebUI, if one exists.
- (void)clearWebUI;
namespace {
NSString* const kReferrerHeaderName = @"Referer"; // [sic]
// The duration of the period following a screen touch during which the user is
// still considered to be interacting with the page.
const NSTimeInterval kMaximumDelayForUserInteractionInSeconds = 2;
// URLs that are fed into UIWebView as history push/replace get escaped,
// potentially changing their format. Code that attempts to determine whether a
// URL hasn't changed can be confused by those differences though, so method
// will round-trip a URL through the escaping process so that it can be adjusted
// pre-storing, to allow later comparisons to work as expected.
GURL URLEscapedForHistory(const GURL& url) {
// TODO(stuartmorgan): This is a very large hammer; see if limited unicode
// escaping would be sufficient.
return net::GURLWithNSURL(net::NSURLWithGURL(url));
// Leave snapshot overlay up unless page loads.
const NSTimeInterval kSnapshotOverlayDelay = 1.5;
// Transition to fade snapshot overlay.
const NSTimeInterval kSnapshotOverlayTransition = 0.5;
} // namespace
@implementation CRWWebController
@synthesize webUsageEnabled = _webUsageEnabled;
@synthesize usePlaceholderOverlay = _usePlaceholderOverlay;
@synthesize loadPhase = _loadPhase;
@synthesize shouldSuppressDialogs = _shouldSuppressDialogs;
- (instancetype)initWithWebState:(WebStateImpl*)webState {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_webStateImpl = webState;
// Load phase when no WebView present is 'loaded' because this represents
// the idle state.
_loadPhase = web::PAGE_LOADED;
// Content area is lazily instantiated.
_defaultURL = GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL);
[[CRWJSInjectionReceiver alloc] initWithEvaluator:self]);
[[CRWWebViewProxyImpl alloc] initWithWebController:self]);
[[_webViewProxy scrollViewProxy] addObserver:self];
_gestureRecognizers.reset([[NSMutableArray alloc] init]);
_webViewToolbars.reset([[NSMutableArray alloc] init]);
_pendingLoadCompleteActions.reset([[NSMutableArray alloc] init]);
web::BrowserState* browserState = _webStateImpl->GetBrowserState();
_certVerificationController.reset([[CRWCertVerificationController alloc]
new CertVerificationErrorsCacheType(kMaxCertErrorsCount));
_navigationStates.reset([[CRWWKNavigationStates alloc] init]);
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
return self;
- (id<CRWNativeContentProvider>)nativeProvider {
return _nativeProvider.get();
- (void)setNativeProvider:(id<CRWNativeContentProvider>)nativeProvider {
- (id<CRWSwipeRecognizerProvider>)swipeRecognizerProvider {
return _swipeRecognizerProvider.get();
- (void)setSwipeRecognizerProvider:
(id<CRWSwipeRecognizerProvider>)swipeRecognizerProvider {
- (WebState*)webState {
return _webStateImpl;
- (WebStateImpl*)webStateImpl {
return _webStateImpl;
- (void)clearTransientContentView {
// Early return if there is no transient content view.
if (![_containerView transientContentView])
// Remove the transient content view from the hierarchy.
[_containerView clearTransientContentView];
// Notify the WebState so it can perform any required state cleanup.
if (_webStateImpl)
- (void)showTransientContentView:(CRWContentView*)contentView {
// TODO( Reenable DCHECK when |CRWWebControllerContainerView|
// is restructured so that subviews are not added during |layoutSubviews|.
// DCHECK([contentView.scrollView isDescendantOfView:contentView]);
[_containerView displayTransientContent:contentView];
- (id<CRWWebDelegate>)delegate {
return _delegate.get();
- (void)setDelegate:(id<CRWWebDelegate>)delegate {
if ([self.nativeController respondsToSelector:@selector(setDelegate:)])
[self.nativeController setDelegate:self];
- (void)dealloc {
DCHECK([NSThread isMainThread]);
DCHECK(_isBeingDestroyed); // 'close' must have been called already.
// TODO( Don't set the delegate to nil.
[_containerView setDelegate:nil];
if ([self.nativeController respondsToSelector:@selector(setDelegate:)]) {
[self.nativeController setDelegate:nil];
_touchTrackingRecognizer.get().touchTrackingDelegate = nil;
[[_webViewProxy scrollViewProxy] removeObserver:self];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[super dealloc];
- (void)dismissKeyboard {
[_webView endEditing:YES];
if ([self.nativeController respondsToSelector:@selector(dismissKeyboard)])
[self.nativeController dismissKeyboard];
- (id<CRWNativeContent>)nativeController {
return [_containerView nativeController];
- (void)setNativeController:(id<CRWNativeContent>)nativeController {
// Check for pointer equality.
if (self.nativeController == nativeController)
// Unset the delegate on the previous instance.
if ([self.nativeController respondsToSelector:@selector(setDelegate:)])
[self.nativeController setDelegate:nil];
[_containerView displayNativeContent:nativeController];
[self setNativeControllerWebUsageEnabled:_webUsageEnabled];
- (NSDictionary*)WKWebViewObservers {
NSMutableDictionary* result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if (base::ios::IsRunningOnIOS10OrLater()) {
result[@"serverTrust"] = @"webViewSecurityFeaturesDidChange";
} else {
result[@"certificateChain"] = @"webViewSecurityFeaturesDidChange";
[result addEntriesFromDictionary:@{
@"estimatedProgress" : @"webViewEstimatedProgressDidChange",
@"hasOnlySecureContent" : @"webViewSecurityFeaturesDidChange",
@"loading" : @"webViewLoadingStateDidChange",
@"title" : @"webViewTitleDidChange",
@"URL" : @"webViewURLDidChange",
return result;
// NativeControllerDelegate method, called to inform that title has changed.
- (void)nativeContent:(id)content titleDidChange:(NSString*)title {
[self setNavigationItemTitle:title];
- (void)setNativeControllerWebUsageEnabled:(BOOL)webUsageEnabled {
if ([self.nativeController
respondsToSelector:@selector(setWebUsageEnabled:)]) {
[self.nativeController setWebUsageEnabled:webUsageEnabled];
- (void)setWebUsageEnabled:(BOOL)enabled {
if (_webUsageEnabled == enabled)
_webUsageEnabled = enabled;
// WKWebView autoreleases its WKProcessPool on removal from superview.
// Deferring WKProcessPool deallocation may lead to issues with cookie
// clearing and and Browsing Data Partitioning implementation.
@autoreleasepool {
[self setNativeControllerWebUsageEnabled:_webUsageEnabled];
if (enabled) {
// Don't create the web view; let it be lazy created as needed.
} else {
[self clearTransientContentView];
[self removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:YES];
_touchTrackingRecognizer.get().touchTrackingDelegate = nil;
[self resetContainerView];
- (void)requirePageReconstruction {
[self removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:NO];
- (void)requirePageReload {
_requireReloadOnDisplay = YES;
- (void)resetContainerView {
[_containerView removeFromSuperview];
- (void)handleLowMemory {
[self removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:YES];
_touchTrackingRecognizer.get().touchTrackingDelegate = nil;
[self resetContainerView];
_usePlaceholderOverlay = YES;
- (void)reinitializeWebViewAndReload:(BOOL)reload {
if (_webView) {
[self removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:NO];
if (reload) {
[self loadCurrentURLInWebView];
} else {
// Clear the space for the web view to lazy load when needed.
_usePlaceholderOverlay = YES;
_touchTrackingRecognizer.get().touchTrackingDelegate = nil;
[self resetContainerView];
- (BOOL)isViewAlive {
return !_webProcessIsDead && [_containerView isViewAlive];
- (BOOL)contentIsHTML {
if (!_webView)
return NO;
std::string MIMEType = self.webState->GetContentsMimeType();
return MIMEType == "text/html" || MIMEType == "application/xhtml+xml" ||
MIMEType == "application/xml";
// Stop doing stuff, especially network stuff. Close the request tracker.
- (void)terminateNetworkActivity {
_isHalted = YES;
// Cancel all outstanding perform requests, and clear anything already queued
// (since this may be called from within the handling loop) to prevent any
// asynchronous JavaScript invocation handling from continuing.
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
- (void)dismissModals {
if ([self.nativeController respondsToSelector:@selector(dismissModals)])
[self.nativeController dismissModals];
// Caller must reset the delegate before calling.
- (void)close {
self.nativeProvider = nil;
self.swipeRecognizerProvider = nil;
if ([self.nativeController respondsToSelector:@selector(close)])
[self.nativeController close];
base::scoped_nsobject<NSSet> observers([_observers copy]);
for (id it in observers.get()) {
if ([it respondsToSelector:@selector(webControllerWillClose:)])
[it webControllerWillClose:self];
if (!_isHalted) {
[self terminateNetworkActivity];
DCHECK(!_delegate); // Delegate should reset its association before closing.
// Mark the destruction sequence has started, in case someone else holds a
// strong reference and tries to continue using the tab.
_isBeingDestroyed = YES;
// Remove the web view now. Otherwise, delegate callbacks occur.
[self removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:NO];
_webStateImpl = nullptr;
// TODO(shreyasv): This code is shared with SnapshotManager. Remove this and add
// it as part of WebDelegate delegate API such that a default image is returned
// immediately.
+ (UIImage*)defaultSnapshotImage {
static UIImage* defaultImage = nil;
if (!defaultImage) {
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 2, 2);
[[UIColor whiteColor] setFill];
CGContextFillRect(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), frame);
UIImage* result = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
defaultImage =
[[result stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:1 topCapHeight:1] retain];
return defaultImage;
- (CGPoint)scrollPosition {
CGPoint position = CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0);
if (!self.webScrollView)
return position;
return self.webScrollView.contentOffset;
- (BOOL)atTop {
if (!_webView)
return YES;
UIScrollView* scrollView = self.webScrollView;
return scrollView.contentOffset.y ==;
- (void)setShouldSuppressDialogs:(BOOL)shouldSuppressDialogs {
_shouldSuppressDialogs = shouldSuppressDialogs;
if (_webView) {
NSString* const kSetSuppressDialogs = [NSString
[self executeJavaScript:kSetSuppressDialogs completionHandler:nil];
_shouldSuppressDialogsOnWindowIDInjection = NO;
} else {
_shouldSuppressDialogsOnWindowIDInjection = shouldSuppressDialogs;
- (GURL)currentURLWithTrustLevel:(web::URLVerificationTrustLevel*)trustLevel {
DCHECK(trustLevel) << "Verification of the trustLevel state is mandatory";
if (_webView) {
GURL url([self webURLWithTrustLevel:trustLevel]);
// Web views treat all about: URLs as the same origin, which makes it
// possible for pages to document.write into about:<foo> pages, where <foo>
// can be something misleading. Report any about: URL as about:blank to
// prevent that. See
if (url.scheme() == url::kAboutScheme)
return GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL);
return url;
// Any non-web URL source is trusted.
*trustLevel = web::URLVerificationTrustLevel::kAbsolute;
if (self.nativeController) {
if ([self.nativeController respondsToSelector:@selector(virtualURL)]) {
return [self.nativeController virtualURL];
} else {
return [self.nativeController url];
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
return item ? item->GetVirtualURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
- (WKWebView*)webView {
return _webView.get();
- (UIScrollView*)webScrollView {
return [_webView scrollView];
- (GURL)currentURL {
web::URLVerificationTrustLevel trustLevel =
return [self currentURLWithTrustLevel:&trustLevel];
- (web::Referrer)currentReferrer {
// Referrer string doesn't include the fragment, so in cases where the
// previous URL is equal to the current referrer plus the fragment the
// previous URL is returned as current referrer.
NSString* referrerString = _currentReferrerString;
// In case of an error evaluating the JavaScript simply return empty string.
if ([referrerString length] == 0)
return web::Referrer();
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
GURL navigationURL = item ? item->GetVirtualURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
NSString* previousURLString = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(navigationURL.spec());
// Check if the referrer is equal to the previous URL minus the hash symbol.
// L'#' is used to convert the char '#' to a unichar.
if ([previousURLString length] > [referrerString length] &&
[previousURLString hasPrefix:referrerString] &&
[previousURLString characterAtIndex:[referrerString length]] == L'#') {
referrerString = previousURLString;
// Since referrer is being extracted from the destination page, the correct
// policy from the origin has *already* been applied. Since the extracted URL
// is the post-policy value, and the source policy is no longer available,
// the policy is set to Always so that whatever WebKit decided to send will be
// re-sent when replaying the entry.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): When possible, get the real referrer and policy in
// advance and use that instead.
return web::Referrer(GURL(base::SysNSStringToUTF8(referrerString)),
- (void)pushStateWithPageURL:(const GURL&)pageURL
transition:(ui::PageTransition)transition {
[[self sessionController] pushNewItemWithURL:pageURL
self.userInteractionRegistered = NO;
- (void)replaceStateWithPageURL:(const GURL&)pageURL
stateObject:(NSString*)stateObject {
[[self sessionController] updateCurrentItemWithURL:pageURL
- (void)setDocumentURL:(const GURL&)newURL {
if (newURL != _documentURL && newURL.is_valid()) {
_documentURL = newURL;
_interactionRegisteredSinceLastURLChange = NO;
- (void)setNavigationItemTitle:(NSString*)title {
web::NavigationItem* item =
if (!item)
base::string16 newTitle = base::SysNSStringToUTF16(title);
if (item->GetTitle() == newTitle)
// TODO( See if this can be removed; it's not clear that
// other platforms send this (tab sync triggers need to be compared against
// upstream).
- (BOOL)isCurrentNavigationItemPOST {
// |_pendingNavigationInfo| will be nil if the decidePolicy* delegate methods
// were not called.
NSString* HTTPMethod =
? [_pendingNavigationInfo HTTPMethod]
: [self currentBackForwardListItemHolder]->http_method();
return [HTTPMethod isEqual:@"POST"];
- (BOOL)isCurrentNavigationBackForward {
if (!self.currentNavItem)
return NO;
WKNavigationType currentNavigationType =
[self currentBackForwardListItemHolder]->navigation_type();
return currentNavigationType == WKNavigationTypeBackForward;
- (BOOL)isLinkNavigation:(WKNavigationType)navigationType {
switch (navigationType) {
case WKNavigationTypeLinkActivated:
return YES;
case WKNavigationTypeOther:
// Sometimes link navigation is not detected by navigation type, so
// check last user interaction with the page in the recent time.
return [self userClickedRecently];
return NO;
- (BOOL)isBackForwardListItemValid:(WKBackForwardListItem*)item {
// The current back-forward list item MUST be in the WKWebView's back-forward
// list to be valid.
WKBackForwardList* list = [_webView backForwardList];
return list.currentItem == item ||
[list.forwardList indexOfObject:item] != NSNotFound ||
[list.backList indexOfObject:item] != NSNotFound;
- (void)injectWindowID {
// Default value for shouldSuppressDialogs is NO, so updating them only
// when necessary is a good optimization.
if (_shouldSuppressDialogsOnWindowIDInjection) {
self.shouldSuppressDialogs = YES;
_shouldSuppressDialogsOnWindowIDInjection = NO;
[_windowIDJSManager inject];
- (BOOL)canUseViewForGeneratingOverlayPlaceholderView {
return _containerView != nil;
- (UIView*)view {
// Kick off the process of lazily creating the view and starting the load if
// necessary; this creates _containerView if it doesn't exist.
[self triggerPendingLoad];
return _containerView;
- (id<CRWWebViewProxy>)webViewProxy {
return _webViewProxy.get();
- (UIView*)viewForPrinting {
// Printing is not supported for native controllers.
return _webView;
- (double)loadingProgress {
return [_webView estimatedProgress];
- (void)registerLoadRequest:(const GURL&)URL {
// Get the navigation type from the last main frame load request, and try to
// map that to a PageTransition.
WKNavigationType navigationType =
_pendingNavigationInfo ? [_pendingNavigationInfo navigationType]
: WKNavigationTypeOther;
ui::PageTransition transition = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_CLIENT_REDIRECT;
switch (navigationType) {
case WKNavigationTypeLinkActivated:
transition = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK;
case WKNavigationTypeFormSubmitted:
case WKNavigationTypeFormResubmitted:
case WKNavigationTypeBackForward:
case WKNavigationTypeReload:
transition = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD;
case WKNavigationTypeOther:
// The "Other" type covers a variety of very different cases, which may
// or may not be the result of user actions. For now, guess based on
// whether there's been an interaction since the last URL change.
// TODO( See if this heuristic can be improved.
transition = _interactionRegisteredSinceLastURLChange
// The referrer is not known yet, and will be updated later.
const web::Referrer emptyReferrer;
[self registerLoadRequest:URL referrer:emptyReferrer transition:transition];
- (void)registerLoadRequest:(const GURL&)requestURL
referrer:(const web::Referrer&)referrer
transition:(ui::PageTransition)transition {
// Transfer time is registered so that further transitions within the time
// envelope are not also registered as links.
_lastTransferTimeInSeconds = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent();
if (!(transition & ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_IS_REDIRECT_MASK)) {
// Before changing phases, the delegate should be informed that any existing
// request is being cancelled before completion.
[self loadCancelled];
DCHECK(_loadPhase == web::PAGE_LOADED);
_loadPhase = web::LOAD_REQUESTED;
_lastRegisteredRequestURL = requestURL;
if (!(transition & ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_IS_REDIRECT_MASK)) {
// Record state of outgoing page.
[self recordStateInHistory];
[_delegate webWillAddPendingURL:requestURL transition:transition];
// Add or update pending url.
if (self.navigationManagerImpl->GetPendingItem()) {
// Update the existing pending entry.
[[self sessionController] updatePendingItem:requestURL];
} else {
// A new session history entry needs to be created.
requestURL, referrer, transition,
- (void)updateHTML5HistoryState {
web::NavigationItemImpl* currentItem = self.currentNavItem;
if (!currentItem)
// Same-document navigations must trigger a popState event.
CRWSessionController* sessionController = self.sessionController;
BOOL sameDocumentNavigation = [sessionController
// WKWebView doesn't send hashchange events for same-document non-BFLI
// navigations, so one must be dispatched manually for hash change same-
// document navigations.
const GURL URL = currentItem->GetURL();
web::NavigationItem* previousItem = self.sessionController.previousItem;
const GURL oldURL = previousItem ? previousItem->GetURL() : GURL();
BOOL shouldDispatchHashchange = sameDocumentNavigation && previousItem &&
(web::GURLByRemovingRefFromGURL(URL) ==
// The URL and state object must be set for same-document navigations and
// NavigationItems that were created or updated by calls to pushState() or
// replaceState().
BOOL shouldUpdateState = sameDocumentNavigation ||
currentItem->IsCreatedFromPushState() ||
if (!shouldUpdateState)
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Make CRWSessionController manage this internally (or
// remove it; it's not clear this matches other platforms' behavior).
// Record that a same-document hashchange event will be fired. This flag will
// be reset when resonding to the hashchange message. Note that resetting the
// flag in the completion block below is too early, as that block is called
// before hashchange event listeners have a chance to fire.
_dispatchingSameDocumentHashChangeEvent = shouldDispatchHashchange;
// Inject the JavaScript to update the state on the browser side.
[self injectHTML5HistoryScriptWithHashChange:shouldDispatchHashchange
- (NSString*)javaScriptToReplaceWebViewURL:(const GURL&)URL
stateObjectJSON:(NSString*)stateObject {
std::string outURL;
base::EscapeJSONString(URL.spec(), true, &outURL);
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"__gCrWeb.replaceWebViewURL(%@, %@);",
base::SysUTF8ToNSString(outURL), stateObject];
- (NSString*)javaScriptToDispatchPopStateWithObject:(NSString*)stateObjectJSON {
std::string outState;
base::EscapeJSONString(base::SysNSStringToUTF8(stateObjectJSON), true,
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"__gCrWeb.dispatchPopstateEvent(%@);",
- (NSString*)javaScriptToDispatchHashChangeWithOldURL:(const GURL&)oldURL
newURL:(const GURL&)newURL {
return [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"__gCrWeb.dispatchHashchangeEvent(\'%s\', \'%s\');",
oldURL.spec().c_str(), newURL.spec().c_str()];
- (void)injectHTML5HistoryScriptWithHashChange:(BOOL)dispatchHashChange
sameDocumentNavigation:(BOOL)sameDocumentNavigation {
web::NavigationItemImpl* currentItem = self.currentNavItem;
if (!currentItem)
const GURL URL = currentItem->GetURL();
NSString* stateObject = currentItem->GetSerializedStateObject();
NSMutableString* script = [NSMutableString
stringWithString:[self javaScriptToReplaceWebViewURL:URL
if (sameDocumentNavigation) {
appendString:[self javaScriptToDispatchPopStateWithObject:stateObject]];
if (dispatchHashChange) {
web::NavigationItemImpl* previousItem = self.sessionController.previousItem;
const GURL oldURL = previousItem ? previousItem->GetURL() : GURL();
[script appendString:[self javaScriptToDispatchHashChangeWithOldURL:oldURL
base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebController> weakSelf(self);
[self executeJavaScript:script
completionHandler:^(id, NSError*) {
if (!weakSelf || weakSelf.get()->_isBeingDestroyed)
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebController> strongSelf([weakSelf retain]);
strongSelf.get()->_URLOnStartLoading = URL;
strongSelf.get()->_lastRegisteredRequestURL = URL;
// Load the current URL in a web view, first ensuring the web view is visible.
- (void)loadCurrentURLInWebView {
// Clear the set of URLs opened in external applications.
_openedApplicationURL.reset([[NSMutableSet alloc] init]);
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
GURL targetURL = item ? item->GetVirtualURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
// Load the url. The UIWebView delegate callbacks take care of updating the
// session history and UI.
if (!targetURL.is_valid()) {
[self didFinishWithURL:targetURL loadSuccess:NO];
// JavaScript should never be evaluated here. User-entered JS should be
// evaluated via stringByEvaluatingUserJavaScriptFromString.
[self ensureWebViewCreated];
[self loadRequestForCurrentNavigationItem];
- (void)updatePendingNavigationInfoFromNavigationAction:
(WKNavigationAction*)action {
if (action.targetFrame.mainFrame) {
[[CRWWebControllerPendingNavigationInfo alloc] init]);
setReferrer:[self referrerFromNavigationAction:action]];
[_pendingNavigationInfo setNavigationType:action.navigationType];
[_pendingNavigationInfo setHTTPMethod:action.request.HTTPMethod];
- (void)updatePendingNavigationInfoFromNavigationResponse:
(WKNavigationResponse*)response {
if (response.isForMainFrame) {
if (!_pendingNavigationInfo) {
[[CRWWebControllerPendingNavigationInfo alloc] init]);
[_pendingNavigationInfo setMIMEType:response.response.MIMEType];
- (void)commitPendingNavigationInfo {
if ([_pendingNavigationInfo referrer]) {
_currentReferrerString.reset([[_pendingNavigationInfo referrer] copy]);
if ([_pendingNavigationInfo MIMEType]) {
base::SysNSStringToUTF8([_pendingNavigationInfo MIMEType]));
[self updateCurrentBackForwardListItemHolder];
- (NSMutableURLRequest*)requestForCurrentNavigationItem {
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
const GURL currentNavigationURL =
item ? item->GetVirtualURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
NSMutableURLRequest* request = [NSMutableURLRequest
const web::Referrer referrer(self.currentNavItemReferrer);
if (referrer.url.is_valid()) {
std::string referrerValue =
web::ReferrerHeaderValueForNavigation(currentNavigationURL, referrer);
if (!referrerValue.empty()) {
[request setValue:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(referrerValue)
// If there are headers in the current session entry add them to |request|.
// Headers that would overwrite fields already present in |request| are
// skipped.
NSDictionary* headers = self.currentHTTPHeaders;
for (NSString* headerName in headers) {
if (![request valueForHTTPHeaderField:headerName]) {
[request setValue:[headers objectForKey:headerName]
return request;
- (web::WKBackForwardListItemHolder*)currentBackForwardListItemHolder {
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
web::WKBackForwardListItemHolder* holder =
return holder;
- (void)updateCurrentBackForwardListItemHolder {
// WebUI pages (which are loaded via loadHTMLString:baseURL:) have no entry
// in the back/forward list, so the current item will still be the previous
// page, and should not be associated.
if (_webUIManager)
web::WKBackForwardListItemHolder* holder =
[self currentBackForwardListItemHolder];
WKNavigationType navigationType =
_pendingNavigationInfo ? [_pendingNavigationInfo navigationType]
: WKNavigationTypeOther;
holder->set_back_forward_list_item([_webView backForwardList].currentItem);
holder->set_http_method([_pendingNavigationInfo HTTPMethod]);
// Only update the MIME type in the holder if there was MIME type information
// as part of this pending load. It will be nil when doing a fast
// back/forward navigation, for instance, because the callback that would
// populate it is not called in that flow.
if ([_pendingNavigationInfo MIMEType])
holder->set_mime_type([_pendingNavigationInfo MIMEType]);
- (void)loadNativeViewWithSuccess:(BOOL)loadSuccess {
const GURL currentURL([self currentURL]);
[self didStartLoadingURL:currentURL];
_loadPhase = web::PAGE_LOADED;
if (loadSuccess) {
} else {
// Perform post-load-finished updates.
[self didFinishWithURL:currentURL loadSuccess:loadSuccess];
NSString* title = [self.nativeController title];
if (title) {
[self setNavigationItemTitle:title];
if ([self.nativeController respondsToSelector:@selector(setDelegate:)]) {
[self.nativeController setDelegate:self];
- (void)loadErrorInNativeView:(NSError*)error {
[self removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:NO];
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
const GURL currentURL = item ? item->GetVirtualURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
if (web::IsWKWebViewSSLCertError(error)) {
// This could happen only if certificate is absent or could not be parsed.
error = web::NetErrorFromError(error, net::ERR_SSL_SERVER_CERT_BAD_FORMAT);
#if defined(DEBUG)
net::SSLInfo info;
web::GetSSLInfoFromWKWebViewSSLCertError(error, &info);
} else {
error = web::NetErrorFromError(error);
BOOL isPost = [self isCurrentNavigationItemPOST];
[self setNativeController:[_nativeProvider controllerForURL:currentURL
[self loadNativeViewWithSuccess:NO];
// Load the current URL in a native controller, retrieved from the native
// provider. Call |loadNativeViewWithSuccess:YES| to load the native controller.
- (void)loadCurrentURLInNativeView {
// Free the web view.
[self removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:NO];
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
const GURL targetURL = item ? item->GetURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
const web::Referrer referrer;
id<CRWNativeContent> nativeContent =
[_nativeProvider controllerForURL:targetURL webState:self.webState];
// Unlike the WebView case, always create a new controller and view.
// TODO(pinkerton): What to do if this does return nil?
[self setNativeController:nativeContent];
if ([nativeContent respondsToSelector:@selector(virtualURL)]) {
item->SetVirtualURL([nativeContent virtualURL]);
[self registerLoadRequest:targetURL
[self loadNativeViewWithSuccess:YES];
- (void)loadWithParams:(const NavigationManager::WebLoadParams&)originalParams {
// Make a copy of |params|, as some of the delegate methods may modify it.
NavigationManager::WebLoadParams params(originalParams);
// Initiating a navigation from the UI, record the current page state before
// the new page loads.
[_delegate webWillInitiateLoadWithParams:params];
GURL navUrl = params.url;
ui::PageTransition transition = params.transition_type;
// This method is allowed to handle reload only for transient items, which
// is essentially loading the same URL again.
DCHECK(!(transition & ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD) ||
BOOL initialNavigation = NO;
// Clear transient view before making any changes to history and navigation
// manager. TODO(stuartmorgan): Drive Transient Item clearing from
// navigation system, rather than from WebController.
[self clearTransientContentView];
[self recordStateInHistory];
if (!self.currentNavItem)
initialNavigation = YES;
web::NavigationInitiationType navigationInitiationType =
? web::NavigationInitiationType::RENDERER_INITIATED
: web::NavigationInitiationType::USER_INITIATED;
navUrl, params.referrer, transition, navigationInitiationType);
web::NavigationItemImpl* addedItem = self.currentNavItem;
if (params.extra_headers)
if (params.post_data) {
DCHECK([addedItem->GetHttpRequestHeaders() objectForKey:@"Content-Type"])
<< "Post data should have an associated content type";
[_delegate webDidUpdateSessionForLoadWithParams:params
[self loadCurrentURL];
- (void)loadCurrentURL {
// If the content view doesn't exist, the tab has either been evicted, or
// never displayed. Bail, and let the URL be loaded when the tab is shown.
if (!_containerView)
// Reset current WebUI if one exists.
[self clearWebUI];
// Abort any outstanding page load. This ensures the delegate gets informed
// about the outgoing page, and further messages from the page are suppressed.
if (_loadPhase != web::PAGE_LOADED)
[self abortLoad];
// Remove the transient content view.
[self clearTransientContentView];
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
const GURL currentURL = item ? item->GetURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
// If it's a chrome URL, but not a native one, create the WebUI instance.
if (web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(currentURL) &&
![_nativeProvider hasControllerForURL:currentURL]) {
if (!(item->GetTransitionType() & ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED ||
item->GetTransitionType() & ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_BOOKMARK) &&
self.hasOpener) {
// WebUI URLs can not be opened by DOM to prevent cross-site scripting as
// they have increased power. WebUI URLs may only be opened when the user
// types in the URL or use bookmarks.
[[self sessionController] discardNonCommittedItems];
} else {
[self createWebUIForURL:currentURL];
// Loading a new url, must check here if it's a native chrome URL and
// replace the appropriate view if so, or transition back to a web view from
// a native view.
if ([self shouldLoadURLInNativeView:currentURL]) {
[self loadCurrentURLInNativeView];
} else {
[self loadCurrentURLInWebView];
// Once a URL has been loaded, any cached-based reconstruction state has
// either been handled or obsoleted.
_expectedReconstructionURL = GURL();
- (GURL)webURLWithTrustLevel:(web::URLVerificationTrustLevel*)trustLevel {
*trustLevel = web::URLVerificationTrustLevel::kAbsolute;
return _documentURL;
- (BOOL)shouldLoadURLInNativeView:(const GURL&)url {
// App-specific URLs that don't require WebUI are loaded in native views.
return web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(url) &&
- (void)triggerPendingLoad {
if (!_containerView) {
// Create the top-level parent view, which will contain the content (whether
// native or web). Note, this needs to be created with a non-zero size
// to allow for (native) subviews with autosize constraints to be correctly
// processed.
[[CRWWebControllerContainerView alloc] initWithDelegate:self]);
// This will be resized later, but matching the final frame will minimize
// re-rendering. Use the screen size because the application's key window
// may still be nil.
// TODO( Stop subtracting status bar height.
CGFloat statusBarHeight =
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame].size.height;
CGRect containerViewFrame = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds;
containerViewFrame.origin.y += statusBarHeight;
containerViewFrame.size.height -= statusBarHeight;
_containerView.get().frame = containerViewFrame;
// TODO( Remove this workaround once tests are no longer
// dependent upon this accessibility ID.
if (!base::ios::IsRunningOnIOS10OrLater())
[_containerView setAccessibilityIdentifier:@"Container View"];
[_containerView addGestureRecognizer:[self touchTrackingRecognizer]];
// Is |currentUrl| a web scheme or native chrome scheme.
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
const GURL currentNavigationURL =
item ? item->GetVirtualURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
BOOL isChromeScheme =
// Don't immediately load the web page if in overlay mode. Always load if
// native.
if (isChromeScheme || !_overlayPreviewMode) {
// TODO(jimblackler): end the practice of calling |loadCurrentURL| when it
// is possible there is no current URL. If the call performs necessary
// initialization, break that out.
[self loadCurrentURL];
// Display overlay view until current url has finished loading or delay and
// then transition away.
if ((_overlayPreviewMode || _usePlaceholderOverlay) && !isChromeScheme)
[self addPlaceholderOverlay];
// Don't reset the overlay flag if in preview mode.
if (!_overlayPreviewMode)
_usePlaceholderOverlay = NO;
} else if (_requireReloadOnDisplay && _webView) {
_requireReloadOnDisplay = NO;
[self addPlaceholderOverlay];
[self loadCurrentURL];
- (BOOL)shouldReload:(const GURL&)destinationURL
transition:(ui::PageTransition)transition {
// Do a reload if the user hits enter in the address bar or re-types a URL.
web::NavigationItem* item = self.navigationManagerImpl->GetVisibleItem();
return (transition & ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_FROM_ADDRESS_BAR) && item &&
(destinationURL == item->GetURL() ||
destinationURL == item->GetOriginalRequestURL());
// Reload either the web view or the native content depending on which is
// displayed.
- (void)reloadInternal {
// Clear last user interaction.
// TODO( Move to after the load commits, in the subclass
// implementation. This will be inaccurate if the reload fails or is
// cancelled.
if ([self shouldLoadURLInNativeView:self.currentNavItem->GetURL()]) {
[self.nativeController reload];
} else {
web::NavigationItem* transientItem =
if (transientItem) {
// If there's a transient item, a reload is considered a new navigation to
// the transient item's URL (as on other platforms).
NavigationManager::WebLoadParams reloadParams(transientItem->GetURL());
reloadParams.transition_type = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD;
[transientItem->GetHttpRequestHeaders() copy]);
[self loadWithParams:reloadParams];
} else {
// As with back and forward navigation, load the URL manually instead of
// using the web view's reload. This ensures state processing and delegate
// calls are consistent.
// TODO(eugenebut): revisit this for WKWebView.
[self loadCurrentURL];
- (void)reload {
[_delegate webWillReload];
[self reloadInternal];
- (void)abortLoad {
[_webView stopLoading];
[_pendingNavigationInfo setCancelled:YES];
[self loadCancelled];
- (void)loadCancelled {
[_passKitDownloader cancelPendingDownload];
if (_loadPhase != web::PAGE_LOADED) {
_loadPhase = web::PAGE_LOADED;
if (!_isHalted) {
- (void)goToItemAtIndex:(int)index {
CRWSessionController* sessionController = self.sessionController;
const web::ScopedNavigationItemImplList& items = sessionController.items;
if (index < 0 || index >= static_cast<int>(items.size())) {
if (!_webStateImpl->IsShowingWebInterstitial())
[self recordStateInHistory];
[self clearTransientContentView];
// Update the user agent before attempting the navigation.
web::NavigationItem* toItem = items[index].get();
web::NavigationItem* previousItem = sessionController.currentItem;
web::UserAgentType previousUserAgentType =
previousItem ? previousItem->GetUserAgentType()
: web::UserAgentType::NONE;
[self updateDesktopUserAgentForItem:toItem
BOOL sameDocumentNavigation =
[sessionController isSameDocumentNavigationBetweenItem:previousItem
if (sameDocumentNavigation) {
[sessionController goToItemAtIndex:index];
[self updateHTML5HistoryState];
} else {
[sessionController discardNonCommittedItems];
[sessionController setPendingItemIndex:index];
web::NavigationItemImpl* pendingItem = sessionController.pendingItem;
pendingItem->GetTransitionType() | ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK));
[self loadCurrentURL];
- (BOOL)isLoaded {
return _loadPhase == web::PAGE_LOADED;
- (void)didFinishNavigation {
// This can be called at multiple times after the document has loaded. Do
// nothing if the document has already loaded.
if (_loadPhase == web::PAGE_LOADED)
[self loadCompleteWithSuccess:YES];
- (void)loadCompleteWithSuccess:(BOOL)loadSuccess {
[self removePlaceholderOverlay];
// The webView may have been torn down (or replaced by a native view). Be
// safe and do nothing if that's happened.
if (_loadPhase != web::PAGE_LOADING)
const GURL currentURL([self currentURL]);
_loadPhase = web::PAGE_LOADED;
[self optOutScrollsToTopForSubviews];
// Ensure the URL is as expected (and already reported to the delegate).
// If |_lastRegisteredRequestURL| is invalid then |currentURL| will be
// "about:blank".
DCHECK((currentURL == _lastRegisteredRequestURL) ||
(!_lastRegisteredRequestURL.is_valid() &&
_documentURL.spec() == url::kAboutBlankURL))
<< std::endl
<< "currentURL = [" << currentURL << "]" << std::endl
<< "_lastRegisteredRequestURL = [" << _lastRegisteredRequestURL << "]";
// Perform post-load-finished updates.
[self didFinishWithURL:currentURL loadSuccess:loadSuccess];
// Execute the pending LoadCompleteActions.
for (ProceduralBlock action in _pendingLoadCompleteActions.get()) {
[_pendingLoadCompleteActions removeAllObjects];
- (void)didFinishWithURL:(const GURL&)currentURL loadSuccess:(BOOL)loadSuccess {
DCHECK(_loadPhase == web::PAGE_LOADED);
// Rather than creating a new WKBackForwardListItem when loading WebUI pages,
// WKWebView will cache the WebUI HTML in the previous WKBackForwardListItem
// since it's loaded via |-loadHTML:forURL:| instead of an NSURLRequest. As a
// result, the WebUI's HTML and URL will be loaded when navigating to that
// WKBackForwardListItem, causing a mismatch between the visible content and
// the visible URL (WebUI page will be visible, but URL will be the previous
// page's URL). To prevent this potential URL spoofing vulnerability, reset
// the previous NavigationItem's WKBackForwardListItem to force loading via
// NSURLRequest.
if (_webUIManager) {
web::NavigationItem* lastNavigationItem =
if (lastNavigationItem) {
web::WKBackForwardListItemHolder* holder =
[self restoreStateFromHistory];
_webStateImpl->OnPageLoaded(currentURL, loadSuccess);
- (void)goDelta:(int)delta {
if (_isBeingDestroyed)
if (delta == 0) {
[self reload];
if (self.navigationManagerImpl->CanGoToOffset(delta)) {
NSInteger index = self.navigationManagerImpl->GetIndexForOffset(delta);
[self goToItemAtIndex:index];
- (void)addGestureRecognizerToWebView:(UIGestureRecognizer*)recognizer {
if ([_gestureRecognizers containsObject:recognizer])
[_webView addGestureRecognizer:recognizer];
[_gestureRecognizers addObject:recognizer];
- (void)removeGestureRecognizerFromWebView:(UIGestureRecognizer*)recognizer {
if (![_gestureRecognizers containsObject:recognizer])
[_webView removeGestureRecognizer:recognizer];
[_gestureRecognizers removeObject:recognizer];
- (void)addToolbarViewToWebView:(UIView*)toolbarView {
if ([_webViewToolbars containsObject:toolbarView])
[_webViewToolbars addObject:toolbarView];
if (_webView)
[_containerView addToolbar:toolbarView];
- (void)removeToolbarViewFromWebView:(UIView*)toolbarView {
if (![_webViewToolbars containsObject:toolbarView])
[_webViewToolbars removeObject:toolbarView];
if (_webView)
[_containerView removeToolbar:toolbarView];
- (CRWJSInjectionReceiver*)jsInjectionReceiver {
return _jsInjectionReceiver;
- (BOOL)shouldClosePageOnNativeApplicationLoad {
// The page should be closed if it was initiated by the DOM and there has been
// no user interaction with the page since the web view was created, or if
// the page has no navigation items, as occurs when an App Store link is
// opened from another application.
BOOL rendererInitiatedWithoutInteraction =
self.hasOpener && !_userInteractedWithWebController;
BOOL noNavigationItems = !(self.navigationManagerImpl->GetItemCount());
return rendererInitiatedWithoutInteraction || noNavigationItems;
- (BOOL)usesDesktopUserAgent {
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
return item && item->GetUserAgentType() == web::UserAgentType::DESKTOP;
- (web::MojoFacade*)mojoFacade {
if (!_mojoFacade) {
service_manager::mojom::InterfaceProvider* interfaceProvider =
_mojoFacade.reset(new web::MojoFacade(interfaceProvider, self));
return _mojoFacade.get();
- (CRWPassKitDownloader*)passKitDownloader {
if (_passKitDownloader) {
return _passKitDownloader.get();
base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebController> weakSelf(self);
web::PassKitCompletionHandler passKitCompletion = ^(NSData* data) {
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebController> strongSelf([weakSelf retain]);
if (!strongSelf) {
// Cancel load to update web state, since the PassKit download happens
// through a separate flow. This follows the same flow as when PassKit is
// downloaded through UIWebView.
[strongSelf loadCancelled];
SEL didLoadPassKitObject = @selector(webController:didLoadPassKitObject:);
id<CRWWebDelegate> delegate = [strongSelf delegate];
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:didLoadPassKitObject]) {
[delegate webController:strongSelf didLoadPassKitObject:data];
web::BrowserState* browserState = self.webStateImpl->GetBrowserState();
_passKitDownloader.reset([[CRWPassKitDownloader alloc]
return _passKitDownloader.get();
- (void)updateDesktopUserAgentForItem:(web::NavigationItem*)item
previousUserAgentType:(web::UserAgentType)userAgentType {
if (!item)
web::UserAgentType itemUserAgentType = item->GetUserAgentType();
if (itemUserAgentType == web::UserAgentType::NONE)
if (itemUserAgentType != userAgentType)
[self requirePageReconstruction];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CRWWebControllerContainerViewDelegate
- (CRWWebViewProxyImpl*)contentViewProxyForContainerView:
(CRWWebControllerContainerView*)containerView {
return _webViewProxy.get();
- (CGFloat)headerHeightForContainerView:
(CRWWebControllerContainerView*)containerView {
return [self headerHeight];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CRWJSInjectionEvaluator Methods
- (void)executeJavaScript:(NSString*)script
completionHandler:(web::JavaScriptResultBlock)completionHandler {
NSString* safeScript = [self scriptByAddingWindowIDCheckForScript:script];
web::ExecuteJavaScript(_webView, safeScript, completionHandler);
- (BOOL)scriptHasBeenInjectedForClass:(Class)injectionManagerClass {
return [_injectedScriptManagers containsObject:injectionManagerClass];
- (void)injectScript:(NSString*)script forClass:(Class)JSInjectionManagerClass {
// Script execution is an asynchronous operation which may pass sensitive
// data to the page. executeJavaScript:completionHandler makes sure that
// receiver page did not change by checking its window id.
// |[_webView executeJavaScript:completionHandler:]| is not used here because
// it does not check that page is the same.
[self executeJavaScript:script completionHandler:nil];
[_injectedScriptManagers addObject:JSInjectionManagerClass];
#pragma mark -
- (void)executeUserJavaScript:(NSString*)script
completionHandler:(web::JavaScriptResultBlock)completion {
// For security reasons, executing JavaScript on pages with app-specific URLs
// is not allowed, because those pages may have elevated privileges.
GURL lastCommittedURL = self.webState->GetLastCommittedURL();
if (web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(lastCommittedURL)) {
if (completion) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
base::scoped_nsobject<NSError> error([[NSError alloc]
completion(nil, error);
[self setUserInteractionRegistered:YES];
[self executeJavaScript:script completionHandler:completion];
- (BOOL)respondToMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
originURL:(const GURL&)originURL {
std::string command;
if (!message->GetString("command", &command)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: command";
return NO;
SEL handler = [self selectorToHandleJavaScriptCommand:command];
if (!handler) {
if (!self.webStateImpl->OnScriptCommandReceived(
command, *message, originURL, userIsInteracting)) {
// Message was either unexpected or not correctly handled.
// Page is reset as a precaution.
DLOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected message received: " << command;
return NO;
return YES;
typedef BOOL (*HandlerType)(id, SEL, base::DictionaryValue*, NSDictionary*);
HandlerType handlerImplementation =
reinterpret_cast<HandlerType>([self methodForSelector:handler]);
NSMutableDictionary* context =
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@(userIsInteracting)
NSURL* originNSURL = net::NSURLWithGURL(originURL);
if (originNSURL)
context[kOriginURLKey] = originNSURL;
return handlerImplementation(self, handler, message, context);
- (SEL)selectorToHandleJavaScriptCommand:(const std::string&)command {
static std::map<std::string, SEL>* handlers = nullptr;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
handlers = new std::map<std::string, SEL>();
(*handlers)["addPluginPlaceholders"] =
(*handlers)["chrome.send"] = @selector(handleChromeSendMessage:context:);
(*handlers)["console"] = @selector(handleConsoleMessage:context:);
(*handlers)["geolocationDialog.suppressed"] =
(*handlers)["document.favicons"] =
(*handlers)["document.submit"] =
(*handlers)["form.activity"] =
(*handlers)["navigator.credentials.request"] =
(*handlers)["navigator.credentials.notifySignedIn"] =
(*handlers)["navigator.credentials.notifySignedOut"] =
(*handlers)["navigator.credentials.notifyFailedSignIn"] =
(*handlers)["window.error"] = @selector(handleWindowErrorMessage:context:);
(*handlers)["window.hashchange"] =
(*handlers)["window.history.back"] =
(*handlers)["window.history.willChangeState"] =
(*handlers)["window.history.didPushState"] =
(*handlers)["window.history.didReplaceState"] =
(*handlers)["window.history.forward"] =
(*handlers)["window.history.go"] =
auto iter = handlers->find(command);
return iter != handlers->end() ? iter->second : nullptr;
- (void)didReceiveScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage*)message {
// Broken out into separate method to catch errors.
if (![self respondToWKScriptMessage:message]) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Message from JS not handled due to invalid format";
- (NSString*)scriptByAddingWindowIDCheckForScript:(NSString*)script {
NSString* kTemplate = @"if (__gCrWeb['windowId'] === '%@') { %@; }";
return [NSString
stringWithFormat:kTemplate, [_windowIDJSManager windowID], script];
- (BOOL)respondToWKScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage*)scriptMessage {
if (!scriptMessage.frameInfo.mainFrame) {
// Messages from iframes are not currently supported.
return NO;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> messageAsValue =
base::DictionaryValue* message = nullptr;
if (!messageAsValue || !messageAsValue->GetAsDictionary(&message)) {
return NO;
std::string windowID;
message->GetString("crwWindowId", &windowID);
// Check for correct windowID
if (base::SysNSStringToUTF8([_windowIDJSManager windowID]) != windowID) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Message from JS ignored due to non-matching windowID: " <<
[_windowIDJSManager windowID]
<< " != " << base::SysUTF8ToNSString(windowID);
return NO;
base::DictionaryValue* command = nullptr;
if (!message->GetDictionary("crwCommand", &command)) {
return NO;
if ([ isEqualToString:kScriptMessageName]) {
return [self respondToMessage:command
userIsInteracting:[self userIsInteracting]
originURL:net::GURLWithNSURL([_webView URL])];
return NO;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark JavaScript message handlers
- (BOOL)handleAddPluginPlaceholdersMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
// Inject the script that adds the plugin placeholders.
instanceOfClass:[CRWJSPluginPlaceholderManager class]] inject];
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleChromeSendMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
if (_webStateImpl->HasWebUI()) {
const GURL currentURL([self currentURL]);
if (web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(currentURL)) {
std::string messageContent;
base::ListValue* arguments = nullptr;
if (!message->GetString("message", &messageContent)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: message";
return NO;
if (!message->GetList("arguments", &arguments)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: arguments";
return NO;
messageContent, *message, currentURL, context[kUserIsInteractingKey]);
_webStateImpl->ProcessWebUIMessage(currentURL, messageContent,
return YES;
<< "chrome.send message not handled because WebUI was not found.";
return NO;
- (BOOL)handleConsoleMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
// Do not log if JS logging is off.
if (![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:kLogJavaScript]) {
return YES;
std::string method;
if (!message->GetString("method", &method)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: method";
return NO;
std::string consoleMessage;
if (!message->GetString("message", &consoleMessage)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: message";
return NO;
std::string origin;
if (!message->GetString("origin", &origin)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: origin";
return NO;
DVLOG(0) << origin << " [" << method << "] " << consoleMessage;
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleGeolocationDialogSuppressedMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleDocumentFaviconsMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
base::ListValue* favicons = nullptr;
if (!message->GetList("favicons", &favicons)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: favicons";
return NO;
std::vector<web::FaviconURL> urls;
for (size_t fav_idx = 0; fav_idx != favicons->GetSize(); ++fav_idx) {
base::DictionaryValue* favicon = nullptr;
if (!favicons->GetDictionary(fav_idx, &favicon))
return NO;
std::string href;
std::string rel;
if (!favicon->GetString("href", &href)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: href";
return NO;
if (!favicon->GetString("rel", &rel)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: rel";
return NO;
web::FaviconURL::IconType icon_type = web::FaviconURL::FAVICON;
if (rel == "apple-touch-icon")
icon_type = web::FaviconURL::TOUCH_ICON;
else if (rel == "apple-touch-icon-precomposed")
icon_type = web::FaviconURL::TOUCH_PRECOMPOSED_ICON;
web::FaviconURL(GURL(href), icon_type, std::vector<gfx::Size>()));
if (!urls.empty())
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleDocumentSubmitMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
std::string href;
if (!message->GetString("href", &href)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: href";
return NO;
const GURL targetURL(href);
const GURL currentURL([self currentURL]);
bool targetsFrame = false;
message->GetBoolean("targetsFrame", &targetsFrame);
if (!targetsFrame && web::UrlHasWebScheme(targetURL)) {
// The referrer is not known yet, and will be updated later.
const web::Referrer emptyReferrer;
[self registerLoadRequest:targetURL
std::string formName;
message->GetString("formName", &formName);
base::scoped_nsobject<NSSet> observers([_observers copy]);
// We decide the form is user-submitted if the user has interacted with
// the main page (using logic from the popup blocker), or if the keyboard
// is visible.
BOOL submittedByUser = [context[kUserIsInteractingKey] boolValue] ||
[_webViewProxy keyboardAccessory];
_webStateImpl->OnDocumentSubmitted(formName, submittedByUser);
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleFormActivityMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
std::string formName;
std::string fieldName;
std::string type;
std::string value;
bool inputMissing = false;
if (!message->GetString("formName", &formName) ||
!message->GetString("fieldName", &fieldName) ||
!message->GetString("type", &type) ||
!message->GetString("value", &value)) {
inputMissing = true;
_webStateImpl->OnFormActivityRegistered(formName, fieldName, type, value,
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleCredentialsRequestedMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
double request_id = -1;
if (!message->GetDouble("requestId", &request_id)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: requestId";
return NO;
bool unmediated = false;
if (!message->GetBoolean("unmediated", &unmediated)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: unmediated";
return NO;
base::ListValue* federations_value = nullptr;
if (!message->GetList("federations", &federations_value)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: federations";
return NO;
std::vector<std::string> federations;
for (const auto& federation_value : *federations_value) {
std::string federation;
if (!federation_value->GetAsString(&federation)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter 'federations' contains wrong type";
return NO;
static_cast<int>(request_id), net::GURLWithNSURL(context[kOriginURLKey]),
unmediated, federations, [context[kUserIsInteractingKey] boolValue]);
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleSignedInMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
double request_id = -1;
if (!message->GetDouble("requestId", &request_id)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: requestId";
return NO;
base::DictionaryValue* credential_data = nullptr;
web::Credential credential;
if (message->GetDictionary("credential", &credential_data)) {
if (!web::DictionaryValueToCredential(*credential_data, &credential)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter 'credential' is invalid";
return NO;
} else {
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleSignedOutMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
double request_id = -1;
if (!message->GetDouble("requestId", &request_id)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: requestId";
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleSignInFailedMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
double request_id = -1;
if (!message->GetDouble("requestId", &request_id)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: requestId";
return NO;
base::DictionaryValue* credential_data = nullptr;
web::Credential credential;
if (message->GetDictionary("credential", &credential_data)) {
if (!web::DictionaryValueToCredential(*credential_data, &credential)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter 'credential' is invalid";
return NO;
} else {
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleWindowErrorMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
std::string errorMessage;
if (!message->GetString("message", &errorMessage)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: message";
return NO;
DLOG(ERROR) << "JavaScript error: " << errorMessage
<< " URL:" << [self currentURL].spec();
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleWindowHashChangeMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
// Because hash changes don't trigger |-didFinishNavigation|, fetch favicons
// for the new page manually.
[self executeJavaScript:@"__gCrWeb.sendFaviconsToHost();"
// Record that the current NavigationItem was created by a hash change, but
// ignore hashchange events that are manually dispatched for same-document
// navigations.
if (_dispatchingSameDocumentHashChangeEvent) {
_dispatchingSameDocumentHashChangeEvent = NO;
} else {
web::NavigationItemImpl* item = self.currentNavItem;
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryBackMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
[self goDelta:-1];
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryForwardMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
[self goDelta:1];
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryGoMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
double delta = 0;
if (message->GetDouble("value", &delta)) {
[self goDelta:static_cast<int>(delta)];
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryWillChangeStateMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)unused
context:(NSDictionary*)unusedContext {
_changingHistoryState = YES;
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryDidPushStateMessage:(base::DictionaryValue*)message
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
_changingHistoryState = NO;
// If there is a pending entry, a new navigation has been registered but
// hasn't begun loading. Since the pushState message is coming from the
// previous page, ignore it and allow the previously registered navigation to
// continue. This can ocur if a pushState is issued from an anchor tag
// onClick event, as the click would have already been registered.
if ([self sessionController].pendingItem)
return NO;
std::string pageURL;
std::string baseURL;
if (!message->GetString("pageUrl", &pageURL) ||
!message->GetString("baseUrl", &baseURL)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: pageUrl or baseUrl";
return NO;
GURL pushURL = web::history_state_util::GetHistoryStateChangeUrl(
[self currentURL], GURL(baseURL), pageURL);
// UIWebView seems to choke on unicode characters that haven't been
// escaped; escape the URL now so the expected load URL is correct.
pushURL = URLEscapedForHistory(pushURL);
if (!pushURL.is_valid())
return YES;
web::NavigationItem* navItem = self.currentNavItem;
// PushState happened before first navigation entry or called when the
// navigation entry does not contain a valid URL.
if (!navItem || !navItem->GetURL().is_valid())
return YES;
if (!web::history_state_util::IsHistoryStateChangeValid(
self.currentNavItem->GetURL(), pushURL)) {
// If the current session entry URL origin still doesn't match pushURL's
// origin, ignore the pushState. This can happen if a new URL is loaded
// just before the pushState.
return YES;
std::string stateObjectJSON;
if (!message->GetString("stateObject", &stateObjectJSON)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: stateObject";
return NO;
NSString* stateObject = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(stateObjectJSON);
_URLOnStartLoading = pushURL;
_lastRegisteredRequestURL = pushURL;
// If the user interacted with the page, categorize it as a link navigation.
// If not, categorize it is a client redirect as it occurred without user
// input and should not be added to the history stack.
// TODO( Improve transition detection.
ui::PageTransition transition = self.userInteractionRegistered
[self pushStateWithPageURL:pushURL
NSString* replaceWebViewJS =
[self javaScriptToReplaceWebViewURL:pushURL stateObjectJSON:stateObject];
base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebController> weakSelf(self);
[self executeJavaScript:replaceWebViewJS completionHandler:^(id, NSError*) {
if (!weakSelf || weakSelf.get()->_isBeingDestroyed)
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebController> strongSelf([weakSelf retain]);
[strongSelf optOutScrollsToTopForSubviews];
[strongSelf didFinishNavigation];
return YES;
- (BOOL)handleWindowHistoryDidReplaceStateMessage:
context:(NSDictionary*)context {
_changingHistoryState = NO;
std::string pageURL;
std::string baseURL;
if (!message->GetString("pageUrl", &pageURL) ||
!message->GetString("baseUrl", &baseURL)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: pageUrl or baseUrl";
return NO;
GURL replaceURL = web::history_state_util::GetHistoryStateChangeUrl(
[self currentURL], GURL(baseURL), pageURL);
// UIWebView seems to choke on unicode characters that haven't been
// escaped; escape the URL now so the expected load URL is correct.
replaceURL = URLEscapedForHistory(replaceURL);
if (!replaceURL.is_valid())
return YES;
web::NavigationItem* navItem = self.currentNavItem;
// ReplaceState happened before first navigation entry or called right
// after when the url is empty/not valid.
if (!navItem || (self.navigationManagerImpl->GetItemCount() <= 1 &&
return YES;
if (!web::history_state_util::IsHistoryStateChangeValid(
self.currentNavItem->GetURL(), replaceURL)) {
// If the current session entry URL origin still doesn't match
// replaceURL's origin, ignore the replaceState. This can happen if a
// new URL is loaded just before the replaceState.
return YES;
std::string stateObjectJSON;
if (!message->GetString("stateObject", &stateObjectJSON)) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: stateObject";
return NO;
NSString* stateObject = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(stateObjectJSON);
_URLOnStartLoading = replaceURL;
_lastRegisteredRequestURL = replaceURL;
[self replaceStateWithPageURL:replaceURL stateObject:stateObject];
NSString* replaceStateJS = [self javaScriptToReplaceWebViewURL:replaceURL
base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebController> weakSelf(self);
[self executeJavaScript:replaceStateJS completionHandler:^(id, NSError*) {
if (!weakSelf || weakSelf.get()->_isBeingDestroyed)
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebController> strongSelf([weakSelf retain]);
[strongSelf didFinishNavigation];
return YES;
#pragma mark -
- (BOOL)wantsKeyboardShield {
if ([self.nativeController
respondsToSelector:@selector(wantsKeyboardShield)]) {
return [self.nativeController wantsKeyboardShield];
return YES;
- (BOOL)wantsLocationBarHintText {
if ([self.nativeController
respondsToSelector:@selector(wantsLocationBarHintText)]) {
return [self.nativeController wantsLocationBarHintText];
return YES;
// TODO(stuartmorgan): This method conflates document changes and URL changes;
// we should be distinguishing better, and be clear about the expected
// WebDelegate and WCO callbacks in each case.
- (void)webPageChanged {
DCHECK(_loadPhase == web::LOAD_REQUESTED);
const GURL currentURL([self currentURL]);
web::Referrer referrer = [self currentReferrer];
// If no referrer was known in advance, record it now. (If there was one,
// keep it since it will have a more accurate URL and policy than what can
// be extracted from the landing page.)
web::NavigationItem* currentItem = self.currentNavItem;
if (!currentItem->GetReferrer().url.is_valid()) {
// TODO(stuartmorgan): This shouldn't be called for hash state or
// push/replaceState.
[self resetDocumentSpecificState];
[self didStartLoadingURL:currentURL];
- (void)resetDocumentSpecificState {
_clickInProgress = NO;
- (void)didStartLoadingURL:(const GURL&)URL {
_loadPhase = web::PAGE_LOADING;
_URLOnStartLoading = URL;
_displayStateOnStartLoading = self.pageDisplayState;
self.userInteractionRegistered = NO;
_pageHasZoomed = NO;
[[self sessionController] commitPendingItem];
- (void)wasShown {
if ([self.nativeController respondsToSelector:@selector(wasShown)]) {
[self.nativeController wasShown];
- (void)wasHidden {
if (_isHalted)
if ([self.nativeController respondsToSelector:@selector(wasHidden)]) {
[self.nativeController wasHidden];
+ (BOOL)webControllerCanShow:(const GURL&)url {
return web::UrlHasWebScheme(url) ||
web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(url) ||
url.SchemeIs(url::kFileScheme) || url.SchemeIs(url::kAboutScheme);
- (void)setUserInteractionRegistered:(BOOL)flag {
_userInteractionRegistered = flag;
if (flag)
_interactionRegisteredSinceLastURLChange = YES;
- (BOOL)userInteractionRegistered {
return _userInteractionRegistered;
- (void)cachePOSTDataForRequest:(NSURLRequest*)request
inNavigationItem:(web::NavigationItemImpl*)item {
NSUInteger maxPOSTDataSizeInBytes = 4096;
NSString* cookieHeaderName = @"cookie";
const bool shouldUpdateEntry =
![request HTTPBodyStream] && // Don't cache streams.
!item->HasPostData() &&
item->GetURL() == net::GURLWithNSURL([request URL]);
const bool belowSizeCap =
[[request HTTPBody] length] < maxPOSTDataSizeInBytes;
DLOG_IF(WARNING, shouldUpdateEntry && !belowSizeCap)
<< "Data in POST request exceeds the size cap (" << maxPOSTDataSizeInBytes
<< " bytes), and will not be cached.";
if (shouldUpdateEntry && belowSizeCap) {
item->SetPostData([request HTTPBody]);
item->AddHttpRequestHeaders([request allHTTPHeaderFields]);
// Don't cache the "Cookie" header.
// According to NSURLRequest documentation, |-valueForHTTPHeaderField:| is
// case insensitive, so it's enough to test the lower case only.
if ([request valueForHTTPHeaderField:cookieHeaderName]) {
// Case insensitive search in |headers|.
NSSet* cookieKeys = [item->GetHttpRequestHeaders()
keysOfEntriesPassingTest:^(id key, id obj, BOOL* stop) {
NSString* header = (NSString*)key;
const BOOL found =
[header caseInsensitiveCompare:cookieHeaderName] ==
*stop = found;
return found;
DCHECK_EQ(1u, [cookieKeys count]);
item->RemoveHttpRequestHeaderForKey([cookieKeys anyObject]);
// TODO(stuartmorgan): This is mostly logic from the original UIWebView delegate
// method, which provides less information than the WKWebView version. Audit
// this for things that should be handled in the subclass instead.
- (BOOL)shouldAllowLoadWithNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction*)action {
NSURLRequest* request = action.request;
GURL requestURL = net::GURLWithNSURL(request.URL);
// External application launcher needs |isNavigationTypeLinkActivated| to
// decide if the user intended to open the application by clicking on a link.
BOOL isNavigationTypeLinkActivated =
action.navigationType == WKNavigationTypeLinkActivated;
// Checks if the link navigation leads to a launch of an external app.
// TODO( External apps will not be launched from clicking
// a Bookmarked URL or a Recently Closed URL.
// TODO( Revise the logic of allowing external app launch
// and move it to externalAppLauncher.
BOOL isOpenInNewTabNavigation = !(self.navigationManagerImpl->GetItemCount());
BOOL isPossibleLinkClick = [self isLinkNavigation:action.navigationType];
if (isPossibleLinkClick || isOpenInNewTabNavigation) {
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
const GURL currentNavigationURL =
item ? item->GetVirtualURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
// Check If the URL is handled by a native app.
if ([self urlTriggersNativeAppLaunch:requestURL
linkActivatedNavigation:isNavigationTypeLinkActivated]) {
// External app has been launched successfully. Stop the current page
// load operation (e.g. notifying all observers) and record the URL so
// that errors reported following the 'NO' reply can be safely ignored.
if ([self shouldClosePageOnNativeApplicationLoad])
[self stopLoading];
[_openedApplicationURL addObject:request.URL];
return NO;
// The WebDelegate may instruct the CRWWebController to stop loading, and
// instead instruct the next page to be loaded in an animation.
GURL mainDocumentURL = net::GURLWithNSURL(request.mainDocumentURL);
if (![self shouldOpenURL:requestURL
linkClicked:isPossibleLinkClick]) {
return NO;
// If the URL doesn't look like one we can show, try to open the link with an
// external application.
// TODO(droger): Check transition type before opening an external
// application? For example, only allow it for TYPED and LINK transitions.
if (![CRWWebController webControllerCanShow:requestURL]) {
if (![self shouldOpenExternalURLForNavigationAction:action]) {
return NO;
// Stop load if navigation is believed to be happening on the main frame.
if ([self isMainFrameNavigationAction:action])
[self stopLoading];
// Purge web view if last committed URL is different from the document URL.
// This can happen if external URL was added to the navigation stack and was
// loaded using Go Back or Go Forward navigation (in which case document URL
// will point to the previous page). If this is the first load for a
// NavigationManager, there will be no last committed item, so check here.
web::NavigationItem* lastCommittedItem =
if (lastCommittedItem) {
GURL lastCommittedURL = lastCommittedItem->GetURL();
if (lastCommittedURL != _documentURL) {
[self requirePageReconstruction];
[self setDocumentURL:lastCommittedURL];
if ([_delegate openExternalURL:requestURL
linkClicked:isNavigationTypeLinkActivated]) {
// Record the URL so that errors reported following the 'NO' reply can be
// safely ignored.
[_openedApplicationURL addObject:request.URL];
if ([self shouldClosePageOnNativeApplicationLoad])
return NO;
if ([[request HTTPMethod] isEqualToString:@"POST"]) {
web::NavigationItemImpl* item = self.currentNavItem;
// TODO( Remove this check once it's no longer possible to
// have no current entries.
if (item)
[self cachePOSTDataForRequest:request inNavigationItem:item];
return YES;
- (void)handleLoadError:(NSError*)error inMainFrame:(BOOL)inMainFrame {
NSString* MIMEType = [_pendingNavigationInfo MIMEType];
if ([_passKitDownloader isMIMETypePassKitType:MIMEType])
if ([error code] == NSURLErrorUnsupportedURL)
// In cases where a Plug-in handles the load do not take any further action.
if ([error.domain isEqual:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(web::kWebKitErrorDomain)] &&
(error.code == web::kWebKitErrorPlugInLoadFailed ||
error.code == web::kWebKitErrorCannotShowUrl))
// Continue processing only if the error is on the main request or is the
// result of a user interaction.
NSDictionary* userInfo = [error userInfo];
// |userinfo| contains the request creation date as a NSDate.
NSTimeInterval requestCreationDate =
[[userInfo objectForKey:@"CreationDate"] timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
bool userInteracted = false;
if (requestCreationDate != 0.0 && _lastUserInteraction) {
NSTimeInterval timeSinceInteraction =
requestCreationDate - _lastUserInteraction->time;
// The error is considered to be the result of a user interaction if any
// interaction happened just before the request was made.
// TODO(droger): If the user interacted with the page after the request was
// made (i.e. creationTimeSinceLastInteraction < 0), then
// |_lastUserInteraction| has been overridden. The current behavior is to
// discard the interstitial in that case. A better decision could be made if
// we had a history of all the user interactions instead of just the last
// one.
userInteracted =
timeSinceInteraction < kMaximumDelayForUserInteractionInSeconds &&
_lastUserInteraction->time > _lastTransferTimeInSeconds &&
timeSinceInteraction >= 0.0;
} else {
// If the error does not have timing information, check if the user
// interacted with the page recently.
userInteracted = [self userIsInteracting];
if (!inMainFrame && !userInteracted)
// Reset SSL status to default, unless the load was cancelled (manually or by
// back-forward navigation).
web::NavigationManager* navManager = self.webState->GetNavigationManager();
if (navManager->GetLastCommittedItem() && [error code] != NSURLErrorCancelled)
navManager->GetLastCommittedItem()->GetSSL() = web::SSLStatus();
URLWithString:[userInfo objectForKey:NSURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey]];
const GURL errorGURL = net::GURLWithNSURL(errorURL);
// Handles Frame Load Interrupted errors from WebView.
if ([error.domain isEqual:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(web::kWebKitErrorDomain)] &&
error.code == web::kWebKitErrorFrameLoadInterruptedByPolicyChange) {
// See if the delegate wants to handle this case.
if (errorGURL.is_valid() &&
controllerForUnhandledContentAtURL:)]) {
id<CRWNativeContent> controller =
[_delegate controllerForUnhandledContentAtURL:errorGURL];
if (controller) {
[self loadCompleteWithSuccess:NO];
[self removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:NO];
[self setNativeController:controller];
[self loadNativeViewWithSuccess:YES];
// Ignore errors that originate from URLs that are opened in external apps.
if ([_openedApplicationURL containsObject:errorURL])
// Certain frame errors don't have URL information for some reason; for
// those cases (so far the only known case is plugin content loaded directly
// in a frame) just ignore the error. See
if (!errorURL) {
// The wrapper error uses the URL of the error and not the requested URL
// (which can be different in case of a redirect) to match desktop Chrome
// behavior.
NSError* wrapperError = [NSError
errorWithDomain:[error domain]
code:[error code]
NSURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey : [errorURL absoluteString],
NSUnderlyingErrorKey : error
[self loadCompleteWithSuccess:NO];
[self loadErrorInNativeView:wrapperError];
if ([error code] == NSURLErrorCancelled) {
[self handleCancelledError:error];
// NSURLErrorCancelled errors that aren't handled by aborting the load will
// automatically be retried by the web view, so early return in this case.
[self loadCompleteWithSuccess:NO];
[self loadErrorInNativeView:error];
- (void)handleCancelledError:(NSError*)error {
if ([self shouldCancelLoadForCancelledError:error]) {
[self loadCancelled];
[[self sessionController] discardNonCommittedItems];
- (BOOL)shouldCancelLoadForCancelledError:(NSError*)error {
DCHECK_EQ(error.code, NSURLErrorCancelled);
// Do not cancel the load if it is for an app specific URL, as such errors
// are produced during the app specific URL load process.
const GURL errorURL =
if (web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(errorURL))
return NO;
// Don't cancel NSURLErrorCancelled errors originating from navigation
// as the WKWebView will automatically retry these loads.
WKWebViewErrorSource source = WKWebViewErrorSourceFromError(error);
return source != NAVIGATION;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark WebUI
- (void)createWebUIForURL:(const GURL&)URL {
[[CRWWebUIManager alloc] initWithWebState:self.webStateImpl]);
- (void)clearWebUI {
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Auth Challenge
- (void)processAuthChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge*)challenge
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition,
NSURLCredential*))completionHandler {
SecTrustRef trust = challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust;
// Cert is invalid, but user agreed to proceed, override default behavior.
[NSURLCredential credentialForTrust:trust]);
if (policy != web::CERT_ACCEPT_POLICY_ALLOW &&
SecTrustGetCertificateCount(trust)) {
// The cert is invalid and the user has not agreed to proceed. Cache the
// cert verification result in |_certVerificationErrors|, so that it can
// later be reused inside |didFailProvisionalNavigation:|.
// The leaf cert is used as the key, because the chain provided by
// |didFailProvisionalNavigation:| will differ (it is the server-supplied
// chain), thus if intermediates were considered, the keys would mismatch.
scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate> leafCert =
SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(trust, 0),
if (leafCert) {
BOOL is_recoverable =
std::string host =
web::CertHostPair(leafCert, host),
CertVerificationError(is_recoverable, certStatus));
completionHandler(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeRejectProtectionSpace, nil);
- (void)handleHTTPAuthForChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge*)challenge
(void (^)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition,
NSURLCredential*))completionHandler {
NSURLProtectionSpace* space = challenge.protectionSpace;
[space.authenticationMethod isEqual:NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic] ||
[space.authenticationMethod isEqual:NSURLAuthenticationMethodNTLM] ||
[space.authenticationMethod isEqual:NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest]);
if (self.shouldSuppressDialogs) {
// TODO( Web Controller should not assume that embedder
// handles HTTP Authentication by showing the dialog.
completionHandler(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeRejectProtectionSpace, nil);
space, challenge.proposedCredential,
base::BindBlock(^(NSString* user, NSString* password) {
[CRWWebController processHTTPAuthForUser:user
+ (void)processHTTPAuthForUser:(NSString*)user
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition,
NSURLCredential*))completionHandler {
DCHECK_EQ(user == nil, password == nil);
if (!user || !password) {
// Embedder cancelled authentication.
completionHandler(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeRejectProtectionSpace, nil);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark JavaScript Dialog
- (void)runJavaScriptDialogOfType:(web::JavaScriptDialogType)type
completion:(void (^)(BOOL, NSString*))completionHandler {
if (self.shouldSuppressDialogs) {
completionHandler(NO, nil);
net::GURLWithNSURL(frame.request.URL), type, message, defaultText,
base::BindBlock(^(bool success, NSString* input) {
completionHandler(success, input);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark TouchTracking
- (void)touched:(BOOL)touched {
_clickInProgress = touched;
if (touched) {
self.userInteractionRegistered = YES;
_userInteractedWithWebController = YES;
if (_isBeingDestroyed)
const web::NavigationManagerImpl& navigationManager =
GURL mainDocumentURL =
? navigationManager.GetLastCommittedItem()->GetURL()
: [self currentURL];
_lastUserInteraction.reset(new UserInteractionEvent(mainDocumentURL));
- (CRWTouchTrackingRecognizer*)touchTrackingRecognizer {
if (!_touchTrackingRecognizer) {
[[CRWTouchTrackingRecognizer alloc] initWithDelegate:self]);
return _touchTrackingRecognizer.get();
- (BOOL)userIsInteracting {
// If page transfer started after last click, user is deemed to be no longer
// interacting.
if (!_lastUserInteraction ||
_lastTransferTimeInSeconds > _lastUserInteraction->time) {
return NO;
return [self userClickedRecently];
- (BOOL)userClickedRecently {
// Scrolling generates a pair of touch on/off event which causes
// _lastUserInteraction to register that there was user interaction.
// Checks for scrolling first to override time-based click heuristics.
BOOL scrolling = [[self webScrollView] isDragging] ||
[[self webScrollView] isDecelerating];
if (scrolling)
return NO;
if (!_lastUserInteraction)
return NO;
return _clickInProgress ||
((CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - _lastUserInteraction->time) <
#pragma mark Placeholder Overlay Methods
- (void)addPlaceholderOverlay {
if (!_overlayPreviewMode) {
// Create |kSnapshotOverlayDelay| second timer to remove image with
// transition.
[self performSelector:@selector(removePlaceholderOverlay)
// Add overlay image.
_placeholderOverlayView.reset([[UIImageView alloc] init]);
CGRect frame = [self visibleFrame];
[_placeholderOverlayView setFrame:frame];
setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth |
[_placeholderOverlayView setContentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill];
[_containerView addSubview:_placeholderOverlayView];
id callback = ^(UIImage* image) {
[_placeholderOverlayView setImage:image];
[_delegate webController:self retrievePlaceholderOverlayImage:callback];
if (!_placeholderOverlayView.get().image) {
// TODO(shreyasv): This is just a blank white image. Consider adding an API
// so that the delegate can return something immediately for the default
// overlay image.
_placeholderOverlayView.get().image = [[self class] defaultSnapshotImage];
- (void)removePlaceholderOverlay {
if (!_placeholderOverlayView || _overlayPreviewMode)
// Remove overlay with transition.
[UIView animateWithDuration:kSnapshotOverlayTransition
[_placeholderOverlayView setAlpha:0.0f];
completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[_placeholderOverlayView removeFromSuperview];
- (void)setOverlayPreviewMode:(BOOL)overlayPreviewMode {
_overlayPreviewMode = overlayPreviewMode;
// If we were showing the preview, remove it.
if (!_overlayPreviewMode && _placeholderOverlayView) {
[self resetContainerView];
// Reset |_placeholderOverlayView| directly instead of calling
// -removePlaceholderOverlay, which removes |_placeholderOverlayView| in an
// animation.
[_placeholderOverlayView removeFromSuperview];
// There are cases when resetting the contentView, above, may happen after
// the web view has been created. Re-add it here, rather than
// relying on a subsequent call to loadCurrentURLInWebView.
if (_webView) {
[[self view] addSubview:_webView];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Session Information
- (CRWSessionController*)sessionController {
NavigationManagerImpl* navigationManager = self.navigationManagerImpl;
return navigationManager ? navigationManager->GetSessionController() : nil;
- (NavigationManagerImpl*)navigationManagerImpl {
return _webStateImpl ? &(_webStateImpl->GetNavigationManagerImpl()) : nil;
- (BOOL)hasOpener {
return _webStateImpl ? _webStateImpl->HasOpener() : NO;
- (web::NavigationItemImpl*)currentNavItem {
// This goes through the legacy Session* interface rather than Navigation*
// because it is itself a legacy method that should not exist, and this
// avoids needing to add a GetActiveItem to NavigationManager. If/when this
// method chain becomes a blocker to eliminating SessionController, the logic
// can be moved here, using public NavigationManager getters. That's not
// done now in order to avoid code duplication.
return [[self sessionController] currentItem];
- (ui::PageTransition)currentTransition {
if (self.currentNavItem)
return self.currentNavItem->GetTransitionType();
return ui::PageTransitionFromInt(0);
- (web::Referrer)currentNavItemReferrer {
web::NavigationItem* currentItem = self.currentNavItem;
return currentItem ? currentItem->GetReferrer() : web::Referrer();
- (NSDictionary*)currentHTTPHeaders {
web::NavigationItem* currentItem = self.currentNavItem;
return currentItem ? currentItem->GetHttpRequestHeaders() : nil;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CRWWebViewScrollViewProxyObserver
- (void)webViewScrollViewDidZoom:
(CRWWebViewScrollViewProxy*)webViewScrollViewProxy {
_pageHasZoomed = YES;
base::WeakNSObject<UIScrollView> weakScrollView(self.webScrollView);
[self extractViewportTagWithCompletion:^(
const web::PageViewportState* viewportState) {
if (!weakScrollView)
base::scoped_nsobject<UIScrollView> scrollView([weakScrollView retain]);
if (viewportState && !viewportState->viewport_tag_present() &&
[scrollView minimumZoomScale] == [scrollView maximumZoomScale] &&
[scrollView zoomScale] > 1.0) {
UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN(kUMAViewportZoomBugCount, true);
- (void)webViewScrollViewDidResetContentSize:
(CRWWebViewScrollViewProxy*)webViewScrollViewProxy {
web::NavigationItem* currentItem = self.currentNavItem;
if (webViewScrollViewProxy.isZooming || _applyingPageState || !currentItem)
CGSize contentSize = webViewScrollViewProxy.contentSize;
if (contentSize.width < CGRectGetWidth(webViewScrollViewProxy.frame)) {
// The renderer incorrectly resized the content area. Resetting the scroll
// view's zoom scale will force a re-rendering. rdar://23963992
_applyingPageState = YES;
web::PageZoomState zoomState =
if (!zoomState.IsValid())
zoomState = web::PageZoomState(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
[self applyWebViewScrollZoomScaleFromZoomState:zoomState];
_applyingPageState = NO;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CRWWebViewScrollViewProxyObserver
// Under WKWebView, JavaScript can execute asynchronously. User can start
// scrolling and calls to window.scrollTo executed during scrolling will be
// treated as "during user interaction" and can cause app to go fullscreen.
// This is a workaround to use this webViewScrollViewIsDragging flag to ignore
// window.scrollTo while user is scrolling. See
- (void)webViewScrollViewWillBeginDragging:
(CRWWebViewScrollViewProxy*)webViewScrollViewProxy {
[self executeJavaScript:@"__gCrWeb.setWebViewScrollViewIsDragging(true)"
- (void)webViewScrollViewDidEndDragging:
willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate {
[self executeJavaScript:@"__gCrWeb.setWebViewScrollViewIsDragging(false)"
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Page State
- (void)recordStateInHistory {
// Only record the state if:
// - the current NavigationItem's URL matches the current URL, and
// - the user has interacted with the page.
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
if (item && item->GetURL() == [self currentURL] &&
self.userInteractionRegistered) {
- (void)restoreStateFromHistory {
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
if (item)
self.pageDisplayState = item->GetPageDisplayState();
- (web::PageDisplayState)pageDisplayState {
web::PageDisplayState displayState;
if (_webView) {
CGPoint scrollOffset = [self scrollPosition];
UIScrollView* scrollView = self.webScrollView;
} else {
// TODO( Handle native views.
return displayState;
- (void)setPageDisplayState:(web::PageDisplayState)displayState {
if (!displayState.IsValid())
if (_webView) {
// Page state is restored after a page load completes. If the user has
// scrolled or changed the zoom scale while the page is still loading, don't
// restore any state since it will confuse the user.
web::PageDisplayState currentPageDisplayState = self.pageDisplayState;
if (currentPageDisplayState.scroll_state().offset_x() ==
_displayStateOnStartLoading.scroll_state().offset_x() &&
currentPageDisplayState.scroll_state().offset_y() ==
_displayStateOnStartLoading.scroll_state().offset_y() &&
!_pageHasZoomed) {
[self applyPageDisplayState:displayState];
- (void)extractViewportTagWithCompletion:(ViewportStateCompletion)completion {
web::NavigationItem* currentItem = self.currentNavItem;
if (!currentItem) {
NSString* const kViewportContentQuery =
@"var viewport = document.querySelector('meta[name=\"viewport\"]');"
"viewport ? viewport.content : '';";
base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebController> weakSelf(self);
int itemID = currentItem->GetUniqueID();
[self executeJavaScript:kViewportContentQuery
completionHandler:^(id viewportContent, NSError*) {
web::NavigationItem* item = [weakSelf currentNavItem];
if (item && item->GetUniqueID() == itemID) {
web::PageViewportState viewportState(
} else {
- (void)orientationDidChange {
// When rotating, the available zoom scale range may change, zoomScale's
// percentage into this range should remain constant. However, there are
// two known bugs with respect to adjusting the zoomScale on rotation:
// - WKWebView sometimes erroneously resets the scroll view's zoom scale to
// an incorrect value ( rdar://20100815 ).
// - After zooming occurs in a UIWebView that's displaying a page with a hard-
// coded viewport width, the zoom will not be updated upon rotation
// ( ).
if (!_webView)
web::NavigationItem* currentItem = self.currentNavItem;
if (!currentItem)
web::PageDisplayState displayState = currentItem->GetPageDisplayState();
if (!displayState.IsValid())
CGFloat zoomPercentage = (displayState.zoom_state().zoom_scale() -
displayState.zoom_state().minimum_zoom_scale()) /
displayState.zoom_state().minimum_zoom_scale() +
zoomPercentage * displayState.zoom_state().GetMinMaxZoomDifference());
[self applyPageDisplayState:currentItem->GetPageDisplayState()];
- (void)applyPageDisplayState:(const web::PageDisplayState&)displayState {
if (!displayState.IsValid())
base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebController> weakSelf(self);
web::PageDisplayState displayStateCopy = displayState;
[self extractViewportTagWithCompletion:^(
const web::PageViewportState* viewportState) {
if (viewportState) {
[weakSelf applyPageDisplayState:displayStateCopy
- (void)applyPageDisplayState:(const web::PageDisplayState&)displayState
userScalable:(BOOL)isUserScalable {
// Early return if |scrollState| doesn't match the current NavigationItem.
// This can sometimes occur in tests, as navigation occurs programmatically
// and |-applyPageScrollState:| is asynchronous.
web::NavigationItem* currentItem = self.currentNavItem;
if (currentItem && currentItem->GetPageDisplayState() != displayState)
_applyingPageState = YES;
if (isUserScalable) {
[self prepareToApplyWebViewScrollZoomScale];
[self applyWebViewScrollZoomScaleFromZoomState:displayState.zoom_state()];
[self finishApplyingWebViewScrollZoomScale];
[self applyWebViewScrollOffsetFromScrollState:displayState.scroll_state()];
_applyingPageState = NO;
- (void)prepareToApplyWebViewScrollZoomScale {
id webView = _webView;
if (![webView respondsToSelector:@selector(viewForZoomingInScrollView:)]) {
UIView* contentView = [webView viewForZoomingInScrollView:self.webScrollView];
if ([webView
respondsToSelector:@selector(scrollViewWillBeginZooming:withView:)]) {
[webView scrollViewWillBeginZooming:self.webScrollView
- (void)finishApplyingWebViewScrollZoomScale {
id webView = _webView;
if ([webView respondsToSelector:@selector(scrollViewDidEndZooming:
atScale:)] &&
[webView respondsToSelector:@selector(viewForZoomingInScrollView:)]) {
// This correctly sets the content's frame in the scroll view to
// fit the web page and upscales the content so that it isn't
// blurry.
UIView* contentView =
[webView viewForZoomingInScrollView:self.webScrollView];
[webView scrollViewDidEndZooming:self.webScrollView
- (void)applyWebViewScrollZoomScaleFromZoomState:
(const web::PageZoomState&)zoomState {
// After rendering a web page, WKWebView keeps the |minimumZoomScale| and
// |maximumZoomScale| properties of its scroll view constant while adjusting
// the |zoomScale| property accordingly. The maximum-scale or minimum-scale
// meta tags of a page may have changed since the state was recorded, so clamp
// the zoom scale to the current range if necessary.
CGFloat zoomScale = zoomState.zoom_scale();
if (zoomScale < self.webScrollView.minimumZoomScale)
zoomScale = self.webScrollView.minimumZoomScale;
if (zoomScale > self.webScrollView.maximumZoomScale)
zoomScale = self.webScrollView.maximumZoomScale;
self.webScrollView.zoomScale = zoomScale;
- (void)applyWebViewScrollOffsetFromScrollState:
(const web::PageScrollState&)scrollState {
CGPoint scrollOffset =
CGPointMake(scrollState.offset_x(), scrollState.offset_y());
if (_loadPhase == web::PAGE_LOADED) {
// If the page is loaded, update the scroll immediately.
[self.webScrollView setContentOffset:scrollOffset];
} else {
// If the page isn't loaded, store the action to update the scroll
// when the page finishes loading.
base::WeakNSObject<UIScrollView> weakScrollView(self.webScrollView);
base::scoped_nsprotocol<ProceduralBlock> action([^{
[weakScrollView setContentOffset:scrollOffset];
} copy]);
[_pendingLoadCompleteActions addObject:action];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Fullscreen
- (CGRect)visibleFrame {
CGRect frame = [_containerView bounds];
CGFloat headerHeight = [self headerHeight];
frame.origin.y = headerHeight;
frame.size.height -= headerHeight;
return frame;
- (void)optOutScrollsToTopForSubviews {
NSMutableArray* stack =
[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[self.webScrollView subviews]];
while (stack.count) {
UIView* current = [stack lastObject];
[stack removeLastObject];
[stack addObjectsFromArray:[current subviews]];
if ([current isKindOfClass:[UIScrollView class]])
static_cast<UIScrollView*>(current).scrollsToTop = NO;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark WebDelegate Calls
- (BOOL)shouldOpenURL:(const GURL&)url
mainDocumentURL:(const GURL&)mainDocumentURL
linkClicked:(BOOL)linkClicked {
if (![_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(webController:
linkClicked:)]) {
return YES;
return [_delegate webController:self
- (BOOL)isMainFrameNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction*)action {
if (action.targetFrame) {
return action.targetFrame.mainFrame;
// According to WKNavigationAction documentation, in the case of a new window
// navigation, target frame will be nil. In this case check if the
// |sourceFrame| is the mainFrame.
return action.sourceFrame.mainFrame;
- (BOOL)shouldOpenExternalURLForNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction*)action {
ExternalURLRequestStatus requestStatus = NUM_EXTERNAL_URL_REQUEST_STATUS;
if ([self isMainFrameNavigationAction:action]) {
requestStatus = MAIN_FRAME_ALLOWED;
} else {
// If the request's main document URL differs from that at the time of the
// last user interaction, then the page has changed since the user last
// interacted.
BOOL userInteractedWithRequestMainFrame =
[self userClickedRecently] &&
net::GURLWithNSURL(action.request.mainDocumentURL) ==
// Prevent subframe requests from opening an external URL if the user has
// not interacted with the request's main frame.
requestStatus = userInteractedWithRequestMainFrame ? SUBFRAME_ALLOWED
if (requestStatus == SUBFRAME_BLOCKED) {
return NO;
GURL requestURL = net::GURLWithNSURL(action.request.URL);
return [_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(webController:
shouldOpenExternalURL:)] &&
[_delegate webController:self shouldOpenExternalURL:requestURL];
- (BOOL)urlTriggersNativeAppLaunch:(const GURL&)URL
sourceURL:(const GURL&)sourceURL
linkActivatedNavigation:(BOOL)linkActivatedNavigation {
if (![_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(urlTriggersNativeAppLaunch:
linkClicked:)]) {
return NO;
return [_delegate urlTriggersNativeAppLaunch:URL
- (CGFloat)headerHeight {
if (![_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(headerHeightForWebController:)])
return 0.0f;
return [_delegate headerHeightForWebController:self];
- (void)updateSSLStatusForCurrentNavigationItem {
if (_isBeingDestroyed) {
web::NavigationManager* navManager = self.webState->GetNavigationManager();
web::NavigationItem* currentNavItem = navManager->GetLastCommittedItem();
if (!currentNavItem) {
if (!_SSLStatusUpdater) {
_SSLStatusUpdater.reset([[CRWSSLStatusUpdater alloc]
[_SSLStatusUpdater setDelegate:self];
NSString* host = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(;
BOOL hasOnlySecureContent = [_webView hasOnlySecureContent];
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<SecTrustRef> trust;
if (base::ios::IsRunningOnIOS10OrLater()) {
trust.reset([_webView serverTrust], base::scoped_policy::RETAIN);
} else {
trust = web::CreateServerTrustFromChain([_webView certificateChain], host);
[_SSLStatusUpdater updateSSLStatusForNavigationItem:currentNavItem
- (void)didShowPasswordInputOnHTTP {
web::NavigationItem* item =
item->GetSSL().content_status |=
- (void)didShowCreditCardInputOnHTTP {
web::NavigationItem* item =
item->GetSSL().content_status |=
- (void)handleSSLCertError:(NSError*)error {
net::SSLInfo info;
web::GetSSLInfoFromWKWebViewSSLCertError(error, &info);
if (!info.cert) {
// |info.cert| can be null if certChain in NSError is empty or can not be
// parsed, in this case do not ask delegate if error should be allowed, it
// should not be.
[self handleLoadError:error inMainFrame:YES];
// Retrieve verification results from _certVerificationErrors cache to avoid
// unnecessary recalculations. Verification results are cached for the leaf
// cert, because the cert chain in |didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:| is
// the OS constructed chain, while |chain| is the chain from the server.
NSArray* chain = error.userInfo[web::kNSErrorPeerCertificateChainKey];
NSURL* requestURL = error.userInfo[web::kNSErrorFailingURLKey];
NSString* host = [requestURL host];
scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate> leafCert;
BOOL recoverable = NO;
if (chain.count && host.length) {
// The complete cert chain may not be available, so the leaf cert is used
// as a key to retrieve _certVerificationErrors, as well as for storing the
// cert decision.
leafCert = web::CreateCertFromChain(@[ chain.firstObject ]);
if (leafCert) {
auto error = _certVerificationErrors->Get(
{leafCert, base::SysNSStringToUTF8(host)});
bool cacheHit = error != _certVerificationErrors->end();
if (cacheHit) {
recoverable = error->second.is_recoverable;
info.cert_status = error->second.status;
// Ask web client if this cert error should be allowed.
_webStateImpl, net::MapCertStatusToNetError(info.cert_status), info,
net::GURLWithNSURL(requestURL), recoverable,
base::BindBlock(^(bool proceed) {
if (proceed) {
[_certVerificationController allowCert:leafCert
[self loadCurrentURL];
[self loadCancelled];
- (void)ensureWebViewCreated {
WKWebViewConfiguration* config =
[self webViewConfigurationProvider].GetWebViewConfiguration();
[self ensureWebViewCreatedWithConfiguration:config];
- (void)ensureWebViewCreatedWithConfiguration:(WKWebViewConfiguration*)config {
if (!_webView) {
[self setWebView:[self webViewWithConfiguration:config]];
// The following is not called in -setWebView: as the latter used in unit
// tests with fake web view, which cannot be added to view hierarchy.
CHECK(_webUsageEnabled) << "Tried to create a web view while suspended!";
[_webView setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth |
[_webView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0.2 alpha:1.0]];
// Create a dependency between the |webView| pan gesture and BVC side swipe
// gestures. Note: This needs to be added before the longPress recognizers
// below, or the longPress appears to deadlock the remaining recognizers,
// thereby breaking scroll.
NSSet* recognizers = [_swipeRecognizerProvider swipeRecognizers];
for (UISwipeGestureRecognizer* swipeRecognizer in recognizers) {
_contextMenuController.reset([[CRWContextMenuController alloc]
// Add all additional gesture recognizers to the web view.
for (UIGestureRecognizer* recognizer in _gestureRecognizers.get()) {
[_webView addGestureRecognizer:recognizer];
_URLOnStartLoading = _defaultURL;
// Add the web toolbars.
[_containerView addToolbars:_webViewToolbars];
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebViewContentView> webViewContentView(
[[CRWWebViewContentView alloc] initWithWebView:_webView
[_containerView displayWebViewContentView:webViewContentView];
- (WKWebView*)webViewWithConfiguration:(WKWebViewConfiguration*)config {
// Do not attach the context menu controller immediately as the JavaScript
// delegate must be specified.
return web::BuildWKWebView(CGRectZero, config,
- (void)setWebView:(WKWebView*)webView {
DCHECK_NE(_webView.get(), webView);
// Unwind the old web view.
// TODO(eugenebut): Remove CRWWKScriptMessageRouter once is
// fixed.
CRWWKScriptMessageRouter* messageRouter =
[self webViewConfigurationProvider].GetScriptMessageRouter();
if (_webView) {
[messageRouter removeAllScriptMessageHandlersForWebView:_webView];
[_webView setNavigationDelegate:nil];
[_webView setUIDelegate:nil];
for (NSString* keyPath in self.WKWebViewObservers) {
[_webView removeObserver:self forKeyPath:keyPath];
_webView.reset([webView retain]);
// Set up the new web view.
if (webView) {
base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebController> weakSelf(self);
[messageRouter setScriptMessageHandler:^(WKScriptMessage* message) {
[weakSelf didReceiveScriptMessage:message];
[[CRWJSWindowIDManager alloc] initWithWebView:webView]);
} else {
[_webView setNavigationDelegate:self];
[_webView setUIDelegate:self];
for (NSString* keyPath in self.WKWebViewObservers) {
[_webView addObserver:self forKeyPath:keyPath options:0 context:nullptr];
_injectedScriptManagers.reset([[NSMutableSet alloc] init]);
[self setDocumentURL:_defaultURL];
- (void)removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:(BOOL)allowCache {
if (!_webView)
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
if (allowCache && item) {
_expectedReconstructionURL = item->GetVirtualURL();
} else {
_expectedReconstructionURL = GURL::EmptyGURL();
[self abortLoad];
[_webView removeFromSuperview];
[_containerView resetContent];
[self setWebView:nil];
- (void)webViewWebProcessDidCrash {
_webProcessIsDead = YES;
- (web::WKWebViewConfigurationProvider&)webViewConfigurationProvider {
web::BrowserState* browserState = self.webStateImpl->GetBrowserState();
return web::WKWebViewConfigurationProvider::FromBrowserState(browserState);
- (void)loadRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest*)request {
[_navigationStates setState:web::WKNavigationState::REQUESTED
forNavigation:[_webView loadRequest:request]];
- (void)loadPOSTRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest*)request {
if (!_POSTRequestLoader) {
_POSTRequestLoader.reset([[CRWJSPOSTRequestLoader alloc] init]);
CRWWKScriptMessageRouter* messageRouter =
[self webViewConfigurationProvider].GetScriptMessageRouter();
[_POSTRequestLoader loadPOSTRequest:request
completionHandler:^(NSError* loadError) {
if (loadError)
[self handleLoadError:loadError inMainFrame:YES];
- (void)loadHTML:(NSString*)HTML forURL:(const GURL&)URL {
// Remove the transient content view.
[self clearTransientContentView];
_loadPhase = web::LOAD_REQUESTED;
// Web View should not be created for App Specific URLs.
if (!web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(URL)) {
[self ensureWebViewCreated];
DCHECK(_webView) << "_webView null while trying to load HTML";
WKNavigation* navigation =
[_webView loadHTMLString:HTML baseURL:net::NSURLWithGURL(URL)];
[_navigationStates setState:web::WKNavigationState::REQUESTED
- (void)loadHTML:(NSString*)HTML forAppSpecificURL:(const GURL&)URL {
[self loadHTML:HTML forURL:URL];
- (void)loadHTMLForCurrentURL:(NSString*)HTML {
[self loadHTML:HTML forURL:self.currentURL];
- (void)stopLoading {
_stoppedWKNavigation.reset([_navigationStates lastAddedNavigation]);
// Discard the pending and transient entried before notifying the tab model
// observers of the change via |-abortLoad|.
[[self sessionController] discardNonCommittedItems];
[self abortLoad];
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
GURL navigationURL = item ? item->GetVirtualURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
// If discarding the non-committed entries results in an app-specific URL,
// reload it in its native view.
if (!self.nativeController &&
[self shouldLoadURLInNativeView:navigationURL]) {
[self loadCurrentURLInNativeView];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark WKUIDelegate Methods
- (WKWebView*)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
windowFeatures:(WKWindowFeatures*)windowFeatures {
if (self.shouldSuppressDialogs) {
return nil;
// Do not create windows for non-empty invalid URLs.
GURL requestURL = net::GURLWithNSURL(action.request.URL);
if (!requestURL.is_empty() && !requestURL.is_valid()) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Unable to open a window with invalid URL: "
<< requestURL.spec();
return nil;
NSString* referrer = [self referrerFromNavigationAction:action];
GURL openerURL =
referrer.length ? GURL(base::SysNSStringToUTF8(referrer)) : _documentURL;
WebState* childWebState = _webStateImpl->CreateNewWebState(
requestURL, openerURL, [self userIsInteracting]);
if (!childWebState)
return nil;
CRWWebController* childWebController =
DCHECK(!childWebController || childWebController.hasOpener);
// WKWebView requires WKUIDelegate to return a child view created with
// exactly the same |configuration| object (exception is raised if config is
// different). |configuration| param and config returned by
// WKWebViewConfigurationProvider are different objects because WKWebView
// makes a shallow copy of the config inside init, so every WKWebView
// owns a separate shallow copy of WKWebViewConfiguration.
[childWebController ensureWebViewCreatedWithConfiguration:configuration];
return childWebController.webView;
- (void)webViewDidClose:(WKWebView*)webView {
if (self.hasOpener)
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler {
[self runJavaScriptDialogOfType:web::JAVASCRIPT_DIALOG_TYPE_ALERT
completion:^(BOOL, NSString*) {
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
(void (^)(BOOL result))completionHandler {
[self runJavaScriptDialogOfType:web::JAVASCRIPT_DIALOG_TYPE_CONFIRM
completion:^(BOOL success, NSString*) {
if (completionHandler) {
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
(void (^)(NSString* result))completionHandler {
GURL origin(web::GURLOriginWithWKSecurityOrigin(frame.securityOrigin));
if (web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(origin) && _webUIManager) {
std::string mojoResponse =
[self runJavaScriptDialogOfType:web::JAVASCRIPT_DIALOG_TYPE_PROMPT
completion:^(BOOL, NSString* input) {
if (completionHandler) {
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark WKNavigationDelegate Methods
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
(void (^)(WKNavigationActionPolicy))decisionHandler {
_webProcessIsDead = NO;
if (_isBeingDestroyed) {
// The page will not be changed until this navigation is commited, so the
// retrieved state will be pending until |didCommitNavigation| callback.
[self updatePendingNavigationInfoFromNavigationAction:action];
// Invalid URLs should not be loaded. However, simply doing nothing upon
// tapping a link or button is a jarring user experience. Instead, cancel
// the invalid navigation and load about:blank if navigation was requested for
// the main frame.
GURL requestURL = net::GURLWithNSURL(action.request.URL);
if (!requestURL.is_valid()) {
if (action.targetFrame.mainFrame) {
GURL aboutBlankURL(url::kAboutBlankURL);
web::NavigationManager::WebLoadParams loadParams(aboutBlankURL);
loadParams.referrer = [self currentReferrer];
BOOL allowLoad = [self shouldAllowLoadWithNavigationAction:action];
if (allowLoad) {
allowLoad = self.webStateImpl->ShouldAllowRequest(action.request);
if (!allowLoad && action.targetFrame.mainFrame) {
[_pendingNavigationInfo setCancelled:YES];
decisionHandler(allowLoad ? WKNavigationActionPolicyAllow
: WKNavigationActionPolicyCancel);
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
(void (^)(WKNavigationResponsePolicy))handler {
if ([navigationResponse.response isKindOfClass:[NSHTTPURLResponse class]]) {
// Create HTTP headers from the response.
// TODO( Due to the limited interface of
// NSHTTPURLResponse, some data in the HttpResponseHeaders generated here is
// inexact. Once UIWebView is no longer supported, update WebState's
// implementation so that the Content-Language and the MIME type can be set
// without using this imperfect conversion.
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> HTTPHeaders =
HTTPHeaders.get(), net::GURLWithNSURL(navigationResponse.response.URL));
// The page will not be changed until this navigation is commited, so the
// retrieved state will be pending until |didCommitNavigation| callback.
[self updatePendingNavigationInfoFromNavigationResponse:navigationResponse];
BOOL allowNavigation = navigationResponse.canShowMIMEType;
if (allowNavigation) {
allowNavigation =
if (!allowNavigation && navigationResponse.isForMainFrame) {
[_pendingNavigationInfo setCancelled:YES];
if ([self.passKitDownloader
isMIMETypePassKitType:[_pendingNavigationInfo MIMEType]]) {
GURL URL = net::GURLWithNSURL(navigationResponse.response.URL);
[self.passKitDownloader downloadPassKitFileWithURL:URL];
allowNavigation = NO;
// Discard the pending PassKit entry to ensure that the current URL is not
// different from what is displayed on the view. If there is no previous
// committed URL, which can happen when a link is opened in a new tab via a
// context menu or, the pending entry should not be
// discarded so that the NavigationManager is never empty. Also, URLs loaded
// in a native view should be excluded to avoid an ugly animation where the
// web view is inserted and quickly removed.
GURL lastCommittedURL = self.webState->GetLastCommittedURL();
BOOL isFirstLoad = lastCommittedURL.is_empty();
BOOL previousItemWasLoadedInNativeView =
[self shouldLoadURLInNativeView:lastCommittedURL];
if (!isFirstLoad && !previousItemWasLoadedInNativeView)
[self.sessionController discardNonCommittedItems];
handler(allowNavigation ? WKNavigationResponsePolicyAllow
: WKNavigationResponsePolicyCancel);
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Move all the guesswork around these states out of the
// superclass, and wire these up to the remaining methods.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
didStartProvisionalNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation {
[_navigationStates setState:web::WKNavigationState::STARTED
GURL webViewURL = net::GURLWithNSURL(webView.URL);
if (webViewURL.is_empty()) {
// May happen on iOS9, however in didCommitNavigation: callback the URL
// will be "about:blank".
webViewURL = GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL);
// Intercept renderer-initiated navigations. If this navigation has not yet
// been registered, do so. loadPhase check is necessary because
// lastRegisteredRequestURL may be the same as the webViewURL on a new tab
// created by (default is about::blank).
if (_lastRegisteredRequestURL != webViewURL ||
self.loadPhase != web::LOAD_REQUESTED) {
// Reset current WebUI if one exists.
[self clearWebUI];
// Restart app specific URL loads to properly capture state.
// TODO( Extract necessary tasks for app specific URL
// navigation rather than restarting the load.
if (web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(webViewURL)) {
// Renderer-initiated loads of WebUI can be done only from other WebUI
// pages. WebUI pages may have increased power and using the same web
// process (which may potentially be controller by an attacker) is
// dangerous.
if (web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(_documentURL)) {
[self abortLoad];
NavigationManager::WebLoadParams params(webViewURL);
[self loadWithParams:params];
} else {
[self registerLoadRequest:webViewURL];
// Ensure the URL is registered and loadPhase is as expected.
DCHECK(_lastRegisteredRequestURL == webViewURL);
DCHECK(self.loadPhase == web::LOAD_REQUESTED);
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation {
[_navigationStates setState:web::WKNavigationState::REDIRECTED
[self registerLoadRequest:net::GURLWithNSURL(webView.URL)
referrer:[self currentReferrer]
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
withError:(NSError*)error {
[_navigationStates setState:web::WKNavigationState::PROVISIONALY_FAILED
// Ignore provisional navigation failure if a new navigation has been started,
// for example, if a page is reloaded after the start of the provisional
// load but before the load has been committed.
if (![[_navigationStates lastAddedNavigation] isEqual:navigation]) {
// TODO( Remove this workaround once |stopLoading| does not
// discard pending navigation items.
if ((!self.webStateImpl ||
!self.webStateImpl->GetNavigationManagerImpl().GetVisibleItem()) &&
[error.domain isEqual:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(web::kWebKitErrorDomain)] &&
error.code == web::kWebKitErrorFrameLoadInterruptedByPolicyChange) {
// App is going to crash in this state ( Crash will occur
// on dereferencing visible navigation item, which is null. This scenario is
// possible after pending load was stopped for a child window. Early return
// to prevent the crash and report UMA metric to check if crash happening
// because the load was stopped.
[_stoppedWKNavigation isEqual:navigation]);
// Handle load cancellation for directly cancelled navigations without
// handling their potential errors. Otherwise, handle the error.
if ([_pendingNavigationInfo cancelled]) {
[self loadCancelled];
} else {
error = WKWebViewErrorWithSource(error, PROVISIONAL_LOAD);
if (web::IsWKWebViewSSLCertError(error))
[self handleSSLCertError:error];
[self handleLoadError:error inMainFrame:YES];
// This must be reset at the end, since code above may need information about
// the pending load.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
didCommitNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation {
[_navigationStates setState:web::WKNavigationState::COMMITTED
DCHECK_EQ(_webView, webView);
// This is the point where the document's URL has actually changed, and
// pending navigation information should be applied to state information.
[self setDocumentURL:net::GURLWithNSURL([_webView URL])];
if (!_lastRegisteredRequestURL.is_valid() &&
_documentURL != _lastRegisteredRequestURL) {
// if |_lastRegisteredRequestURL| is an invalid URL, then |_documentURL|
// will be "about:blank".
[[self sessionController] updatePendingItem:_documentURL];
DCHECK(_documentURL == _lastRegisteredRequestURL ||
(!_lastRegisteredRequestURL.is_valid() &&
_documentURL.spec() == url::kAboutBlankURL));
[self commitPendingNavigationInfo];
if ([self currentBackForwardListItemHolder]->navigation_type() ==
WKNavigationTypeBackForward) {
// A fast back/forward won't call decidePolicyForNavigationResponse, so
// the MIME type needs to be updated explicitly.
NSString* storedMIMEType =
[self currentBackForwardListItemHolder]->mime_type();
if (storedMIMEType) {
// This point should closely approximate the document object change, so reset
// the list of injected scripts to those that are automatically injected.
_injectedScriptManagers.reset([[NSMutableSet alloc] init]);
if ([self contentIsHTML] || self.webState->GetContentsMimeType().empty()) {
// In unit tests MIME type will be empty, because loadHTML:forURL: does not
// notify web view delegate about received response, so web controller does
// not get a chance to properly update MIME type.
[self injectWindowID];
[self webPageChanged];
[self updateSSLStatusForCurrentNavigationItem];
// Attempt to update the HTML5 history state.
[self updateHTML5HistoryState];
// This is the point where pending entry has been committed, and navigation
// item title should be updated.
[self setNavigationItemTitle:[_webView title]];
// Report cases where SSL cert is missing for a secure connection.
if (_documentURL.SchemeIsCryptographic()) {
scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate> cert =
web::CreateCertFromChain([_webView certificateChain]);
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
didFinishNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation {
[_navigationStates setState:web::WKNavigationState::FINISHED
// Trigger JavaScript driven post-document-load-completion tasks.
// TODO( Investigate using
// WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentEnd to inject this material at the
// appropriate time rather than invoking here.
web::ExecuteJavaScript(webView, @"__gCrWeb.didFinishNavigation()", nil);
[self didFinishNavigation];
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
withError:(NSError*)error {
[_navigationStates setState:web::WKNavigationState::FAILED
[self handleLoadError:WKWebViewErrorWithSource(error, NAVIGATION)
- (void)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
(void (^)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition,
NSURLCredential*))completionHandler {
NSString* authMethod = challenge.protectionSpace.authenticationMethod;
if ([authMethod isEqual:NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic] ||
[authMethod isEqual:NSURLAuthenticationMethodNTLM] ||
[authMethod isEqual:NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest]) {
[self handleHTTPAuthForChallenge:challenge
if (![authMethod isEqual:NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust]) {
completionHandler(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeRejectProtectionSpace, nil);
SecTrustRef trust = challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust;
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<SecTrustRef> scopedTrust(trust,
base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebController> weakSelf(self);
completionHandler:^(web::CertAcceptPolicy policy,
net::CertStatus status) {
base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebController> strongSelf(
[weakSelf retain]);
if (!strongSelf) {
NSURLSessionAuthChallengeRejectProtectionSpace, nil);
[strongSelf processAuthChallenge:challenge
- (void)webViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate:(WKWebView*)webView {
[self webViewWebProcessDidCrash];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CRWSSLStatusUpdater DataSource/Delegate Methods
- (void)SSLStatusUpdater:(CRWSSLStatusUpdater*)SSLStatusUpdater
completionHandler:(StatusQueryHandler)completionHandler {
[_certVerificationController querySSLStatusForTrust:std::move(trust)
- (void)SSLStatusUpdater:(CRWSSLStatusUpdater*)SSLStatusUpdater
didChangeSSLStatusForNavigationItem:(web::NavigationItem*)navigationItem {
web::NavigationItem* lastCommittedNavigationItem =
if (navigationItem == lastCommittedNavigationItem) {
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CRWWebContextMenuControllerDelegate methods
- (BOOL)webView:(WKWebView*)webView
handleContextMenu:(const web::ContextMenuParams&)params {
DCHECK(webView == _webView);
if (_isBeingDestroyed) {
return NO;
return self.webStateImpl->HandleContextMenu(params);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CRWNativeContentDelegate methods
- (BOOL)nativeContent:(id)content
handleContextMenu:(const web::ContextMenuParams&)params {
if (_isBeingDestroyed) {
return NO;
return self.webStateImpl->HandleContextMenu(params);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark KVO Observation
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString*)keyPath
context:(void*)context {
NSString* dispatcherSelectorName = self.WKWebViewObservers[keyPath];
if (dispatcherSelectorName)
[self performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(dispatcherSelectorName)];
- (void)webViewEstimatedProgressDidChange {
if (!_isBeingDestroyed) {
self.webStateImpl->SendChangeLoadProgress([_webView estimatedProgress]);
- (void)webViewSecurityFeaturesDidChange {
if (self.loadPhase == web::LOAD_REQUESTED) {
// Do not update SSL Status for pending load. It will be updated in
// |webView:didCommitNavigation:| callback.
[self updateSSLStatusForCurrentNavigationItem];
- (void)webViewLoadingStateDidChange {
if ([_webView isLoading] || ![self isCurrentNavigationBackForward]) {
GURL webViewURL = net::GURLWithNSURL([_webView URL]);
// For failed navigations, WKWebView will sometimes revert to the previous URL
// before committing the current navigation or resetting the web view's
// |isLoading| property to NO. If this is the first navigation for the web
// view, this will result in an empty URL.
BOOL navigationWasCommitted = _loadPhase != web::LOAD_REQUESTED;
if (!navigationWasCommitted &&
(webViewURL.is_empty() || webViewURL == _documentURL)) {
if (!navigationWasCommitted && ![_pendingNavigationInfo cancelled]) {
// A fast back/forward within the same origin does not call
// |didCommitNavigation:|, so signal page change explicitly.
DCHECK_EQ(_documentURL.GetOrigin(), webViewURL.GetOrigin());
BOOL isSameDocumentNavigation =
[self isKVOChangePotentialSameDocumentNavigationToURL:webViewURL];
[self setDocumentURL:webViewURL];
[self webPageChanged];
if (isSameDocumentNavigation) {
} else {
[self updateSSLStatusForCurrentNavigationItem];
// Fast back forward navigation may not call |didFinishNavigation:|, so
// signal did finish navigation explicitly.
if (_lastRegisteredRequestURL == _documentURL) {
[self didFinishNavigation];
- (void)webViewTitleDidChange {
// WKWebView's title becomes empty when the web process dies; ignore that
// update.
if (_webProcessIsDead) {
DCHECK_EQ([_webView title].length, 0U);
bool hasPendingNavigation = web::WKNavigationState::COMMITTED <=
[_navigationStates lastAddedNavigationState];
if (hasPendingNavigation) {
// Do not update the title if there is a navigation in progress because
// there is no way to tell if KVO change fired for new or previous page.
[self setNavigationItemTitle:[_webView title]];
- (void)webViewURLDidChange {
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Determine if there are any cases where this still
// happens, and if so whether anything should be done when it does.
if (![_webView URL]) {
DVLOG(1) << "Received nil URL callback";
GURL URL(net::GURLWithNSURL([_webView URL]));
// URL changes happen at three points:
// 1) When a load starts; at this point, the load is provisional, and
// it should be ignored until it's committed, since the document/window
// objects haven't changed yet.
// 2) When a non-document-changing URL change happens (hash change,
// history.pushState, etc.). This URL change happens instantly, so should
// be reported.
// 3) When a navigation error occurs after provisional navigation starts,
// the URL reverts to the previous URL without triggering a new navigation.
// If |isLoading| is NO, then it must be case 2 or 3. If the last committed
// URL (_documentURL) matches the current URL, assume that it is a revert from
// navigation failure and do nothing. If the URL does not match, assume it is
// a non-document-changing URL change, and handle accordingly.
// If |isLoading| is YES, then it could either be case 1, or it could be case
// 2 on a page that hasn't finished loading yet. If it's possible that it
// could be a same-page navigation (in which case there may not be any other
// callback about the URL having changed), then check the actual page URL via
// JavaScript. If the origin of the new URL matches the last committed URL,
// then check window.location.href, and if it matches, trust it. The origin
// check ensures that if a site somehow corrupts window.location.href it can't
// do a redirect to a slow-loading target page while it is still loading to
// spoof the origin. On a document-changing URL change, the
// window.location.href will match the previous URL at this stage, not the web
// view's current URL.
if (![_webView isLoading]) {
if (_documentURL == URL)
[self URLDidChangeWithoutDocumentChange:URL];
} else if ([self isKVOChangePotentialSameDocumentNavigationToURL:URL]) {
completionHandler:^(id result, NSError* error) {
// If the web view has gone away, or the location
// couldn't be retrieved, abort.
if (!_webView || ![result isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
GURL JSURL([result UTF8String]);
// Check that window.location matches the new URL. If
// it does not, this is a document-changing URL change as
// the window location would not have changed to the new
// URL when the script was called.
BOOL windowLocationMatchesNewURL = JSURL == URL;
// Re-check origin in case navigaton has occured since
// start of JavaScript evaluation.
BOOL newURLOriginMatchesDocumentURLOrigin =
_documentURL.GetOrigin() == URL.GetOrigin();
// Check that the web view URL still matches the new URL.
// TODO( webViewURLMatchesNewURL check
// may drop same document URL changes if pending URL
// change occurs immediately after. Revisit heuristics to
// prevent this.
BOOL webViewURLMatchesNewURL =
net::GURLWithNSURL([_webView URL]) == URL;
// Check that the new URL is different from the current
// document URL. If not, URL change should not be reported.
BOOL URLDidChangeFromDocumentURL = URL != _documentURL;
if (windowLocationMatchesNewURL &&
newURLOriginMatchesDocumentURLOrigin &&
webViewURLMatchesNewURL && URLDidChangeFromDocumentURL) {
[self URLDidChangeWithoutDocumentChange:URL];
- (BOOL)isKVOChangePotentialSameDocumentNavigationToURL:(const GURL&)newURL {
// If the origin changes, it can't be same-document.
if (_documentURL.GetOrigin().is_empty() ||
_documentURL.GetOrigin() != newURL.GetOrigin()) {
return NO;
if (self.loadPhase == web::LOAD_REQUESTED) {
// Normally LOAD_REQUESTED indicates that this is a regular, pending
// navigation, but it can also happen during a fast-back navigation across
// a hash change, so that case is potentially a same-document navigation.
return web::GURLByRemovingRefFromGURL(newURL) ==
// If it passes all the checks above, it might be (but there's no guarantee
// that it is).
return YES;
- (void)URLDidChangeWithoutDocumentChange:(const GURL&)newURL {
DCHECK(newURL == net::GURLWithNSURL([_webView URL]));
DCHECK(_documentURL != newURL);
// If called during window.history.pushState or window.history.replaceState
// JavaScript evaluation, only update the document URL. This callback does not
// have any information about the state object and cannot create (or edit) the
// navigation entry for this page change. Web controller will sync with
// history changes when a window.history.didPushState or
// window.history.didReplaceState message is received, which should happen in
// the next runloop.
// Otherwise, simulate the whole delegate flow for a load (since the
// superclass currently doesn't have a clean separation between URL changes
// and document changes). Note that the order of these calls is important:
// registering a load request logically comes before updating the document
// URL, but also must come first since it uses state that is reset on URL
// changes.
if (!_changingHistoryState) {
// If this wasn't a previously-expected load (e.g., certain back/forward
// navigations), register the load request.
if (![self isLoadRequestPendingForURL:newURL])
[self registerLoadRequest:newURL];
[self setDocumentURL:newURL];
if (!_changingHistoryState) {
[self didStartLoadingURL:_documentURL];
[self updateSSLStatusForCurrentNavigationItem];
[self didFinishNavigation];
- (BOOL)isLoadRequestPendingForURL:(const GURL&)targetURL {
if (self.loadPhase != web::LOAD_REQUESTED)
return NO;
web::NavigationItem* pendingItem =
return pendingItem && pendingItem->GetURL() == targetURL;
- (void)loadRequestForCurrentNavigationItem {
DCHECK(_webView && !self.nativeController);
// If a load is kicked off on a WKWebView with a frame whose size is {0, 0} or
// that has a negative dimension for a size, rendering issues occur that
// manifest in erroneous scrolling and tap handling (,
DCHECK_GT(CGRectGetWidth([_webView frame]), 0.0);
DCHECK_GT(CGRectGetHeight([_webView frame]), 0.0);
web::WKBackForwardListItemHolder* holder =
[self currentBackForwardListItemHolder];
BOOL repostedForm =
[holder->http_method() isEqual:@"POST"] &&
(holder->navigation_type() == WKNavigationTypeFormResubmitted ||
holder->navigation_type() == WKNavigationTypeFormSubmitted);
web::NavigationItemImpl* currentItem = self.currentNavItem;
NSData* POSTData = currentItem->GetPostData();
NSMutableURLRequest* request = [self requestForCurrentNavigationItem];
// If the request has POST data and is not a repost form, configure and
// run the POST request.
if (POSTData.length && !repostedForm) {
[request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
[request setHTTPBody:POSTData];
[request setAllHTTPHeaderFields:self.currentHTTPHeaders];
GURL navigationURL =
currentItem ? currentItem->GetURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
[self registerLoadRequest:navigationURL
[self loadPOSTRequest:request];
ProceduralBlock defaultNavigationBlock = ^{
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
GURL navigationURL = item ? item->GetURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
[self registerLoadRequest:navigationURL
[self loadRequest:request];
// When navigating via WKBackForwardListItem to pages created or updated by
// calls to pushState() and replaceState(), sometimes core.js is not injected
// correctly. This means that calling window.history navigation functions
// will invoke WKWebView's non-overridden implementations, causing a mismatch
// between the WKBackForwardList and NavigationManager.
// TODO( Figure out how to prevent core.js injection flake.
if (currentItem->HasStateBeenReplaced() ||
currentItem->IsCreatedFromPushState()) {
// If there is no corresponding WKBackForwardListItem, or the item is not in
// the current WKWebView's back-forward list, navigating using WKWebView API
// is not possible. In this case, fall back to the default navigation
// mechanism.
if (!holder->back_forward_list_item() ||
![self isBackForwardListItemValid:holder->back_forward_list_item()]) {
ProceduralBlock webViewNavigationBlock = ^{
// If the current navigation URL is the same as the URL of the visible
// page, that means the user requested a reload. |goToBackForwardListItem|
// will be a no-op when it is passed the current back forward list item,
// so |reload| must be explicitly called.
web::NavigationItem* item = self.currentNavItem;
GURL navigationURL = item ? item->GetURL() : GURL::EmptyGURL();
[self registerLoadRequest:navigationURL
if (navigationURL == net::GURLWithNSURL([_webView URL])) {
[_navigationStates setState:web::WKNavigationState::REQUESTED
forNavigation:[_webView reload]];
} else {
// |didCommitNavigation:| may not be called for fast navigation, so update
// the navigation type now as it is already known.
WKNavigation* navigation =
[_webView goToBackForwardListItem:holder->back_forward_list_item()];
[_navigationStates setState:web::WKNavigationState::REQUESTED
// If the request is not a form submission or resubmission, or the user
// doesn't need to confirm the load, then continue right away.
if (!repostedForm || currentItem->ShouldSkipRepostFormConfirmation()) {
// If the request is form submission or resubmission, then prompt the
// user before proceeding.
base::BindBlock(^(bool shouldContinue) {
if (shouldContinue)
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Testing-Only Methods
- (void)injectWebViewContentView:(CRWWebViewContentView*)webViewContentView {
[self removeWebViewAllowingCachedReconstruction:NO];
_lastRegisteredRequestURL = _defaultURL;
[_containerView displayWebViewContentView:webViewContentView];
[self setWebView:static_cast<WKWebView*>(webViewContentView.webView)];
- (void)resetInjectedWebViewContentView {
[self setWebView:nil];
[self resetContainerView];
- (void)addObserver:(id<CRWWebControllerObserver>)observer {
if (!_observers) {
// We don't want our observer set to block dealloc on the observers. For the
// observer container, make an object compatible with NSMutableSet that does
// not perform retain or release on the contained objects (weak references).
CFSetCallBacks callbacks =
{0, NULL, NULL, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
CFSetCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 1, &callbacks)));
DCHECK(![_observers containsObject:observer]);
[_observers addObject:observer];
observer, self.webStateImpl, self));
if ([observer respondsToSelector:@selector(setWebViewProxy:controller:)])
[observer setWebViewProxy:_webViewProxy controller:self];
- (void)removeObserver:(id<CRWWebControllerObserver>)observer {
DCHECK([_observers containsObject:observer]);
[_observers removeObject:observer];
// Remove the associated WebControllerObserverBridge.
auto it = std::find_if(
_observerBridges.begin(), _observerBridges.end(),
const std::unique_ptr<web::WebControllerObserverBridge>& bridge) {
return bridge->web_controller_observer() == observer;
DCHECK(it != _observerBridges.end());
- (NSUInteger)observerCount {
DCHECK_EQ(_observerBridges.size(), [_observers count]);
return [_observers count];
- (void)simulateLoadRequestWithURL:(const GURL&)URL {
_lastRegisteredRequestURL = URL;
_loadPhase = web::LOAD_REQUESTED;
- (NSString*)referrerFromNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction*)action {
return [action.request valueForHTTPHeaderField:kReferrerHeaderName];