blob: 731a42f8508f9dd25f3c4b459ba8cdc561f93ae3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "extensions/browser/updater/extension_downloader_delegate.h"
#include "extensions/browser/updater/manifest_fetch_data.h"
#include "extensions/browser/updater/request_queue.h"
#include "extensions/browser/updater/safe_manifest_parser.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/oauth2_token_service.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequestStatus;
namespace network {
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
class SimpleURLLoader;
namespace mojom {
class URLLoaderFactory;
struct ResourceRequest;
} // namespace network
namespace service_manager {
class Connector;
namespace extensions {
struct UpdateDetails {
UpdateDetails(const std::string& id, const base::Version& version);
std::string id;
base::Version version;
class ExtensionCache;
class ExtensionDownloaderTestDelegate;
class ExtensionUpdaterTest;
// A class that checks for updates of a given list of extensions, and downloads
// the crx file when updates are found. It uses a |ExtensionDownloaderDelegate|
// that takes ownership of the downloaded crx files, and handles events during
// the update check.
class ExtensionDownloader : public OAuth2TokenService::Consumer {
// A closure which constructs a new ExtensionDownloader to be owned by the
// caller.
using Factory = base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<ExtensionDownloader>(
ExtensionDownloaderDelegate* delegate)>;
// A closure that returns the account to use for authentication to the
// webstore.
using GetWebstoreAccountCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<const std::string&()>;
// |delegate| is stored as a raw pointer and must outlive the
// ExtensionDownloader.
ExtensionDownloaderDelegate* delegate,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
service_manager::Connector* connector,
const base::FilePath& profile_path = base::FilePath());
~ExtensionDownloader() override;
// Adds |extension| to the list of extensions to check for updates.
// Returns false if the |extension| can't be updated due to invalid details.
// In that case, no callbacks will be performed on the |delegate_|.
// The |request_id| is passed on as is to the various |delegate_| callbacks.
// This is used for example by ExtensionUpdater to keep track of when
// potentially concurrent update checks complete. |fetch_priority|
// parameter notifies the downloader the priority of this extension update
// (either foreground or background).
bool AddExtension(const Extension& extension,
int request_id,
ManifestFetchData::FetchPriority fetch_priority);
// Adds extension |id| to the list of extensions to check for updates.
// Returns false if the |id| can't be updated due to invalid details.
// In that case, no callbacks will be performed on the |delegate_|.
// The |request_id| is passed on as is to the various |delegate_| callbacks.
// This is used for example by ExtensionUpdater to keep track of when
// potentially concurrent update checks complete. The |is_corrupt_reinstall|
// parameter is used to indicate in the request that we detected corruption in
// the local copy of the extension and we want to perform a reinstall of it.
// |fetch_priority| parameter notifies the downloader the priority of this
// extension update (either foreground or background).
bool AddPendingExtension(const std::string& id,
const GURL& update_url,
Manifest::Location install_source,
bool is_corrupt_reinstall,
int request_id,
ManifestFetchData::FetchPriority fetch_priority);
// Schedules a fetch of the manifest of all the extensions added with
// AddExtension() and AddPendingExtension().
void StartAllPending(ExtensionCache* cache);
// Schedules an update check of the blacklist.
void StartBlacklistUpdate(const std::string& version,
const ManifestFetchData::PingData& ping_data,
int request_id);
// Sets GetWebstoreAccountCallback and TokenService instances to be used for
// OAuth2 authentication on protected Webstore downloads. Both objects must be
// valid to use for the lifetime of this object.
void SetWebstoreAuthenticationCapabilities(
const GetWebstoreAccountCallback& webstore_account_callback,
OAuth2TokenService* token_service);
void set_brand_code(const std::string& brand_code) {
brand_code_ = brand_code;
void set_manifest_query_params(const std::string& params) {
manifest_query_params_ = params;
void set_ping_enabled_domain(const std::string& domain) {
ping_enabled_domain_ = domain;
// Sets a test delegate to use by any instances of this class. The |delegate|
// should outlive all instances.
static void set_test_delegate(ExtensionDownloaderTestDelegate* delegate);
// These are needed for unit testing, to help identify the correct mock
// URLFetcher objects.
static const int kManifestFetcherId = 1;
static const int kExtensionFetcherId = 2;
// Update AppID for extension blacklist.
static const char kBlacklistAppID[];
static const int kMaxRetries = 10;
// Names of the header fields used for traffic management for extension
// updater.
static const char kUpdateInteractivityHeader[];
static const char kUpdateAppIdHeader[];
static const char kUpdateUpdaterHeader[];
// Header values for foreground/background update requests.
static const char kUpdateInteractivityForeground[];
static const char kUpdateInteractivityBackground[];
friend class ExtensionUpdaterTest;
// These counters are bumped as extensions are added to be fetched. They
// are then recorded as UMA metrics when all the extensions have been added.
struct URLStats {
: no_url_count(0),
pending_count(0) {}
int no_url_count, google_url_count, other_url_count;
int extension_count, theme_count, app_count, platform_app_count,
// We need to keep track of some information associated with a url
// when doing a fetch.
struct ExtensionFetch {
ExtensionFetch(const std::string& id,
const GURL& url,
const std::string& package_hash,
const std::string& version,
const std::set<int>& request_ids);
std::string id;
GURL url;
std::string package_hash;
std::string version;
std::set<int> request_ids;
enum CredentialsMode {
// Indicates the type of credentials to include with this fetch.
CredentialsMode credentials;
// Counts the number of times OAuth2 authentication has been attempted for
// this fetch.
int oauth2_attempt_count;
// Parameters for special cases that aren't used for most requests.
struct ExtraParams {
// Additional data to be passed up in the update request.
std::string update_url_data;
// Indicates whether this extension is being reinstalled due to corruption.
bool is_corrupt_reinstall;
enum class UpdateAvailability {
// Helper for AddExtension() and AddPendingExtension().
bool AddExtensionData(const std::string& id,
const base::Version& version,
Manifest::Type extension_type,
Manifest::Location extension_location,
const GURL& extension_update_url,
const ExtraParams& extra,
int request_id,
ManifestFetchData::FetchPriority fetch_priority);
// Adds all recorded stats taken so far to histogram counts.
void ReportStats() const;
// Begins an update check.
void StartUpdateCheck(std::unique_ptr<ManifestFetchData> fetch_data);
// Returns the URLLoaderFactory instance to be used, depending on whether
// the URL being handled is file:// or not.
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactory* GetURLLoaderFactoryToUse(const GURL& url);
// Called by RequestQueue when a new manifest load request is started.
void CreateManifestLoader();
// Handles the result of a manifest fetch.
void OnManifestLoadComplete(std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body);
// Once a manifest is parsed, this starts fetches of any relevant crx files.
// If |results| is null, it means something went wrong when parsing it.
void HandleManifestResults(std::unique_ptr<ManifestFetchData> fetch_data,
std::unique_ptr<UpdateManifestResults> results,
const base::Optional<std::string>& error);
// This function partition extension IDs stored in |fetch_data| into 3 sets:
// update/no update/error using the update infromation from
// |possible_updates| and the extension system. When the function returns:
// - |to_update| stores entries from |possible_updates| that will be updated.
// - |no_updates| stores the set of extension IDs that will not be updated.
// - |errors| stores the set of extension IDs that have error in the process
// determining updates. For example, a common error is |possible_updates|
// doesn't have any update information for some extensions in |fetch_data|.
void DetermineUpdates(const ManifestFetchData& fetch_data,
const UpdateManifestResults& possible_updates,
std::vector<UpdateManifestResult*>* to_update,
std::set<std::string>* no_updates,
std::set<std::string>* errors);
// Begins (or queues up) download of an updated extension.
void FetchUpdatedExtension(std::unique_ptr<ExtensionFetch> fetch_data);
// Called by RequestQueue when a new extension load request is started.
void CreateExtensionLoader();
void StartExtensionLoader();
// Handles the result of a crx fetch.
void OnExtensionLoadComplete(base::FilePath crx_path);
// Invokes OnExtensionDownloadFailed() on the |delegate_| for each extension
// in the set, with |error| as the reason for failure.
void NotifyExtensionsDownloadFailed(const std::set<std::string>& id_set,
const std::set<int>& request_ids,
ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::Error error);
// Send a notification that an update was found for |id| that we'll
// attempt to download.
void NotifyUpdateFound(const std::string& id, const std::string& version);
// Do real work of StartAllPending. If .crx cache is used, this function
// is called when cache is ready.
void DoStartAllPending();
// Notify delegate and remove ping results.
void NotifyDelegateDownloadFinished(
std::unique_ptr<ExtensionFetch> fetch_data,
bool from_cache,
const base::FilePath& crx_path,
bool file_ownership_passed);
// Cached extension installation completed. If it was not successful, we will
// try to download it from the web store using already fetched manifest.
void CacheInstallDone(std::unique_ptr<ExtensionFetch> fetch_data,
bool installed);
// Potentially updates an ExtensionFetch's authentication state and returns
// |true| if the fetch should be retried. Returns |false| if the failure was
// not related to authentication, leaving the ExtensionFetch data unmodified.
bool IterateFetchCredentialsAfterFailure(ExtensionFetch* fetch,
const net::URLRequestStatus& status,
int response_code);
// OAuth2TokenService::Consumer implementation.
void OnGetTokenSuccess(const OAuth2TokenService::Request* request,
const std::string& access_token,
const base::Time& expiration_time) override;
void OnGetTokenFailure(const OAuth2TokenService::Request* request,
const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) override;
ManifestFetchData* CreateManifestFetchData(
const GURL& update_url,
int request_id,
ManifestFetchData::FetchPriority fetch_priority);
// This function helps obtain an update (if any) from |possible_updates|.
// |possible_indices| is an array of indices of |possible_updates| which
// the function would check to find an update.
// If the return value is |kAvailable|, |update_index_out| will store the
// index of the update in |possible_updates|.
UpdateAvailability GetUpdateAvailability(
const std::string& extension_id,
const std::vector<const UpdateManifestResult*>& possible_candidates,
UpdateManifestResult** update_result_out) const;
// The delegate that receives the crx files downloaded by the
// ExtensionDownloader, and that fills in optional ping and update url data.
ExtensionDownloaderDelegate* delegate_;
// The URL loader factory to use for the SimpleURLLoaders.
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory_;
// The URL loader factory exclusively used to load file:// URLs.
std::unique_ptr<network::mojom::URLLoaderFactory> file_url_loader_factory_;
// The profile path used to load file:// URLs. It can be invalid.
base::FilePath profile_path_for_url_loader_factory_;
// The connector to the ServiceManager.
service_manager::Connector* connector_;
// Collects UMA samples that are reported when ReportStats() is called.
URLStats url_stats_;
// List of data on fetches we're going to do. We limit the number of
// extensions grouped together in one batch to avoid running into the limits
// on the length of http GET requests, so there might be multiple
// ManifestFetchData* objects with the same base_url.
using FetchMap = std::map<std::pair<int, GURL>,
FetchMap fetches_preparing_;
// Outstanding url loader requests for manifests and updates.
std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> manifest_loader_;
std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> extension_loader_;
std::unique_ptr<network::ResourceRequest> extension_loader_resource_request_;
// Pending manifests and extensions to be fetched when the appropriate fetcher
// is available.
RequestQueue<ManifestFetchData> manifests_queue_;
RequestQueue<ExtensionFetch> extensions_queue_;
// Maps an extension-id to its PingResult data.
std::map<std::string, ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::PingResult> ping_results_;
// Cache for .crx files.
ExtensionCache* extension_cache_;
// Gets the account to use for protected download requests. May be null. If
// non-null, valid to call for the lifetime of this object.
GetWebstoreAccountCallback webstore_account_callback_;
// May be used to fetch access tokens for protected download requests. May be
// null. If non-null, guaranteed to outlive this object.
OAuth2TokenService* token_service_;
// A Webstore download-scoped access token for the |identity_provider_|'s
// active account, if any.
std::string access_token_;
// A pending token fetch request.
std::unique_ptr<OAuth2TokenService::Request> access_token_request_;
// Brand code to include with manifest fetch queries if sending ping data.
std::string brand_code_;
// Baseline parameters to include with manifest fetch queries.
std::string manifest_query_params_;
// Domain to enable ping data. Ping data will be sent with manifest fetches
// to update URLs which match this domain. Defaults to empty (no domain).
std::string ping_enabled_domain_;
int last_extension_loader_load_flags_for_testing_ = 0;
// Used to create WeakPtrs to |this|.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ExtensionDownloader> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace extensions