Block Layout

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An introduction to margin collapsing

A simple way to think about margin collapsing is that it takes the maximum margin between two elements. For example:

<!-- The divs below are 20px apart -->
<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Hi</div>
<div style="margin-top: 20px;">there</div>

This is complicated by negative margins. For example:

<!-- The divs below are 10px apart -->
<div style="margin-bottom: 20px;">Hi</div>
<div style="margin-top: -10px;">there</div>

<!-- The divs below are -20px apart -->
<div style="margin-bottom: -20px;">Hi</div>
<div style="margin-top: -10px;">there</div>

The rule here is: max(pos_margins) + min(neg_margins). This rule we'll refer to as the margin collapsing rule. If this only happened between top level elements it would be pretty simple, however consider the following:

<!-- The top-level divs below are -2px apart -->
<div style="margin-bottom: 3px">
  <div style="margin-bottom: -5">
    <div style="margin-bottom: 7px">Hi</div>
<div style="margin-top: 11px">
  <div style="margin-top: -13px">there</div>

In the above example as there isn't anything separating the edges of two fragments the margins stack together (e.g. no borders or padding). There are known as adjoining margins. If we apply our formula to the above we get: max(3, 7, 11) + min(-5, -13) = -2.

A useful concept is a margin strut. This is a pair of margins consisting of one positive and one negative margin.

A margin strut allows us to keep track of the largest positive and smallest negative margin. E.g.

struct MarginStrut {
  LayoutUnit pos_margin;
  LayoutUnit neg_margin;

  void Append(LayoutUnit margin) {
    if (margin < 0)
      neg_margin = std::min(margin, neg_margin);
      pos_margin = std::max(margin, pos_margin);

  LayoutUnit Sum() { return pos_margin + neg_margin; }

A naïve algorithm for the adjoining margins case would be to bubble up margins. For example each fragment would have a margin strut at the block-start and block-end edge. If the child fragment was adjoining to its parent, you simply keep track of the margins by calling Append on the margin strut. E.g.

// fragment1 is the first child.
MarginStrut s1 = fragment1.block_start_margin_strut;


// fragment2 is the last child.
MarginStrut s2 = fragment2.block_end_margin_strut;


When it comes time to collapse the margins you can use the margin collapsing rule, e.g.

MarginStrut s1 = fragment1.block_end_margin_strut;
MarginStrut s2 = fragment2.block_start_margin_strut;
LayoutUnit distance =
    std::max(s1.pos_margin, s2.pos_margin) +
    std::min(s1.neg_margin, s2.neg_margin);

This would be pretty simple - however it doesn‘t work. As we discussed in the floats section a child will position itself within the BFC. If we did margin collapsing this way we’d create a circular dependency between layout and positioning. E.g. we need to perform layout in order to determine the block-start margin strut, which would allow us to position the fragment, which would allow us to perform layout.

We invert the problem. A fragment now only produces an end margin strut. The start margin strut becomes an input as well as where the margin strut is currently positioned within the BFC. For example:

Fragment* Layout(LogicalOffset bfc_estimate, MarginStrut input_strut) {
  MarginStrut curr_strut = input_strut;
  LogicalOffset curr_bfc_estimate = bfc_estimate;
  // We collapse the margin strut which allows us to compute our BFC offset if
  // we have border or padding. I.e. we don't have an adjoining margin.
  if (border_padding.block_start) {
    curr_bfc_estimate += curr_strut.Sum();
    curr_strut = MarginStrut();

    curr_bfc_estimate += border_padding.block_start;

  for (const auto& child : children) {
    const auto* fragment = child.Layout(curr_bfc_estimate, curr_strut);

    curr_strut = fragment->end_margin_strut;

    curr_bfc_estimate = fragment->BfcOffset() + fragment->BlockSize();


  return fragment_builder.ToFragment();

It isn‘t immediately obvious that this works, but if you try and work through an example manually, it’ll become clearer.

There are lots of different things which can “resolve” the BFC offset of an element. For example inline content (text, atomic inlines), border and padding, if a child might be affected by clearance.

Zero block-size fragments