blob: 9f2191b550948d9849235580dfc24b812e0138d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// API for integration testing. To be used on test images with a test component
// extension.
namespace autotestPrivate {
dictionary LoginStatusDict {
// Are we logged in?
boolean isLoggedIn;
// Is the logged-in user the owner?
boolean isOwner;
// Is the screen locked?
boolean isScreenLocked;
// Is the logged-in user a regular user?
boolean isRegularUser;
// Are we logged into the guest account?
boolean isGuest;
// Are we logged into kiosk-app mode?
boolean isKiosk;
DOMString email;
DOMString displayEmail;
// User image: 'file', 'profile' or a number.
DOMString userImage;
callback LoginStatusCallback = void (LoginStatusDict status);
dictionary ExtensionInfoDict {
DOMString id;
DOMString version;
DOMString name;
DOMString publicKey;
DOMString description;
DOMString backgroundUrl;
DOMString optionsUrl;
DOMString[] hostPermissions;
DOMString[] effectiveHostPermissions;
DOMString[] apiPermissions;
boolean isComponent;
boolean isInternal;
boolean isUserInstalled;
boolean isEnabled;
boolean allowedInIncognito;
boolean hasPageAction;
dictionary ExtensionsInfoArray {
ExtensionInfoDict[] extensions;
callback ExtensionsInfoCallback = void (ExtensionsInfoArray info);
dictionary Notification {
DOMString id;
DOMString type;
DOMString title;
DOMString message;
long priority;
long progress;
callback NotificationArrayCallback = void (Notification[] notifications);
dictionary PlayStoreState {
// Whether the Play Store allowed for the current user.
boolean allowed;
// Whether the Play Store currently enabled.
boolean? enabled;
// Whether the Play Store managed by policy.
boolean? managed;
callback PlayStoreStateCallback = void (PlayStoreState result);
callback VoidCallback = void ();
interface Functions {
// Logout of a user session.
static void logout();
// Restart the browser.
static void restart();
// Shutdown the browser.
// |force|: if set, ignore ongoing downloads and onunbeforeunload handlers.
static void shutdown(boolean force);
// Get login status.
static void loginStatus(LoginStatusCallback callback);
// Locks the screen.
static void lockScreen();
// Get info about installed extensions.
static void getExtensionsInfo(ExtensionsInfoCallback callback);
// Simulates a memory access bug for asan testing.
static void simulateAsanMemoryBug();
// Set the touchpad pointer sensitivity setting.
// |value|: the pointer sensitivity setting index.
static void setTouchpadSensitivity(long value);
// Turn on/off tap-to-click for the touchpad.
// |enabled|: if set, enable tap-to-click.
static void setTapToClick(boolean enabled);
// Turn on/off three finger click for the touchpad.
// |enabled|: if set, enable three finger click.
static void setThreeFingerClick(boolean enabled);
// Turn on/off tap dragging for the touchpad.
// |enabled|: if set, enable tap dragging.
static void setTapDragging(boolean enabled);
// Turn on/off Australian scrolling for devices other than wheel mouse.
// |enabled|: if set, enable Australian scrolling.
static void setNaturalScroll(boolean enabled);
// Set the mouse pointer sensitivity setting.
// |value|: the pointer sensitivity setting index.
static void setMouseSensitivity(long value);
// Swap the primary mouse button for left click.
// |right|: if set, swap the primary mouse button.
static void setPrimaryButtonRight(boolean right);
// Get visible notifications on the system.
static void getVisibleNotifications(NotificationArrayCallback callback);
// Get state of the Play Store.
static void getPlayStoreState(PlayStoreStateCallback callback);
// Enable/disable the Play Store.
// |enabled|: if set, enable the Play Store.
// |callback|: Called when the operation has completed.
static void setPlayStoreEnabled(boolean enabled, VoidCallback callback);