blob: 739de558e2cb9aff0537328de2805451043bb424 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/wtf_thread_data.h"
// MovableString represents a string that may be moved in memory, that it its
// underlying memory address may change. Its content can be retrieved with the
// |ToString()| method.
// As a consequence, the inner pointer should never be cached, and only touched
// through a string returned by the |ToString()| method.
// As with WTF::AtomicString, this class is *not* thread-safe, and strings
// created on a thread must always be used on the same thread.
// Implementation note: the string content is not moved yet, it is merely
// used to gather statistics.
namespace WTF {
class WTF_EXPORT MovableStringImpl final
: public RefCounted<MovableStringImpl> {
// Histogram buckets, exported for testing.
enum class ParkingAction {
kParkedInBackground = 0,
kUnparkedInBackground = 1,
kUnparkedInForeground = 2,
kMaxValue = kUnparkedInForeground
explicit MovableStringImpl(scoped_refptr<StringImpl>&& impl);
// The returned string may be used as a normal one, as long as the
// returned value (or a copy of it) is alive.
const String& ToString();
// See the matching String methods.
bool Is8Bit() const;
bool IsNull() const;
unsigned length() const { return length_; }
unsigned CharactersSizeInBytes() const;
// A parked string cannot be accessed until it has been |Unpark()|-ed.
// Returns true iff the string has been parked.
bool Park();
// Returns true if the string is parked.
bool is_parked() const { return is_parked_; }
void Unpark();
bool is_null_;
bool is_8bit_;
bool is_parked_;
unsigned length_;
String string_;
String parked_string_;
class WTF_EXPORT MovableString final {
MovableString() : impl_(base::MakeRefCounted<MovableStringImpl>(nullptr)) {}
explicit MovableString(scoped_refptr<StringImpl>&& impl);
MovableString(const MovableString& rhs) : impl_(rhs.impl_) {}
// See the matching String methods.
bool Is8Bit() const;
bool IsNull() const;
unsigned length() const { return impl_->length(); }
MovableStringImpl* Impl() const { return impl_.get(); }
// Returns an unparked version of the string.
// The string is guaranteed to be valid for
// max(lifetime of a copy of the returned reference, current thread task).
const String& ToString() const;
unsigned CharactersSizeInBytes() const;
// Causes the string to be unparked. Note that the pointer must not be
// cached.
const LChar* Characters8() const { return ToString().Characters8(); }
const UChar* Characters16() const { return ToString().Characters16(); }
scoped_refptr<MovableStringImpl> impl_;
// Per-thread registry of all MovableString instances. NOT thread-safe.
class WTF_EXPORT MovableStringTable final {
static MovableStringTable& Instance() {
return WtfThreadData().GetMovableStringTable();
scoped_refptr<MovableStringImpl> Add(scoped_refptr<StringImpl>&&);
void OnUnpark(MovableStringImpl*, StringImpl*);
// This is for ~MovableStringImpl() to unregister a string before
// destruction since the table is holding raw pointers. It should not be used
// directly.
void Remove(MovableStringImpl*, StringImpl*);
void SetRendererBackgrounded(bool backgrounded);
bool IsRendererBackgrounded() const;
// Parks all the strings in the table if currently in background.
void MaybeParkAll();
size_t Size() const;
bool backgrounded_;
// Could bet a set where the hashing function is
// MovableStringImpl::string_.Impl(), but clearer this way.
std::map<StringImpl*, MovableStringImpl*> unparked_strings_;
std::set<MovableStringImpl*> parked_strings_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MovableStringTest, TableSimple);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MovableStringTest, TableMultiple);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MovableStringTest, TableDeduplication);
} // namespace WTF
using WTF::MovableStringTable;
using WTF::MovableString;
using WTF::MovableStringImpl;