blob: 98ab3700eb1dd683913aba5f1565c2a9be19232d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/common/service_worker/service_worker_installed_scripts_manager.mojom.h"
namespace content {
struct HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer;
class ServiceWorkerVersion;
// ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsSender serves the service worker's installed
// scripts from ServiceWorkerStorage to the renderer through Mojo data pipes.
// ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsSender is owned by ServiceWorkerVersion. It is
// created for worker startup and lives as long as the worker is running.
// SWInstalledScriptsSender has three phases.
// 1. The sender sends all installed scripts to the renderer without any
// requests from the renderer. This initial phase is called "streaming".
// |state_| is kSendingScripts. When all installed scripts are sent, moves to
// the phase 2.
// 2. The sender is idle. |state_| is kIdle. If the renderer calls
// RequestInstalledScript, moves to the phase 3.
// 3. The sender sends requested scripts. |state_| is kSendingScripts. When all
// the requested scripts are sent, returns to the phase 2.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsSender
: public blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsManagerHost {
// Do not change the order. This is used for UMA.
enum class FinishedReason {
kNotFinished = 0,
kSuccess = 1,
kNoHttpInfoError = 2,
kCreateDataPipeError = 3,
kConnectionError = 4,
kResponseReaderError = 5,
kMetaDataSenderError = 6,
// Add a new type here, then update kMaxValue and enums.xml.
kMaxValue = kMetaDataSenderError,
// |owner| must be an installed service worker.
explicit ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsSender(ServiceWorkerVersion* owner);
~ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsSender() override;
// Creates a Mojo struct (blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsInfo) and
// sets it with the information to create
// WebServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsManager on the renderer.
blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsInfoPtr CreateInfoAndBind();
// Starts sending installed scripts to the worker.
void Start();
// Returns the reason for the last time the sender entered the idle state. If
// this sender has never reached the idle state, returns kNotFinished.
FinishedReason last_finished_reason() const { return last_finished_reason_; }
class Sender;
enum class State {
void StartSendingScript(int64_t resource_id, const GURL& script_url);
// Stops all tasks even if pending scripts exist and disconnects the pipe to
// the renderer. Also, if |reason| indicates failure to read the installed
// script from the disk cache (kNoHTTPInfoError or kResponseReaderError), then
// |owner_| is doomed via ServiceWorkerRegistration::DeleteVersion().
void Abort(FinishedReason reason);
void UpdateFinishedReasonAndBecomeIdle(FinishedReason reason);
// Called from |running_sender_|.
void SendScriptInfoToRenderer(
std::string encoding,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> headers,
mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle body_handle,
uint64_t body_size,
mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle meta_data_handle,
uint64_t meta_data_size);
void OnHttpInfoRead(scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> http_info);
void OnFinishSendingScript(FinishedReason reason);
// Implements blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsManagerHost.
void RequestInstalledScript(const GURL& script_url) override;
bool IsSendingMainScript() const;
ServiceWorkerVersion* owner_;
const GURL main_script_url_;
const int64_t main_script_id_;
bool sent_main_script_;
blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsManagerPtr manager_;
std::unique_ptr<Sender> running_sender_;
State state_;
FinishedReason last_finished_reason_;
GURL current_sending_url_;
base::queue<std::pair<int64_t /* resource_id */, GURL>> pending_scripts_;
} // namespace content