blob: 88a401e774f157ffb15262cfd5608216d2fa87b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGConstraintSpace_h
#define NGConstraintSpace_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "platform/LayoutUnit.h"
#include "wtf/DoublyLinkedList.h"
namespace blink {
class NGDerivedConstraintSpace;
class NGExclusion;
class NGFragment;
class NGLayoutOpportunityIterator;
enum NGExclusionType {
ClearNone = 0,
ClearFloatLeft = 1,
ClearFloatRight = 2,
ClearFragment = 4
enum NGFragmentationType {
enum NGExclusionFlowType {
class NGExclusion {
~NGExclusion() { }
class CORE_EXPORT NGConstraintSpace {
NGConstraintSpace(LayoutUnit inlineSize, LayoutUnit blockSize);
~NGConstraintSpace() { }
void addExclusion(const NGExclusion, unsigned options = 0);
void setOverflowSize(LayoutUnit inlineSize, LayoutUnit blockSize);
void setFixedSize(bool inlineFixed, bool blockFixed);
void setFragmentationType(NGFragmentationType blockFragmentationType);
// Available space in each direction, -1 indicates infinite space.
LayoutUnit inlineSize() const { return m_inlineSize; }
LayoutUnit blockSize() const { return m_blockSize; }
// The size threashold in the inline and block directions respectively that
// triggers the presence of a scrollbar. If exceeded the current layout
// should be aborted and invoked again with a constraint space modified to
// reserve space for a scrollbar. -1 indicates no limit.
LayoutUnit inlineOverflowSize() const { return m_inlineOverflowSize; }
LayoutUnit blockOverflowSize() const { return m_blockOverflowSize; }
// Some layout modes “stretch” their children to a fixed size (e.g. flex,
// grid). These flags represented whether a layout needs to produce a
// fragment that satisfies a fixed constraint in the inline and block
// direction respectively.
bool fixedInlineSize() const { return m_fixedInlineSize; }
bool fixedBlockSize() const { return m_fixedBlockSize; }
// If specified a layout should produce a Fragment which fragments at the
// blockSize if possible.
NGFragmentationType blockFragmentationType() const
return static_cast<NGFragmentationType>(m_blockFragmentationType);
DoublyLinkedList<const NGExclusion> exclusions(unsigned options = 0) const;
NGLayoutOpportunityIterator layoutOpportunities(
unsigned clear = ClearNone,
NGExclusionFlowType avoid = ExcludeNone) const;
// Modifies constraint space to account for a placed fragment. Depending on
// the shape of the fragment this will either modify the inline or block
// size, or add an exclusion.
void subtract(const NGFragment);
LayoutUnit m_inlineSize;
LayoutUnit m_blockSize;
LayoutUnit m_inlineOverflowSize;
LayoutUnit m_blockOverflowSize;
unsigned m_fixedInlineSize : 1;
unsigned m_fixedBlockSize : 1;
unsigned m_blockFragmentationType : 2;
DoublyLinkedList<const NGExclusion> m_exclusions;
class CORE_EXPORT NGLayoutOpportunityIterator final {
NGLayoutOpportunityIterator(const NGConstraintSpace* space,
unsigned clear, NGExclusionFlowType avoid)
: m_constraintSpace(space)
, m_clear(clear)
, m_avoid(avoid) { }
~NGLayoutOpportunityIterator() { }
const NGDerivedConstraintSpace* next();
const NGConstraintSpace* m_constraintSpace;
unsigned m_clear;
NGExclusionFlowType m_avoid;
class CORE_EXPORT NGDerivedConstraintSpace final : NGConstraintSpace {
LayoutUnit inlineOffset() const;
LayoutUnit blockOffset() const;
// When creating a derived NGConstraintSpace for the next inline level
// layout opportunity, inlineSize and blockSize of the NGConstraintSpace
// may be different from its parent. These properties hold the inline and
// block size of the original NGConstraintSpaces, allowing percentage
// resolution to work correctly.
LayoutUnit inlineSizeForPercentageResolution() const;
LayoutUnit blockSizeForPercentageResolution() const;
LayoutUnit m_inlineOffset;
LayoutUnit m_blockOffset;
NGConstraintSpace* m_original;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGConstraintSpace_h