blob: b54d1b6357ed495003a5c1a30c8031d6f49db7c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/services/app_service/app_service_impl.h"
#include <utility>
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_request.h"
namespace {
void Connect(apps::mojom::Publisher* publisher,
apps::mojom::Subscriber* subscriber) {
apps::mojom::SubscriberPtr clone;
// TODO: replace nullptr with a ConnectOptions.
publisher->Connect(std::move(clone), nullptr);
} // namespace
namespace apps {
AppServiceImpl::AppServiceImpl() = default;
AppServiceImpl::~AppServiceImpl() = default;
void AppServiceImpl::BindRequest(apps::mojom::AppServiceRequest request) {
bindings_.AddBinding(this, std::move(request));
void AppServiceImpl::RegisterPublisher(apps::mojom::PublisherPtr publisher,
apps::mojom::AppType app_type) {
// Connect the new publisher with every registered subscriber.
subscribers_.ForAllPtrs([&publisher](auto* subscriber) {
::Connect(publisher.get(), subscriber);
// Check that no previous publisher has registered for the same app_type.
CHECK(publishers_by_type_.find(app_type) == publishers_by_type_.end());
// Add the new publisher to the set.
// We also track publishers by their app_type, so that we can forward other
// App Service method calls on to one particular publisher, instead of
// broadcasting to all publishers.
publishers_by_type_[app_type] = publishers_.AddPtr(std::move(publisher));
void AppServiceImpl::RegisterSubscriber(apps::mojom::SubscriberPtr subscriber,
apps::mojom::ConnectOptionsPtr opts) {
// Connect the new subscriber with every registered publisher.
publishers_.ForAllPtrs([&subscriber](auto* publisher) {
::Connect(publisher, subscriber.get());
// TODO: store the opts somewhere.
// Add the new subscriber to the set.
} // namespace apps