blob: 054e07a5cae282ee6200fc3b394d9d0b2464a8f9 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE WARNING: A DOM event generated from JavaScript has triggered a default action inside the browser. This behavior is non-standard and will be removed in M53, around September 2016. See for more details.
This tests that modifier keys are propagated to the fake mouse event created when you press return and a link has focus.
If the test succeeds, you should see six "PASS" messages below.
This is the link used for testing.
PASS: click event had all the right key state.
PASS: click event had all the right key state.
PASS: click event had all the right key state.
PASS: click event had all the right key state.
PASS: click event had all the right key state.
PASS: click event had all the right key state.