
Recipes are a python framework for writing Continuous Intergration scripts (i.e. what you might otherwise write as a bash script). Unlike bash scripts, they are meant to:

  • Be testable
  • Be cross-platform
  • Allow code-sharing
  • Be locally runnable
  • Integrate with the LUCI UI (e.g. to display subprocesses as “steps”, and other UI attributes (step color, descriptive text, debugging logs, etc.)


Chromium previously used BuildBot for its builds, which stored the definition of a builder's actions as ‘Build Factories’ on the service side, requiring service redeployment (including temporary outages) in order to make changes to them. Additionally the build factories produced all steps-to-be-run at the beginning of the build; there was no easy way to calculate a future step from the results of running an intermediate step. This made it very difficult to iterate on the builds.

We initially introduced a protocol to BuildBot to allow a script running in the build to control the presentation of the build on BuildBot (i.e. telling the service that new steps were running and their status, etc.). For a while a couple sub-teams used bash scripts to execute their builds, manually emitting the signalling protocol interspersed with stdout. This provided the ability to de-couple working on what-the-build-does from the running BuildBot service, allowing changes to the build without redeployment of the service.

Recipes were the evolution of these bash scripts; they are written in python, allow code sharing across repos, have a testing mechanism, etc.

Arguably, recipes have TOO MANY features at present, but we're hard at work removing them where we can, to keep them simple :).


This README will attempt to bootstrap your understanding of the recipes ecosystem. This includes:

  • Runtime dependencies
  • Initial repo setup
  • The command
  • Writing recipes
  • Writing recipe_modules
  • Structured data passing for steps
  • Build UI manipulation
  • Testing recipes and recipe_modules
  • Productionizing a recipe repo
  • Recipe Philosophy

Runtime dependencies

Recipes depend on a couple tools to be in the environment:

  • Python (2.7) - Currently recipes rely on python 2.7.
  • vpython - This is a LUCI tool to manage python VirtualEnvs. Recipes rely on this for the recipe engine runtime dependencies (like the python protobuf libraries, etc.)

Additionally, most existing recipes depend on the following:

  • cipd - This is a LUCI tool to manage binary package distribution.
  • luci-auth - This is a LUCI tool to manage OAuth tokens; on bots it can mint tokens for service accounts installed as part of the Swarming task, and on dev machines it can mint tokens based on locally stored credentials (i.e. run luci-auth login to locally store credentials).

Initial repo setup

A recipe repo has a couple essential requirements:

  • It is a git repo
  • It contains a file called //infra/config/recipes.cfg. For historical reasons, this is a non-configurable path.
  • It contains ‘recipes’, ‘recipe_modules’ folders (in the recipes_path folder indicated by recipes.cfg. By default they are located at the base of the repository).
  • It contains a copy of in its recipes_path folder.


The recipes.cfg file is a JSONPB file, which is defined by the package.proto protobuf file.

Its purpose is to tell the recipe engine about this repo, and indicate any other repos that this repo depends on (including precise dependency pins). All recipe repos will need to depend on the ‘recipe_engine’ repo (the repo containing this user_guide).

As part of this config, the repo needs an id, which should match the LUCI-config project id for the repo; this id will show up when other recipe repos depend on your repo.

Example recipes.cfg.

Recipes folder

The recipes folder contains a collection of python files and subfolders containing python files, as well as subfolders containing JSON ‘expectation’ files. Recipes are named by their file path (minus the .py extension).

A recipe in a subfolder includes that subfolder in its name; so /path/to/recipes/subdir/ would have the name “subdir/recipe”.

Example recipes folder.

recipe_modules folder

The recipe_modules folder contains subfolders, one per module. Unlike recipes, the module namespace is flat in each repo. A recipe_module is composed of a couple files:

  • - Contains the DEPS and PROPERTIES declarations for the recipe_module.
  • - Contains the implementation of the recipe module.
  • - Contains the implementation of the recipe module's fakes.

Example recipe_modules folder.

The script

The script is the entrypoint to the recipe_engine. It's primary functionality is to clone a copy of the recipe_engine repo (matching the version in your recipes.cfg file), and then invoke the main recipe_engine code with whatever command line you gave it.

This script invokes the recipe engine with vpython, which picks up a python VirtualEnv suitable for the recipe engine (it includes things like py-cryptography and the protobuf library).

The command

The command is the main entrypoint to your recipe. It has a couple important subcommands that you'll use frequently:

  • run - This command actually executes a single recipe
  • test - This command runs the simulation tests and trains the generated file as well as simulation expectation files. This also has a ‘debug’ option which is pretty helpful.

Less often-used:

  • autoroll - Automatically updates your recipes.cfg file with newer versions of the dependencies there. This rolls the recipes.cfg version and also runs simulation tests to try to detect the largest ‘trivial’ roll, or the smallest ‘non-trivial’ roll.
  • manual_roll - Updates your recipes.cfg file with the smallest valid roll possible, but doesn‘t do any automated testing. It’s useful for when you need to manually roll recipes (i.e. the automated roll doesn't find a valid trivial or non-trivial roll, due to API changes, etc.)
  • bundle - Extracts all files necessary to run the recipe without making any network requests (i.e. no git repository operations).

And very infrequently used:

  • doc - Shows/generates documentation for the recipes and modules from their python docstrings. However the test train subcommand will generate Markdown automatically from the docstrings, so you don't usually need to invoke this subcommand explicitly.
  • fetch - Explicitly runs the ‘fetch’ phase of the recipe engine (to sync all local git repos to the versions in recipes.cfg). However, this happens implicitly for all subcommands, and the bundle command is a superior way to prepare recipes for offline use.
  • lint - Runs some very simple static analysis on the recipes. This command is mostly invoked automatically from PRESUBMIT scripts so you don't need to run it manually.

It also has a couple tools for analyzing the recipe dependency graph:

  • analyze - Answers questions about the recipe dependency graph (for use in continuous integration scenarios).
  • depgraph - Shows the recipe dependency graph as a picture
  • refs - Shows a list of recipes and recipe_modules which depend on a given recipe_module.

Overriding dependencies

If you're developing recipes locally, you may find the need to work on changes in multiple recipe repos simultaneously. You can override a dependency for a recipe repo with the -O option to, for any of its subcommands.

For example, you may want to change the behavior of the root repo and see how it affects the behavior of the recipes in the dependent repo (which presumably depends on the root repo). To do this you would:

$ # Hack on the root repo locally to make your change
$ cd /path/to/dependent/repo
$ ./ -O root=/path/to/root/repo test train
<uses your local root repo, regardless of what recipe.cfg specifies>

This works for all dependency repos, and can be specified multiple times to override more than one dependency.

The run command

TODO(iannucci) - Document

The test command

TODO(iannucci) - Document

The autoroll command

TODO(iannucci) - Document

The manual_roll command

Updates your repo's recipes.cfg file with the smallest valid roll possible. This means that for all dependencies your repo has, the smallest number of commits change between the previous value of recipes.cfg and the new value of recipes.cfg.

This will print out the effective changelog to stdout as well, for help in preparing a manual roll CL.

You can run this command repeatedly to find successive roll candidates.

The bundle command

TODO(iannucci) - Document

Writing recipes

TODO(iannucci) - Document

Writing recipe_modules

TODO(iannucci) - Document

Structured data passing for steps

TODO(iannucci) - Document

Build UI manipulation

TODO(iannucci) - Document

Testing recipes and recipe_modules

TODO(iannucci) - Document


TODO(iannucci) - Document


TODO(iannucci) - Document


TODO(iannucci) - Document

Recipe Philosophy

TODO(iannucci) - Document

  • Recipes are glorified shell scripts
  • Recipes should be functions (small set of documented inputs and outputs).
  • Recipe inputs should have predictable effects on the behavior of the Recipe.
  • Structured data communication to/from steps
  • When to put something in a helper script or directly in the recipe


recipe repo -- A git repository with an ‘infra/config/recipes.cfg’ file.

recipe -- An entry point into the recipes ecosystem; a “main” function.

recipe_module -- A piece of shared code that multiple recipes can use.

DEPS -- An expression of the dependency from a recipe to a recipe_module, or from one recipe_module to another.

properties -- A JSON object that every recipe is started with; These are the input parameters to the recipe.

output properties -- TODO(iannucci)

PROPERTIES -- An expression of a recipe or recipe_module of the properties that it relies on.