blob: 9a917a9fdb7ee96a0997cb8bad2baeff9138247e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/ntp/notification_promo_whats_new.h"
#include <map>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_pref_names.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
#include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
#include "components/variations/variations_associated_data.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/ios_command_ids.h"
#include "ios/chrome/grit/ios_chromium_strings.h"
#include "ios/public/provider/chrome/browser/images/whats_new_icon.h"
#include "testing/platform_test.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace {
// Test fixture for NotificationPromoWhatsNew.
class NotificationPromoWhatsNewTest : public PlatformTest {
: promo_(&local_state_),
field_trial_list_(new base::FieldTrialList(NULL)) {
local_state_.registry()->RegisterInt64Pref(metrics::prefs::kInstallDate, 0);
~NotificationPromoWhatsNewTest() override {
void TearDown() override {
// Sets up a mock finch trial and inits the NotificationPromoWhatsNew. All
// parameters will be added to the list of finch parameters.
void Init(const std::string& start,
const std::string& end,
const std::string& promo_text,
const std::string& promo_id,
const std::string& promo_type,
const std::string& url,
const std::string& command,
const std::string& metric_name,
const std::string& icon,
const std::string& seconds_since_install,
const std::string& max_seconds_since_install) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> field_trial_params;
field_trial_params["start"] = start;
field_trial_params["end"] = end;
field_trial_params["promo_text"] = promo_text;
field_trial_params["promo_id"] = promo_id;
field_trial_params["promo_type"] = promo_type;
field_trial_params["url"] = url;
field_trial_params["command"] = command;
field_trial_params["metric_name"] = metric_name;
field_trial_params["icon"] = icon;
field_trial_params["seconds_since_install"] = seconds_since_install;
field_trial_params["max_seconds_since_install"] = max_seconds_since_install;
variations::AssociateVariationParams("IOSNTPPromotion", "Group1",
base::FieldTrialList::CreateFieldTrial("IOSNTPPromotion", "Group1");
// Tests that |promo_text|, |promo_type|, |url|, |command_id|, and |icon|
// equal their respective values in |promo_|, and that |valid| matches the
// return value of |promo_|'s |CanShow()| method. |icon| is verified only if
// |valid| is true.
void RunTests(const std::string& promo_text,
const std::string& promo_type,
const std::string& url,
int command_id,
WhatsNewIcon icon,
bool valid) {
EXPECT_EQ(promo_text, promo_.promo_text());
EXPECT_EQ(promo_type, promo_.promo_type());
if (promo_type == "url")
EXPECT_EQ(url, promo_.url().spec());
EXPECT_EQ(command_id, promo_.command_id());
EXPECT_EQ(valid, promo_.CanShow());
// |icon()| is set only if the promo is valid.
if (valid)
EXPECT_EQ(icon, promo_.icon());
void OnUserAction(const std::string& user_action) {
int GetUserActionCount(const std::string& user_action) {
return user_action_count_map_[user_action];
TestingPrefServiceSimple local_state_;
NotificationPromoWhatsNew promo_;
base::ActionCallback action_callback_;
std::map<std::string, int> user_action_count_map_;
std::unique_ptr<base::FieldTrialList> field_trial_list_;
// Test that a command-based, valid promo is shown with the correct text.
TEST_F(NotificationPromoWhatsNewTest, NotificationPromoCommandTest) {
Init("3 Aug 1999 9:26:06 GMT", "3 Aug 2199 9:26:06 GMT",
"IDS_IOS_APP_RATING_PROMO_STRING", "0", "chrome_command", "",
"ratethisapp", "RateThisAppPromo", "logo", "0", "0");
"chrome_command", "", IDC_RATE_THIS_APP, WHATS_NEW_LOGO, true);
// Test that a url-based, valid promo is shown with the correct text and icon.
TEST_F(NotificationPromoWhatsNewTest, NotificationPromoURLTest) {
Init("3 Aug 1999 9:26:06 GMT", "3 Aug 2199 9:26:06 GMT", "Test URL", "0",
"url", "", "", "TestURLPromo", "", "0", "0");
RunTests("Test URL", "url", "", 0, WHATS_NEW_INFO,
// Test that an invalid promo is not shown.
TEST_F(NotificationPromoWhatsNewTest, NotificationPromoInvalidTest) {
Init("3 Aug 1999 9:26:06 GMT", "3 Aug 2199 9:26:06 GMT", "Test URL", "0",
"url", "", "", "TestURLPromo", "", "0", "0");
RunTests("Test URL", "url", "", 0, WHATS_NEW_INFO, false);
// Test that if max_seconds_since_install is set, and the current time is before
// the cut off, the promo still shows.
TEST_F(NotificationPromoWhatsNewTest, MaxSecondsSinceInstallSuccessTest) {
// Init with max_seconds_since_install set to 2 days.
Init("3 Aug 1999 9:26:06 GMT", "3 Aug 2199 9:26:06 GMT",
"IDS_IOS_APP_RATING_PROMO_STRING", "0", "chrome_command", "",
"ratethisapp", "RateThisAppPromo", "logo", "0", "172800");
// Set install date to one day before now.
base::Time one_day_before_now_time =
base::Time::Now() - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
int64_t one_day_before_now = one_day_before_now_time.ToTimeT();
local_state_.SetInt64(metrics::prefs::kInstallDate, one_day_before_now);
// Expect the promo to show since install date was one day ago, and the promo
// can show until 2 days after install date.
// Test that if max_seconds_since_install is set, and the current time is after
// the cut off, the promo does not show.
TEST_F(NotificationPromoWhatsNewTest, MaxSecondsSinceInstallFailureTest) {
// Init with max_seconds_since_install set to 2 days.
Init("3 Aug 1999 9:26:06 GMT", "3 Aug 2199 9:26:06 GMT",
"IDS_IOS_APP_RATING_PROMO_STRING", "0", "chrome_command", "",
"ratethisapp", "RateThisAppPromo", "logo", "0", "172800");
// Set install date to three days before now.
base::Time three_days_before_now_time =
base::Time::Now() - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(3);
int64_t three_days_before_now = three_days_before_now_time.ToTimeT();
local_state_.SetInt64(metrics::prefs::kInstallDate, three_days_before_now);
// Expect the promo not to show since install date was three days ago, and
// the promo can show until 2 days after install date.
// Test that if seconds_since_install is set, and the current time is after
// install_date + seconds_since_install, the promo still shows.
TEST_F(NotificationPromoWhatsNewTest, SecondsSinceInstallSuccessTest) {
// Init with seconds_since_install set to 2 days.
Init("3 Aug 1999 9:26:06 GMT", "3 Aug 2199 9:26:06 GMT",
"IDS_IOS_APP_RATING_PROMO_STRING", "0", "chrome_command", "",
"ratethisapp", "RateThisAppPromo", "logo", "172800", "0");
// Set install date to three days before now.
base::Time three_days_before_now_time =
base::Time::Now() - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(3);
int64_t three_days_before_now = three_days_before_now_time.ToTimeT();
local_state_.SetInt64(metrics::prefs::kInstallDate, three_days_before_now);
// Expect the promo to show since install date was three days ago, and the
// promo can show starting at 2 days after install date.
// Test that if seconds_since_install is set, and the current time is before
// install_date + seconds_since_install, the promo does not show.
TEST_F(NotificationPromoWhatsNewTest, SecondsSinceInstallFailureTest) {
// Init with seconds_since_install set to 2 days.
Init("3 Aug 1999 9:26:06 GMT", "3 Aug 2199 9:26:06 GMT",
"IDS_IOS_APP_RATING_PROMO_STRING", "0", "chrome_command", "",
"ratethisapp", "RateThisAppPromo", "logo", "172800", "0");
// Set install date to one day before now.
base::Time one_day_before_now_time =
base::Time::Now() - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
int64_t one_day_before_now = one_day_before_now_time.ToTimeT();
local_state_.SetInt64(metrics::prefs::kInstallDate, one_day_before_now);
// Expect the promo not to show since install date was one day ago, and
// the promo can show starting at 2 days after install date.
// Test that user actions are recorded when promo is viewed and closed.
TEST_F(NotificationPromoWhatsNewTest, NotificationPromoMetricTest) {
Init("3 Aug 1999 9:26:06 GMT", "3 Aug 2199 9:26:06 GMT",
"IDS_IOS_APP_RATING_PROMO_STRING", "0", "chrome_command", "",
"ratethisapp", "RateThisAppPromo", "logo", "0", "0");
// Assert that promo is appropriately set up to be viewed.
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetUserActionCount("WhatsNewPromoViewed_RateThisAppPromo"));
// Verify that the promo closed user action count is 0 before |HandleClosed()|
// is called.
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetUserActionCount("WhatsNewPromoClosed_RateThisAppPromo"));
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetUserActionCount("WhatsNewPromoClosed_RateThisAppPromo"));
} // namespace