blob: bd7a5814369e8aeb6a6074dd006dc160d446136b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines all the public base::FeatureList features for the content
// module.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace features {
// All features in alphabetical order. The features should be documented
// alongside the definition of their values in the .cc file.
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAsmJsToWebAssembly;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kBrotliEncoding;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCanvas2DImageChromium;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCompositeOpaqueScrollers;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCredentialManagementAPI;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDefaultEnableGpuRasterization;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDocumentWriteEvaluator;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kFeaturePolicy;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kFontCacheScaling;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kGamepadExtensions;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kGenericSensor;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMediaDocumentDownloadButton;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMemoryCoordinator;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kNewMediaPlaybackUi;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kNonValidatingReloadOnNormalReload;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kNonValidatingReloadOnRefreshContent;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kOptimizeLoadingIPCForSmallResources;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kOriginTrials;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kParseHTMLOnMainThread;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPassiveDocumentEventListeners;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPassiveEventListenersDueToFling;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPepper3DImageChromium;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPointerEvents;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPointerEventV1SpecCapturing;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kRafAlignedInputEvents;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kRenderingPipelineThrottling;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kScrollAnchoring;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSpeculativeLaunchServiceWorker;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kStaleWhileRevalidate;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTimerThrottlingForHiddenFrames;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTokenBinding;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTouchpadAndWheelScrollLatching;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kWebAssembly;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kWebGLImageChromium;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kWebRtcEcdsaDefault;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kWebRtcUseGpuMemoryBufferVideoFrames;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kWebUsb;
extern const base::Feature kSendBeaconThrowForBlobWithNonSimpleType;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAutoplayMutedVideos;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kImeThread;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSeccompSandboxAndroid;
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kWebPayments;
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kWinSboxDisableExtensionPoints;
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
// DON'T ADD RANDOM STUFF HERE. Put it in the main section above in
// alphabetical order, or in one of the ifdefs (also in order in each section).
} // namespace features