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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Custom Elements: upgrade element</title>
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'use strict'
// 6. If C non-conformantly uses an API decorated with the [CEReactions] extended attribute,
// then the reactions enqueued at the beginning of upgrade will execute during this step,
// before C finishes and control returns to this algorithm.
test_with_window((w) => {
let invocations = [];
let changedCallbackArgs = [];
let a = w.document.createElement('a-a');
a.setAttribute('x', '1');
class X extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.setAttribute('y', '2');
invocations.push(['constructor', this]);
connectedCallback() { invocations.push(['connected', this]); }
static get observedAttributes() { return ['x', 'y']; }
attributeChangedCallback() {
invocations.push(['attributeChanged', this]);
w.customElements.define('a-a', X);
// Unlike calling new, upgrading element with createElement does not set element's state
// to "custom" during HTMLConstructor. Thus, appending attribute after super()
// does not enqueue a callback reaction.
assert_equals(invocations.length, 3);
assert_equals(changedCallbackArgs.length, 1, 'attributeChangedCallback should only be invoked once');
assert_array_equals(invocations[0], ['constructor', a], 'constructor should execute first');
assert_array_equals(invocations[1], ['attributeChanged', a], 'attributeChangedCallback should execute after constructor');
assert_array_equals(changedCallbackArgs[0], ['x', null, '1', ''], 'attributeChangedCallback should execute for setAttribute outside of the constructor');
assert_array_equals(invocations[2], ['connected', a], 'connectedCallback should execute after the constrcutor');
}, 'The constructor non-conformatly uses API decorated with the [CEReactions] when constuctor is invoked during upgrade');
// Step 6 case when constructor is invoked with new
test_with_window((w) => {
let invocations = [];
let changedCallbackArgs = [];
class X extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.setAttribute('y', '2');
invocations.push(['constructor', this]);
connectedCallback() { invocations.push(['connected', this]); }
static get observedAttributes() { return ['x', 'y']; }
attributeChangedCallback() {
invocations.push(['attributeChanged', this]);
w.customElements.define('a-a', X);
let a = new X();
assert_equals(invocations.length, 3);
assert_equals(changedCallbackArgs.length, 2, 'attributeChangedCallback should be invoked twice');
assert_array_equals(invocations[0], ['attributeChanged', a], 'attributeChangedCallback for "a" should execute before the constructor is finished');
assert_array_equals(invocations[1], ['constructor', a], 'constructor executes second');
assert_array_equals(invocations[2], ['attributeChanged', a], 'setAttribute outside of the constructorshould be invoked');
assert_array_equals(changedCallbackArgs[0], ['y', null, '2', '']);
assert_array_equals(changedCallbackArgs[1], ['x', null, '1', '']);
}, 'The constructor non-conformatly uses API decorated with the [CEReactions] when consturctor is invoked with new');
// 8. If constructResult is an abrupt completion, then return constructResult
// (i.e., rethrow the exception).
test_with_window((w) => {
let error_log = [];
let doc = w.document;
w.onerror = function (msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error) {
return true;
class X extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() {
assert_false(this.matches(':defined'), 'calling super() with non-empty construction stack should not define the element');
throw { name: 'constructor throws' };
w.customElements.define('a-a', X);
assert_array_equals(error_log, ['constructor throws'], 'rethrow any exception thrown from constructor');
}, 'Upgrading an element with a throwing constructor should rethrow that exception');
// 9. If SameValue(constructResult.[[value]], element) is false, then throw an
// "InvalidStateError" DOMException and terminate these steps.
test_with_window((w) => {
let error_log = [];
w.onerror = function (msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error) {
return true;
let a = w.document.createElement('a-a');
class X extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() {
return ['aaaa'];
w.customElements.define('a-a', X);
assert_array_equals(error_log, ['InvalidStateError'], 'returning object that is different from element should throw "InvalidStateError"');
}, 'Upgrading an element with constructor that returns different object');