blob: 056be3654d6a1fc5485016f2354faea3d7f73421 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "modules/csspaint/PaintWorklet.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/V8BindingForCore.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalDOMWindow.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "modules/csspaint/CSSPaintDefinition.h"
#include "modules/csspaint/PaintWorkletGlobalScope.h"
#include "platform/graphics/Image.h"
#include "platform/wtf/CryptographicallyRandomNumber.h"
namespace blink {
const size_t PaintWorklet::kNumGlobalScopes = 2u;
const size_t kMaxPaintCountToSwitch = 30u;
DocumentPaintDefinition* const kInvalidDocumentPaintDefinition = nullptr;
// static
PaintWorklet* PaintWorklet::From(LocalDOMWindow& window) {
PaintWorklet* supplement =
if (!supplement && window.GetFrame()) {
supplement = Create(window.GetFrame());
ProvideTo(window, supplement);
return supplement;
// static
PaintWorklet* PaintWorklet::Create(LocalFrame* frame) {
return new PaintWorklet(frame);
PaintWorklet::PaintWorklet(LocalFrame* frame)
: Worklet(frame->GetDocument()),
pending_generator_registry_(new PaintWorkletPendingGeneratorRegistry) {}
PaintWorklet::~PaintWorklet() = default;
void PaintWorklet::AddPendingGenerator(const String& name,
CSSPaintImageGeneratorImpl* generator) {
pending_generator_registry_->AddPendingGenerator(name, generator);
// We start with a random global scope when a new frame starts. Then within this
// frame, we switch to the other global scope after certain amount of paint
// calls (rand(kMaxPaintCountToSwitch)).
// This approach ensures non-deterministic of global scope selecting, and that
// there is a max of one switching within one frame.
size_t PaintWorklet::SelectGlobalScope() {
size_t current_paint_frame_count = GetFrame()->View()->PaintFrameCount();
// Whether a new frame starts or not.
bool frame_changed = current_paint_frame_count != active_frame_count_;
if (frame_changed) {
paints_before_switching_global_scope_ = GetPaintsBeforeSwitching();
active_frame_count_ = current_paint_frame_count;
// We switch when |paints_before_switching_global_scope_| is 1 instead of 0
// because the var keeps decrementing and stays at 0.
if (frame_changed || paints_before_switching_global_scope_ == 1)
active_global_scope_ = SelectNewGlobalScope();
if (paints_before_switching_global_scope_ > 0)
return active_global_scope_;
int PaintWorklet::GetPaintsBeforeSwitching() {
// TODO(xidachen): Try not to reset |paints_before_switching_global_scope_|
// every frame. For example, if one frame typically has ~5 paint, then we can
// switch to another global scope after few frames where the accumulated
// number of paint calls during these frames reached the
// |paints_before_switching_global_scope_|.
// TODO(xidachen): Try to set |paints_before_switching_global_scope_|
// according to the actual paints per frame. For example, if we found that
// there are typically ~1000 paints in each frame, we'd want to set the number
// to average at 500.
return CryptographicallyRandomNumber() % kMaxPaintCountToSwitch;
size_t PaintWorklet::SelectNewGlobalScope() {
return CryptographicallyRandomNumber() % kNumGlobalScopes;
scoped_refptr<Image> PaintWorklet::Paint(const String& name,
const ImageResourceObserver& observer,
const IntSize& container_size,
const CSSStyleValueVector* data) {
if (!document_definition_map_.Contains(name))
return nullptr;
// Check if the existing document definition is valid or not.
DocumentPaintDefinition* document_definition =;
if (document_definition == kInvalidDocumentPaintDefinition)
return nullptr;
PaintWorkletGlobalScopeProxy* proxy =
CSSPaintDefinition* paint_definition = proxy->FindDefinition(name);
if (!paint_definition)
return nullptr;
return paint_definition->Paint(observer, container_size, data);
// static
const char PaintWorklet::kSupplementName[] = "PaintWorklet";
void PaintWorklet::Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor) {
bool PaintWorklet::NeedsToCreateGlobalScope() {
return GetNumberOfGlobalScopes() < kNumGlobalScopes;
WorkletGlobalScopeProxy* PaintWorklet::CreateGlobalScope() {
return new PaintWorkletGlobalScopeProxy(
ToDocument(GetExecutionContext())->GetFrame(), ModuleResponsesMap(),
pending_generator_registry_, GetNumberOfGlobalScopes() + 1);
} // namespace blink