Measure bandwidth utilization in the ScrollPerformance test

Now ScrollPerformance also reports network bandwidth utilization.

Also removed two outdated tests: StreamFrameRate and IntermittentChanges.
These tests were intended mainly to evaluate performance of the PseudoTCP
layer and they were using verbatim video codec. They are not applicable
for WebRTC-based protocol. Also the protocol perf tests have been updated
to use SoftwareVideoRenderer which allows to get FrameStats when using
ICE protocol and this approach is not compatible with the old tests.

Bandwidth utilization numbers I get currently with 8Mbps bandwidth:
ICE: 93%
WebRTC: varies from 21 to 25%

The second number also goes to 32 when I change test length and warm-up
time to 5 seconds. This suggests that the problem is partly that the
bandwidth estimate in WebRTC is below the actual bandwidth in the test and
it takes a lot of time to ramp up.


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#418444}
1 file changed