blob: 874953820513a0b9790115231cc004b7f9303093 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/dom/ModulatorImplBase.h"
#include "core/dom/DynamicModuleResolver.h"
#include "core/dom/ExecutionContext.h"
#include "core/dom/ModuleMap.h"
#include "core/dom/ModuleScript.h"
#include "core/dom/ScriptModuleResolverImpl.h"
#include "core/loader/modulescript/ModuleScriptFetchRequest.h"
#include "core/loader/modulescript/ModuleScriptLoaderRegistry.h"
#include "core/loader/modulescript/ModuleTreeLinkerRegistry.h"
#include "platform/WebTaskRunner.h"
#include "public/platform/TaskType.h"
namespace blink {
ExecutionContext* ModulatorImplBase::GetExecutionContext() const {
return ExecutionContext::From(script_state_.get());
ModulatorImplBase::ModulatorImplBase(scoped_refptr<ScriptState> script_state)
: script_state_(std::move(script_state)),
dynamic_module_resolver_(DynamicModuleResolver::Create(this)) {
ModulatorImplBase::~ModulatorImplBase() {}
ReferrerPolicy ModulatorImplBase::GetReferrerPolicy() {
return GetExecutionContext()->GetReferrerPolicy();
SecurityOrigin* ModulatorImplBase::GetSecurityOriginForFetch() {
return GetExecutionContext()->GetSecurityOrigin();
void ModulatorImplBase::FetchTree(const ModuleScriptFetchRequest& request,
ModuleTreeClient* client) {
// Step 1. Perform the internal module script graph fetching procedure given
// url, settings object, destination, cryptographic nonce, parser state,
// credentials mode, settings object, a new empty list, "client", and with the
// top-level module fetch flag set. If the caller of this algorithm specified
// custom perform the fetch steps, pass those along as well.
// Note: "Fetch a module script graph" algorithm doesn't have "referrer" as
// its argument.
tree_linker_registry_->Fetch(request, this, client);
// Step 2. When the internal module script graph fetching procedure
// asynchronously completes with result, asynchronously complete this
// algorithm with result.
// Note: We delegate to ModuleTreeLinker to notify ModuleTreeClient.
void ModulatorImplBase::FetchDescendantsForInlineScript(
ModuleScript* module_script,
ModuleTreeClient* client) {
tree_linker_registry_->FetchDescendantsForInlineScript(module_script, this,
void ModulatorImplBase::FetchSingle(const ModuleScriptFetchRequest& request,
ModuleGraphLevel level,
SingleModuleClient* client) {
map_->FetchSingleModuleScript(request, level, client);
void ModulatorImplBase::FetchNewSingleModule(
const ModuleScriptFetchRequest& request,
ModuleGraphLevel level,
ModuleScriptLoaderClient* client) {
loader_registry_->Fetch(request, level, this, client);
ModuleScript* ModulatorImplBase::GetFetchedModuleScript(const KURL& url) {
return map_->GetFetchedModuleScript(url);
bool ModulatorImplBase::HasValidContext() {
return script_state_->ContextIsValid();
void ModulatorImplBase::ResolveDynamically(
const String& specifier,
const KURL& referrer_url,
const ReferrerScriptInfo& referrer_info,
ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver) {
dynamic_module_resolver_->ResolveDynamically(specifier, referrer_url,
referrer_info, resolver);
ModuleImportMeta ModulatorImplBase::HostGetImportMetaProperties(
ScriptModule record) const {
// 1. Let module script be moduleRecord.[[HostDefined]]. [spec text]
ModuleScript* module_script = script_module_resolver_->GetHostDefined(record);
// 2. Let urlString be module script's base URL, serialized. [spec text]
String url_string = module_script->BaseURL().GetString();
// 3. Return <<Record { [[Key]]: "url", [[Value]]: urlString }>>. [spec text]
return ModuleImportMeta(url_string);
ScriptModule ModulatorImplBase::CompileModule(
const String& provided_source,
const String& url_str,
const ScriptFetchOptions& options,
AccessControlStatus access_control_status,
const TextPosition& position,
ExceptionState& exception_state) {
// Implements Steps 3-5 of
// Step 3. Let realm be the provided environment settings object's Realm.
// Note: Realm is v8::Context.
// Step 4. If scripting is disabled for the given environment settings
// object's responsible browsing context, then let script source be the empty
// string. Otherwise, let script source be the provided script source.
String script_source;
if (GetExecutionContext()->CanExecuteScripts(kAboutToExecuteScript))
script_source = provided_source;
// Step 5. Let result be ParseModule(script source, realm, script).
ScriptState::Scope scope(script_state_.get());
return ScriptModule::Compile(script_state_->GetIsolate(), script_source,
url_str, options, access_control_status,
position, exception_state);
ScriptValue ModulatorImplBase::InstantiateModule(ScriptModule script_module) {
ScriptState::Scope scope(script_state_.get());
return script_module.Instantiate(script_state_.get());
ScriptModuleState ModulatorImplBase::GetRecordStatus(
ScriptModule script_module) {
ScriptState::Scope scope(script_state_.get());
return script_module.Status(script_state_.get());
ScriptValue ModulatorImplBase::GetError(const ModuleScript* module_script) {
ScriptState::Scope scope(script_state_.get());
// "When a module script is errored, ..." [spec text]
// "we say that its error is either its pre-instantiation error, when its
// module record is null, ..." [spec text]
ScriptModule record = module_script->Record();
if (record.IsNull()) {
return ScriptValue(script_state_.get(), module_script->CreateErrorInternal(
// "or its module record's [[ErrorCompletion]] field's [[Value]] field,
// otherwise." [spec text]
return ScriptValue(script_state_.get(),
ModulatorImplBase::ModuleRequestsFromScriptModule(ScriptModule script_module) {
ScriptState::Scope scope(script_state_.get());
Vector<String> specifiers = script_module.ModuleRequests(script_state_.get());
Vector<TextPosition> positions =
DCHECK_EQ(specifiers.size(), positions.size());
Vector<ModuleRequest> requests;
for (size_t i = 0; i < specifiers.size(); ++i) {
requests.emplace_back(specifiers[i], positions[i]);
return requests;
ScriptValue ModulatorImplBase::ExecuteModule(
const ModuleScript* module_script,
CaptureEvalErrorFlag capture_error) {
// Step 1. "If rethrow errors is not given, let it be false." [spec text]
// Step 2. "Let settings be the settings object of s." [spec text]
// The settings object is |this|.
// Step 3. "Check if we can run script with settings.
// If this returns "do not run" then return." [spec text]
if (!GetExecutionContext()->CanExecuteScripts(kAboutToExecuteScript))
return ScriptValue();
// Step 4. "Prepare to run script given settings." [spec text]
// This is placed here to also cover ScriptModule::ReportException().
ScriptState::Scope scope(script_state_.get());
// Step 5. "Let evaluationStatus be null." [spec text]
// |error| corresponds to "evaluationStatus of [[Type]]: throw".
ScriptValue error;
// Step 6. "If s is errored, then set evaluationStatus to Completion
// { [[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: script's error, [[Target]]: empty }."
// [spec text]
if (module_script->IsErrored()) {
error = GetError(module_script);
} else {
// Step 7. "Otherwise:" [spec text]
// Step 7.1. "Let record be s's module record." [spec text]
const ScriptModule& record = module_script->Record();
// Step 7.2 "Let evaluationStatus be record.ModuleEvaluate()." [spec text]
error = record.Evaluate(script_state_.get());
// Step 8. "If evaluationStatus is an abrupt completion, then:" [spec text]
if (!error.IsEmpty()) {
// Step 8.1. "If rethrow errors is true, rethrow the exception given by
// evaluationStatus.[[Value]] for s." [spec text]
if (capture_error == CaptureEvalErrorFlag::kCapture)
return error;
// Step 8.2. "Otherwise, report the exception given by
// evaluationStatus.[[Value]] for script." [spec text]
ScriptModule::ReportException(script_state_.get(), error.V8Value());
return ScriptValue();
// Step 9. "Clean up after running script with settings." [spec text]
// Implemented as the ScriptState::Scope destructor.
return ScriptValue();
void ModulatorImplBase::Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor) {
void ModulatorImplBase::TraceWrappers(
const ScriptWrappableVisitor* visitor) const {
} // namespace blink