Have Ozone X11 directly create GLSurfaces.

The Ozone X11 platform now directly creates an appropriate GLSurface
instead of creating a SurfaceOzoneEGL. Remove the SurfaceOzoneEGL
subclass and add a new GLSurface subclass.

Modify gl_factory_ozone.cc to use the new Ozone surface creation API.
For kGLImplementationOSMesaGL and kGLImplementationMockGL there is a
default implementation that is shared by all Ozone platforms. For other
GL implementations surface creation is delegated to the Ozone platform.

Add an OWNERS file for ui/gl/init/ that contains the per-file directive
for Ozone files from ui/gl/. This code was all moved from ui/gl/ since
it reduced the set of OWNERS. Add myself to this set as well.


Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2156503003
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#407485}
5 files changed