blob: 1ffa92338587f33cbd5a370f97401401d75d8fe5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
class MonorailIssue(object):
"""A lean abstraction of a Monorail issue.
The list of fields and verification are not exhaustive.
# Monorail API docs:
# Fields that are strings.
_STRING_FIELDS = frozenset(['status', 'summary', 'description'])
# Fields that are lists of strings.
_STRING_LIST_FIELDS = frozenset(['cc', 'labels', 'components'])
# Again, the list is non-exhaustive.
_VALID_STATUSES = frozenset(['Unconfirmed', 'Untriaged', 'Available', 'Assigned', 'Started'])
def __init__(self, project_id, **kwargs):
self.project_id = project_id
for key in kwargs:
assert key in self._ALLOWED_FIELDS, 'Unknown field: ' + key
self._body = kwargs
def _normalize(self):
# These requirements are based on trial and error. No docs were found.
assert self.project_id, 'project_id cannot be empty.'
self._body['projectId'] = self.project_id
for field in self._STRING_LIST_FIELDS:
if field in self._body:
# Not a str or unicode.
assert not isinstance(self._body[field], basestring)
# Is iterable (TypeError would be raised otherwise).
self._body[field] = list(self._body[field])
# We expect a KeyError to be raised if 'status' is missing.
self._body['status'] = self._body['status'].capitalize()
assert self._body['status'] in self._VALID_STATUSES, 'Unknown status %s.' % self._body['status']
assert self._body['summary'], 'summary cannot be empty.'
def __unicode__(self):
result = (u'Monorail issue in project {}\n'
'Summary: {}\n'
'Status: {}\n').format(self.project_id, self.body['summary'], self.body['status'])
if 'cc' in self.body:
result += u'CC: {}\n'.format(', '.join(self.body['cc']))
if 'components' in self.body:
result += u'Components: {}\n'.format(', '.join(self.body['components']))
if 'labels' in self.body:
result += u'Labels: {}\n'.format(', '.join(self.body['labels']))
if 'description' in self.body:
result += u'Description:\n{}\n'.format(self.body['description'])
return result
def body(self):
return self._body
def new_chromium_issue(summary, description='', cc=None, components=None):
"""Creates a minimal new Chromium issue.
summary: The summary line.
description: The issue description.
cc: A list of email addresses to CC.
components: A list of components.
return MonorailIssue(
cc=cc or [],
components=components or [],
def crbug_link(issue_id):
return CRBUG_BASE_URL + str(issue_id)
class MonorailAPI(object):
"""A wrapper of Monorail API.
Unlike other code in blinkpy, this class uses os, sys and network directly
(via oauth2client and googleapiclient).
# TODO(robertma): Mock googleapiclient and oauth2client to test this class.
def __init__(self, service_account_key_json=None, access_token=None):
"""Initializes a MonorailAPI instance.
service_account_key_json: The path to a JSON private key of a
service account for accessing Monorail. If None, use access_token.
access_token: An OAuth access token. If None, fall back to Google
application default credentials.
# Make it easier to mock out the two libraries in the future.
# Dependencies managed by wpt-import.vpython - pylint: disable=import-error,no-member
import googleapiclient.discovery
self._api_discovery = googleapiclient.discovery
import oauth2client.client
self._oauth2_client = oauth2client.client
# TODO(robertma): Deprecate the JSON key support once BuildBot is gone.
if service_account_key_json:
credentials = self._oauth2_client.GoogleCredentials.from_stream(service_account_key_json)
elif access_token:
credentials = self._oauth2_client.AccessTokenCredentials(
credentials = self._oauth2_client.GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
# cache_discovery needs to be disabled because of
self.api =
'monorail', 'v1', discoveryServiceUrl=self._DISCOVERY_URL, credentials=credentials, cache_discovery=False)
def _fix_cc_in_body(body):
# TODO( Despite the docs, 'cc' is in fact a
# list of dictionaries with only one string field 'name'. Hide the bug
# and expose the cleaner, documented API for now.
if 'cc' in body:
body['cc'] = [{'name': email} for email in body['cc']]
return body
def insert_issue(self, issue):
body = self._fix_cc_in_body(issue.body)
return self.api.issues().insert(projectId=issue.project_id, body=body).execute()