blob: d336ac44589121571929396a816a56f036122d0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/paint/ClipPathClipper.h"
#include "core/layout/svg/LayoutSVGResourceClipper.h"
#include "core/layout/svg/SVGResources.h"
#include "core/layout/svg/SVGResourcesCache.h"
#include "core/paint/SVGClipPainter.h"
#include "core/style/ClipPathOperation.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/ClipPathRecorder.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
LayoutSVGResourceClipper* resolveElementReference(
const LayoutObject& layoutObject,
const ReferenceClipPathOperation& referenceClipPathOperation) {
if (layoutObject.isSVG() && !layoutObject.isSVGRoot()) {
// The reference will have been resolved in
// SVGResources::buildResources, so we can just use the LayoutObject's
// SVGResources.
SVGResources* resources =
return resources ? resources->clipper() : nullptr;
// TODO(fs): It doesn't work with forward or external SVG references
// (
Element* element = layoutObject.document().getElementById(
if (!isSVGClipPathElement(element) || !element->layoutObject())
return nullptr;
return toLayoutSVGResourceClipper(
} // namespace
ClipPathClipper::ClipPathClipper(GraphicsContext& context,
ClipPathOperation& clipPathOperation,
const LayoutObject& layoutObject,
const FloatRect& referenceBox,
const FloatPoint& origin)
: m_resourceClipper(nullptr),
m_context(context) {
if (clipPathOperation.type() == ClipPathOperation::SHAPE) {
ShapeClipPathOperation& shape = toShapeClipPathOperation(clipPathOperation);
if (!shape.isValid())
m_clipPathRecorder.emplace(context, layoutObject, shape.path(referenceBox));
m_clipperState = ClipperState::AppliedPath;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(clipPathOperation.type(), ClipPathOperation::REFERENCE);
LayoutSVGResourceClipper* clipper = resolveElementReference(
layoutObject, toReferenceClipPathOperation(clipPathOperation));
if (!clipper)
// Compute the (conservative) bounds of the clip-path.
FloatRect clipPathBounds = clipper->resourceBoundingBox(referenceBox);
// When SVG applies the clip, and the coordinate system is "userspace on
// use", we must explicitly pass in the offset to have the clip paint in the
// correct location. When the coordinate system is "object bounding box" the
// offset should already be accounted for in the reference box.
FloatPoint originTranslation;
if (clipper->clipPathUnits() == SVGUnitTypes::kSvgUnitTypeUserspaceonuse) {
originTranslation = origin;
if (!SVGClipPainter(*clipper).prepareEffect(
layoutObject, referenceBox, clipPathBounds, originTranslation,
context, m_clipperState))
m_resourceClipper = clipper;
ClipPathClipper::~ClipPathClipper() {
if (m_resourceClipper)
.finishEffect(m_layoutObject, m_context, m_clipperState);
} // namespace blink