blob: 5ab77f578257e1cfa1cd2c42b59496b6f022f541 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef PaintPropertyTreeBuilder_h
#define PaintPropertyTreeBuilder_h
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutPoint.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/ClipPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/EffectPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/ScrollPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/TransformPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "wtf/RefPtr.h"
namespace blink {
class FrameView;
class LayoutObject;
class ObjectPaintProperties;
// The context for PaintPropertyTreeBuilder.
// It's responsible for bookkeeping tree state in other order, for example, the
// most recent position container seen.
struct PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext {
// State that propagates on the containing block chain (and so is adjusted
// when an absolute or fixed position object is encountered).
struct ContainingBlockContext {
// The combination of a transform and paint offset describes a linear space.
// When a layout object recur to its children, the main context is expected
// to refer the object's border box, then the callee will derive its own
// border box by translating the space with its own layout location.
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* transform = nullptr;
LayoutPoint paintOffset;
// Whether newly created children should flatten their inherited transform
// (equivalently, draw into the plane of their parent). Should generally
// be updated whenever |transform| is; flattening only needs to happen
// to immediate children.
bool shouldFlattenInheritedTransform = false;
// Rendering context for 3D sorting. See
// TransformPaintPropertyNode::renderingContextID.
unsigned renderingContextID = 0;
// The clip node describes the accumulated raster clip for the current
// subtree. Note that the computed raster region in canvas space for a clip
// node is independent from the transform and paint offset above. Also the
// actual raster region may be affected by layerization and occlusion
// tracking.
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* clip = nullptr;
// The scroll node contains information for scrolling such as the parent
// scroll space, the extent that can be scrolled, etc. Because scroll nodes
// reference a scroll offset transform, scroll nodes should be updated if
// the transform tree changes.
ScrollPaintPropertyNode* scroll = nullptr;
ContainingBlockContext current;
// Separate context for out-of-flow positioned and fixed positioned elements
// are needed because they don't use DOM parent as their containing block.
// These additional contexts normally pass through untouched, and are only
// copied from the main context when the current element serves as the
// containing block of corresponding positioned descendants. Overflow clips
// are also inherited by containing block tree instead of DOM tree, thus they
// are included in the additional context too.
ContainingBlockContext absolutePosition;
const LayoutObject* containerForAbsolutePosition = nullptr;
ContainingBlockContext fixedPosition;
// The effect hierarchy is applied by the stacking context tree. It is
// guaranteed that every DOM descendant is also a stacking context descendant.
// Therefore, we don't need extra bookkeeping for effect nodes and can
// generate the effect tree from a DOM-order traversal.
const EffectPaintPropertyNode* currentEffect = nullptr;
// Creates paint property tree nodes for special things in the layout tree.
// Special things include but not limit to: overflow clip, transform, fixed-pos,
// animation, mask, filter, ... etc.
// It expects to be invoked for each layout tree node in DOM order during
// InPrePaint phase.
class PaintPropertyTreeBuilder {
PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext setupInitialContext();
void buildTreeNodes(FrameView&, PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext&);
void buildTreeNodesForSelf(const LayoutObject&,
void buildTreeNodesForChildren(const LayoutObject&,
static void updatePaintOffsetTranslation(const LayoutObject&,
static void updateTransform(const LayoutObject&,
static void updateEffect(const LayoutObject&,
static void updateCssClip(const LayoutObject&,
static void updateLocalBorderBoxContext(const LayoutObject&,
static void updateScrollbarPaintOffset(
const LayoutObject&,
const PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext&);
static void updateMainThreadScrollingReasons(
const LayoutObject&,
static void updateOverflowClip(const LayoutObject&,
static void updatePerspective(const LayoutObject&,
static void updateSvgLocalToBorderBoxTransform(
const LayoutObject&,
static void updateScrollAndScrollTranslation(
const LayoutObject&,
static void updateOutOfFlowContext(const LayoutObject&,
} // namespace blink
#endif // PaintPropertyTreeBuilder_h