blob: 5c51faef82598406fd5d8095a88150a1aded8753 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_document_loader.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_frame_load_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_local_frame.h"
namespace blink {
class WebData;
class WebString;
class WebURL;
struct WebURLError;
class WebURLRequest;
class WebHistoryItem;
struct WebNavigationParams;
// This interface gives control to navigation-related functionality of
// WebLocalFrame. It is separated from WebLocalFrame to give precise control
// over callers of navigation methods.
// WebLocalFrameClient gets a reference to this interface in BindToFrame.
class WebNavigationControl : public WebLocalFrame {
~WebNavigationControl() override {}
// Runs beforeunload handlers for this frame and its local descendants.
// Returns |true| if all the frames agreed to proceed with unloading
// from their respective event handlers.
// Note: this may lead to the destruction of the frame.
virtual bool DispatchBeforeUnloadEvent(bool is_reload) = 0;
// Commits a cross-document navigation in the frame. For history navigations,
// a valid WebHistoryItem should be provided.
// TODO(dgozman): return mojom::CommitResult.
virtual void CommitNavigation(
const WebURLRequest&,
const WebHistoryItem&,
bool is_client_redirect,
const base::UnguessableToken& devtools_navigation_token,
std::unique_ptr<WebNavigationParams> navigation_params,
std::unique_ptr<WebDocumentLoader::ExtraData> extra_data) = 0;
// Commits a same-document navigation in the frame. For history navigations, a
// valid WebHistoryItem should be provided. Returns CommitResult::Ok if the
// navigation has actually committed.
virtual mojom::CommitResult CommitSameDocumentNavigation(
const WebURL&,
const WebHistoryItem&,
bool is_client_redirect,
std::unique_ptr<WebDocumentLoader::ExtraData> extra_data) = 0;
// Loads a JavaScript URL in the frame.
// TODO(dgozman): this may replace the document, so perhaps we should
// return something meaningful?
virtual void LoadJavaScriptURL(const WebURL&) = 0;
// This method is short-hand for calling CommitDataNavigation, where mime_type
// is "text/html" and text_encoding is "UTF-8".
// TODO(dgozman): rename to CommitHTMLStringNavigation.
virtual void LoadHTMLString(const WebData& html,
const WebURL& base_url,
const WebURL& unreachable_url = WebURL()) = 0;
// Navigates to the given |data| with specified |mime_type| and optional
// |text_encoding|.
// If specified, |unreachable_url| is reported via
// WebDocumentLoader::UnreachableURL.
// If |replace| is false, then this data will be loaded as a normal
// navigation. Otherwise, the current history item will be replaced.
// Request's url indicates the security origin and is used as a base
// url to resolve links in the committed document.
virtual void CommitDataNavigation(
const WebURLRequest&,
const WebData&,
const WebString& mime_type,
const WebString& text_encoding,
const WebURL& unreachable_url,
const WebHistoryItem&,
bool is_client_redirect,
std::unique_ptr<WebNavigationParams> navigation_params,
std::unique_ptr<WebDocumentLoader::ExtraData> navigation_data) = 0;
enum FallbackContentResult {
// An error page should be shown instead of fallback.
// Something else committed, no fallback content or error page needed.
// Fallback content rendered, no error page needed.
// On load failure, attempts to make frame's parent render fallback content.
virtual FallbackContentResult MaybeRenderFallbackContent(
const WebURLError&) const = 0;
// When load failure is in a cross-process frame this notifies the frame here
// that its owner should render fallback content if any. Only called on owners
// that render their own content (i.e., <object>).
virtual void RenderFallbackContent() const = 0;
// Override the normal rules for whether a load has successfully committed
// in this frame. Used to propagate state when this frame has navigated
// cross process.
virtual void SetCommittedFirstRealLoad() = 0;
// Informs the frame that the navigation it asked the client to do was
// dropped.
virtual void ClientDroppedNavigation() = 0;
// Marks the frame as loading, without performing any loading. Used for
// initial history navigations in child frames, which may actually happen
// in another process.
virtual void MarkAsLoading() = 0;
// Marks the frame as loading and creates a placeholder document loader.
// This placeholder informs Blink that the navigation is ongoing, while it
// is actually being handled by the client.
// TODO(dgozman): remove this together with placeholder document loader.
virtual bool CreatePlaceholderDocumentLoader(
const WebURLRequest&,
bool is_client_redirect,
const base::UnguessableToken& devtools_navigation_token,
std::unique_ptr<WebDocumentLoader::ExtraData>) = 0;
explicit WebNavigationControl(WebTreeScopeType scope)
: WebLocalFrame(scope) {}
} // namespace blink