blob: e9efd3ef33261fe2311b4fb10af7e2789f41f656 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chromeos/policy/weekly_time/weekly_time_interval.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power_manager_client.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/system_clock_client.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/chrome_device_policy.pb.h"
namespace policy {
namespace off_hours {
// The main class for handling "OffHours" policy turns "OffHours" mode on and
// off, handles server and client time, timezone.
// DeviceSettingsService is owner of this object. Use to get a reference:
// DeviceSettingsService::Get()->device_off_hours_controller()
// Device setting proto is changed in DeviceSettingsService and doesn't contain
// ignored device policies from DeviceOffHoursProto during "OffHours" mode. It
// is changed exactly in DeviceSettingsService because it's late to change
// policies in PrefValueMap and PolicyMap. The system will revert to the default
// behavior for the removed policies. And behavior of policies is handled during
// decoding process from proto to PolicyMap.
// "OffHours" mode is never on until device time is synchronized with
// network time because in this case device time could be incorrect.
class DeviceOffHoursController : public chromeos::SystemClockClient::Observer,
public chromeos::PowerManagerClient::Observer {
// Observer interface.
class Observer {
// Gets called when "OffHours" end time is changed.
virtual void OnOffHoursEndTimeChanged() {}
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Creates a device off hours controller instance.
~DeviceOffHoursController() override;
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Return current "OffHours" mode status.
bool is_off_hours_mode() const { return off_hours_mode_; }
// Return true if the current user session is allowed only during the
// "OffHours" and will be signed out at the end of session. Always returns
// false outside of "OffHours".
bool IsCurrentSessionAllowedOnlyForOffHours() const;
// Save actual "OffHours" intervals from |device_settings_proto| to
// |off_hours_intervals_| and call "UpdateOffhoursMode()".
void UpdateOffHoursPolicy(
const enterprise_management::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto&
// Return "OffHours" mode end time during "OffHours" mode is on. Return null
// when "OffHours" mode is off.
base::TimeTicks GetOffHoursEndTime() const { return off_hours_end_time_; }
// chromeos::PowerManagerClient::Observer:
void SuspendDone(const base::TimeDelta& sleep_duration) override;
// chromeos::SystemClockClient::Observer:
void SystemClockUpdated() override;
// |timer_clock| is not owned and its lifetime should cover lifetime of
// DeviceOffHoursContoller.
void SetClockForTesting(base::Clock* clock,
const base::TickClock* timer_clock);
// Run OnOffHoursEndTimeChanged() for observers.
void NotifyOffHoursEndTimeChanged() const;
// Called when "OffHours" mode is changed and ask DeviceSettingsService to
// update current proto.
void OffHoursModeIsChanged() const;
// If device should be in "OffHours" mode based on the current time then apply
// current "OffHours" interval and turn "OffHours" mode on otherwise turn
// "OffHours" mode off and set timer to next update "OffHours" mode.
void UpdateOffHoursMode();
// Turn on and off "OffHours" mode and call "OffHoursModeIsChanged()" if
// "OffHours" mode is changed.
void SetOffHoursMode(bool off_hours_enabled);
// Set "OffHours" mode end time.
void SetOffHoursEndTime(base::TimeTicks off_hours_end_time);
// Timer for update "OffHours" mode.
void StartOffHoursTimer(base::TimeDelta delay);
void StopOffHoursTimer();
// Called once when the system clock service initially becomes available (or
// immediately if it's already available).
void SystemClockInitiallyAvailable(bool service_is_available);
// Called when the system time synchronization status with network time is
// changed.
void NetworkSynchronizationUpdated(bool network_synchronized);
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observers_;
// The main value of "OffHours" policy which indicates current "OffHours" mode
// state.
bool off_hours_mode_ = false;
// "OffHours" mode end time. It is needed to show "OffHours" session limit
// notification. When "OffHours" mode is off the value is null.
base::TimeTicks off_hours_end_time_;
// Timer for updating device settings at the begin of next “OffHours” interval
// or at the end of current "OffHours" interval.
std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer> timer_;
// Used for testing purposes, otherwise it's an instance of
// base::DefaultClock.
base::Clock* clock_;
// Value is false until the system time is synchronized with network time.
bool network_synchronized_ = false;
// Current "OffHours" time intervals.
std::vector<WeeklyTimeInterval> off_hours_intervals_;
// Non-"OffHours" device settings proto.
// Needed to check policies outside of "OffHours" mode.
enterprise_management::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto device_settings_proto_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DeviceOffHoursController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace off_hours
} // namespace policy