blob: 7d38685eb47dcdc749f02269db58f73826f5f831 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGUnits_h
#define NGUnits_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_writing_mode.h"
#include "platform/LayoutUnit.h"
#include "platform/text/TextDirection.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace blink {
class LayoutUnit;
struct NGPhysicalOffset;
struct NGPhysicalSize;
struct NGBoxStrut;
struct MinAndMaxContentSizes {
LayoutUnit min_content;
LayoutUnit max_content;
LayoutUnit ShrinkToFit(LayoutUnit available_size) const;
struct NGLogicalSize {
NGLogicalSize() {}
NGLogicalSize(LayoutUnit inline_size, LayoutUnit block_size)
: inline_size(inline_size), block_size(block_size) {}
LayoutUnit inline_size;
LayoutUnit block_size;
NGPhysicalSize ConvertToPhysical(NGWritingMode mode) const;
bool operator==(const NGLogicalSize& other) const;
bool IsEmpty() const {
return inline_size == LayoutUnit() || block_size == LayoutUnit();
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const NGLogicalSize& value) {
return stream << value.inline_size << "x" << value.block_size;
// NGLogicalOffset is the position of a rect (typically a fragment) relative to
// its parent rect in the logical coordinate system.
struct NGLogicalOffset {
NGLogicalOffset() {}
NGLogicalOffset(LayoutUnit inline_offset, LayoutUnit block_offset)
: inline_offset(inline_offset), block_offset(block_offset) {}
LayoutUnit inline_offset;
LayoutUnit block_offset;
// Converts a logical offset to a physical offset. See:
// @param outer_size the size of the rect (typically a fragment).
// @param inner_size the size of the inner rect (typically a child fragment).
CORE_EXPORT NGPhysicalOffset
NGPhysicalSize outer_size,
NGPhysicalSize inner_size) const;
bool operator==(const NGLogicalOffset& other) const;
NGLogicalOffset operator+(const NGLogicalOffset& other) const;
NGLogicalOffset& operator+=(const NGLogicalOffset& other);
bool operator>(const NGLogicalOffset& other) const;
bool operator>=(const NGLogicalOffset& other) const;
bool operator<(const NGLogicalOffset& other) const;
bool operator<=(const NGLogicalOffset& other) const;
String ToString() const;
CORE_EXPORT inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const NGLogicalOffset& value) {
return os << value.ToString();
// NGPhysicalOffset is the position of a rect (typically a fragment) relative to
// its parent rect in the physical coordinate system.
struct NGPhysicalOffset {
NGPhysicalOffset() {}
NGPhysicalOffset(LayoutUnit left, LayoutUnit top) : left(left), top(top) {}
LayoutUnit left;
LayoutUnit top;
struct NGPhysicalSize {
NGPhysicalSize() {}
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit width, LayoutUnit height)
: width(width), height(height) {}
LayoutUnit width;
LayoutUnit height;
NGLogicalSize ConvertToLogical(NGWritingMode mode) const;
String ToString() const {
return String::format("%dx%d", width.toInt(), height.toInt());
// NGPhysicalLocation is the position of a rect (typically a fragment) relative
// to the root document.
struct NGPhysicalLocation {
LayoutUnit left;
LayoutUnit top;
struct NGPhysicalRect {
NGPhysicalOffset offset;
NGPhysicalSize size;
// TODO(glebl): move to a separate file in layout/ng/units.
struct CORE_EXPORT NGLogicalRect {
NGLogicalRect() {}
NGLogicalRect(LayoutUnit inline_offset,
LayoutUnit block_offset,
LayoutUnit inline_size,
LayoutUnit block_size)
: offset(inline_offset, block_offset), size(inline_size, block_size) {}
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Whether this rectangle is contained by the provided rectangle.
bool IsContained(const NGLogicalRect& other) const;
String ToString() const;
bool operator==(const NGLogicalRect& other) const;
// Getters
LayoutUnit InlineStartOffset() const { return offset.inline_offset; }
LayoutUnit InlineEndOffset() const {
return offset.inline_offset + size.inline_size;
LayoutUnit BlockStartOffset() const { return offset.block_offset; }
LayoutUnit BlockEndOffset() const {
return offset.block_offset + size.block_size;
LayoutUnit BlockSize() const { return size.block_size; }
LayoutUnit InlineSize() const { return size.inline_size; }
NGLogicalOffset offset;
NGLogicalSize size;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const NGLogicalRect& value) {
return stream << value.ToString();
// Struct that represents NG exclusion.
struct CORE_EXPORT NGExclusion {
// Type of NG exclusion.
enum Type {
// Undefined exclusion type.
// At this moment it's also used to represent CSS3 exclusion.
// Exclusion that is created by LEFT float.
// Exclusion that is created by RIGHT float.
// Rectangle in logical coordinates the represents this exclusion.
NGLogicalRect rect;
// Type of this exclusion.
Type type;
struct NGPixelSnappedPhysicalRect {
int top;
int left;
int width;
int height;
// Struct to store physical dimensions, independent of writing mode and
// direction.
// See
struct CORE_EXPORT NGPhysicalBoxStrut {
LayoutUnit left;
LayoutUnit right;
LayoutUnit top;
LayoutUnit bottom;
NGBoxStrut ConvertToLogical(NGWritingMode, TextDirection) const;
// This struct is used for storing margins, borders or padding of a box on all
// four edges.
struct CORE_EXPORT NGBoxStrut {
LayoutUnit inline_start;
LayoutUnit inline_end;
LayoutUnit block_start;
LayoutUnit block_end;
LayoutUnit InlineSum() const { return inline_start + inline_end; }
LayoutUnit BlockSum() const { return block_start + block_end; }
bool IsEmpty() const;
// The following two operators exist primarily to have an easy way to access
// the sum of border and padding.
NGBoxStrut& operator+=(const NGBoxStrut& other) {
inline_start += other.inline_start;
inline_end += other.inline_end;
block_start += other.block_start;
block_end += other.block_end;
return *this;
NGBoxStrut operator+(const NGBoxStrut& other) {
NGBoxStrut result(*this);
result += other;
return result;
bool operator==(const NGBoxStrut& other) const;
// This struct is used for the margin collapsing calculation.
struct CORE_EXPORT NGMarginStrut {
LayoutUnit margin_block_start;
LayoutUnit margin_block_end;
LayoutUnit negative_margin_block_start;
LayoutUnit negative_margin_block_end;
LayoutUnit BlockEndSum() const;
void AppendMarginBlockStart(const LayoutUnit& value);
void AppendMarginBlockEnd(const LayoutUnit& value);
void SetMarginBlockStart(const LayoutUnit& value);
void SetMarginBlockEnd(const LayoutUnit& value);
bool IsEmpty() const;
String ToString() const;
bool operator==(const NGMarginStrut& other) const;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const NGMarginStrut& value) {
return stream << value.ToString();
// Struct to represent a simple edge that has start and end.
struct NGEdge {
LayoutUnit start;
LayoutUnit end;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGUnits_h