blob: b3b6b326ee58de8c3e3ca5a612b18e3a092c3038 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef MockFetchContext_h
#define MockFetchContext_h
#include "platform/loader/fetch/FetchContext.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/FetchRequest.h"
#include "platform/network/ResourceTimingInfo.h"
#include "platform/scheduler/test/fake_web_task_runner.h"
#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
class KURL;
class ResourceRequest;
class WebTaskRunner;
struct ResourceLoaderOptions;
// Mocked FetchContext for testing.
class MockFetchContext : public FetchContext {
enum LoadPolicy {
// TODO(toyoshim): Disallow to pass nullptr for |taskRunner|, and force to use
// FetchTestingPlatformSupport's WebTaskRunner. Probably, MockFetchContext
// would be available only through the FetchTestingPlatformSupport in the
// future.
static MockFetchContext* create(LoadPolicy loadPolicy,
RefPtr<WebTaskRunner> taskRunner = nullptr) {
return new MockFetchContext(loadPolicy, std::move(taskRunner));
~MockFetchContext() override {}
void setCachePolicy(CachePolicy policy) { m_policy = policy; }
void setLoadComplete(bool complete) { m_complete = complete; }
long long getTransferSize() const { return m_transferSize; }
// FetchContext:
bool allowImage(bool imagesEnabled, const KURL&) const override {
return true;
ResourceRequestBlockedReason canRequest(
const ResourceRequest&,
const KURL&,
const ResourceLoaderOptions&,
FetchRequest::OriginRestriction) const override {
return ResourceRequestBlockedReason::None;
bool shouldLoadNewResource(Resource::Type) const override {
return m_loadPolicy == kShouldLoadNewResource;
RefPtr<WebTaskRunner> loadingTaskRunner() const override { return m_runner; }
CachePolicy getCachePolicy() const override { return m_policy; }
bool isLoadComplete() const override { return m_complete; }
void addResourceTiming(
const ResourceTimingInfo& resourceTimingInfo) override {
m_transferSize = resourceTimingInfo.transferSize();
MockFetchContext(LoadPolicy loadPolicy, RefPtr<WebTaskRunner> taskRunner)
: m_loadPolicy(loadPolicy),
m_runner(taskRunner ? std::move(taskRunner)
: adoptRef(new scheduler::FakeWebTaskRunner)),
m_transferSize(-1) {}
enum LoadPolicy m_loadPolicy;
CachePolicy m_policy;
RefPtr<WebTaskRunner> m_runner;
bool m_complete;
long long m_transferSize;
} // namespace blink