blob: c97170e27c772ba183e33153c70673bc768cfab2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_resolution_service.h"
class GURL;
namespace net {
class HttpResponseHeaders;
} // namespace net
namespace network {
struct ResourceResponseHead;
} // namespace network
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
// Transform directives that may be parsed out of http headers.
enum TransformDirective {
// Values of the UMA DataReductionProxy.BypassType{Primary|Fallback} and
// DataReductionProxy.BlockType{Primary|Fallback} histograms. This enum must
// remain synchronized with the enum of the same name in
// metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
enum DataReductionProxyBypassType {
#define BYPASS_EVENT_TYPE(label, value) BYPASS_EVENT_TYPE_ ## label = value,
#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_bypass_type_list.h"
// Values for the bypass actions that can be specified by the Data Reduction
// Proxy in response to a client request. These are explicit bypass actions
// specified by the Data Reduction Proxy in the Chrome-Proxy header, block-once,
// bypass=1, block=300, etc. These are not used for Chrome initiated bypasses
// due to a server error, missing Via header, etc.
enum DataReductionProxyBypassAction {
#define BYPASS_ACTION_TYPE(label, value) BYPASS_ACTION_TYPE_##label = value,
#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_bypass_action_list.h"
// Contains instructions contained in the Chrome-Proxy header.
struct DataReductionProxyInfo {
: bypass_all(false),
bypass_action(BYPASS_ACTION_TYPE_NONE) {}
// True if Chrome should bypass all available data reduction proxies. False
// if only the currently connected data reduction proxy should be bypassed.
bool bypass_all;
// True iff Chrome should mark the data reduction proxy or proxies as bad for
// the period of time specified in |bypass_duration|.
bool mark_proxies_as_bad;
// Amount of time to bypass the data reduction proxy or proxies. This value is
// ignored if |mark_proxies_as_bad| is false.
base::TimeDelta bypass_duration;
// The bypass action specified by the data reduction proxy.
DataReductionProxyBypassAction bypass_action;
// Gets the header used for data reduction proxy requests and responses.
const char* chrome_proxy_header();
// The header used to request a data reduction proxy pass through. When a
// request is sent to the data reduction proxy with this header, it will respond
// with the original uncompressed response.
const char* chrome_proxy_pass_through_header();
// Gets the chrome-proxy-ect request header that includes the effective
// connection type.
const char* chrome_proxy_ect_header();
// Gets the ChromeProxyAcceptTransform header name.
const char* chrome_proxy_accept_transform_header();
// Gets the ChromeProxyContentTransform header name.
const char* chrome_proxy_content_transform_header();
// Gets the directive used by data reduction proxy Lo-Fi requests and
// responses.
const char* empty_image_directive();
// Gets the directive used by data reduction proxy Lite-Page requests
// and responses.
const char* lite_page_directive();
// Gets the directive used by the data reduction proxy to request
// compressed video.
const char* compressed_video_directive();
// Gets the directive used by the data reduction proxy to tell the client to use
// a specific page policy.
const char* page_policies_directive();
// Returns true if the Chrome-Proxy-Content-Transform response header indicates
// that an empty image has been provided.
bool IsEmptyImagePreview(const net::HttpResponseHeaders& headers);
// Retrieves the accepted transform type, if any, from |headers|.
TransformDirective ParseRequestTransform(
const net::HttpRequestHeaders& headers);
// Retrieves the transform directive (whether applied or a page policy), if any,
// from |headers|.
// Note if the response headers contains both an applied content transform and
// a page policies directive, only the applied content transform type will
// be returned.
TransformDirective ParseResponseTransform(
const net::HttpResponseHeaders& headers);
// Returns true if the provided value of the Chrome-Proxy-Content-Transform
// response header that is provided in |content_transform_value| indicates that
// an empty image has been provided.
bool IsEmptyImagePreview(const std::string& content_transform_value,
const std::string& chrome_proxy_value);
// Returns true if the Chrome-Proxy-Content-Transform response header indicates
// that a lite page has been provided.
bool IsLitePagePreview(const net::HttpResponseHeaders& headers);
// Returns true if the Chrome-Proxy header is present and contains a bypass
// delay. Sets |proxy_info->bypass_duration| to the specified delay if greater
// than 0, and to 0 otherwise to indicate that the default proxy delay
// (as specified in |ProxyList::UpdateRetryInfoOnFallback|) should be used.
// If all available data reduction proxies should by bypassed, |bypass_all| is
// set to true. |proxy_info| must be non-NULL.
bool ParseHeadersForBypassInfo(const net::HttpResponseHeaders& headers,
DataReductionProxyInfo* proxy_info);
// Returns true if the response contains the data reduction proxy Via header
// value. If non-NULL, sets |has_intermediary| to true if another server added
// a Via header after the data reduction proxy, and to false otherwise. Used to
// check the integrity of data reduction proxy responses and whether there are
// other middleboxes between the data reduction proxy and the client.
bool HasDataReductionProxyViaHeader(const net::HttpResponseHeaders& headers,
bool* has_intermediary);
// Returns the reason why the Chrome proxy should be bypassed or not, and
// populates |proxy_info| with information on how long to bypass if
// applicable. |url_chain| is the chain of URLs traversed by the request.
DataReductionProxyBypassType GetDataReductionProxyBypassType(
const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain,
const net::HttpResponseHeaders& headers,
DataReductionProxyInfo* proxy_info);
// Searches for the specified Chrome-Proxy action, and if present saves its
// value as a string in |action_value|. Only returns the first one and ignores
// the rest if multiple actions match |action_prefix|.
bool GetDataReductionProxyActionValue(const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers,
base::StringPiece action_prefix,
std::string* action_value);
// Searches for the specified Chrome-Proxy action, and if present interprets
// its value as a duration in seconds.
bool ParseHeadersAndSetBypassDuration(const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers,
base::StringPiece action_prefix,
base::TimeDelta* bypass_duration);
// Returns the Original-Full-Content-Length(OFCL) value in the Chrome-Proxy
// header. Returns -1 in case of of error or if OFCL does not exist. |headers|
// must be non-null.
int64_t GetDataReductionProxyOFCL(const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers);
// Returns an estimate of the compression ratio from the Content-Length and
// Chrome-Proxy Original-Full-Content-Length(OFCL) response headers. These may
// not be populated for responses which are streamed from the origin which will
// be treated as a no compression case. Notably, only the response body size is
// used to compute the ratio, and headers are excluded, since this is only an
// estimate for response that is beginning to arrive.
double EstimateCompressionRatioFromHeaders(
const network::ResourceResponseHead* response_head);
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy