blob: a8d57d473241c1324439cf4c3aeb9d2ac64ac982 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebPresentationClient_h
#define WebPresentationClient_h
#include "public/platform/WebCallbacks.h"
#include "public/platform/WebCommon.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
class WebPresentationAvailabilityObserver;
class WebPresentationController;
class WebPresentationConnectionClient;
class WebPresentationReceiver;
class WebString;
class WebURL;
struct WebPresentationError;
template <typename T>
class WebVector;
// If session was created, callback's onSuccess() is invoked with the
// information about the presentation session created by the embedder.
// Otherwise, onError() is invoked with the error code and message.
using WebPresentationConnectionClientCallbacks =
const WebPresentationError&>;
// Callback for .getAvailability().
using WebPresentationAvailabilityCallbacks =
WebCallbacks<bool, const WebPresentationError&>;
// The implementation the embedder has to provide for the Presentation API to
// work.
class WebPresentationClient {
virtual ~WebPresentationClient() {}
// Passes the Blink-side delegate to the embedder.
virtual void setController(WebPresentationController*) = 0;
// Passes the Blink-side delegate to the embedder.
virtual void setReceiver(WebPresentationReceiver*) = 0;
// Called when the frame requests to start a new session.
// The ownership of the |callbacks| argument is transferred to the embedder.
virtual void startSession(const WebVector<WebURL>& presentationUrls,
WebPresentationConnectionClientCallbacks*) = 0;
// Called when the frame requests to join an existing session.
// The ownership of the |callbacks| argument is transferred to the embedder.
virtual void joinSession(const WebVector<WebURL>& presentationUrls,
const WebString& presentationId,
WebPresentationConnectionClientCallbacks*) = 0;
// Called when the frame requests to send String message to an existing
// session.
virtual void sendString(const WebURL& presentationUrl,
const WebString& presentationId,
const WebString& message) = 0;
// Called when the frame requests to send ArrayBuffer/View data to an existing
// session. Embedder copies the |data| and the ownership is not transferred.
virtual void sendArrayBuffer(const WebURL& presentationUrl,
const WebString& presentationId,
const uint8_t* data,
size_t length) = 0;
// Called when the frame requests to send Blob data to an existing session.
// Embedder copies the |data| and the ownership is not transferred.
virtual void sendBlobData(const WebURL& presentationUrl,
const WebString& presentationId,
const uint8_t* data,
size_t length) = 0;
// Called when the frame requests to close an existing session.
virtual void closeSession(const WebURL& presentationUrl,
const WebString& presentationId) = 0;
// Called when the frame requests to terminate an existing session.
virtual void terminateSession(const WebURL& presentationUrl,
const WebString& presentationId) = 0;
// Called when the frame wants to know the availability of a presentation
// display for |availabilityUrl|. The ownership of the callbacks argument
// is transferred to the embedder.
virtual void getAvailability(const WebURL& availabilityUrl,
WebPresentationAvailabilityCallbacks*) = 0;
// Start listening to changes in presentation displays availability. The
// observer will be notified in case of a change. The observer is
// respensible to call stopListening() before being destroyed.
virtual void startListening(WebPresentationAvailabilityObserver*) = 0;
// Stop listening to changes in presentation displays availability. The
// observer will no longer be notified in case of a change.
virtual void stopListening(WebPresentationAvailabilityObserver*) = 0;
// Called when a defaultRequest has been set. It sends the url associated
// with it for the embedder.
virtual void setDefaultPresentationUrls(const WebVector<WebURL>&) = 0;
} // namespace blink
#endif // WebPresentationClient_h