Add two UseCounters for form.imageName and form.elements.imageName.!msg/blink-dev/DPFNigRT6Dc/5ck9egACBAAJ
>  A) What the specification defines; form.imageName where |imageName| is a
>  descendant of |form|.
>  B) What the specification lacks, and all browsers agree; form.imageName where
>  |imageName| is not a descendant of |form| and is associated by HTML parser.
>  C) WebKit-only quirk:  form.elements.imageName

This CL adds
  UseCounter::FormNameAccessForNonDescendantImageElement for B.
  UseCounter::FormControlsCollectionNameAccessForImageElement for C.


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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#365468}
3 files changed