blob: 867148e6d93e71eaecd6e0c6150f3f03ebc4526e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/table_view/cells/table_view_detail_text_item.h"
#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/table_view/cells/table_view_cells_constants.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/table_view/chrome_table_view_styler.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/uikit_ui_util.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/gtest_mac.h"
#include "testing/platform_test.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace {
using TableViewDetailTextItemTest = PlatformTest;
// Tests that the UILabels are set properly after a call to
// |configureCell:|.
TEST_F(TableViewDetailTextItemTest, ItemProperties) {
NSString* text = @"Cell text";
NSString* detailText = @"Cell detail text";
UIColor* textColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
UIColor* detailTextColor = [UIColor blueColor];
TableViewDetailTextItem* item =
[[TableViewDetailTextItem alloc] initWithType:0];
item.text = text;
item.detailText = detailText;
item.textColor = textColor;
item.detailTextColor = detailTextColor;
id cell = [[[item cellClass] alloc] init];
ASSERT_TRUE([cell isMemberOfClass:[TableViewDetailTextCell class]]);
TableViewDetailTextCell* detailCell =
ChromeTableViewStyler* styler = [[ChromeTableViewStyler alloc] init];
styler.cellTitleColor = [UIColor redColor];
ASSERT_FALSE([styler.cellTitleColor isEqual:textColor]);
[item configureCell:cell withStyler:styler];
EXPECT_NSEQ(text, detailCell.textLabel.text);
EXPECT_NSEQ(detailText, detailCell.detailTextLabel.text);
EXPECT_NSEQ(textColor, detailCell.textLabel.textColor);
EXPECT_NSEQ(detailTextColor, detailCell.detailTextLabel.textColor);
// Tests that the color of the text label is decided by the styler is the color
// is not set on the item.
TEST_F(TableViewDetailTextItemTest, ItemPropertiesStylerColor) {
NSString* text = @"Cell text";
NSString* detailText = @"Cell detail text";
UIColor* titleColor = [UIColor blueColor];
TableViewDetailTextItem* item =
[[TableViewDetailTextItem alloc] initWithType:0];
item.text = text;
item.detailText = detailText;
TableViewDetailTextCell* cell = [[[item cellClass] alloc] init];
ChromeTableViewStyler* styler = [[ChromeTableViewStyler alloc] init];
styler.cellTitleColor = titleColor;
[item configureCell:cell withStyler:styler];
EXPECT_NSEQ(text, cell.textLabel.text);
EXPECT_NSEQ(titleColor, cell.textLabel.textColor);
// Tests the default color of the labels is none is set on the item or the
// styler.
TEST_F(TableViewDetailTextItemTest, ItemPropertiesDefaultColor) {
NSString* text = @"Cell text";
NSString* detailText = @"Cell detail text";
TableViewDetailTextItem* item =
[[TableViewDetailTextItem alloc] initWithType:0];
item.text = text;
item.detailText = detailText;
TableViewDetailTextCell* cell = [[[item cellClass] alloc] init];
[item configureCell:cell withStyler:[[ChromeTableViewStyler alloc] init]];
EXPECT_NSEQ(text, cell.textLabel.text);
EXPECT_NSEQ(detailText, cell.detailTextLabel.text);