blob: ce759922f8d04e7951542bd9c53b06a407176bb4 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../resources/run-after-layout-and-paint.js"></script>
img { width: 258px }
<body style="overflow: hidden">
<!-- The blue sector of the images should be at 12 o'clock. -->
<img title="png image" onload="load()" src="resources/blue-wheel-srgb-color-profile.png">
<img title="jpeg image" onload="load()" src="resources/blue-wheel-srgb-color-profile.jpg">
<img title="webp image" onload="load()" src="resources/blue-wheel-srgb-color-profile.webp">
var images = 0;
function load() {
if (++images == 3 && window.testRunner)
function changeColorProfile() {
/* The test images have an sRGB color profile and so should pass through
* color correction unchanged if the output device profile is sRGB.
testRunner.setColorProfile('sRGB', done);
function done() {
setTimeout(function() { testRunner.notifyDone() }, 0);
if (window.testRunner) {