Add heap allocator usage to task profiler.

This enables heap tracking in the task profiler (chrome://profiler) under a build flag, which is enabled for developer builds, but disabled for official builds for now.

As-is, this surfaces the following heap metrics per task by default:
- Avg number of allocations per run.
- Avg number of frees per run.
- Avg net bytes allocated (or freed if negative).
- Max allocated bytes at any time in any run.
  This is a high-watermark for memory usage in the task.

Additionally it's possible to enable the following metrics by ticking a checkbox in chrome://profiler:
- Allocation count.
- Free count.
  A running count of how many allocations and frees a task
  has performed in all runs.
- Allocated bytes.
- Freed bytes.
  A running tally of how many bytes a task has allocated and
  freed in all runs.
- Overhead bytes.
  An estimate of how many allocated bytes go to heap overhead.
  This might be helpful to guide implementation to use larger
  allocations or chunked data structures like std::vector



Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#436003}
11 files changed